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附件2幼儿园学科英语术语探究活动1、 你有什么不同答案吗?Do you have any different answers?2、 你发现了什么?在哪里找到的?What did you find/discover? Where did you find/discover it?3、 请与你的同伴合作完成。Please finish it with your partnerfriend.4、 请在记录表中记录下你的实验结果。Please write down / (note) your result in your form.Please fill in the form .(填表格)5、 你刚才使用了什么方法?What kind of way did you use just now?6、 你是怎样找到答案的?How do you find out the answer?7、 请将你发现说出来,与大家一起分享。Please share your discoveries with us .8、 让我们分小组讨论。Lets discuss in groups 9、 大胆尝试/创新,别害怕。Try it bravely/ audaciously, Dont be afraid.10、 你觉得这两者之间有什么不同?Whats the difference between these two?11、 我们先做.再做.最后做We do first , then /nest do , at last Firstly, we do secondly, we do at last 12、 谁能告诉(记得)我上节课(昨天)我们做了什么。Who can tell(remember) what we did in the last lesson/(yesterday)?13、 我们今天将做一些新的(不同的)东西(实验)。Now were going to do something newdifferent.14、 你们知道要怎么做吗?Do you know what to do?15、 再想(考虑)一下,然后再试一次。Think it over and try again16、 这个让你联想到了什么?Whats your association of ideas about this?17、 请自己去操作,发现其中的秘密。Please do /(operate) it by yourself and find out the secret .18、 答案不完全正确,还有其它答案吗?(很接近答案,基本是对的)Thats not quite right,any other answers?Thats closeThats almost right19、 在你写结果之前请大声地说出来。Please say it out loud,before you write down the result /answer .奥尔夫音乐常用单词:表演唱:singing with actions 独唱:solo 齐唱:unison 哼鸣:hunning 齐奏:unison 伴奏:accompaniment 乐器:musical instrument 钢琴:piano 小提琴:violin 鼓:drun 木琴:xylophone 锣:gong 铃鼓:tambourine 三角铁:triangle 沙球:maraca 铃:bell管型梆子:tubular wood block 手鼓:hand drum 镲:cymbals 木鱼: temple block 摇篮曲:lullaby 进行曲:march 卡农曲:canon 舞曲:dance music 鼓槌:drumstick 指挥棒:baton 五线谱:staff 简谱:numbered 谱号:clef 乐谱:music book 小节:bar小节线:bar line 音阶:scale 力度:dynamics 速度:tempo 旋律:melody 拍子:beat 标准音:pitch 音符:notes 全音符:whole note 二分音符:half note 四分音符:quarter note 八分音符:quaver note 休止符:the rests 节奏:rhythm 2/4拍:two-quarter 3/4拍:three-quarter 4/4拍:four-quarter 打二拍:play in two 打三拍:play in three 上行音阶:rising scale 下行音阶:descending scale 乐句:passage 乐段:period速度speed(快一点quicker)(慢一点:slower)节奏rhythm(准一点:more accurate)(齐一点:please keep to same peace)音量volume (大一点:louder)(小一点:lower) 唱歌:singing 声势:sound 舞蹈:dance 戏剧:drama 欣赏:appreciation常用句子:1、 让我们向+问个好吧!Lets greet our friends+/Lets say“ hello ”to+2、 请你用唱歌的声音(形式)来回答我的问题。Please answer my questions with singing.3、 请你先听听这个音乐(曲子)。Please listen to this music!4、 当你听到这段音乐时,你感觉怎么样?When you hear this part of music, hou do you feel?5、 请你用自己的身体动作来表演这段音乐。Please do some actions and express your feeling towards the music.6、 让我们随音乐一起来表演吧!Lets perform together.7、 请看我的指挥。Please follow my instructions.8、 你选择哪种乐器来表现这段音乐?Which instrument will you choose for this music?9、 让我们随着音乐用乐器一起来演奏这段音乐。Lets try the instruments with this music.数学(一) 学习分类、排序和对应1、分类SortingA: Please do the sorting according to the color, size and shape. 请按颜色、大小、形状分类。B: Count and write the number. 数一数,写下数字。C: There are_ pears ,_apples ,_oranges .这里有_个雪梨,有_ 个苹果,有_ 个橙。2、排序A: Who is the first one in the line? 谁排第一?Whats the number of the boy? 小男孩排第几?B: Order numbers from 1 to 5. 把1到5按顺序排出。C: Count back from 5 to 1. 从5数到1。D: Find out the missing numbers. 找出所缺的数字。3、对应(物与量的匹配)Corresponding (Match the things with quantity)A: There are _more circles than triangles. 圆形比三角形多_个? There are _more triangles than circles. 三角形比圆形多_个?B: Which is more and which is fewer? 