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人教版2019-2020学年七年级上学期英语9月月考试卷D卷一、 句意填词,根据首字母提示填入一个恰当的词,使句意完整。(5分 (共5题;共5分)1. (1分)My father sees a g_(群) of boys running there. 2. (1分)Studying hard is her best _(优点). 3. (1分)The things in this shop were too e _, so I didnt buy anything. 4. (1分)Mary and Tom are my cousins. T_ mother is my aunt. 5. (1分)Its a _ (明智的) choice to take the blue gloves. They match your scarf well. 二、 单项选择,从每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个正确的答案。(1 (共15题;共15分)6. (1分)Is that _ basketball? Yes, it is. And _ basketball is mine.A . a; aB . a; theC . an; anD . an; the7. (1分)Dontto strangers on your way to and from school, Mother often to me. A . talk;saysB . speak;tellsC . talk;speaks8. (1分)New Years Day is in_. A . JanuaryB . JuneC . JulyD . August9. (1分)Im sorry, Dad. I lost that wallet you gave me. A . The same to youB . Its my pleasureC . Nice to see youD . Well, never mind10. (1分)Andy has a headache and cant go to school today. . I hope hell be well soon. A . Thats greatB . It doesnt matterC . Im sorry to hear that11. (1分)下列选项中都是元音字母的是_. A . B E IB . A I OC . U O KD . A E K12. (1分)下列字母中与Aa含有相同音素的是_。 A . RrB . JjC . PpD . Ff13. (1分)Here your key. A . amB . isC . areD . be14. (1分)Please give my best wishes to your grandparents. _.A . You are welcomeB . I think soC . Thanks, I willD . The same to you15. (1分)What _news made them so down? Im worried about them. A . sadB . happyC . excitingD . good16. (1分)The silk scarf I gave to my mother looks _ and feels _, so she loves it very much. A . beautiful; softB . beautifully; softlyC . beautifully; softD . beautiful; softly17. (1分)We tried our best, but we lost the table tennis match. A . What a pity!B . Thats OK.C . Im afraid notD . Nothing.18. (1分)Excuse me, is this scarf? No, its not mine. Its Lucys. A . herB . hisC . myD . your19. (1分)_? I have been there three times.A . Where have you beenB . How many times have you visited ChicagoC . Who has been to ChicagoD . How often do you go to Chicago20. (1分)The speech by Professor Zhou was great fun. _! I was ill then.A . Good luckB . Come onC . Take it easyD . What a pity三、 交际运用(共15分) (共2题;共10分)21. (5分)用方框中所给的选项补全对话 A: _B: Yes. Its on the third day of March.A: _B: Yes. Every family with a girl between 3 and 7 will decorate the house with a lot of beautiful dolls. The parents dress the dolls very well.A: _B: Usually grandparents buy dolls for their granddaughters.A: _B: Rice cakes and some other delicious food.A: _B: Yes. Its on 5th May. On that day, boys will have a lot of interesting things to play with.A: Sounds interesting!A. Is there a boys festival in Japan?B. What do they usually eat on Dolls Day?C. Who buys these dolls for the little girls?D. Do you know Dolls Day in Japan?E. Its a festival for girls, isnt it?F. Its a festival for boys.G. Do you know April Fools Day?22. (5分)根据短文内容,从所给的选项中选出最佳选项补全对话。 A. What did you do there?B. Why did you go there?C. It was terrible!D. I hope I can visit the computer museum, too.E. It was great!F. Did you go anywhere?G. Where did you go?A: Hi, Jimmy. How was your weekend?B: Hi, Cindy. _ I really enjoyed it.A: _B: Yes, I went to a computer museum with my friends.A: _B: Because I am interested in computers.A: _B: I learned something about computers and who invented (发明) them.A: Sounds great! _B: Why not? Maybe we can go there together next time.四、 选词填空(10分) (共1题;共10分)23. (10分)用must, may, might, could 或cant填空 (1)The girl has practiced dancing for two hours. She _ be very tired.(2)Her father _ be in the office, because he has gone to Beijing. (3)Dont play on the street. You _ be hurt by cars. (4)The tall boy _ be David. David is short. (5)Cindy _ have the key to the door, but Im not sure. . 五、 阅读理解。(35分) (共6题;共35分)24. (5分)阅读理解 Dear Fiona, Here we are on the farm of Nykonos in the south of America, and we are having a good time. We are staying in a village. There are a lot of children here. We are playing games all day. Im writing this letter in the house you can see in the picture on the other side of this postcard. Jacqui is learning to swim, Terry is lying in the sun, John is reading a newspaper and the children in this village are playing football near the river now. What are you doing now? We are enjoying this holiday very much. See you soon!Love,JanetFiona Graham 22. Park Street Stow-on-the-Wold Gloucestershire ENGLAND(1)Who is writing the postcard? A . Fiona.B . Janet.C . Terry.D . Jacqui.