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“先学后教,当堂训练”课堂教学模式教案一般操作方法辅助环节1分钟左右先学13分钟左右后教10分钟左右当堂训练16分钟左右自学指导完成作业反馈讨论生师读书看书检测练习或提问更正生板书课题出示目标班级三年级科目英语课题M1 U1Do you use chopsticks in the UK?执教人教学过程记录前置性作业:Have Ss preview the new words and sentences and find out their own questions about the new content.1. What food have we learned before?2. Please circle the new words and try to read them.Step 1: Warming up/Revision1. Free talkT: Hello,class!How was your holiday? Encourage Ss to share their summer holidays with the class and set up a relaxing learning environment.2. Show some pictures about different food. T:Which one do you like? S1: I like. T: How can you eat it? Ss can answer me in Chinese, and then I will teach the new words: chopsticks, knife and fork using some pictures or some chopsticks, knives or forks. Step2: Presentation 1. Show the 1st picture of the dialogue and have Ss observe it carefully.T: What can you see? Whats the matter with Amy? Listen to the tape and find the answer. 2. Show the 2nd picture and listen to the tape as many as possible. T: Amy is hungry. What is she eating? Ss: noodles. T: Good! When we eat noodles, we use.? (Show a pair of chopsticks) Ss: Chopsticks. Teach the new word chopsticks and use. 3. Show the 3rd and 4th pictures, and listen again. T: Do English people use chopsticks? What do they use? Listen and underline the answers. Ss: No, they use a knife and fork. Elicit the key sentences and write them on the blackboard. T: Here is a knife and fork. (Show the pictures in part2 ) Please practice the sentences with your partner. 4. Show the last picture and the card “hard” and “easy”.T: Daming is Chinese people, so a knife and fork is.for him. Ss: hard T: Amy is English people, its .for her to use a knife and fork.Introduce the customs about Chinese and English eating habits.5. Listen, point and find “Do you.?” Sum up the usage of the structure. T: What comes after “you”? Ss: want and use.6. Listen and repeat the dialogue, try to imitate. Role play it.Step 3: Consolidation and extension 1. Do the exercise on activity book.2. Do the practice in part3. T: Work in pairs and show your dialogue. 3. Guessing game.T: (mime using a knife and fork)Ss: Do you use a knife and fork?T: Yes, I do. Step4: Summary T: Class, what did you learn in this lesson?Ss can use Chinese to express the key points.Step5: Homework1.基础性作业:Listen and repeat the dialogue, and write down the new words for three times.2.提高性作业:Try to imitate and recite the dialogue.3.拓展性作业:Talk about the customs with your parents.Blackboard Designing:Module 1 Unit1 Do you use chopsticks in the UK?Do you use.? chopsticks/ a knife and forkYes, we do.No, we dont.课后反思“先学后教,当堂训练”课堂教学模式教案一般操作方法辅助环节1分钟左右先学13分钟左右后教10分钟左右当堂训练16分钟左右自学指导完成作业反馈讨论生师读书看书检测练习或提问更正生板书课题出示目标班级三年级科目英语课题M1 U2Im eating hamburgers and chips.执教人孙谦教学过程记录前置性作业:Have Ss review the learned words and sentences in Unit1 and find out their questions about Unit1.Step 1: Warming up/Revision1. Say the poem on page5 together.2. Show some pictures about different food. T:Which one is Chinese food? Ss: Noodles. T: When we eat noodles, we use.? Ss: we use chopsticks.T: Do you use chopsticks? Ss: Yes, we do.Step2: Presentation 1. Show the 1st picture of the dialogue and have Ss observe it carefully.T: What food can you see in the picture? Listen to the tape and underline the answers. Ss: Noodles, hamburgers and chips.T: Yes, (Show the pictures of hamburgers and chips, and teach the words)Noodles is Chinese fast food, hamburgers and chips are English fast food.(Teach the phrase “fast food”)2. T: Listen again with the question “What is Amy eating?” Elicit the key sentences and have Ss practice the sentences with their partners.3. Listen and repeat. Role play the dialogue.4. Show the pictures in activity2.T: What is Daming doing? Ss: Daming is eating rice.T: What is he using? Ss: He is using chopsticks.Have Ss practice the structure in pairs and show their conversations.Step 3: Consolidation and extension 1. Show some pictures and have Ss ask and answer questions.T: (show a picture) What is the girl doing? Ss: She is eating an apple.Have Ss practice the key structure. S1: The boy is eating a banana.2. Do the guessing game on page5. Choose one student to stand against the blackboard, and then T draws some food on the blackboard.T draws some chips. S1: Are you eating chips? Ss: Yes, I am.Step4: Summary T: Class, what did you learn in this lesson?Ss can use Chinese to express the key points.Step5: Homework:1.基础性作业:Listen and repeat activity1, and write down the key sentences.2.提高性作业:Try to imitate and recite the dialogue.3.拓展性作业:Talk about the fast food with your parents.Blackboard Designing:Module1 Unit2 Im eating hamburgers and chips.What are you eating? Im eating hamburgers/chips/fast food.What is she/he.? He/She is.课后反思“先学后教,当堂训练”课堂教学模式教案一般操作方法辅助环节1分钟左右先学13分钟左右后教10分钟左右当堂训练16分钟左右自学指导完成作业反馈讨论生师读书看书检测练习或提问更正生板书课题出示目标班级三年级科目英语课题Module 1Review执教人孙谦教学过程记录前置性作业:Have Ss review the new words and sentences of Module1, and do some exercise and find out the problems about this module.Step 1: Warming up/Revision1. Do some TPR activities to practice the words and phrases.T: (mime eating noodles) Class, what am I doing? Ss: eating noodles.2. Show some pictures about different food. T:What are they? Ss: Fast food. T: How can you eat it? Ss: use chopsticks.Step2: Practice and consolidation1. Check Sshomework of Unit1. (Recite the dialogue ) T will give a sticker as a reward.2. Check Sshomework of reciting the dialogue in Unit2.(Role play the dialogue in pairs)3. Show some pictures and have Ss work in pairs. Make sentences using the key structure. S1: Do you use chopsticks? S2: No, we dont.4. Do the exercise on activity book in order to consolidate the key points.Step3: Summary T: Class, what did you learn in this module?Ss can use Chinese to express the key points.Step4:Homework1.基础性作业:Listen and repeat the dialogues of Module1.2.提高性作业:Try to imitate and recite the dialogues.3.拓展性作业:Act out the poem in Unit2 with your friends.Blackboard Designing: Module 1 Do you use/want.? What is/are.doing/using?Yes, we do. He/ She is .No, we dont. I am.课后反思

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