哪个多?哪个少? Linda has 3 more than Tony . Linda比Tony多3个。 Tony has 3 less than Linda. Tony比Linda少3个。C: Use the number cards to show the following numbers. 用数字卡摆出下面各数。(二)认识10以内的数1、 数字(number)A: Learn how to write 1. 学写1。B: See who is fast and correct. 看谁又快又准。C: There are_elephants. 有_只大象。 There are_pandas. 有_只熊猫。2、 序数Ordinal Number(顺着数、倒着数)(first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth)A: How many tadpoles are there in the sixth bottle on the left? 从左数第6个瓶子有几只蝌蚪?B: In which bottle are there six tadpoles? 有6只蝌蚪的是第几个瓶子?C: Count from the left (right). 从左(右)边开始数。D: Walk along the number order and find the way out of the maze. 顺着数字序号走出迷宫。 Can you walk out of the maze along the number order? 你能顺着数字序号走出迷宫吗?E: The first four students in the line, stand up. 顺数第4个小朋友站起来。 The third student from the back, stand up. 倒数第3个小朋友站起来。3、 单双数 Odd/Even NumberA: Please draw a circle for the odd numbers. 请将单数画上一个圈。 Please draw a triangle for the even numbers. 请将双数画一个三角形。B: 两两配对后,有一个单的叫单数,两两配对后没有单的叫双数。After pairing, if there is an odd one, it is called Odd number; if there are in pair, its called even number.4、 相邻数 Neighbor numbersA请找出5的相邻数。Please find out the numbers next to 5.B找出比5多一和比5少1的数。Please find out what is the number after 5 and the number before 5.C: What number is before 5? What number is after 5? 5的前面是什么数?5的后面是什么数?5、 数的组成和分解 The composing and decomposing of numbersA Divide the four flowers into two parts. 把4朵花分成两部分。 How many ways are there?(How many ways can you subtract from 5?) 有几种分法? There are _ways .4 can be divided into _. 有_.种,4可以分成_.和_.。B Any other ways? 还有其它的方法吗?(三)学习10以内的数的加减1、 加法 AdditionARead the number sentences. Write the answer for each problem.读出算式,并写出答案。BComplete the number sentences. 完成数学题。C1 and 1=2 .1 plus 1 equals 2. 1+1=2D Write the sum and difference. 写出和和差。E Add 0 to a number. What is the sum? 任何数加0,和是多少?FGet 2 dot cards and make the number 6. 拿2张点卡,使点子的数目相加得6。2、 减法 SubtractionAMinus 0.What is the difference? 任何数减0,差是多少?B Get a card with 6 dots. Cover a dot under a tub each time. Make a subtraction. 拿出点卡,每次盖住一部分,说出一个减法算式。CThere are 7 rabbits. Each rabbit wants to eat 1.They need 2 more radishes. How many radishes do they have now? 有7只兔子,每只兔子要吃一根萝卜,还缺2根,现在有几根萝卜?3、 连加、连减(Continuous Addition and Subtraction)A 3 chicks are catching worms. 2 more chicks come.1 more chick come. How many chicks in all? 3只小鸡在捉虫,又来了2只,再来1只,一共有多少只小鸡?BYou have 8 stars. You cut 3 off. Again, you cut 1 more off. How many stars are left now? 你有8颗星星,剪掉了3颗,再剪掉1颗,还剩几颗星星?4、 加减混合(Mixed addition and subtraction)AAdd the first two numbers first. Subtract from the sum. 先把前面两个数相加,再用得数减去后面的数字。B: Talk about the pictures. Complete the mixed number sentence. 看图片,完成加减混合算式。5、 列出算式和解答A: Copy the continuous number sentences. 抄写连加算式。The sum B: Match the result with number sentence. Draw a line. 把算式和得数连起来。C: Add. Write the sum after each equal sign. 在等号后写上得数。D: Look at the illustration. Write out two addition and two subtraction number sentences. 看图列出两条加法和两条减法算式。E: Use your head. Can you raise more questions? 动脑筋,还能怎样问?6、 解答应用题A:There are 3 cars in the parking lot.1 more car comes.How many cars are there in the parking lot now? 停车场里有3辆车,又来了一辆,共有几辆?B: 4 pandas are playing.1 panda goes away. How many pandas are there now? 4只熊猫在玩,有一只走了,还剩几只熊猫?C: Tell a math story. 说一个应用题。