沪教版2020年新目标英语中考知能综合检测十九:九年级 Units 9、10B卷.doc

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沪教版2020年新目标英语中考知能综合检测十九:九年级 Units 9、10B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Hurry up, _ you will miss the first bus.A . orB . andC . soD . but2. (2分)Jack, I heard that you moved to a new place. Yes. I live next to a subway station. It is very _.A . convenientB . hardC . quiet3. (2分)Water keeps fish _. Without water, fish will die.A . aliveB . lifeC . to liveD . live4. (2分)There is no need to push the kids too hard. , you hate to see them stressed out. A . After allB . Over againC . In allD . Above all5. (2分)Neither my sister nor I _ good at _.A . are, danceB . is, danceC . are, dancingD . am, dancing6. (2分)(2017昌吉)Two _ students _ to the opening ceremony last Friday( ) A . hundreds; were invitedB . hundred; were invitedC . hundreds of; invitedD . hundred of; invited7. (2分)The Spring Festival is coming; Ill _ up my room. I dont want to live in a dirty room.A . lookB . cleanC . setD . turn8. (2分)What are you going to do tomorrow? Well go to the West Hill for a picnic _ it rains. A . unlessB . ifC . untilD . or9. (2分)These oranges look nice, but_very sour(酸的). A . feelB . tasteC . soundD . look10. (2分)Mary and Emma once _ mapo toufu in China. A . haveB . hasC . hadD . will have11. (2分)Miss Zhao told US an interesting storyHer voice sweet A . heardB . soundedC . listenedD . felt12. (2分)heavier (选出不同项) A . youngB . olderC . stronger13. (2分)Could you please tell me _?Sure. Only ten minutes walk.A . how soon he will be backB . how long have you been hereC . how far it is from the park14. (2分)In Chinese culture, children born in the Year of the Monkey are said to be smart.Yes. They are always full of energy, so I think they are also _;A . honestB . generousC . livelyD . modest15. (2分)Remember to return the book to the school library in time, _ you will be fined (罚款).A . orB . andC . butD . then二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)Last year Tome left school. He came to Taipei to 1 a job(工作). He went from one company(公司) to another but 2 wanted him. Now he had little money. He had to go back to his small town. So he came to the station. He felt 3 and tired. It was very late at night and 4 was full of people. They were waiting 5 tickets of the last train. He bought the last ticket, and he was very happy.At that time, a woman with a crying baby walked to him. She asked him to sell her the ticket. He gave her the ticket. He thought they needed it6 he did. After7 left, he sat on the bench(长凳) and didnt know 8 to go. Just then, an old man came and said, “Young man, I 9 what you did to the woman. I have a big company. I need a good young man like 10. Would you like to work for me?”(1)A . find B . see C . look for D . buy (2)A . everyone B . no one C . nothing D . something (3)A . happy B . interesting C . sad D . glad (4)A . the city B . the company C . the farm D . the station (5)A . to buy B . to sell C . to give D . to pass (6)A . less than B . more than C . smaller them D . worse than (7)A . Tom B . the bus C . the train D . the old man (8)A . what B . which C . why D . where (9)A . have seen B . dont know C . dont like D . have done (10)A . the woman B . you C . the baby D . her 三、 阅读理解 (共1题;共6分)17. (6分)阅读理解Emilys Blog Shut Up Zoos, Not Animals!You may think that visiting zoos is harmless fun, but youre wrong because zoos are just prisons for animals.The difference is that prisoners get out after a few years ! Animals in cages look bored and are boring to look at. After all, we all know what an elephant looks like, weve seen them on TV. So why make animals suffer by shutting them up for our fun?Shut up the zoos instead!Posted by: Emily on April 19,at 18:12 Comments (3)CommentsI partly agree. But some zoos arent there for our fun. Ive just got back from Jersey Zoo. It saves rare(珍稀) animals and breeds them. Then it returns the babies to the wild. Not all zoos are the same,you know.Posted by: Angela on April 21, at 18:17Quite agree! Every time I go to the zoo, I never look into the poor animals eyes! Kept in the small and smelly cages, they look so lonely and sad. Hope one day they will return to nature, where they can live happily and freely with their families.Posted by: John on April 22, at 12:21Personally, I think zoos are fantastic places for children. They can play with animals and enjoy themselves so much there. Also, they learn a lot about animals. Why shut up?Posted by: David on April 22, at 21:05(1)Emily thinks a zoo is .A . A fun place for childrenB . a terrible place for animalsC . A warm home for animalsD . A popular place for visitors(2)Who thinks some animals can be well protected in the zoo?. A . EmilyB . AngelaC . JohnD . David(3)John never looks into the animals eyes in the zoos because he .A . feels sorry for themB . feels kind of shyC . is afraid of themD . is angry with them四、 填空题 (共3题;共19分)18. (6分)根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成下列句子。(1)这个电视节目如此有趣,妈妈每晚都看。This TV programme is_ interesting_ Mum enjoys it every night.(2)天气真好!我们去散步吧!_ weather it is! Lets go for a walk.(3)太冷啦!你介意关一下窗户吗?Its too cold! Would you _ the window?(4)现在,很多人用手机代替相机拍照。Nowadays, mobile phones _ to take photos instead of cameras.(5)我为那男孩难过,但不知道怎么帮他。I felt sorry for the boy, but I didnt know _him.19. (8分)(2012上海)用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子_The students took the PISA test in _ subjects - reading, maths and science. (third)_Board games are more and more popular among . (teenager)_I liked to walk in fields on days and to see my footprints left behind. (snow)_people often begin their conversations by talking about the weather. (Britain)_The news about education has attracted the public attention (recent)_The World Chocolate Park showed aof many kinds of chocolates. (collect)_To improve your writing skills, youd better a habit of reading. (development)_Dont tell lies. Nobody likes those people. (honest)20. (5分)1.Youd better put on the sunglasses to_(遮挡阳光).2.Some leaves_ (落到水里) and remained there for some time.3.Could you please tell me_(这本书我可以借多长时间)?4.In her spare time, Amy_(用旧电视机做玩具) and sells them to raise money for the Childrens Hospital.5.Unless you speak French yourself, its best to find_ (能为你翻译的人).五、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)21. (5分)根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A:Nick!_B:Im watching Animal World Its my favorite TV programA:_I need your helpB:OK,Mom_A:I have to buy some milk for your little sister_B:No problem!A:Ill be back in half an hourB:I see_A:Yes,but dont make her cry(哭)B:OKAWhat can I do for you?BWhat are you doing?CCould I play games with her?DCould you please not watch TV now?EWhy do you look so tired?FCould you please look after her for a few minutes?GCould I do the dishes?六、 短文填空 (共1题;共1分)22. (1分)Some students_in the playground. (am/is/are) 七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)以你自己的宠物或你熟悉的小动物为题按照下面的要求写一篇英语作文。要求:意思连贯, 词句通顺, 标点正确, 书写规范。第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共1题;共6分)17-1、17-2、17-3、四、 填空题 (共3题;共19分)18-1、19-1、20-1、五、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)21-1、六、 短文填空 (共1题;共1分)22-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)23-1、

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