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一、第三单元短语:1过去常常做 2对感兴趣3在游泳队4坐飞机5害怕6害怕独处7灯亮着8嚼口香糖9其他的昆虫10直接回家11不再12和聊天 13几乎不14怀念旧时光15在过去的几年里16日常生活17介意做某事18花大量的时间玩游戏19紧张,有压力 20发生21支付教育费22买得起汽车23给某人惹麻烦24令某人很吃惊的是25以为自豪26注意27尽可能经常说英语28尽可能好地29尽管30放弃做某事31改变主意32浪费时间做某事33习惯于早起床34过去常常有35自我感觉良好36注意你的发音37他父亲死后38陷入困境39做出一个艰难的决定40好好照顾某人41.最后/终于 42.去睡觉二、第三单元重点句子:1. 你过去的确很内向,不是吗?2. 难道你不记得我吗?不,我记得。3. 我对体育更感兴趣4. 我过去常常害怕孤独。.5. 我害怕黑暗。.6. 我经常开着卧室的灯睡觉。.7. 我害怕坐飞机。8. 我过去经常步行上学。9. 我过去常常花大量的时间和我的朋友们一起玩游戏。10. 我几乎没有时间去参加音乐会,不是吗?11. 在过去的几年里我的生活发生了巨大变化。.12. 我过去常常浪费大量的时间和别人聊天。13. Yu Mei似乎发生了很大的变化。14. 担心事情太多会使你感到紧张。15. 我过去留短发但是现在我把她留长了。16. 他过去常常给他自己和家人惹许多麻烦。17. 对你来说和你的父母亲谈谈有必要。18. 令他惊讶的是,这个电话改变了她的生活。19. 尽管我爸爸不再生我的气了,我应该尽可能做好每件事。20. 你必须注意你的发音。21. 他过去常常不努力学习功课22. 我们应该以我们的好成绩为自豪。23. 他决定放弃吸烟。24. 他们太穷了交不起学费。25. 这个房间不够大我们住不下。26. 我爸爸习惯于饭后去散步。.27. 过去这里有一个医院,是吗? 第三单元短语1.used to do 2.be interested in/take (an) interest in 3.on the swim team 4.fly in an airplane 5.be afraid of=be terrified of 6. be afraid /terrified of being alone 7.with the lights on 8.chew gum 9.other insects 10.go straight home 11.no longer=noany longer ;no more=not any more 12.chat with 13.hardly ever 14.miss the old days 15.in the last/past few years 16.daily life/everyday life 17.mind doing sth 18.spend a lo t of time playing games 19.be stressed out 20.take place 21.afford to pay for ones education 22.afford to buy/pay for the car 23.cause sb trouble 24.to ones great surprise 25.be proud of/take( a) pride in 26.pay attention to 27.speak English as often as possible/one can 28.as well as one can=as well as possible 29.even though/even if 30.give up doing sth 31.change ones mind 32.waste time doing sth 33.be used to getting up early 34.there used to be 35.feel good about yourself 36.pay attention to your pronunciation 37.after his fathers death 38.get into trouble=be in trouble 39.make a difficult deicision 40.look after sb well=take good care of sb 41.in the end/at last/finally42.go to sleep第三单元重点句子1.You used to be really shy, didnt/usednt you?2.Dont you remember me? Yes, do.3.I am more interested in sports4.I used to be afraid/terrified of being alone.5.I am afraid of the dark.6.I often go to sleep with the bedroom light on.7.I am afraid of flying in an airport.8.I used to walk to school. / I used to go to school on foot9.I used to spend a lot of time playing games with my friends.10.I hardly ever have time for concerts, do I?11.My life has changed a lot in the last few years. / Great changes have taken place in my life during the past few years.12.I used to waste a lot of time chatting with others.13.It seems that Yu Mei has changed a lot. / Yu Mei seems to have change a lot.14.Worrying about things too much can make you stressed out.15.I used to have short hair. But now I make it long.16.He used to cause a lot of trouble to himself and his family.17.Its necessary for you to talk with your parents.18.To his surprise, this phone changed her life.19.Even though my father was no longer angry with me, I should do everything as well as I can. 20.You have to pay attention to your pronunciation.21.He didnt use to/usednt to work hard at lessons.22.We should be proud of our good grades.23.He decided to give up smoking24.They are too poor to afford to pay for their education.25.This room is not large enough for us to live in_.26.My father is used to going for a walk after dinner.27.There used to be a hospital here, usednt there?动词填空专项练习:1. He _(regard) as the best student in our class.2. If your homework _ (finish), you may go out to play.3. The first bus _(miss), so I was late for class.4. I _(ask) to go out for dinner last evening.5. That watch _(bring) to you tomorrow.6. What _your mother _(do) before she _(go) to bed last night?She _ (watch) TV.7. Which month _(come) after May?8. Id like _(buy) a pair of shoes. How much _(be) this pair?9. We _(not go) on studying Japanese next year.10. Why dont you bring a camera with you and _(take) a few pictures?11. English _(speak) in many countries all over the world.12. If it _(not rain) tomorrow, we _(go) to the park.13. _there _(be) a talk next Monday?14. Football _(play) in many schools in our country.15. The book _(write) in English in 1896.16. My uncle _(join) the army in 1998.17. These trucks _(make) in China in 1980.18. Who do you think _(choose) as our monitor at tomorrows meeting?19. He _(not do) his lessons yesterday.20. Will you please _(not open) the window? Its too cold.21. “What _(go) on over there?” “They are having a football match.”22. My sister _(want) to be a teacher when she grows up.23. A bridge _(build) over the river in three months.24. A talk _(give) to us by a scientist if it _(not rain) tomorrow.25. Wu Dong was seriously ill and he _(take) to the hospital a few minutes ago.26. The teacher told the students to stop _(write) and _(listen) to him.27. After _(finish) the work, you may go home.28. Would you like me _(call) a taxi?29. When your composition(作文)_ (finish), youll hand it in.30. The street lights _usually _(turn) off at 6:00 in the morning.31. When most the money for the tickets _(hand) in?32. As her son saw her_ (clean) the horse, he got dressed himself.33. What _(happen) to him the day before yesterday?34. When I _(walk) in the street, I met an old friend of mine.35. I remember _(go) into the post office, but I forgot_(post) the letter.36. You may go on writing until the bell _(ring. )37. Their homework _(finish) already.38. Look! A horse _(tie) to the tree.39. Trees _(plant) by them this time yesterday.40. His radio _ (repair) last week.41. The doctor _(ask) to see a sick man just now.42. I didnt know by whom the glass _(break).43. _she _(take) to the hospital yet?44. This job must _(finish) in 2 days.45. What language _(use) in Australia?46. Mr. Wang said he _(ask) to attend a meeting already.47. Will you please tell us how _(push) the door open?48. My wish is _(become) a scientist when I grow up.49. Im afraid it_( rain) soon.50. I like _(swim) very much, but I dont like _(swim) this time because Im very busy.51. We are busy _(correct) the exam papers.52. The teacher was too tired _(walk) any further.53. Rose said she _ (go) to see her new house soon.54. Dont let him know the matter when he _(come).55. _(tell) her to wait at the gate of the building.56. I _(see)a friend of mine in the park that day.57. I hope the book _(keep) here for a long time.58. The magazines and newspapers mustnt _(take) out of the readingroom.59. I often hear this story _(tell).60. Nothing but secondbooks _(sell) in the shop over there.61. This kind of cars _(sell) well.62. Brown has finished _(write) his novel.


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