D: Tony has 5 peaches. He eats 1.How many are left? Tony有5个桃子,他吃掉了1个,还剩下几个?E: Look at pictures. Tell a math story for each picture. 看图编应用题。F: 7 green frogs are croaking on the lotus leaves in a pond.2 frogs jump into the water. How many frogs are left on the leaves? 7只青蛙在池塘里的荷叶上唱歌,2只青蛙跳到水里,荷叶上还有几只青蛙?7、加数(addend)、减数(subtrahend)、被减数(minuend)(四)认识几何形体1、 形状(shapes):circle, triangle, square, rectangle, trapezoid, oval圆形、三角形、正方形、长方形、梯形、椭圆形A: Make 1 rectangle with 2 squares. then 3 and 4 squares. 用2个正方形拼成一个长方形,然后用2个、3个正方形。B: Try making 1 huge square with 8 squares. 试着用8个正方形拼一个大的正方形。C: Find the shapes in the building blocks. 在积木中找出下列图形。2、 形体(solids):正方体、长方体、球体(Sphere)、圆柱体(Cylinder)A: Count the faces of a square. How many? 数一数正方体有多少个面?B: They are round and curved. We can roll them. 它们是圆的,可以滚动。C: Feel the two ends of the cylinder. How does it feel? 摸一摸圆柱体的两端,有什么感觉?D: Feel the sphere. Does a sphere have a flat face? 摸一摸这个球体,它有平面吗?(五)量的认识1、 量的差异:大和小、长和短、高和矮、粗和细、宽和窄、厚和薄、轻和重、远和近、多和少 The differences of quantity: big and small, long and short, tall and short, thick and thin, wide and narrow, light and heavy, far and near, many and few. A: Use counters to see which is more and which is fewer (less). 去测量,哪个多?哪个少?B: Compare which is bigger and which is smaller. 比一比,哪个大?哪个小?2、 自然测量3、 大于、小于号、加减号、等于号。Is greater than, is lesser than, plus, minus, is equal to.A: 2 is more than 1. 2大于1。B: 2 is fewer than 3. 2小于3。4、 二等分、四等分 halving, quartering A: Please halve the paper. 请将这张纸分成一样大的两份。B: How do you quarter a circle? 怎样将圆形分成一样大的四份?5、 认识人民币 The Study Of RMBA: You are asked to take 8 Yuan out . How many ways are there? 要找出8元钱,有几种方法?B: How much did you pay for it/them? 你买的东西用了多少钱?C: The sugar costs 3 yuan, I have 5 yuan, how much change should you give me? 这包糖是3元钱,我有5元钱,应该找我几元钱?(六)认识空间和时间1、 空间:上和下、前和后、左和右Space: Up and down, front and back, left and right.A: Whats on the box? Whats under the box? 盒子的上面有什么,盒子的下面有什么?B: How many cats are there in front of the house? How many rabbits are there behind the house? 屋子的前面有几只猫,屋子的后面有几只小白兔?2、 时间:早晨和晚上、白天和黑夜、昨天今天明天、一周有7天和7天的名称和顺序、月份、学习看日历、时钟。Time: Morning and afternoon, day and night, yesterday, today and tomorrow, 7 days a week, the names and order of the 7 days, months, the study of calendar and clock. A: Look at the clocks. Tell the time.B: Whats on the clock face? 钟面上有什么? Are the lengths of the two hands on the clock face the same? The long hand is called minute hand, the short hand is called hour hand. 钟面上两根针一样长吗?长针叫分针,短针叫时针。C: The minute hand and the hour hand go towards the same direction, when the minute hand goes one round, the hour hand goes one step forward, it means an hour has passed. 分针和时针都是朝一个方向走的,分针走一圈,时针走一格,表示一个小时。D: Who can set the clock at 9 oclock? 谁会拨9点钟?E: Please draw 8:30 on the clock face. 请在时钟面上画出8点半。F: What do you do at 8 oclock? 8点钟你会干什么?G: Whats the function of the clock? 时钟有什么用处?H: Please tell us the names of the 12 months. 请说出12个月份的名称。I: What animals play in daylight? What animals play at night? 有哪些小动物白天出来活动?有哪些小动物黑夜出来活动?J: Where have you been yesterday? What have you done today? Where are you going tomorrow? 昨天你去了哪里?今天你做了什么?明天你打算去哪里?K: How many days are there in a week? What day is the first day of a week?一个星期有几天?一个星期的第一天是星期几?L:What day is today and whats the date today? 今天是几月几日星期几?

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