2019春六年级英语下册 Module 1 Unit 2《What do you want to eat》课件1 (新版)外研版(一起).ppt

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2019春六年级英语下册 Module 1 Unit 2《What do you want to eat》课件1 (新版)外研版(一起).ppt_第1页
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2019春六年级英语下册 Module 1 Unit 2《What do you want to eat》课件1 (新版)外研版(一起).ppt_第2页
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2019春六年级英语下册 Module 1 Unit 2《What do you want to eat》课件1 (新版)外研版(一起).ppt_第3页
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Module1Unit2Whatdoyouwanttoeat P2 Listenandread thenanswer 1 whatdoesLingling sdadwant 2 whatdoesLinglingwant Shewantsahamburgerandacola Hewantsnoodlesandacola W Whatdoyouwanttoeat Y Iwant W Whatdoyouwanttodrink Y Iwant Y Howmuchisit W It s hamburger hotdog sandwich cheese bread Englishfood chips juice Chinesefood NESRestaurantMenuFoodDrinksHotDog 4OrangeJuice 3Hamburger 5Milk 3Chicken 10Cola 3Fish 15Tea 2Noodles 5Rice 1Vegetables 8W Whatdoyouwanttoeat Y Iwant W Whatdoyouwanttodrink Y Iwant 1 你想要吃什么 我想要2个汉堡 2 你想要喝什么 给我来杯可乐 3 请问多少钱 3 75美元 4 给你 翻译句子 1 Whatdoyouwanttoeat Iwanttwohamburgers please 2 Whatdoyouwanttodrink Iwantacola please 3 Howmuchisit It sthreedollarsandseventy fivecents 4 Hereyouare 1 许多奶酪2 想吃3 想喝4 坐下5 吃你最喜欢的菜6 想要一些蔬菜7 想要鸡肉和米饭 lotsofcheesewanttoeatwanttodrinkhaveaseathaveyourfavouritedishwantsomevegetableswantchickenandrice 1 eat 过去式 drink 过去式 2 good 反义词 hot 反义词 come 反义词 3 cent 同音词 no 同音词 two 同音词 drank ate bad cold go sent know to too 4 dollar 复数 dish 复数 cent 复数 5 I 宾格 you 宾格 6 much 同义词 7 sit 名词 dollars dishes cents me you many seat

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