牛津深圳版七上英语Module 3 Travels unit 5 visiting the moon单元测试A卷.doc

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牛津深圳版七上英语Module 3 Travels unit 5 visiting the moon单元测试A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 词汇测试。选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。 (共8题;共16分)1. (2分) Must I finish my homework now? No, you _. You can go home now.A . needntB . mustntC . shouldntD . cant2. (2分) Would you like to invite Mr. Wang sports with you? Yes, Id love to.A . to playB . playsC . playedD . Playing3. (2分) Zhang Yimou will attend the Venice Film Festival with his new film. You mean the film Shadow (影)?A . start withB . leave forC . go to4. (2分)Can I the novel(小说), Daming?Yes, please.A . lookB . seeC . watchD . read5. (2分)Should I wear a suit for the concert tonight?No , you _. It is not as serious as the one we went to last week .A . mustntB . needntC . cantD . wouldnt6. (2分)So far, the record Liu Xiang holds has not been broken in Asia. Not everyone can be the Asian flying man. He is my hero.A . worksB . keepsC . suffers7. (2分)Though Nancy is , she can do most things that people with good eyes can do.A . deafB . blindC . luckyD . young8. (2分)They decided to go to Paris for their holidays. Wow. It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.A . made a differenceB . made a faceC . made a decision二、 选出恰当的词语完成句子。 (共7题;共14分)9. (2分)I like playing very much.A . soccerB . the soccerC . soccer ballD . the soccer ball10. (2分)Who can _ 我不知道_ Japanese? I dont know. A . say; withB . speak; inC . say; inD . speak; with11. (2分)He was so that he cut himself with the knife. A . carefulB . carelessC . carefully12. (2分)We the computer every day. We do our homework on it. A . hearB . useC . buyD . clean13. (2分)How much do you usually _ on food and clothes every month ?About ¥600.A . takeB . costC . spendD . pay14. (2分)I havent got cola. What about juice? A . any;anyB . any;someC . some;someD . some;any15. (2分) Is Mr. black really ill?_. Hes in hospital.A . I hope soB . No. he isntC . Im afraid soD . He is OK三、 完形填空。 (共1题;共7分)16. (7分) When Bill and Kate married(结婚), neither of them had much money, so they were not able to 1 a house. Two years later, Bills father died (去世了) and2 him some money, so they bought a house. When they moved into 3for the first time, one of Bills friends sent him a bottle of wine4 a present. The bottle was in a paper box.At that time, Bill and Kate had a lot of 5to do. They had to clean the house and decided where to put their TV sets, beds, cupboards, desks and tables. They were so busy that they forgot about the bottle of wine. They put it in a cupboard and didnt 6open the paper box. A few months later, when they had a baby, Bill7 some friends to his house. He thought of the wine and found it out from the cupboard. It was so sweet. Bill had never thought that would be the best present for the wonderful party for his wife and his baby.(1)A . borrow B . live C . buy D . move (2)A . gave B . lent C . returned D . left (3)A . that B . it C . there D . here (4)A . to B . like C . as D . for (5)A . job B . work C . thing D . working (6)A . yet B . ever C . even D . just (7)A . took B . invited C . asked D . brought 四、 阅读理解。 (共5题;共61分)17. (25分) I live with my grandmother in a Beijing yard house. One day last year, (1)我惊讶的看到一个外国人从我家隔壁的房子里出来. He was very tall with short brown hair and a pair of glasses. The first time I saw him, (2)I was too shy to speak to him. “My English is too bad!”I thought. My grandmother told me that he had just moved into our yard. “I dont like it!” she said, Foreigners arent like us. Maybe hell play loud music and have parties every night! Im sure hes going to cause trouble.Several days later, I met the foreigner as I was walking home after work. Hello! he said in Chinese! My names Tony. Ive just moved into the house next door to yours. “While I was wondering what to say, he continued, Theres a nice bar down the road. Why dont you and your family come to the bar and have dinner with me? “Bars are bad places, said my grandmother when I told her, but we decided to go. (3)The bar was not at all what I had expected. It was in a beautiful little yard house, with several large bookshelves and pictures of Tibet on the walls. Several Chinese people and foreigners were sitting drinking or reading books. I noticed that some of the foreigners were speaking reading books. I noticed that some of the foreigners were speaking place.The bar served special hutong pizzas. As we ate, Tony told us about himselfhe is an English expert (专家) in environment. He always likes to be quiet. My grandmother said to me, “He really seems like a very nice young man.” Yes, Tony is my new neighbor, a nice foreigner.阅读短文,按要求完成下面的任务。(1)把1处的汉语译为英语。(2)把2处改为同义句。(3)把3处的英语译为中文。(4)What did the writers grandmother think of Tony at first?(5)给短文拟一个标题。18. (6分)阅读理解An English LectureDo you have any problems when you are learning English? Come to the lecture on Friday afternoon!Simon Greenall will give the lecture in the Science Hall. The address is at No. 125, Beijing Road.Get more information by calling 83156322.Beijing OperaDo you like listening to Beijing Opera? Come and join us on Saturday morning. Remember: No slippers(拖鞋)!The opera will begin at 9:30 in the Great Theater. Please go in and be seated(就座)ten minutes earlier. The tickets are free.A concertDo you like classical music? Come to the concert on Sunday evening.The concert will begin at 7:30 in the Peoples Hall.Ticket:Adults: 50 yuan Children (under 15): 25 yuan(1)If you go to listen to Beijing Opera, you should _.A . not wear slippersB . buy the ticketsC . come at 7:40D . go in and be seated three minutes earlier(2)Mr. Brown takes his wife ,his 12-year-old son and 16-year-old daughter to the concert. He should pay _ for the tickets.A . 75 yuanB . 175 yuanC . 100 yuanD . 130 yuan(3)According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?A . Simon will give you some advice on how to learn English.B . The concert is about jazz.C . You can go to No. 125, Beijing Road to listen to Beijing Opera.D . The opera will begin at 9:00 in the Great Theater.19. (10分)根据材料内容判断文后句子的正、误。