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1. take place1) 常见用法:发生,举行2) 相关词汇:take the place_ take sb.s place_ take ones place_ take up_ take against_ take apart_ take away_3) 扩展辨析:broke out_4) 造句:这件事发生在一个月黑风高的晚上。_2. in memory of1) 常见用法:作为对某人的纪念2) 相关词汇:3) 扩展辨析:in charge of_ in case of_ in place of_ in search of_4) 造句:我们跳迈克尔杰克逊的舞来纪念迈克尔杰克逊。_The place was _ a very strong man.A. in case of B. in place of C. in charge of D. in search of3. dress up1) 常见用法:打扮;装扮;穿上特殊服装2) 相关词汇: 3) 扩展辨析:make up_4) 造句:姑娘们都盛装打扮去参加舞会_4. play a trick on1) 常见用法:捉弄;戏弄(某人) 2) 相关词汇: 3) 扩展辨析:4) 造句:在猫和老鼠中杰瑞总是戏弄汤姆。_5. look forward to1) 常见用法:期望,盼望;2) 相关词汇: 3) 扩展辨析:look down upon_ look for_ look after_4) 造句:我们都期盼着世界和平。_We shouldnt _ those who are poor.A. look forward to B. look down upon C. look for D. look after 6. turn up1) 常见用法:短语动词(常指出其不意地或经长久等待后)出现,到来,露面2) 相关词汇:turn down_ 3) 扩展辨析:4) 造句:关键人物总是关键时刻才出现。_7. set off1) 常见用法:动身;出发;启程2) 相关词汇:set out_ set up_ set free_3) 扩展辨析:4) 造句:五月底我打算动身去韩国。_He will be _ in 100 years time.A. set off B. set up C. set free D. set out8. ought to1) 常见用法:应当,应该;理应2) 相关词汇: 3) 扩展辨析:4) 造句:我想我应该对他们所做的事情进行干预。_9. get away with1) 常见用法:做坏事而)未受惩罚;(做冒险之事而)未遭遇不测2) 相关词汇:3) 扩展辨析:4) 造句:这些罪犯知道如何钻体制的空子以逃脱惩罚。 _10. cut down1) 常见用法:砍倒(树木) 2) 相关词汇: 3) 扩展辨析:cut off_ cut in_4) 造句:斧头太钝,砍不倒树。_Do not _ on me when I am talking.A. cut down B. cut off C. cut in D. cut up11. give birth to1) 常见用法:生(孩子),生育;引起,产生;娩出2) 相关词汇: 3) 扩展辨析:give in_ give up_ give away_4) 造句:如果他是石头里蹦出来的,也是不错的!_12.preventfrom1) 常见用法:防止.从2) 相关词汇: 3) 扩展辨析:protectfrom_ far from_ hear from_4) 造句:为防火灾或电击,请不要用已损坏的电源线。_We should do sth. to _ him _ being killed.A. preventfrom B. protectfrom C. hearfrom D. farfrom13. break out1) 常见用法:(战争、打斗等不愉快事件)突然发生,爆发2) 相关词汇: 3) 扩展辨析:break down_ break into_ break up_4) 造句:战争爆发时他才29岁。_It has been 3 years since we _A. broke out B. broke down C. broke into D. broke up14. manage to do1) 常见用法:设法做成某事2) 相关词汇: 3) 扩展辨析:4) 造句:我能努力自己做一切事情。_15. have a gift for1) 常见用法:对有天赋2) 相关词汇:3) 扩展辨析:4) 造句:你有科学方面的非凡天赋。_16.bring up1) 常见用法:养育;抚养;养大2) 相关词汇:3) 扩展辨析:4) 造句:他在教育孩子方面花了大量的心血。_17. before long1) 常见用法:不久,很快 2) 相关词汇:3) 扩展辨析:4) 造句:我希望不久能再见到你。_18. now that1) 常见用法:既然 2) 相关词汇: 3) 扩展辨析:4) 造句:既然我们来了领军,就多学点东西吧。_19. campaign kmpein1) 常见用法:vi. 参加发起运动;参战,参加战役;作战 n. 运动;战役;enter upon a campaign_ on campaign_ 2) 相关词汇:campaigner_3) 扩展辨析:war_ battle_ combat_4) 造句:我们正在宣传呼吁进行法律改革。_This is a nationwide _ to save the endangered animals.A. battleB. campaignC. fightD. war20. behave biheiv1) 常见用法:vt. 