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仁爱版2019-2020学年八年级上学期英语期中测试试卷A卷一、 单项选择。 (共5题;共10分)1. (2分)What time do I have to leave, Dr Li?_, dont stay here _ visiting hours.A . Usually; overB . Regularly; aboveC . Anyway; beyondD . Mostly; during2. (2分)Bill is looking forward to _ Shanghai with his parents next week. A . walkingB . gettingC . playingD . visiting3. (2分)She still failed in the exam, she tried her best.A . thoughB . becauseC . ifD . or4. (2分)The old man lives in a village _,but he never feels _.A . alone, aloneB . lonely, lonelyC . lonely, aloneD . alone, lonely5. (2分)Dont you think that the river is _ now?A . much cleanerB . very cleanerC . much cleanD . cleanest二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)6. (15分)完形填空Everyone needs friends. But do you know 1to find real friends and keep it? An American writer 2Sally tells young students some good ways to find 3.Sally says findings friendship is just like 4a tree. You plant the seed and 5it to make it grow.She says you should first choose someone who can be a 6friend. It doesnt matter whether he has money or good looks. A good friend should be kind and 7. If you have a bad day, a good friend should 8your complaints and do his 9to help you. If you want to make friends with someone, you should make each other 10. But things cannot always be happy.11the best friends may have quarrels. What should you do when you 12with your friend? You may try to have an honest talk with him or her when there is no one around. If your friend 13want to talk, you can write a letter to tell him or her how you are feeling.Sally also tells us some small but important things, 14example, celebrating your friends success. Remember that friendship is important in your 15.Life is great if you have friends.(1)A . how B . what C . when D . which (2)A . call B . calls C . name D . named (3)A . girls B . teachers C . friends D . classmates (4)A . watering B . planting C . cutting D . decorating (5)A . take off B . take away C . take care D . take care of (6)A . bad B . well C . shy D . good (7)A . beautiful B . helpful C . thankful D . wonderful (8)A . look at B . look C . listen to D . listen (9)A . good B . well C . better D . best (10)A . happy B . happily C . unhappy D . unhappily (11)A . Even B . Though C . If D . Ever (12)A . talk B . talks C . quarrel D . quarrels (13)A . doesnt B . dont C . didnt D . isnt (14)A . to B . for C . in D . at (15)A . school B . home C . country D . life 三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共36分)7. (10分) When I was seven years old my mom was diagnosed(诊断) with cancer. The doctors told us my mom might be saved with surgery(手术). But it could also kill her. She chose to have it.The day before the surgery I was off school, and my mom planned the best day of my life, everything I loved at seven and everything that would put a smile on my face. The day began with her waking me up saying, “Kate, I have a surprise for you. Come and see.” The surprise was a doll I had wanted for the longest time. Throughout the day, she told me everything that she thought I would need to know to grow up and be a good person; she told me to be the best I could be and that I would always make her proud. We had a picnic in the park, and it was so cold that we moved to the car. The day was filled with laughter. For the first time in a long time I could see she was really happy. I would never forget her smile, or the way her eyes shone as if we were the same age. It was the best day of my life, and I will never forget the conversations we shared.My mother managed to live through the surgery. Now when I look back, I realize that the best day of my life could be her last and this could be the last day I would remember with her, the last one we shared. I also understand how unselfish a mother is.(1)Who made the decision to have the surgery in the story?A . The doctorsB . The patientC . The writerD . The patients family(2)What did the writers mother do the day before the surgery?A . She stayed at home to have a good rest.B . She went to the doctors for advice.C . She turned to her family for comfort.D . She stayed all day with her child.(3)Why was the writers mother happy that day?A . Because she left her child a special memory.B . Because she realized her child had grown up.C . Because she was proud of what her child had done.D . Because she expected the surgery to be successful.