NameAgeLooksClothesFavorite FoodDu Li13black haira small nosebig eyesa pink dresswhite shoesfishSandy12a round facebig eyesa small moutha red skirta green shirthamburgersDavid13brown haira big nosebig eyesa white T-shirtblue pantschicken根据短文内容,判断正误。(1)Du Li, Sandy and David are all thirteen years old. (2)Du Li, Sandy and David all have big eyes. (3)Du Li has black hair and she is in a red skirt. (4)Sandy is in a green shirt and she likes fish very much. (5)David has a big nose and chicken is his favorite food. 20. (10分)阅读理解The Internet joins millions of computers all over the world,and today it is used by people all over the world.It was invented in the 1960s in the USA.The American government needed a network of computers for its army.Then in the 1970s scientists and business people also wanted to use the Internet to send and receive messages.For some years,they werent allowed to use the US network,and when they were allowed to,the messages were in very simple text without photos.The World Wide Web was invented by a British scientist named Tim Berners-Lee in 1989.He wanted to send documents to other scientists,so he developed the World Wide Web.This allowed him to send and receive scientific documents with text,drawings and photos(also called multimedia documents).In the 1990s,more and more people began to use the Internet and the World Wide Web.So whats the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web?The Internet is the hardware.It allows us to communicate with other people.The World Wide Web is the software.It allows us to create, see and read multimedia documents.The Web is made up of millions of documents called Web pages.These pages are held in computers all over the world.Many people have a favorite website with a number of Web pages on the same subject.The email is a way of using your computer to send and receive messages.Its cheaper and quicker to use emails than send normal mails.New users call the normal mail “snail mail” because its too slow.It took 50 years for 100 million people to listen to the radio.It took 15 years for 100 million people to watch television.By the year 2000, it had taken only about three years for 100 million people to use the Internet.What will happen next on the Internet?(1)The Internet was first invented for . A . scientific workB . the American armyC . business peopleD . the American government(2)The World Wide Web was invented to . A . communicate with othersB . create,see and read documentsC . send and receive scientific documentsD . send and receive simple text without photos(3)The Internet and the World Wide Web began to be widely used . A . in the 1970sB . in the 1990sC . in the late of 1980sD . by the year 2000(4)The writer wrote the last paragraph to show that . A . the Internet has a greater influence than radio and TVB . radio and TV will be replaced by computersC . the use of the Internet spreads very quicklyD . people spend much more time on the Internet(5)The best title of the passage may be “ ”. A . The effect of the greatest inventionB . The development of the InternetC . The movement of new technologyD . The history of the World Wide Web21. (10分)根据短文内容判断正误 Thang-ga (唐卡) is a special kind of painting. It was found only in Tibet, China. It started from the Tang dynasty(唐代). Thang-ga paintings show Tibetan Peoples lives. In recent years, Thang- ga paintings have caught the publics attention. At the same time, the Chinese government has also tried hard to protect the art.The colors of Thang-ga paintings look wonderful and special. Because of the special environment of Tibet and the excellent skills of artists, the paints (颜料) used in Thang-ga paintings are different from other paints. They were made from minerals like gold and silver, as well as some plants. The paints were made by hand and the beautiful colors last for hundreds of years.However, with the development of technology, people now use cheaper and easily-made chemicals to make Thang-ga paints. The traditional paints used in Thang-ga paintings took a lot of work and they were made in many secret ways. Later people stopped making the paints and forgot about them. So the skills needed to make them were aImost lost. The traditional Thang-ga paintings are difficult to find now.(1)Thang-ga is a special and unusual kind of art. (2)Thang-xa was found only in Tibet in the Tank dynasty. (3)The special environment of Tibet and the excellent skills of artists make Thang-ga paints different from other paints. (4)The color of Thang-ga paintings can last for hundreds of years with modem technology. (5)The skills of artists have been already lost, so it is difficult to find the traditional Thang-ga paintings. 五、 语法填空。 (共1题;共10分)22. (10分)语法填空Bill is my cousin. He _(be) from Canada. He likes China very much. He thinks its a great _(国家). And he knows there are many_(interest) places in China. So last month he went to Beijing on vacation. First he went to the Palace Museum. There he _(see) lots of old things. He liked them very much. And he _(学习) a lot about Chinese history. Then he _(visit) the Great Wall. On the Great Wall he met his _(最喜爱的) singer, Jolin Tsai. She had a new look. She 83._(have). long blonde hair. She looked very_(beauty). Bill took some _(照片) with Jolin Tsai and he felt very excited that day.六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)书面表达假如你叫李华,即将初中毕业。班里同学对初三同学该不该照常参加体育活动意见不一,下表是大家讨论的结果。请据此给某英语报社写一封信,介绍有关情况。最后写出你的观点(至少写出2条观点)。请写一篇80词左右的短文。60% of the students1. 健康最重要2. 体育活动使我们变得强壮3. 40% of the students1. 浪费时间2. 容易疲劳3. too excited to get down to our studyYour opinionDear editor,Im writing to tell you about the arguments on whether students of Junior Three should be allowed to do sports or not. _Yours,Li Hua第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、 词汇测试。选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。 (共8题;共16分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、二、 选出恰当的词语完成句子。 (共7题;共14分)9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、三、 完形填空。 (共1题;共7分)16-1、四、 阅读理解。 (共5题;共61分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、五、 语法填空。 (共1题;共10分)22-1、六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)23-1、

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