使守规矩 vi. 表现;举止端正behave yourself_ behave as if/though_2) 相关词汇:behavior_3) 扩展辨析:act_ polite_ 4) 造句:我难以相信这些人竟会有这种举动。_My father always tells me to _ myself when I am in public.A. behave B. knowC. getD. have21. shade eid1) 常见用法:vt. 遮蔽 vi. 逐渐变化 n. 遮阳,遮棚,阴影2) 相关词汇:shady_ 3) 扩展辨析:shadow_ 4) 造句:大多数植物都要尽量避免强光直射。_You should keep the food in _. A. shadowB. darknessC. shadeD. dusk22. observe bz:v1) 常见用法:vt.& vi. 观察到, 观摩;研究;注意到2) 相关词汇:observer _ observable_ observation_ observational_ observant_3) 扩展辨析:watch_ 4) 造句:小说中的人物个个栩栩如生。_To know more about the disease, the scientists have _ the animals for a long time.A. watchedB. observedC. seenD. witnessed23. respect rispekt1) 常见用法:vt. 尊重;尊敬;关心;遵守 n. 尊重,恭敬;敬意in respect of/with respect to_ respect for sb./sth._in this respect_ with respect_2) 相关词汇:respectable_ respectably_respectful_ respectfully_3) 扩展辨析: 4) 造句:恕我直言,但我认为这不是重点。_All the work have been finished by these people, they are _.A. respectableB. respectiveC. respectfulD. respected24. argue :ju:1) 常见用法:vi. 争论,辩论 vt.讨论,辩论,争论argue with sb._ argue about/over sth._2) 相关词汇:argument_3) 扩展辨析:discuss_ 4) 造句:不要为了争辩而去和其他人争辩。_The students tried to _ with the professor about the things he taught in class.A. argueB. quarrelC. fightD. discuss25. crowd kraud1) 常见用法:vi. 拥挤,聚集 vt. 挤满;将塞进 n. 人群;群众;一群crowd in_ crowd out_2) 相关词汇:crowded_3) 扩展辨析:gather_4) 造句:一大群人聚集在天安门广场上。_The _ on the street disappeared when the police came.A. crowdB. groupC. teamD. troop26. support sp:t1) 常见用法:vt.支持;帮助;支撑;维持 n.支撑;支持者2) 相关词汇:supporter_ supporting_supportive_3) 扩展辨析:help_ 4) 造句:我们希望她能继续大力支持,并能与她维持亲密友谊。_The question, pure and simple, is whether you will _ meA. riseB. supportC. assistanceD. back27. refer rif: 过去式:referred 过去分词:referred 现在分词:referring 第三人称单数:refers1) 常见用法:vt.& vi. 参考,查阅,谈及;提到;提及 refer to_2) 相关词汇:reference_3) 扩展辨析:mention_ 4) 造句:人们把那个怕老婆的男人叫“妻管严”。_I _ a client to my boss, because he is my friend.A. referB. preferC. differD. defer28. intend intend1) 常见用法:vt. 意欲,计划,想要;打算;计划intend to do_ 2) 相关词汇:intended_ intending_3) 扩展辨析:plan_ 4) 造句:我打算明年去韩国旅游。_All the evidence shows that this man _ to escape from the prison.A. intendB. pretendC. contendD. tend29. deliver diliv1) 常见用法:vt. 发表;递送;交付 vi. 投递;传送2) 相关词汇:delivery_ delivered_3) 扩展辨析:pass_ 4) 造句:那名间谍返回来递送第二批机密文件。_29. The postmen _ thousands of letters to different places every day.A. putB. sendC. deliverD. delay30. move off 2.1.9Everybody sits and waits in the shade of the trees while the family begins to wake up and move off.1) 常见用法:离开,死,畅销2) 相关词汇:move on_ move about_3) 扩展辨析: 4) 造句:卡车都排好队,准备出发。