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Your answerCorrect answer1.comparablecomparable2.bankruptbankrupt3.temptationtemptation4.excursionexcursion5.exceptionexception6.recoveryrecovery1.when you buy clothes, there are often two, one which shows the price and the other, the make and other information.Your answerCorrect answerlabelslabels2.When researcherssomething is a fact, its because its true.Your answerCorrect answerclaimingclaim3.Someone who islikes to wear clothes which are very up-to-date.Your answerCorrect answerfashion-consciousfashion-conscious4.To do something withmeans doing it without any difficulties.Your answerCorrect answereaseease5.Something which is theis usual or expected.Your answerCorrect answernormnorm1.When the three main symptoms of shopaholism areput together, it becomes an addiction.Your replacement:Your answerCorrect answercombinationcombined2.A roughguess at the amountof what Victoria Beckham spends on clothes every year is 100,000.Your replacement:Your answerCorrect answerestimateestimation3.You may have a (an)false impressionof freedom when youre a shopaholic.Your replacement:Your answerCorrect answerillusionillusion4.Most people todayconsider it normalbeing in debt.Your replacement:Your answerCorrect answeracceptableaccept1.If you smilebroadly, your smile is _.(a)very happy and wide(b)very small and quick2.Buzzis likely to be _.(a)a pleasant feeling(b)an unpleasant feeling3.Amallis _.(a)a department store(b)a large building with a lot of shops and restaurants4.If youreaddicted tosomething, it is likely to be_.(a)good for you(b)bad for you5.Amail order catalogueis _.(a)a magazine for women(b)a magazine with photographs of things you can buy by mail6.If youtake it one day at a time, you do something _.(a)step by step(b)in one go7.If you lookfor all the worldlike someone else, it is likely that you look _ like them.(a)a little bit(b)exactly窗体顶端 1. very interesting 2. the ability to continue doing something difficult or unpleasant 3. to take hold of something roughly 4. an individual thing 5. the feeling of being very interested in something or excited by it 6. a strong belief or opinion about something 7. the word yes or a sign that you agree with something 8. the proof that something you believed is definitely true窗体底端1.I think youre a very goodto go shopping with your girlfriend.Your answerCorrect answerchapchap2.When a woman finds something which suits her, shes not simply a woman, she becomes a.Your answerCorrect answerprincessprincess3.Its important not toyour boyfriend by spending too long at the shops.Your answerCorrect answerprovokeprovoke4.Your boyfriend will notwith you if you spend all day shopping and buy nothing.Your answerCorrect answercooperatecooperate5.For some women, theexcitement of a days shopping is almost too much to bear.Your answerCorrect answersheersheer6.The footballscreamed wildly when Italy scored.Your answerCorrect answercommentatorcommentatorYour replacment (1):Your answerCorrect answerfashionablefashionableYour replacment (2):Your answerCorrect answerrarelyrarelyYour replacment (3):Your answerCorrect answerobjectivesobjectivesYour replacment (4):Your answerCorrect answercrucialcrucialYour replacment (5):Your answerCorrect answerfavourablefavourableYour replacment (6):Your answerCorrect answerretail outletsretail outletsYour replacment (7):Your answerCorrect answerdemonstratedemonstrateYour replacment (8):Your answerCorrect answercollapsecollapseYour replacment (9):Your answerCorrect answerintentionintention1.alcoholYour answerCorrect answeralcoholicalcoholism2.addictYour answerCorrect answeraddictionaddiction3.affectYour answerCorrect answeraffectionaffection / affecting4.amuseYour answerCorrect answeramusingamusing5.attendYour answerCorrect answerattendanceattendance6.attractYour answerCorrect answerattractionattraction7.combineYour answerCorrect answercombinationcombination8.comfortYour answerCorrect answercomfortablecomfortable9.enjoyYour answerCorrect answerenjoyableenjoyable10.exciteYour answerCorrect answerexcitingexciting / excitable11.exceptYour answerCorrect answerexceptionexception / excepting12.intendYour answerCorrect answerintentionintention13.temptYour answerCorrect answertemptationtemptation / temptingYour answerCorrect answer1.(a) addiction(a) addiction2.(c) exciting(c) exciting3.(e) intention(e) intention4.(b) amusing(b) amusing5.