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译林牛津版2019-2020学年八年级下学期英语期中考试试卷D卷一、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)1. (10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给三个选项(A、B、C)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 The Artic Region (北极地区) is one of the coldest place in the world. It is cold all year round. Spring comes from May to June. The ice and 1begin to melt (融化). The plants begin 2and the animals look for food. The summer comes from July to August. The temperature is summer can get only -8. It should be 3warmest season here. Autumn comes from 4to October and it lasts short. 5comes quickly from November to April next year. Winter is the 6and coldest season of a year. And the Artic Region is filled with ice and snow everywhere. At this time there is no 7. So it looks like night in winter.Are there any people living in such a 8lace? Yes, they are Eskimos (爱斯基摩人). It is 9for them to live there, 10they live happily with a long history.(1)A . rain B . snow C . sunshine (2)A . grow B . grows C . to grow (3)A . an B . a C . The (4)A . September B . October C . August (5)A . Spring B . Summer C . Winter (6)A . shortest B . longest C . Warmest (7)A . sunshine B . rain C . Ice (8)A . hot B . Warm C . Cold (9)A . happy B . easy C . Difficult (10)A . and B . but C . so 二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共30分)2. (8分) Taking away a citys rubbish is a big job. Every day trucks come into a city to collect it. Most rubbish is made up of things we cant eat or use. If we kept these things we would soon have a mountain of rubbish.In some cities the rubbish is collected and taken outside of the city to a dump(垃圾站). Often the city dump is placed where the ground is low or there is a big hole. The kitchen rubbish is broken into small pieces and sent into the sewage system. The sewage system takes away the used water from toilets, bathtubs(澡盆) and other places.To keep mice and flies away, some earth is used to cover the newly dumped rubbish. Later, grass may be planted on the rubbish-filled land. Finally, a house or a school may be built there, and then youd never know that this had once been an old rubbish dump.In other cities the rubbish is burnt in special places. The fire burns everything but the metal. Sometimes the metal can be used again in factories where things are made of metal. The food parts of rubbish are put in special piles where they slowly change into something called humus(腐殖土), which looks like black earth. It is rich with kinds of things that feed plants and help make them grow. (1)You can most probably read the passage in _.A . a history bookB . a TV guideC . a science bookD . a telephone book(2)The underlined word “sewage” in the passage means_.A . 排污B . 染色C . 洗涤D . 吸尘(3)According to the passage, the food parts of rubbish can be used again_.A . to feed animalsB . to feed plantsC . to build a houseD . to make machines(4)How should we take care of a used metal box according to the passage?A . By burning it off.B . By putting it in water.C . By throwing it away.D . By reusing and recycling it.3. (8分)阅读理解 Hello! Im Bob. Welcome to my classroom. It is very big and new.There are 18 girls and 23 boys in my class. In the front of the classroom there is a teachers desk. On the teachers desk there is a box of chalks and a blackboard eraser. And a tape player is on it too. The tape player is Miss Greens. She is my English teacher. She comes from England, but now she teaches us in China. We all like her very much. Look! A map of China is on the wall. Four nice pictures are on the wall too. A basketball is behind the door. I often play it with my classmates after class.I like my classroom very much.(1)How many students are there in Bobs class? A . Eighteen.B . Twenty-three.C . Forty-one.D . Thirty-one.(2)What is NOT on the teachers desk? A . A box of chalks.B . A tape player.C . A blackboard eraser.D . A dictionary.(3)Where is the map of China? A . Behind the door.B . On Bobs desk.C . On the wall.D . On the teachers chair.(4)The best title for the passage is . A . My roomB . My classroomC . My teacherD . My school4. (6分)阅读理解Children with autism(孤独症) have difficulty with social skills and communication. They often act in limited and repeated ways and have what seem like unusual strong interests.Autism is more often seen in boys than girls. What causes it is not clear. Scientists are studying DNA and possible environmental influences.Doctors usually cannot confirm a diagnosis(确诊) of autism until a child is about three years old. Rebecca Landa is a researcher at the Kennedy Krieger Institute. Professor Landa wanted to find out what differences in development might be seen earlier. She led a new study that observed 235 babies between 6 and 36 months of age.