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Module 7 ComputersGrammar课型:前置语法课【学习目标】学会一般疑问句及其简略回答;学习特殊疑问句。【课前朗读】朗读学生学过的单词、短语、句型、课文等。【课堂活动】1、 跟同学们说一说自己喜欢的运动,尤其是篮球,从而引出下列句子。I like sports . My favourite sport is basketball . I play basketball every day .问学生:你喜欢运动吗?你最喜欢的运动是篮球吗?你每天打球吗?从而引出一般疑问句及其回答。Do you like sports ?Is your favourite sport basketball ?Do you play basketball every day ?把这些句子与我们第九模块所学的句子比较一下:Does he like sports ?Is his favourite sport basketball ?Does he play basketball every day ?让同学们仔细观察这几个句子的结构特点,找几个同学分析一下一般疑问句的特点,从而引出本节课的语法目标:一般疑问句。2、 句型展示:把一般疑问句分为两类:谓语为系动词的句子和谓语为实义动词的句子。其中谓语为实义动词的句子又分为动词是原形和第三人称单数的句子两类。本节课学习谓语动词是原形的句子。3、总结归纳先让学生作出初步归纳,老师跟上适当讲解和补充,让学生进一步明确一般疑问句的结构与特点。4、专项练习第一组,出示例句(谓语动词为第三人称单数形式的句子)1) The dog likes meat .2) My teacherworks hard .3) He writes his homework on the computer .4) He eats some eggs for breakfast .小组讨论,再找一个同学分析这几个句子的特点。第二组,出示例句(谓语动词为实义动词原形的句子)5) We play comuter games on Sunday .6) They go to school by bus .7) Many people visit the zoo .小组讨论,再找一个同学分析这几个句子的特点。专项练习:将下列句子改为一般疑问句。1) I like going to Bingjing with my father . 2) Tom can speak Chinese very well . 3) The tiger eats meat and drinks water . 4) They go to work by bus . 5) Lots of students visit the zoo . 5、情景导入肯定句变否定句。肯定句变否定句也分为两类。并作专项训练。第一组,出示例句(谓语动词为第三人称单数形式的句子)1) It eats grass and leaves .2) The monkey lives in the forest .3) He speaks English every morning .4) She has a pen and a ruler .第二组,出示例句(谓语动词为实义动词原形的句子)4) My parents go to work in Bingjing .5) I have three dogs .6)We have maths at ten oclock .专项练习:将下列句子改为否定句。1) I like going to Bingjing with my father . 2) Tom can speak Chinese very well . 3) The tiger eats meat and drinks water . 4) They go to work by bus . 5) Lots of students visit the zoo . 6、A.看句子,思考问题。 1) How do you use the computer ? 2) When is his birthday ? 3) Where does the panda come from ?去掉黑体字部分,余下的是什么句子? B.专项练习:就划线部分提问。1)The boy often goes online at home . does the boy often online ?2)They all have computers at school . they all have at school ?3)The printer is behind you . the printer ?7、总结:当主语是第一人称、第二人称或第三人称复数时,一般疑问句句首的助动词是 ,当主语是第三人称单数时,一般疑问句句首的助动词是 。陈述句中的some在一般疑问句中应改为 。当主语是第一人称、第二人称或第三人称复数时,否定句中的助动词是 ,当主语是第三人称单数时,一般疑问句句中的助动词是 。肯定句中的and在否定句中应改为 。补充:特殊疑问句只要在一般疑问句的前面加上 就可以了。我们已经学过的特殊疑问有 。8、当堂小节反馈:回想本课所学内容,你学到了哪些,还有哪些疑问? Module 7 ComputersGrammar练习题I. 将下列句子改为一般疑问句并作肯、否定回答。1) I want to have a pet .2) She likes football .3) They eat hamburgers for lunch .4) We are in Class Two .5) He can dance very well .II. 将下列句子改为否定句。1) I sometimes read English with my sister .2) They play comuter games on Sunday .3) Tom likes story books .4) Kiky and lily go to school on foot .5) Lions like fruit .III. 句型转换。1) The boy often goes onlines on Sundays.(改为一般疑问句) the boy often online on Sundays?2) He has got a computer and a laptop .(改为否定句)He got a computer a laptop . 3) I send a lot of emails every week .(对划线部分提问) do you send every day ?4) I use the computer for my homework .I dont play games on it .(合并成一个并列句) I use the computer for my homework , I play games on it .5) Do you know how I can save the new document ?(变为同义句) Do you know save the new document ?IV 、将下列词组成一个完整的句子。1)does , what , he , first , do ( ? ) 2)use , do , please , computer , your , to , it ( . ) 3)do , how , you , the , save , document ( ? ) 4)where , keyboard , is , the ( ? ) 5)plays , he , often , games , computer ( . ) 6)I , write , do , homework , on ,the , how , my computer (?) Module 7 Unit 1 How do I write my homework on the cmputer ?