_The lorries were lined up, ready to _.A. move upB. move onC. move aboutD. move off31. lead a life She is leading a busy life.1) 常见用法:过着的生活2) 相关词汇:3) 扩展辨析:lead to sth._ lead sb. by the nose_4) 造句:学生们都过着苦逼的生活_32. crowd in Once I stop, it all comes crowding in and I remember the chimps in laboratories.1) 常见用法:(使)拥挤入;(问题或想法)大量涌现,涌入脑海2) 相关词汇:3) 扩展辨析:crowd out_4) 造句:所有事一齐涌上我的心头。_33. look down upon/on Many people look down upon poor people.1) 常见用法:看不起,轻视2) 相关词汇:3) 扩展辨析:look back_ look forward to_ look for_4) 造句:人们通常瞧不起社会上那些攀龙附会的人 _Dont look _ on the disabled people.A. down upon B. upC. throughD. across34. refer to If the word group refers to different members, use a plural verb.1) 常见用法:提到,谈及,说起2) 相关词汇:3) 扩展辨析:4) 造句:不要再提这件事了。_35. by chance By chance I came across an article about a doctor called Lin Qiaozhi, a specialist in womens diseases.1) 常见用法:偶然,碰巧,凑巧2) 相关词汇:3) 扩展辨析:4) 造句:我赶巧在一家旧书店里买到这本书_36. come across By chance I came across an article about a doctor called Lin Qiaozhi, a specialist in womens diseases.1) 常见用法:(偶然)遇见,碰见2) 相关词汇:come along_3) 扩展辨析:by accident_ 4) 造句:我偶然遇见了我的高中同学,一个和我关系最好的人。 _My pen pal who is from America _ the ocean to attend my wedding. A. come overB. come across C. come down D. come through37. carry on Why not study at medical college like Lin Qiaozhi and carry on her good work?1) 常见用法:继续;坚持2) 相关词汇:carry off_ carry out_3) 扩展辨析:go on to do sth._ go on doing sth._4) 造句:不要管别人怎么说,继续我们的任务。_38 struggle strl1) 常见用法:vi. 搏斗;奋斗;努力;争取 n. 打斗;竞争;奋斗struggle against_ struggle to_ struggle for_2) 相关词汇:struggling_3) 扩展辨析:fight_ 4) 造句:他们不得不同一切困境做斗争。_Catherine _ to her feet and she survived at last. A. put B. stoodC. struggled D. went39. expand ikspnd1) 常见用法:vt. 使变大;扩张 vi. 扩展;发展;张开;展开2) 相关词汇:expanded_ expanding_ 3) 扩展辨析:increase_ enlarge_ 4) 造句:截至9月,当年的货币供应增加了14.6。_Emperor Qin _ China to the very west place.A. had madeB. had expandedC. had spread D. had increased40. rid rid 过去式:rid ridded 过去分词:rid ridded 现在分词:ridding 第三人称单数:rids1) 常见用法:vt. 使摆脱,解除,免除get rid of_ rid oneself of_ be rid of_2) 相关词汇:riddle_3) 扩展辨析: 4) 造句:存在贪污腐败现象,我们将予以清除。_It is hard for Jim to _ the bad habits.A. escape B. escape from C. get rid ofD. run away from41. export eksp:t /ekspt/1) 常见用法:vt.& vi. 出口,输出2) 相关词汇:exporter_3) 扩展辨析: 4) 造句:他这么做是为了推广美国出口产品。_42. regret riret 过去式:regretted 过去分词:regretted 现在分词:regretting 第三人称单数:regrets1) 常见用法:vt. 