“At six months of age, when you lay your baby on their back and you pull them by the arms gently into a seated place, the babys head may nod back behind the shoulders, like poor head control. But that does not mean that the baby is going to have autism. It does mean the baby needs to have some exercises to help their body get stronger. And when the babies strengthen their bodies, they are better able to play with toys and also with people, which will help them have better outcomes.”By the time a baby is one year old, signs of possible autism include difficulty in using words and not looking eye-to-eye or reaching out to other people. By 14 months, the baby might smile less and use language less. However, Professor Landa says these signs can be very small and their children might be missed during a short health exam.“Its important for parents to pay attention to their childrens development, and if they care about a childs development, they should listen to experts.”The earlier parents notice delays, she says, the sooner they can begin simple things that may help improve their childrens development. For example, they can talk to the children about what they are doing, give opinions when the children show them something, and play simple games that keep the childrens attention.(1)Whats the best title of the passage? A . How to Confirm a Diagnosis of AutismB . Catching the Early Signs of Autism in BabiesC . Ways to Help Children with Autism to Get BetterD . Children with Autism with Difficulty in Communication(2)What can we learn from the third paragraph? A . Landa tried to find differences in babies development earlier.B . Landa has found ways to confirm a diagnosis of autism.C . Doctors led a new study to confirm a diagnosis of autism.D . Doctors helped babies with autism develop without difference.(3)When a baby with signs of autism is 14 months old, he or she may _. A . nod the head back behind the shouldersB . have difficulty raising his or her headC . dislike to communicate with othersD . like reaching out to other people5. (8分)阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Manchester United is a famous football team in the UK. It plays in the English Premier League and the UEFA Champions League. It is one of the most successful football clubs in the world.It was formed in 1878. At that time, it was named the Newton Heath LYR Football Club. In 1902, it was sold and was given the new name of Manchester United.It is the most successful club in English football. It has won the English Premier League (EPL) thirteen times. This is eight more than its nearest river (竞争对手), Chelsea.In 1956, Manchester United became the first English team to enter the European competition. Teams from across Europe compete with each other. So far, it has won the UEFA Champions League three times (in 1968, 1999 and 2008). It is the that has helped Manchester United become a world-famous team.List of EPL champions (the past 10 seasons)SeasonChampion2007-08Manchester United2008-09Manchester United2009-10Chelsea2010-11Manchester United2011-12Manchester City2012-13Manchester United2013-14Manchester City2014-15Chelsea2015-16Leicester City2016-17Chelsea(1)The Newton Heath LYR Football Club _. A . was formed in 1888B . was sold in 1902C . got a new name in 1956D . once beat Manchester United(2)Chelsea has won the EPL _. A . three timesB . five timesC . eight timesD . thirteen times(3)Manchester Uniteds latest win of the UEFA Champions League came in _. A . 2016B . 2013C . 2008D . 1999(4)The best word for is _. A . successB . decisionC . dreamD . plan三、 单词拼写 (共5题;共22分)6. (1分)Our Chinese people are p_of Yao Ming. 7. (5分)根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。(1)The _(背包) is too big for me. Please show me another one.(2)The bell is _(响).Lets begin our class.(3)I have _(完成) my homework. Lets play football now.(4)Mike _(睡过头) this morning and went to school late.(5)Jane often helps her mother _(洗) clothes on weekends.8. (5分)根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词, 使句子的意思完整、正确。(1)Mr. Chen will give us two r_ on how to learn English well this afternoon.(2)A group of h_ are standing under the tree, discussing the maths problems.(3)Many people_(失去) their lives during the war of Syria(叙利亚).(4)My sister _(捉住)a strange bird this morning.