课型:听说课【学习目标】a) 熟悉本课所学新词汇;b) 能用How do I write my homework on the cmputer ?这一句型造句及其回答;c) 通过学习电脑方面的词汇提高学生对英语的学习兴趣,特别是对电脑感兴趣的学生会大大提高学习英语的积极性。【课前准备】1、A.下列关于电脑的单词,你能记住吗?看谁记得又快又对!keyboard monitor mouse printer computer 能在电脑上指出他们么?B.这几个词是什么意思呢?print , connect , switch on , use , click , save 他们都是动词,在使用电脑时,可是大有用处啊!2、在课文中找出下列词组:用电脑 写作业 打开一个新文件夹 使用鼠标 点击“新文件夹” 在文件夹里 使用键盘 点击“保存” 在你身后 打印作业 3、语言点导学: 观察:-How do I write my homework on the computer? 我怎么用电脑写作业?-How do I save the document ? 我怎么保存文件?-Where do I write the name ? 我在哪里写名字?-How do I print it ? 我怎么打印?-Wheres the printer ? 打印机在哪里?思考:上边这些句子,叫做特殊疑问句。How , when , where 等叫做疑问词,除去这些疑问词之后的句子叫 。4、尝试:A 将下列句子改为特殊疑问句。1)Do you open a new document ? (how)2) Does he play computer games ? (where)3) Do you listen to music ? (when)4) Does the tiger come from ? (where)B 你能用本节课所学单词再造几个类似的特殊疑问句吗?C 问题准备:通过预习,你还有哪些词、句存在问题?请在书上做记号或记录下来。【课堂活动】1、 交流检查课前准备部分,师生互问探讨解决问题。2、 口头练兵场:1) 看图说活:-Whats this ? -Its a computer. -Whats this? -Its a .2)两人一组操练以上句型:3、 听录音,完成Activity 1 and Activity 3.4、 Activity4 1)一听,回答下面两个问题:What does Lingling want to do on computer ?Who is good at the computer ?2)二听,做Activity 5。3)三听,做Activity 6。4)两两问答Activity 7。5、 Listen and do Activity8 Activity9 .6、 学习成果展示:怎样用电脑做作业呢?通过本课的学习,你会了吗?同时你可以在其中使用 first , then, next, finally, again等单词吗?到前面来,告诉我们吧!(可以多叫几个同学,让他们都来说一下;也可以进行小组间的对抗赛。)7、 课堂练习舞台Workbook Exercise1and Exercise3 8、当堂小节反馈:回想本课所学内容,你学到了哪些,还有哪些疑问? Unit 1 How do I write my homewoek on the computer?练习题I、请将下面的英文表达与相应的汉语意思搭配起来,并将序号填入题前的括号中。A.使用鼠标B上网打开电脑保存文件连接显示器和电脑点击“新文件”( ). Swich on the computer( ) 2. connect the monitor to the computer ( ) 3.use the mouse ( ) 4. click “new document ” ( ) 5. save the document( ) 6. go onlineII、词汇A)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。 1.Your teacher can teach you how to s the new document .2.What do you usually do at the w ?3.Please say that a .4.You must switch on the computer . Then Ill tell you what to do n .5. I want to go to Beiging by t B)用所给单词的适当形式填空。6.-Do you want to go to the park ?-No , Ill finish my work (one).7.How many (grandchild) do your grandparents have ?8. You must (check) your homework now .9.What can a (print) do , do you know ?10.Mike usually (use) a computer to finish his work .II、从方框中选择适当的选项补全下列对话。(D=Daming , T= Tom)D: Do you have a computer at home ,Tom?T: Yes , I have one .D:I have one ,too . (1) Can you help me ?T: Of course .D:How can I do my homework oon the computer ?T: (2) D:Whats the mouse ? (3) T: Yes , it looks like a mouse .And you write your homework in the document .D:And then how can I save the document ?T: You just click “ save” , and write a name for it .D: (4) T: In the box , (5) D:Thank you .T: Youre welcome .A. Is that it ?B. First ,use the mouse and click “ new document” .C. But I cant use it .D. And then click “save” again .E. Where do I write the name?III、根据要求改写句子。1. You can click “ print ” and “ OK ” to print the document .(就划线部分提问) print the document ?2.We make travel plans on the computer .(改为一般疑问句) plans on the computer?3.My father uses the computer in the evening . (就划线部分提问) father the computer ?4.We often play Tomb Raider . (就划线部分提问) you often play ?)5.I go to the cinema three times a week. (就划线部分提问 go to the cinema ?6) I want to have a computer .