(4)The underlined sentence in the last paragraph suggests that _.A . her mother was ill againB . the surgery was unsuccessfulC . her mother was getting betterD . the surgery was simple(5)Which of the following words best describes the writers mother?A . HardworkingB . FamousC . RichD . Great8. (12分)阅读理解According to a new scientific research, we are rapidly going close to major climate change and the effects on the environment could be quite serious. Geographers predict that climate zones could completely disappear within the next eighty years. Where will crops be grown if this happens? When the climate changes a lot, polar regions will get colder and tropical regions will get even hotter. As a result, where will animals be forced to move on the earth?Climate changes like these could lead to the spread of diseases. Tropical storms and hurricanes(飓风) will not only increase but may also become stronger. If the changes come too quickly, animals and plants may not be able to adapt(适应) right away and could disappear from the earth.According to Science Daily, a new study predicts that, by the year 2100, many of todays familiar climates will be taken place by climate unknown in todays world. It is urgent that we reduce the risks of far-reaching results for the whole world. The planet itself has been showing signs of change. In 2004, a huge tsunami created by a major earthquake killed thousands in Sumatra and in 2008, thousands more died in China in another big earthquake. Egypt was hit in 2009 with a major earthquake and Haiti was destroyed seriously and became ruins in 2010 by another big earthquake.Not long ago, scientists discovered ice melting(融化) in west Antarctica(南极洲). This is very worrying because temperatures in this area have remained rather constant(不断的) and actually even lower at time. Melting occurs when temperatures increase and since temperatures have remained, the ice should not be melting. However, satellite data(数据) shows melting around west Antarctica.Within just the last few months, new reports from around the world have been coming in and most agree that our climate situation is much worse than previously expected. At this point, it doesnt matter what is causing it, but rather, what can be done about it. On the other hand, our world is getting more and more unstable(不稳定) every year. Natural disasters(灾难) are becoming more frequent(频繁的) and serious.However, other planets are experiencing global warming as well as our own and some scientists believe there may be some connections between these. No one knows anything for sure at this point because there is simply not enough data. (1)Whats the writers attitude toward the climate changes?A . We should observe the great changes of the climate carefully.B . We must connect with other planets to prevent the climate changes.C . We should try our best to do something against the climate changes.D . We need to discover what causes the climate changes first of all.(2)What does the underlined word “tropical” mean?A . cold and dryB . cool and wetC . hot and wetD . warm and dry(3)What can be inferred from the passage? A . Collecting more data will help us to solve the problem.B . The climate will be much better than we have expected.C . Earthquakes can be avoided in a few years time.D . The ice in west Antarctica will stop melting in the future.(4)The prediction of geographers is that_ A . human being will extinguish in 2010.B . the ice in the South Pole will all melt in the future.C . the sea level will decrease.D . climate zones will disappear.(5)which of the following is False? A . Climate changes cause the spread of diseases.B . In 2100,many of todays familiar climates will disappear.C . Scientist found that the ice is melting in east Antarctica.D . There are more and more natural disasters occurring in our world.(6)whats the passage mainly about? A . It tells us how to protect the environment of the earth.B . It talks about the bad effects of the climate changes.C . It shows us how to prevent diseases from spreading.D . It describes what we should do with the earthquakes.9. (6分)阅读理解One morning,an old gardenner found lots of flowers missing.He was so angry that he shouted loudly, “Who did this?” In order to protect his flowers, he locked the garden gate in the evening.The next morning,he found some of this flowers missing again. He decided to find out how that happened. When night came,he sat quitely to watch his garden.Soon he saw a tortoise(乌龟) moving slowly into the garden.The gardener shouted, “I catch you this time!” The tortoise quickly said, “Im sorry. If you really want to punish me,no matter what you decide to do, please do not throw me into the water. Its terrible to die that way.”“You destroyed so many of my beautiful flowers. I must punish you!” said the old gardener, and he quickly threw the tortoise into a lake next to his garden.After a while , the tortoise swam away happily. The old gardener then knew that the tortoise was not afraid of water.(1)Why was the old gardenner so angry? A . Because his flowers were not alive.B . Because he found his flowers missing.C . Because his flowers were not beautiful.(2)What did the gardenner do to protect his flowers at first? A . He watched the flowers in the evening.B . He locked the garden gate in the evening.C . He did nothing in the evening.(3)What can we learn from the passage? A . The old gardenner was very smart.B . The tortoise was so clever.C . The old gardenner was very happy.10. (8分)根据短文理解,选择正确答案。