(5)Helens father sells newspapers for a_ (生存).9. (1分)_(描述)what your favorite teacher looks like. 10. (10分) Its necessary to discover what you are good at or not and what you like or dislike.Many students would be unhappy if they f_ in a very difficult physics course, but in fact they have known a lot about t_ They realize that they should not become engineers or p_scientists in the future. So falling can help a student to live a happier life if he or she draws something out of it. They may then decide on their aim and c_ the kind of work that they would be fit for and they would like to do.You cant be sure whether you like something u_ you have tried it. If you make a d_ that you would like to play the violin, you need to take more music classes b_you know if you are really interested in it.It is not e_ to hope to be a violinist. You also have to stand the hard practice before you become one. If you would enjoy being a great violinist, but hate the hard and b_ work, just give it up.Its a good plan to try as many ideas as possible when you are still young. And then you will be able to find o_what your true interests are.四、 语法填空 (共10题;共52分)11. (1分)My brother likes winter best because he can go _(skate)in winter. 12. (1分)Ms Jones hasnt_(form)a plan yet13. (7分)用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词。 Its four oclock in the afternoon. Some students _(talk) about the future. Here is one of their predictions. I believe we will be able to live in the space. There _(be) many big clean hotels in the space. We can fly our rockets to the space hotel there. And also we _(play) sports and enjoy all kinds of interesting food in the sky. JohnLisa Hawkins loves riding her BMX bike(极限单车)and her dream is to go to the Olympics. Lisa first got interested in BMX racing at the age of ten. Once she hired(租) a bike for a pound and immediately _(fall) in love with the sport. It was the best pound I ever spent, she says. Lisa is only 16 but she _(already have) lots of success, and got first prize in a world BMX competition last year. BMX racing is quite a dangerous sport. But this didnt keep her from_(want) to do more competition. Lisa exercises every day. Like many sports people, she_(believe) in luck as well as hard work.14. (10分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个恰当的词或括号内单词的正确形式,每空限一词。My teachers thought I was the worst student. My family also had the _thought as my teachers. When I was going to give up my studying, a new teacher, Miss White came to our school. She was young, _(beauty) and knowledgeable (知识渊博的). One day, I was sitting alone in my class-room, Miss White came up to me and talked to me _(happy). Soon her smile took away my unhappy. “Do you think I can go to college?” I didnt _(know) why I asked such a question. I thought she must say “no”. _(because) everyone else said so. But she said, “Dear, you can do_(something) you want. Just try, and youll get closer to success. I believe you are the best!” I was touched deeply_her words. I decided to study hard. From then on, we became good _(friend). She often helped me my study in her free time. In the end, I _(do) well in my studies and went to a good college. Miss White is an angel(天使). Her words have kept me going forward. She helped me to see that I am special and can be _(succeed) in life.15. (10分)请用适当的词完成短文,每空只能填写一个词。I have_lot of friendsMy best friend is MaiShe is 16_oldShe is 2 years older than meWe live in the_town and we began to know each other_we were very youngNow we are classmatesMai is tall and thin_long black hairShe has an oval face(椭圆的脸)with big eyes,a high nose and a small mouthMai is helpful(乐于助人的)When her friends _difficultiesshe _tries her best to help themMai is_of the best students in our classI like study with herShe always _me with my studiesAlthough we have the same hobbies and interestswe also have some differencesI am outgoing and enjoy_jokesMai,however is serious and quietWe believe in each otherSo we are good friendsI hope we can keep our friendship forever (永远).16. (10分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的适当形式。We all know that a mobile app(short for “application”) is a computer software program which is made to run on mobile phones. There are many thousands_kinds of apps which are related to our life, study, work and so on.Word Easy is a fantastic English learning app with _(word) exercises of different levels. Only when you pass a test of certain level can you go on to learn words of a higher level.Himalayas Reading_(have) millions of books including poems, short stories, novels and even fairy tales for children. Whats great about it is that you can use it_(listen) to book recordings.Rall friend can_(be) the best helper when you feel it hard to buy the train or airline tickets. You can buy tickets anywhere _any time.Vocabulary Hero may help you learn more English words _you are playing games. So if you have problems_(remember) the new words when you learn English, use it!Fooducate can provide people with much information about that food if they scan bar codes(条形码) on food. It is a free app that_(use) on mobile phones. It can tell users what is in_(they) food, with simple information about calories, sugar, salt and fat.What great apps can you think of that would improve your life?17. (1分)What time does Jim get _ (dress) every morning?18. (1分)The sick boy doesnt feel like _ (eat) anything. 