(改为否定句)I want to have a computer .Module 7Unit 2 When do you use a computer ?课型:读写课【学习目标】1、 熟悉本课所学新词汇;2、 学会一般现在时的特殊疑问句;3、 了解不同国家和地区的人们使用电脑的情况。【课前准备】1、 课前朗读下列单词。Online 在线 travel 旅行 download 下载 Internet 网络 grandchild (外)孙子(女)sometimes 有时 check 检查 train 火车 timetable 时刻表 laptop 笔记本电脑 weekend 周末 website 网站 London 伦敦 information 信息2、从课本中找出以下短语。 使用电脑 多少电子邮件 发送邮件 住在澳大利亚 检查时刻表 买票 上网 制作旅行计划 拜访网站 获得信息 使用笔记本电脑 下载音乐 玩电子游戏 两三个电子邮件 3、语言点导学:观察:Satoshi sends emails .Satoshi doesnt send emails .Panos and Elena live in Australia .Panos and Elena dont live in Australia .思考:当主语是第一人称、第二人称、第三人称复数时,否定句中的助动词是 ,原句中的动词的谓语动词形式 ;当主语是第三人称单数时,否定句中的助动词是 ,原句中的动词的第三人称单数形式 。4、 通过预习,你还有哪些词、句存在问题?请在书上做记号或记录下来。 【课堂活动】1、交流检查课前准备部分,师生互问探讨问题。2、导入新课:1)提问以下问题:A When do you use a computer ?B What do you usually do on your computer ?C How many emails do you send ?D What games do you play ?E Do you have a computer at home ?F Do you usually use a computer at school ? G Do you make travel plans on the Internet ?分组回答以上问题并向全班汇报。2)问:Do you want to know how people in other parts of the world answer these questions ?让学生阅读Activity 1文章做Activity 1练习题 .2、再读一遍,划出动词短语并大声朗读。做Activity 2 。3、做Activity 3练习题。4、做Activity 4练习题。5、讲解but 的用法,做Activity 5练习题。6、学习成果展示:世界上其他地方的人用电脑来干什么,又不干什么呢?你一定非常了解了吧!到前边来,说一说吧!8、练习巩固:将下列中文译成英语吧。1)在家里,你有电脑吗? 2)你经常上网吗? 3)你网上制作旅行计划吗? 4)Becky 没有电脑。 1) Jack不打电子游戏。 当堂小节反馈:回想本课所学内容,你学到了哪些,还有哪些疑问? Unit 2 When do you use a computer ?练习题I、根据句意及汉语提示把句子补充完整。1、Do you often (上网)?2、We usually (制定旅游计划)on the computer .3、We can (从网上下载音乐)。4、I dont (发电子邮件) to anyone .5、Can I use your computer (写小说)。6、She goes to the cinema and (买了一张票)。7、We have (一台台式电脑和一台笔记本).8、 (多久一次)do you use your computer ?II 、下面各句均有一处错误,指出并改在后面的横线上。1、 Does she often go to online ? A B C 2、 What kind music do you like to download ? A B C3、We usually use the computer do our homework . A B C4、Some times they check the timetable . A B C5、He will send photos to his grandchilds . A B CIII、根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。1、 你多长时间去一次动物园 ? do you go to the zoo?2、 在学校你经常使用电脑吗?Do you usually a at school ?3、 我们不经常见面,所以我们发照片。We dont often see each other , so we .4、 你能帮我查一下火车时刻表吗?Can you help me the train ?5、 不要天天玩电脑游戏。Dont computer every day .IV.单项选择。( )1. My father often gets some from the Internet for his work . A information B a piece of information C informations( )2.Jenny often novels on the computer .A write B writes C read( )3.Can you tell me how to the computer ? A switch on B open C switch to( )4.C is the letter of the alphabet . A third B three C second ( )5.I want to a plan the computer . A making ;on B make ; on C make ; to( )6.- do you use a computer ? -Every Saturday afternoon . A How B What C When( )7.First , you connect the monitor the computer . A on B in C to( )8.-Do you often use the computer to go online ? -yes , I never play games . A and B but C so( )9.- your fathers computer ?-Its in his room . A Whats B Wheres C Where are( )10.-Can you teach me to send emails ? - A Certainly. B No , I can . C Its a good idea .Module 7 Unit3 Language in use课型:复习课【复习目标】1、熟练掌握学过的词汇。2、能够描述怎样使用电脑。3、一般现在时(当主语不是第三人称单数形式)的一般疑问句及其否定句。4、一般现在时的特殊疑问句。【课前准备】1、朗读学过的单词、短语、对话、课文等。2、写出下列短语:使用电脑 多少电子邮件 发送邮件 写作业 检查时刻表 买票 上网 制作旅行计划 拜访网站 获得信息 使用笔记本电脑 下载音乐 玩电子游戏 使用鼠标 点击“新文件夹” 在文件夹里 点击“保存” 打印作业 【课堂活动】1、小组互查学过的词汇,并及时改正错误。2、学生根据复习任务,自主复习,并记录疑难问题。