Abbreviations(缩写) are now widely used in our daily lives. Here are some of them. Are you familiar with them?R.S.V.P. stands for a French phrase, “rpondez, sil vous plat,” which means “please reply.” If R.S.V.P. is written on an invitation, it means the invited guest must tell the host(主人) whether or not they plan to attend the party as soon as possible. Because the hosts who are planning a dinner party or a wedding need to know how many people to count on and how much food and drink to buy. More important, though, it is polite to reply someone who was nice enough to invite you, even if it is to say that you are sorry that you will not be able to attend.B.Y.O.B. has been used first in the early 1970s to mean “bring your own bottle (of wine)”, although in present-day it is just as likely to mean “bring your own booze” or “bring your own beer”. It was used by small restaurants that was not allowed to sell wine. But now B.Y.O.B. is often placed on an invitation to tell the guests that the host will not be providing wine and that guests are welcome to bring their own.R.I.P stands for “rest in peace” in English, The phrase was not found before the 8th century. It became ubiquitous(普遍现象) on the tombs of Christians in the 18th century, Now, it is always written on tombstones to express the wish of forever rest and peace to someone who has died.P.K. means “Player Killing” originally. The word P.K. is now also used in China and Taiwan as a verb(动词). In fact, there may actually be no player killing. It is most used in 1v1 situations like 1v1 basketball, 1v1 chess, 1v1 footrace and so on. P.K. can also be used in situations where one team is against another in a 1 team vs 1 team competition like in the NBA, soccer, baseball and so on.(1)If you receive a party invitation with R.S.V.P., you _.A . have to go to the partyB . should reply as soon as possibleC . have to buy some foodD . should make plans for the party(2)R.I.P. is used to someone who _.A . holds a partyB . likes drinking beerC . has been deadD . joins in a game(3)_ will be used when there is a competition between two teams.A . R.S.V.P .B . B.Y.O.B .C . R.I.PD . P.K .(4)The writer wants to introduce some foreign _to us by writing this passage.A . culturesB . historiesC . scienceD . stories四、 词汇运用。 (共2题;共20分)11. (10分)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确。(每个单词限用一次。 每空只填一个单词。) wear normal take warn be young he interest child readThe most difficult thing for university student Shaun Rogers is opening the classroom door by _. Shaun cant do this without help because he is only six years old. Hes the _person ever to study at Rochester University in New York. Shaun began _at two and by the age of five he had read many books and was able to finish writing his first book. I love learning, says Shaun. My hero is the scientist Albert Einstein. He never combed (梳理) his hair or _socks.Shauns mother first recognize that her son was different when he kept crying at playschool because he was bored with the _games. She started teaching him at home after finding that local schools _not prepared for children who learned at Shauns speed. Now Shaun is studying geography at the university and using the Internet to finish his high school studies. However, some scientists _that too much study can stop a child from developing _. I dont care how clever the kid is. A six-year-old boy has to play with their friends, says Dr. Brain Wood. Mrs. Rogers disagreed that all her sons time was _up by schoolwork. He loves playing the violin and has many_such as camping, fishing and swimming, just like other boys of his age.12. (10分) It was very cold. It was snowing fast and almost dark; the eveningthe last evening of the old year was drawing in. In the cold and darkness there went along the street a poor little girl, w_a cap and shoes. When she l _her home she had shoes on . H_, they were much too large for her f_ -shoes that her mother had used till then and the poor little girl l_them when she was running across the street when two carriages(四轮马车) were p_by terribly fast. When she looked for them, one was not to be found, and a boy hid the o_ and ran away with it, saying he would use it as a house for his mouse.In the old c_that she wore were boxes of matches, and she carried a box also in her hand. No one had bought so much as a box all the long day, and no one had g_her even a penny.Poor little girl, shaking with cold and hunger, she walked slowly, q_ and carefully along , a perfect picture of great unhappiness.五、 语法填空。 (共1题;共1分)13. (1分)This world is full of_(amaze)things. 六、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共5分)14. (5分)任务型阅读(1)We can travel to Yunnan by_. (2)In all these trips, you should take maps,_ and_. (3)If three people in your family plan to Shangdong, they will pay(付款)_(4)The form(表格) is about_七、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)15. (5分)请你谈一谈你的家庭情况和你的课余生活。以My family and my spare time为题目写一篇短文, 内容包括:1.家庭成员的组成情况; 2.各成员的基本情况; 3.课余时间你都做些什么。要求:语句通顺, 上下连贯, 不少于50词。(提示:在某人的业余时间in ones spare time)第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 单项选择。 (共5题;共10分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)6-1、三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共36分)7-1、7-2、7-3、7-4、7-5、8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、8-5、8-6、9-1、9-2、9-3、10-1、10-2、10-3、10-4、四、 词汇运用。 (共2题;共20分)11-1、12-1、五、 语法填空。 (共1题;共1分)13-1、六、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共5分)14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、七、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)15-1、

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