19. (10分)语法填空 Tom had a tour to England last winter. He _(go) by plane. There were lots of _(people) on the plane. When he arrived at the airport, his friend Jack was waiting for _(he). When they _(arrive) at Jacks home, Tom was very happy. The house was so beautiful _many flowers. He lived with Jacks family. They were very _(friend) to him.He was able to _(cook) Chinese food At Christmas, Tom _(receive) some presents from Jacks family and he had _good time. He hopes he will _(come) there again. 20. (1分)Look! The students are making cards_(show) love for their mothers. 五、 翻译 (共5题;共7分)21. (1分)将来,我想成为一名医生。_,I want to be a doctor22. (2分)他昨天发现了一个奇怪的号码。He_a strange number yesterday23. (1分)need less space _24. (1分)宇航员已经到过月球。Astronauts_me moon25. (2分)那时我们只听见大明在笑。At that time we only_Daming_.六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)26. (5分)信息归纳Jia Meng used to keep a diary in Chinese. But one year ago, the 14-year-old girl from Heilongjiang Province began to write her diary in English, because Jia found her mother was reading her diary secretly. She changed the language because her mother cant read English. “Its like killing two birds with one stone.” said Jia, “My private things become safe and my English improves a lot.”Jias mother is not the only mom who reads her childs diary. Recently, Renmin University of China had a survey among over 23,000 parents. The results show that 40% of parents read their childrens sectects. Thats why many teenagers try to find ways to protect their privacy(隐私).Wu Lei, 15, of Shanxi, keeps a diary, too. But he doesnt write it on paper. He writes online which he thinks is perfectly safe because his parents know nothing about the Internet.Lu Huan, 13, of Guangdong, said her parents always secretly listened to the talk between her friends and her on the telephone in their room. To solve this problem, Lu asked her parents to buy her a mobile phone.“Parents want to know what is going on in their childrens lives,” said Shao Xiazhen, a teenage expert in Beijing. “But sometimes they go about it the wrong way.” Shao suggested to teenagers that instead of hiding their secrets, talking to parents should be a better solution. “If your parents know that you are safe, theyll let you keep your secrets.”Information CardThe time when Jia Meng began to write her diary in English_The university which had a survey among over 23,000 parents_The way that Wu Lei writes his diary_The thing that Lu Huan asked her parents to buy_Shao Xiazhens suggestion to teenagers_七、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)27. (5分)B) 根据语境,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,并将正确答案填在短文后的横线上。progress, interesting, begin with, turn back, ifTo improve your English reading, you should, first of all, choose something you feel important or_ to read. Dont try to read everything. You should_ those written in easy English. Dont read those which is difficult for you at the very beginning.While reading, dont read too slowly or look up every new word you meet with. After reading a passage and having its main idea in mind, you may_ and read it again. This time you can read it slowly and look up some new words _ necessary.Keep on reading in this way and youll surely make_ little by little.八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)28. (5分)根据所给的中文提示,写一篇小短文,不少于80个词。在你们家,父母给你制定的规定公平吗?你有过快乐的时光吗?写出你要遵守的规定,并以书信的形式告诉你的朋友。(写出至少3条不允许和3条允许的规则)Dear Mary,Yours,Jenny第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)1-1、二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共30分)2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、4-1、4-2、4-3、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、三、 单词拼写 (共5题;共22分)6-1、7-1、7-2、7-3、7-4、7-5、8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、8-5、9-1、10-1、四、 语法填空 (共10题;共52分)11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、五、 翻译 (共5题;共7分)21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)26-1、七、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)27-1、八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)28-1、

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