(d) exception(d) exception6.(f) temptation(f) temptation1. Theres nothing comparable to the feeling of power and importance I get when I go shopping.Suggested answer:购物时,那种地位显赫、身价不凡的感觉真是无与伦比。2. Psychologists see shopaholism as an addiction which can benefit from treatment. The symptoms include behaviour which is adapted to avoid reality, a loss of control, an illusion of freedom, or a combination of all three.Suggested answer:心理学家认为,购物痴迷症是购物成瘾,通过治疗可以得到缓解。它的症状包括逃避现实、行为失控、幻想自由或三者兼而有之。3. Linda, Kate and Carina are not exceptions. Theyre like many women all over the world, all with stories which have a happy beginning but end in despair. And like all addicts on the road to recovery, they take it one day at a time.Suggested answer:琳达、凯特和卡里纳并不是特例,像世界各地的许多女人一样,她们的故事有一个幸福的开端,却在绝望中结束。像所有的上瘾者一样,购物成瘾的人需要有足够的耐心才能走完康复之路。4. There are no time limits, there arent even any specific objectives, we can just spend the whole day wandering around, trying things on and chatting about nothing in particular.Suggested answer:没有时间的限制,甚至没有特定的目标。我们可以花一整天的时间逛来逛去,试穿、闲聊。5. But if he agrees to cooperate, the big advantage in shopping with your boyfriend is that he shows you more affection than usual, and will even want to hold your hand. Its because he knows no one can shop single-handed.Suggested answer:要是你的男朋友答应陪你逛商场,跟他一起购物是大有好处的:他会向你表露更多的爱意,甚至想牵着你的手,因为他知道,谁也不能一个人逛商场。1. 一定要先确认把邮票贴牢了,再把信投入信箱。(attach)Suggested answer:Make sure the stamp is firmly attached to the letter before you drop it into the mailbox.2. 很多青少年痴迷网络游戏,这会对他们的身心健康造成损害。(be addicted to)Suggested answer:Many youngsters are addicted to net games, which can damage their physical and mental health.3. 她坐在桌子旁边读报,看上去好像什么事也没发生过。(for all the world)Suggested answer:She sat at the table reading the newspaper, looking for all the world as if nothing had happened.4. 我本打算去购物中心购物以缓解压力,但后来我改主意了。我决定好好睡一觉。(change ones mind)Suggested answer:I had intended to reduce stress by shopping in the mall, but I changed my mind. I decided to have a good sleep instead.5. 议会否决了总统提出的最新经济提案,因为它引起了广泛的批评。(reject; put forward; provoke)Suggested answer:The Congress has rejected the latest economic proposal put forward by the President because it provoked widespread criticism.1.Sandra spent the weekend shopping at theoutlets.Your answerCorrect answerretailretail2.My parents thought it wasntfor me to have a credit card until I was 19.Your answerCorrect answeracceptableacceptable3.I dont have a(n)impression of that shop because the salesgirl was very rude to me when I was in there last.Your answerCorrect answerfavourablefavourable4.What form ofwould you like to use?Your answerCorrect answerpaymentpayment5.When I go shopping with my wife, I have noabout who is in control.Your answerCorrect answerillusionillusion6.Ithat about 30 per cent of my salary is spent on new shoes.Your answerCorrect answerestimateestimate7.You need a lot ofto go shopping with Sue; she likes to shop from dawn to dusk!Your answerCorrect answerenduranceendurance8.The two shirts werein quality but not in price; one was much cheaper.Your answerCorrect answercomparablecomparable9.Greg always makes me feel like a(n)when we go out together; he buys me whatever I want.Your answerCorrect answerprincessprincess10.Jackie doesntto be an expert, but she certainly does know a lot about manufacturing.Your answerCorrect answerclaimclaim11.Id like to buy this mobile phone, but can youhow it works for me?Your answerCorrect answerdemonstratedemonstrate12.These are all gifts so please put eachin a separate bag.Your answerCorrect answeritemitem13.Sometimes I think Marie isto shopping since shes at the mall every weekend!Your answerCorrect answeraddictedaddicted14.Patricia buys a differentmagazine on the way to work every morning.Your answerCorrect answerfashionfashion15.Tanya learned a long time ago that itsto shop within a budget.Your answerCorrect answercrucialcrucial16.Theof good looks and value was what sold me on that dress.Your answerCorrect answercombinationcombination17.I think that shopping is becoming a(n)obsession for women.Your answerCorrect answerglobalglobal18.Why did you buy that? You know you have noof wearing it.Your answerCorrect answerintentionintention19.My boyfriend doesnt understand that theof shopping is not to buy things but to have a good time.Your answerCorrect answerobjectiveobjective20.If the salespeople are willing to, its usually best to try all clothes