_3、观察What do you usually do on your computer ?How many emails do you send ?Do you often go online ?Do you make travel plans on the Internet ?思考: 在一般现在时中,一般疑问句和特殊疑问句有联系吗?说一说。在一般现在时中经常使用的副词有哪些?4、做Activity 1 .(两人一组)5、做Activity 26、做Activity 3 7、做Activity 4 8、做Activity 5 并根据所填内容造句。阅读Around the world 。9、学习成果展示 A 就电脑使用方面,选择一些问题,制作一张表格问卷,选好采访对象。 B 采访同学,进行小组交流。 C 在小组交流的基础上,请几个同学在班上朗读。当堂小节反馈:回想本课所学内容,你学到了哪些,还有哪些疑问? Unit 3 Language in use练习题I、 单项选择。( )1.He often uses the Internet their work . A does B do C to do D doing( )2. e-mails do you send ? A How many B How much C How old D How often( )3.-How often does she watch TV? - . A A day B Sometimes C At night D In a day ( )4. He has got a laptop and he uses it for his business , he never plays computer games on it .A and B or C but D so( )5. They usually on the Internet . So they dont need CDs .A listen to music B visit website C make travel plans D check the train timetable ( )6. a computer , but their son never goes online . A She has B We have C I have D They have( )7. She likes computer games . A play B plays C players D to play ( )8. I switch the computer and open a new document .A at B on C from D off( )9. My friend Lily never online .A doesnt go B dont go C goes D go( )10. There are animals in the zoo .A two kinds B two kinds of C two kind of D many kindsII、写出下列单词的序数词形式。1、one 2、two 3、three 4、four 5、five 6、eight 7、nine 8、 twelve 9、twenty-two 10、thirty III.完成句子1.Many people send emails to their friends on the Internet .(改为否定句) Many people emails to their friendson the Internet .2.They often download some test questions from the Internet .(改为一般疑问句) they often any test questions from the Internet ?3.these young people usually play computer games on the computer .(就划线部分提问) do these young people play computer games on the computer ?4.My father usually uses the computer in the evening . (就划线部分提问) your father use the computer ?5.Do you often visit the website ?(改为同义句) Do you often ?IV. 改错。1.I often go online and use the computer doing my homework .( ) A B C2.Do your brother make travel plans on the computer ? ( ) A B C3.We can get many information on the Internet . ( ) A B C4.How many email do you get every week ? ( ) A B C5.How do you write your homework to the computer ? ( ) A B CV.阅读理解: Sam likes fish very much. He often buys fish in the shop and takes it home. But when his wife sees the fish, she says to herself(她自己)“ Good ! Now I can ask my friends to have lunch, and we can cat this fish. They like fish very much.”So when Sam comes home in the evening, the fish is not there and his wife always say “Oh, your cat eats it.” And she gives Sam some bread for his supper. Sam gets very angry. He takes the cat and his wife to the near his house and weighs(称重)the cat. Then he turns to his wife and says, “My fish weighs one kilo. This cat weighs one kilo, too. My cat is here, you see. Then where is my fish?”( )1. Sam likes eating _ very much.A. fishB. meatC. breadD. bananas( )2. Sam has a _ . A. birdB. catC. shopD. baby( )3. Sam gets angry because _ .A. the bread is not goodB. hes too tired.(累)C. he doesnt have fish to eatD. his wife doesnt let him eat( )4. Who eats fish for lunch? A. Sams wife B. The friends of Sams wife C. Sam D. A and B( )5. Which is wrong?A. The cat weighs one kilo.B. Sam often buys fish in the shop.C. Theres a shop near Sams house D. The cat e4ats the fish.


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