后悔,悔恨;遗憾 vi. 感到后悔,感到抱歉n. 遗憾,惋惜;后悔,悔恨regret to do_ regret doing_2) 相关词汇:regretted_ regretful_ regretfully_3) 扩展辨析: 4) 造句:接近我你会后悔的!(伊利丹 怒风)_43. focus fuks1) 常见用法:vt.& vi. (使)集中,(使)聚集;调整 n. 焦点;影象的清晰度focus on_2) 相关词汇:focused_3) 扩展辨析:gather_ 4) 造句:我们不应该把关注点只放在课本上。_44. reduce ridju:s1) 常见用法:vt. 换算;约束 vi. 减少;减小;减轻be reduced to_ reduce oneself into_2) 相关词汇:reduced_3) 扩展辨析:decrease_ minus_ 4) 造句:我们应该减少浪费。_45. thanks to Thanks to his research, the UN has more tools in the battle to rid the world of hunger.1) 常见用法:幸亏;由于;因为2) 相关词汇:3) 扩展辨析:because of_4) 造句:幸亏有我同桌,要不然这次考试我就要挂了。_46. rid . of Thanks to his research, the UN has more tools in the battle to rid the world of hunger.1) 常见用法:摆脱;除去2) 相关词汇:3) 扩展辨析:4) 造句:多谢我的朋友们,使我摆脱了孤单。_47. be satisfied with Dr Yuan is quite satisfied with his life.1) 常见用法:对感到满意2) 相关词汇:3) 扩展辨析:be contented_4) 造句:我对现在的学习很不满意!_48. would rather He would much rather keep time for his hobbies.1) 常见用法:宁愿;宁可2) 相关词汇:3) 扩展辨析:rather than_4) 造句:我宁愿多花些时间和朋友们在一起_49. build up These chemicals in the food supply build up in peoples bodies over time.1) 常见用法:逐渐增强;建立;开发2) 相关词汇:3) 扩展辨析:4) 造句:_50. lead to Many of these chemicals can lead to cancer or other illnesses.1) 常见用法:导致;造成(后果)2) 相关词汇:3) 扩展辨析:4) 造句:_51. focus on They focus on keeping their soil rich and free of disease.1) 常见用法:集中(注意力、精力)于2) 相关词汇:3) 扩展辨析:4) 造句:_52. keep . from/of This also keeps the air, soil, water and corps free from chemicals.1) 常见用法:使免受(影响;伤害等);使不含(有害物)2) 相关词汇:3) 扩展辨析:4) 造句:_53. comment kment1) 常见用法:vt.& vi. 评论,谈论 n. 评论;注释;意见;说明2) 相关词汇:commentary_ commentator_ comments_3) 扩展辨析:remark_ mention_ 4) 造句:无可奉告。我什么都不知道。_So far, Mr. Cook has not _ on these _54. content kntent1) 常见用法:vt. 使满足,使满意 n. 内容;(书等的)目录;满足;容量 adj. 满足的,满意的2) 相关词汇:contented_ contentedly_ contention_3) 扩展辨析:contain_ satisfy_ 4) 造句:你讲话的声调和你要讲的内容同样重要。_Your _ of speech yesterday _ me.55. entertain enttein1) 常见用法:vt. 热情款待;使有兴趣,使快乐 vi. 热情款待entertain sb. with sth._2) 相关词汇:entertainer_ entertaining_ entertainment_3) 扩展辨析:interest_ 4) 造句:我竟然心存怀疑,真是太愚蠢了。_I want to be _ by some _ program.56. overcome uvkm1) 常见用法:vt.& vi. 战胜,克服;压倒,制服2) 相关词汇:3) 扩展辨析:defeat_ win_ 4) 造句:找出办法战胜困难。_Whatever problems we have, we must _ it.A. overcome B. defeat C. win D. destroy.57. convince knvins1) 常见用法:vt. 使相信,说服,使承认convince sb. of sth._ convince sb. to do sth._2) 相关词汇:convinced_ convincing_ convincingly_3) 扩展辨析:persuade_ 4) 造句:摆事实、讲道理,才能让人服气。