on before buying anything.Your answerCorrect answercooperatecooperateSection B: Complete each sentence with a suitable word.21.That store sells everythingfor the kitchen sink.Your answerCorrect answerexceptexcept22.Happily, it took him about 30 minutes to replyin the affirmative.Your answerCorrect answerinin23.Thomas went bankrupt last year, but hes learned his lesson and is nowthe road to recovery.Your answerCorrect answeronon24.My teacher guessed that,all, 80 percent of us passed the exam.Your answerCorrect answerinin25.Every time I buy something, its painful to handthe payment.Your answerCorrect answeroverover26.Jennifer is tryinga pair of orange Crocs.Your answerCorrect answeronon27.Dont giveto temptation and spend more than your budget!Your answerCorrect answerinin28.I wouldnt sell my carall the world I love it!Your answerCorrect answerforfor29.Louise wasnt smart with her credit cards and quickly wentdebt.Your answerCorrect answerintointo30.Lets go shopping! Im desperately in neednew pants.Your answerCorrect answerofofPart II: Banked ClozeQuestions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.Credit card debt affects a surprising number of people every year. It is very easy to give in to the(31)to spend more money than you actually have. The(32)number of people who continue to buy too much on credit has created a(33)problem, with bankruptcy statistics rising in nearly every country of the world.However, if you dont want to go(34), it is(35)that you start making the right decisions now. Shopping can become a(n)(36), and if you think you have it, then you should seek help.(37), most people deny they have a problem and then sink deeper into debt! Become the(38)and get help!Living in debt and going bankrupt are not(39)! The road to(40)begins now. Get smart about your spending habits.Your answerCorrect answer(31)temptationtemptation(32)sheersheer(33)globalglobal(34)bankruptbankrupt(35)crucialcrucial(36)addictionaddiction(37)IncrediblyIncredibly(38)exceptionexception(39)acceptableacceptable(40)recoveryrecoveryPart III: Reading ComprehensionQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.Tuesday, July 9Dear Diary,Today I finally got the chance to go shopping at the new mall downtown. I went with Christina, Dawn, and Rachel. We were all excited because we had heard so much about it. Its supposed to be the biggest mall in the whole region. To be honest, though, I didnt think it could live up to all the hype weve heard in the news. I was even prepared to be a little disappointed.However, we were incredibly impressed! It was huge and there were so many stores! We spent all day there, checking out the stores. Despite the many temptations to spend money, I actually had remarkable self-control! The last thing I need is to go into debt. I bought a few items for my parents, a really fashionable pair of shoes for myself, and we all grabbed a snack at one of the many restaurants.It was fascinating to see so many people all in one place and the combined enthusiasm was contagious. I just dont understand one thing, though. I saw several men falling asleep on couches between some of the stores. How on earth could someone be bored in such an exciting place with so much to see and do? The sheer number of stores kept us moving all day.By the time I got home, it was dark outside and I was exhausted. A long day of shopping is hard work! I collapsed in front of the television and actually fell asleep there! I have to say, without exception, that the new mall is my favorite place in the entire world!Thats all for today,Diana41.Which of the following best describes the authors tone?A. Unimpressed.B. Enthusiastic.C. Indifferent.D. Bored.42.This type of writing would best be described as _.A. persuasiveB. entertainingC. informativeD. personal43.What is the most accurate synonym for hype (Para. 1, Line 4)?A. Fashion.B. Illusion.C. Publicity.D. Information.44.According to the author, which of the following is NOT something that should be done at the mall?A. Buying gifts.B. Relaxing.C. Spending time with friends.D. Eating lunch.45.Which excerpt from this passage provides a clue about the authors intended audience?A. Dear Diary.B. Today I finally got the chance to go shopping at the new mall downtown.C. I just dont understand one thing, though.D. A long day of shopping is hard work!

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