小学英语新版-牛津译林版六年级下册Unit 2 Good habits第二课时同步练习B卷.doc

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小学英语新版-牛津译林版六年级下册Unit 2 Good habits第二课时同步练习B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 写单词。 (共5题;共11分)1. (5分)写出下列动词的现在分词(-ing)。 (1)read _(2)sleep _(3)cook _(4)sit _(5)write _2. (1分)Whats your dream j_?A teacher.3. (1分) b_ 4. (1分)The ducks can_in the water.5. (3分)Fanny and Benny live in the _ estate. They go to school _ every morning. They are good friends. But they have _ hobbies. Fanny usually reads books at home in his spare time, and Benny likes bicycling. 二、 用所给词的适当形式填空。 (共5题;共15分)6. (4分)What_(do) Ann do last Sunday, Peter?She_(visit) her grandparents. She usually_(visit) them on Sundays. She_(visit) them again this Sunday.7. (1分)Which season do you like best, Amy? I like _best. 8. (4分)What_your mother_?She_dumplings.9. (5分)匹配题。Do you like pears?_A. I can see twelve.Where are you from?_B. No, I dont.How many cars can you see?_C. Hes my father.Is it on your desk?_D. Im from Canada.Who is that man?_E. Yes, it is.10. (1分)The chairs are _ (their). 三、 选择填空。 (共5题;共10分)11. (2分)请小朋友把窗子擦干净,可以说:A . Close the window, please. B . Clean the window, please.12. (2分)Colour it brown._A . OK.B . Good morning.C . Good afternoon.13. (2分)Lei Feng is a role model _ all of us.A . atB . inC . for14. (2分)An apple a day _ the doctor away! A . keepB . keepsC . to keep15. (2分)Im good at the long jump Im good at the high jump.A . How are you?B . How about you?C . How tall are you?四、 按要求完成句子。 (共5题;共17分)16. (5分)a , here , of , the Great Wall , is , picture . (连词成句) 17. (5分)rabbit has two The ears (.)(连词成句) 18. (1分)phone on my is sister the (.)_19. (1分)I can read. (改成否定句)_20. (5分)Summer is the hottest season. ( 对画线部分提问 ) 五、 选择正确的答语 (共1题;共4分)21. (4分)给下列句子选择合适的答语。 Whats the weather like in New York? _A. No, its not. Its warm. Hi, Lily. This is Chen Jie _B. Its rainy. How about Toronto ?Is it hot? _C. Hi Chen Jie.24 degrees! Thats cold! _D. Yes, it is第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、 写单词。 (共5题;共11分)1-1、1-2、1-3、1-4、1-5、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、二、 用所给词的适当形式填空。 (共5题;共15分)6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、三、 选择填空。 (共5题;共10分)11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、四、 按要求完成句子。 (共5题;共17分)16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、五、 选择正确的答语 (共1题;共4分)21-1、

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