_Although I soon _ my innocence, I think he still has serious doubts about my sanityA. convince B. convinced C. convinced him of D. convinced him to58. direct direkt1) 常见用法:vt.& vi. 指导,导演,管理 adj. 直接的;直的 2) 相关词汇:directed_ direction_ director_directly_3) 扩展辨析:straight_ manage_ guide_4) 造句:药品的储放应避免阳光直射。_The _ _ a movie called the _ of the _.59. slide slaid 复数:slides 过去式:slid 过去分词:slid slidden 现在分词:sliding 第三人称单数:slides1) 常见用法: vt. 衰落 vi. 滑行,滑动 n. 幻灯片;降低2) 相关词汇:sliding_3) 扩展辨析:slip_ 4) 造句:美元继续贬值。_60. whisper hwisp1) 常见用法:vt. 低声说;私语;密谈 vi. 沙沙地响;耳语;密谈2) 相关词汇:whispered_ whispering_3) 扩展辨析: 4) 造句:她坐在我的膝盖上,听他低声耳语。_61. react rikt1) 常见用法:vt.vi.对作出反应;回应; react to sth._ react with sth._ react against sb./sth._2) 相关词汇:reacting_ reaction_ reactant_ reactive_ reactor_3) 扩展辨析:answer_ respond_ 4) 造句:她对他们生活的盲目和奢侈很反对。_62. up to now , and up to now nobody has been able to do this better than Charlie Chaplin.1) 常见用法:直到现在2) 相关词汇:3) 扩展辨析:up to you_ 4) 造句:他直到现在仍保持沉默。_63. feel/be content with ,so they could feel more content with their lives.1) 常见用法:对满足2) 相关词汇:3) 扩展辨析:be satisfied with_ be strict with_4) 造句:不要满足于这样小的成功。_64. badly off Unfortunately his father died, leaving the family even worse off, so1) 常见用法:穷的;缺少的2) 相关词汇:3) 扩展辨析:4) 造句:你看那种无聊的故事,那你一定是缺书读。_65. pick out Charlie first picks out the laces and eats them as if they were spaghetti.1) 常见用法:挑出;辨别出2) 相关词汇:3) 扩展辨析:pick off_ pick up_4) 造句:我们必须找敌人最薄弱的部队攻击。_66. cut off Then he cuts off the leather top of the shoe as if it were the finest steak.1) 常见用法:切断;断绝2) 相关词汇:3) 扩展辨析:cut down_ cut in_4) 造句:刽子手一刀就把他的头砍了。_67. star in Charlie Chaplin wrote, directed and produced the films he starred in.1) 常见用法:担任主角;主演2) 相关词汇:3) 扩展辨析:star sign_4) 造句:我想拍一部电影,自己担任主角。_68. represent reprizent1) 常见用法:vt. 表现,象征;代表,代理;扮演 vi. 代表;提出异议2) 相关词汇:representation_ representational_3) 扩展辨析:mean_ 4) 造句:我唯一的目标是代表中国参加奥运会。_69. approach prot1) 常见用法:vt.& vi. 接近,走近,靠近 n. 方法;途径;接近2) 相关词汇:approachable_3) 扩展辨析:close_ near_ 4) 造句:当我走近时,他们就不说话了。_70. defend difend1) 常见用法:vt.& vi. 辩护;保卫;防守2) 相关词汇:defendant_ defender_3) 扩展辨析:defence_ 4) 造句:我们决心不惜任何代价保卫祖国。_Our _ is too weak to _ ourselves.71. ease i:z1) 常见用法:vt. 解除痛苦;减轻;延缓;松弛 vi. 缓解,减少ease off_ ease up_2) 相关词汇:easy_3) 扩展辨析:easy_ slow_ reduce_ 4) 造句:这个办法可以减轻你的压力,帮助你把工作做得更好。_72. defend against _ action of defending oneself against an enemys attack1) 常见用法:保卫以免受2) 相关词汇:3) 扩展辨析:4) 造句:准备防御空袭!_73. be likely to However, people from places like Spain, Italy

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