(2)Where are they staying now? A . North of the Great Wall.B . In the south of England.C . Ina big city.D . In a village.(3)Where does Fiona live? A . On the farm.B . In America.C . On Park Street.D . In Nykonos.(4)Which one is NOT right? A . John is reading a newspaper.B . The children are swimming in the river.C . Terry is lying in the sun.D . Janet is in the house.(5)How do they like the holiday? A . Enjoyable.B . Terrible.C . Boring.D . Bad.25. (5分)阅读理解 First nameLast nameTelephone numberAlanGreen0538-36895237JimSmith0571-82196933JennyHand0637-26950317GinaBrown0543-60827592(1)Green is family name. A . JennysB . JimsC . AlansD . Ginas(2)Whats Jennys telephone number? A . 0637-26950317.B . 0538-36895237.C . 0543-60827592.D . 0571-82196933.(3) is Ginas family name. A . SmithB . GreenC . HandD . Brown(4) telephone number is 0571-82196933. A . GinasB . JimsC . HandD . Brown(5)Which is NOT true(真实的)? A . Hand is Jennys family name.B . 0538-36895237 is Alans telephone number.C . Gina is the name of a boy.D . Jennys telephone number is 0637-26950317.26. (5分) Passage 1 Mobile Phone MadnessHow much do you love your mobile phone? A Chinese student had to call 110 for help this week after he got his arm stuck in a toilet trying to rescue(援救) his mobile phone. After dropping his phone in the toilet, he decided to wrap(包,裹) his arm in newspaper in the hopes of keeping clean. But the newspapers became larger in size in the water, and then even his roommates couldnt help him pull his arm out. So policemen were called and they spent an hour unsticking the stuck student.Passage 2 Crazy Pet LoversHow much do you love your pets? Many people in China are famous for how much they love their pets. They dress them up in fashionable clothing and buy them high quality food. But would they spend 7,000 English pounds (68,000 yuan) on a wedding(婚礼) for their pets? And thats what a couple in Brazil spent on a fancy wedding for their pet Yorkshire terriers( a kind of dog).Passage 3 Oh, rats!When something goes wrong, you can often hear Westerners cry “Oh, rats”. But when it comes to Southern China, “Oh, rats!” can mean its what you want for dinner. According to a report in China Daily, some restaurants in Guangzhou serve rat meat. But, actually, most of those rats are field mice. What would Mickey Mouse say?Passage 4 Liar(说谎者), liarHeres some news that most women already know. Men tell more lies than women. The London Daily Mail cites(引用) a new study that says men tell about three lies a day, while women tell only two lies a day. Men are also less likely to feel guilty about lying, according to this weeks survey of 3,000 people by a research organization called One Poll. According to the Poll, lying to our mothers is very popular. But then, so is lying at work. And both men and women will lie when it comes to how much theyve drunk. So how easy is it to tell when someone is lying? (1)Put the statements into the right order according to passage 1. They called policemen for help. He dropped his mobile phone in the toilet. His roommates tried to help him pull his arm out, but failed. The newspapers expanded(膨胀) in the water, so he got his arm stuck. He wrapped his arm in newspaper before trying to take out his phone from the toilet.A . B . C . D . (2)Why does the writer call the Brazilian couple “crazy pet lovers”?A . They dress their pets up in fashionable clothing.B . They buy their pets high quality food.C . They spent ¥68,000 on a wedding for their pets.D . They spent 7,000 in buying a pet.(3)If you say “oh, rats” in Guangzhou, it can mean that .A . something goes wrongB . you see some field miceC . you are a Mickey Mouse loverD . youd like to have rat meat for dinner(4)According to the new study on lying, which of the following is not true?A . Women tell less lies than men.B . Women are more likely to feel guilty about lying.C . Lying at work is more popular than lying to our mothersD . Neither men nor women want to tell the truth about how much they have drunk.(5)What is NOT mentioned?A . It is difficult to unstick the stuck student.B . The couples pets are Yorkshire terriers.C . People in China enjoy eating rat meat.D . 3,000 people took part in the survey made by One Poll.27. (5分)根据问句选择适当的答语。 A. Sure, what time?B. Yes, there is. C. Not bad.D. Yes, I can. E. Yes, we are.F. Cleaning the house. (1)What are you doing? _(2)Is there a post office near here? _(3)Are you having a good time? _(4)Hows it going? _(5)Do you want to go to the movies? _28. (5分)根据短文内容,将下面方框内的句子还原到文中空白处,使短文内容完整、通顺。