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RevisionmoduleA MissXie 主语 have has 过去分词 pp 现在完成时的结构 Wehavetravelledaroundtheworld Grammar 肯定形式主语 have has 过去分词 pp 否定形式haven t havenot 过去分词 hasn t hasnot 过去分词 疑问句把助动词have has放在句首 Grammar 现在完成时的结构 Wehavetravelledaroundtheworld Wehaven t havenot travelledaroundtheworld Havewetravelledaroundtheworld Yes I Wehave No I Wehaven t havenot 回答肯定 Yes 主语 have has否定 No 主语 haven t havenot hasn t hasnot You plantedallthetrees I plantedallthetrees Mybrother plantedallthetrees He she plantedallthetrees They plantedallthetrees 结论 主语若是第三人称单数助动词用has have have has have 区别have和has的用法 Grammar 第三人称 he she it和单数名词 has 1 规则变化 过去分词与过去时变化规则一样 1 一般动词 在词尾直接加 ed 如 work worked workedvisit visited visited 2 以 e 结尾的动词 只在词尾加 d 如 live lived 过去分词 Grammar 2 不规则变化 have had hadspend spent spentmake made madesay said saidfind found foundhear heard heard Grammar 过去分词 2 过去分词与过去式形式不一样 take took takenspeak spoke spokensing sang sungdrive drove drivenbe was were beengo went gone 1 过去分词与不规则动词的过去式形式一样 3 过去分词与过去式形式不一样 take took takenspeak spoke spokensing sang sungdrive drove drivenbe was were beengo went gone Grammar 4 过去分词 过去式与动词原形一样 cut cut cutput put putlet let letread read read 过去分词 1 表示到现在为止已经完成或刚刚完成的动作 Nowwehaveplantedallthetrees Hehasjustcomeback Theyhavebuiltmanybuildingsinthiscity Grammar 现在完成时的用法 2 表示过去发生的动作 强调结果或对现在的影响 Someonehasbrokenthewindow 窗户现在是坏的 Ihavealreadylostthekey 我现在没有钥匙 Ihaven treadthatbookyet 不了解书的内容 Ihavejustcleanedmyhands 手是干净的 常与already 已经 yet 已经 just 刚刚 ever 曾经 等词连用 already 常用于肯定句中 yet 常用于否定句 疑问句尾 Grammar 现在完成时的用法 3 表示从过去开始并持续到现在的动作或状态 常与包括现在在内的一段时间的状语连用 ShehaslearnedEnglishfor5years HehaslivedinBeijingsincehewasborn HashelivedinShenzhenfor4years 常与for since引导的时间短语或从句连用 Grammar 现在完成时的用法 for 时间段since 时间点 since 句子 一般过去时 sincelastyear oneyearago Iworkedhereformorethantwentyyears 我现在已经不在这里工作了 Ihaveworkedhereformorethantwentyyears 现在我仍在这里工作 注意点1 并非所有for作为时间状语的句子都用现在完成时 Grammar 现在完成时的用法 注意点2 瞬间动词不能和时间段连用 Grammar 现在完成时的用法 动作 短暂性动词 die beover leave borrow buy arrive begin end finish join marry keep had beaway behere beon 上演 bemarried bein bedead since 时间点Hehasstayedheresince5o clock since 时间段 agoHehasstayedheresince5hoursago since 从句ShehastaughtEnglishsincehecamehere Grammar since for用法 1 since 自 以来 2 for 自 以来 for 时间段Hehaskeptthebookfor2weeks Mr BrownhashadhisTV 15years I vetakendrivinglessons lastmonth Mysisterhashadhercellphone amonth Myfriendshaven tvisitedme mybirthday Wehaven tusedourcar alongtime Shehasn thadagoodcupofcoffee years Tomhaswornglasses hewas7yearsold for since for since for for since since for用法 Grammar Grammar 他的爷爷已经去世2年了 Nick参军3年了 他离开深圳好长时间了 这本书我已借了4个月了 Itis2yearssincehisgrandpadied Itis3yearssinceNickjoinedthearmy ItisalongtimesinceheleftShenzhen Itis4monthssinceIborrowedthebook Itis 时间段since 一般过去时的句子 Grammar MyfatherhasgonetoShanghaiforameeting 他 已经 去了上海 MyfatherhasbeentoShanghaiforameeting 他 曾经 去了上海 ShehasbeentoChina 她 曾经 去过中国 人已经回来了 结论 havebeentosomeplace 曾经去过某地 已经回来 hasgonetosomeplace 某人去了某地 还没有回来 ShehasgonetoChinalastweek 上周她去了上海 人可能回来了也可能没回来 辨析havebeento和havegoneto havebeenin呆在某地方多久 常在for since中使用 表持续性IhavebeeninShundesinceIwasborn 用have hasbeento have hasgoneto填空 1 Whereisyourbrother He theshop He llbebacksoon 2 youever America Yes I NewYorktwice 3 Hereyouareatlast Where you I London 4 David Australia I msurehe salreadyarrived 5 IsBennyhere No he theschoollibrary Heleftfiveminutesago hasgoneto Havebeento havebeento havebeen havebeento hasgoneto hasgoneto 谢谢 Seeyou


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