(每个选项只能用一次) Parents do a lot of work around the house to keep things clean and tidy. If you want to pay them back, try to help out with the chores around the house. Always clean your room._Make sure to put the rubbish in the right place. Make your bed and fold your clothes to keep them tidy. _Get them off the floor and find some places to put them away. Help around the house. Before the meal, help your parents to set the table. _Be careful not to hurt yourself when doing the chores. Cleaning the floor is also important after a meal. _.Take care of the pet in your family. Sometimes your parents might keep a pet. Its a good idea to help them to care for it. Like you, a pet needs to eat well every day. So make sure to feed it on time. And remember to clean the pets room often. _. If possible, take the pet for a walk sometimes. A. Pick up books and toys in your room, too. B. Finally, dont forget about an easy chore-taking out the rubbish. C. In fact, there are lots of things to do in your own room. D. The pet is part of your family, so spend some time playing with it. E. After the meal, do the dishes and then make sure to put them away. 29. (10分)阅读下面的短文,然后根文内答问题。 Aron Ralston is an American man. He is interested in mountain climbing. He is used to taking risks, and there were many times when Aron almost lost his life because of accidents. On April 26, 2003, when he climbed in Utah, he found himself a very dangerous situation. He struggled (抗争) and fought for five days. At last, he saved his own life but lost his right arm. Even after this experience, he kept on climbing mountains. He also wrote a famous book with a single arm.Arons story tells us never to give up. Every person has a dream. It makes us do what we are doing, because its what we believe in. And everyone has moments when life seems too hard, but never stop going like Aron. Our biggest enemies are hiding in us-laziness (懒惰) and doubt. We should be warriors (勇士) of our dreams and goals and we should keep on fighting for them.(1)What is Aron interested in? (2)When did Aron climb in Utah? (3)How long did Aron struggle to save his life in Utah? (4)Did Aron keep on climbing mountains after the serious accident? (5)What are the biggest enemies hiding in us? 六、 书面表达。(25分) (共2题;共25分)30. (10分)根据短文内容完成下面句子 Dear Mike,Greetings from Los Angeles! Thank you for your postcard. Yes, your mother and I can visit you at Christmas. We thought to stay at home on Christmas Day, but now we are going to stay with you. And Jack isnt going to school then. The weather in Los Angeles is cold, but it doesnt matter. Sometimes we like the snow. We are going to buy plane tickets tomorrow because your mother wants to take a plane and she thinks it is fast. We will get to your city on December 18th. Our plan is to stay with you for two weeks. Is that all right with you?We are going to take our favourite recipes(食谱), so we can have a nice Christmas dinner on Christmas Day. See you soon. Love,Dad(1)This letter is from_. (2)In Los Angeles, the weather is _now. (3)Mikes parents are going to _to Mikes city because his mother thinks it is fast. (4)Mikes parents are going to stay with him for _. (5)Mike and his parents are going to _on Christmas Day. 31. (15分)书面表达今天是周日,Emily的妈妈为她制定了一个家务劳动表,她完成得很好。请根据下表写一篇英语短文,描述一下Emily的家务工作,并且呼吁大家帮助父母分担家务。要求70词左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数),内容可作适当发挥。TIMEJOBTIMEJOB7:00Make the bed19:00Fold the clothes7:30Clean the table19:30Clean the bedroom8:00Do the dishes20:30Sweep the floor8:30Feed the dog21:30Take out the trashToday is SundayEmilys mother made a chore chart for herLets look at what she did today第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 句意填词,根据首字母提示填入一个恰当的词,使句意完整。(5分 (共5题;共5分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、二、 单项选择,从每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个正确的答案。(1 (共15题;共15分)6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、三、 交际运用(共15分) (共2题;共10分)21-1、22-1、四、 选词填空(10分) (共1题;共10分)23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、23-5、五、 阅读理解。(35分) (共6题;共35分)24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、24-5、25-1、25-2、25-3、25-4、25-5、26-1、26-2、26-3、26-4、26-5、27-1、27-2、27-3、27-4、27-5、28-1、29-1、29-2、29-3、29-4、29-5、六、 书面表达。(25分) (共2题;共25分)30-1、30-2、30-3、30-4、30-5、31-1、

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