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鲁教版中考英语专题复习动词辨析(真题)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共60题;共240分)1. (4分)My mom promises _ me to Shanghai Disney when the National Day comes. A . takeB . to takeC . takingD . taken2. (4分)It is never _ late _ learn. A . for; toB . of; toC . too; toD . enough: to3. (4分)After long years of war, many people in the country are homeless. I think it important a peaceful world. A . buildB . not buildC . to buildD . not to build4. (4分)Marcus walked home because he couldnt afford _ a taxi. A . takeB . takingC . to takeD . taken5. (4分)At times, parents find it difficult with their children. A . talkB . talkedC . talkingD . to talk6. (4分)What is your plan your time? I have decided for my home town in the future.A . for; workingB . for; to workC . on; working7. (4分)I was tired out, so I stopped the car a short rest.A . haveB . havingC . to have8. (4分)Would you like a picnic with us this Saturday? Sure, Id like to. But I have to ask my mother first. If she , I will go with you.A . having; agreesB . to have; appearsC . to have; agrees9. (4分)To keep you healthy, you need _ your diet. A . to balanceB . to balancingC . balancesD . balanced10. (4分)Many children are left alone in the countryside. Lets try our best them. A . helpB . helpingC . to help11. (4分)Can I wear the coat to school, mom?No, you cant. You _ wear the school uniform, or your teacher will be angry.A . mightB . mustC . willD . can12. (4分)They suggest these visitors _ to Shanghai Museum. A . to goB . will goC . go13. (4分)Why not a birthday party this Saturday? Thats a great idea!A . haveB . havingC . to haveD . to having14. (4分)My fathers words _ the way that I do things. A . educatedB . introducedC . influenced15. (4分)Look! There are some students _ on the playground. A . are runningB . runingC . runningD . are runing16. (4分)There are twenty students in our class, five Americans. A . includesB . includingC . in addition17. (4分)The machine doesnt work. I think it needs _. A . to mendB . mendedC . mending18. (4分)For example, there are already robots _ in factories.A . workB . workingC . to work19. (4分)You watch TV, but you have to clean the room first. A . mustB . canC . cant20. (4分)Thank you for _ me. A . helpB . helpingC . helpsD . to help21. (4分)Daniel my water glass off the desk when he ran out of the classroom. Oh, he didnt mean to, but why is he always so careless?A . gotB . turnedC . pouredD . knocked22. (4分) Can you help me _ some nice presents for my mother? OK.A . doB . chooseC . thinkD . like23. (4分)_ you please turn down the TV? Your mother is sleeping. Sorry, Dad. A . MustB . ShouldC . NeedD . Could24. (4分)The flower _ sweet. A . is smelledB . smellsC . smellD . are smelled25. (4分)The strawberries _delicious. You can have a try. A . eatsB . drinkC . tasteD . sound26. (4分) Where would you like to spend your holiday? At home. I _ good when I stay with my family.A . smellB . soundC . tasteD . feel27. (4分)A computer _ think for itself, it must be told what to do. A . cantB . couldntC . may notD . might not28. (4分)Are you _ music? Yes, I am. And I want to be a singer.A . talent inB . talent onC . talented inD . talented on29. (4分)After a serious illness, he finally the importance of health. A . realizedB . meantC . addedD . impressed30. (4分)Hello, Joe. I didnt _ to see you today. I thought you were away on holiday. A . wantB . prepareC . expectD . agree31. (4分)What are you doing this weekend? Im not sure, but I _go to Daming Lake.A . mightB . mustC . shouldD . need32. (4分)What are your parents doing? They are _ the boat races on TV now. A . readingB . lookingC . watchingD . seeing33. (4分)We can _ newspapers in the reading room. A . lookB . watchC . readD . look at34. (4分)I like to TV, but my father likes to books. A . watch; readB . watch; lookC . watch; seeD . read; look at35. (4分)It is well-known that Thomas Edison the electric lamp. A . inventedB . discoveredC . foundD . developed36. (4分)You broke Judys cup just now. You should _ to her. A . introduceB . apologizeC . singD . agree37. (4分)Its polite to your head up and eye contact with your customers. A . set; keepB . hold; keepC . set; made38. (4分) _ this your dog? You should keep it home. Im sorry, Ms. Clark.A . IsB . WasC . DidD . Does39. (4分)We build our country into a country of peace, a country of wealth, a country of opening up. A . mightB . shouldC . could40. (4分)Dont_ any more time, or we will miss the meeting. A . saveB . trustC . wasteD . love41. (4分)This bed soft and comfortable. A . soundsB . tastesC . feels42. (4分)Tom, I cut my finger by accident. Oh, you should _ a bandage on it, I think.A . putB . washC . checkD . hold43. (4分)Can you _what it would be like to live without water? It would be terrible.A . compareB . imagineC . calculate44. (4分) Hello! May I _ to Maria? Sorry, she isnt in now. A . speakB . sayC . talk45. (4分) I sing an English song? No, you neednt. You can sing whatever you like.A . CanB . MayC . NeedD . Must46. (4分)She can _ English very well. A . speakB . sayC . talkD . tell47. (4分)I saw some policemen passed _ just now. A . pastB . onC . byD . away48. (4分)Mum is making dinner. It so nice! A . smellsB . tastesC . feels49. (4分)Dreams are beautiful. However, it takes a lot of time and work to _ them. A . forgetB . findC . achieveD . count50. (4分)I suppose you will pass your exam because you always study hard. A . preferB . findC . think51. (4分)Whats the secret of success Dr. Know? More time and effort, _ youll make it some day.A . yetB . orC . andD . but52. (4分)Can I help you? Yes, please. I_ a new skirt for a partyA . eatB . findC . needD . play53. (4分)Must I hand in my report now? No, you _. You can finish it by the end of this week.A . needntB . mustntC . shouldntD . cant54. (4分)Your bedroom is so dirty. You should tidy it up. A . make it upB . put it upC . clean it up55. (4分)You beautiful in the dress, Mary. Thanks.A . lookB . soC . reallyD . maybe56. (4分) Where is the volleyball? Its on the chair. Let me _ it.A . getB . findC . seeD . look57. (4分)We use mobile phones when the plane takes off. A . may notB . shouldntC . needntD . mustnt58. (4分)The water in the river _ three feet last night because of the sudden flood. A . raisedB . roseC . grewD . added59. (4分)I dont want to go. Whats more, Im tired. A . BesidesB . What othersC . Beside60. (4分)I dont _ if my friends are poor or rich. A . thinkB . careC . like第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共60题;共240分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、41-1、42-1、43-1、44-1、45-1、46-1、47-1、48-1、49-1、50-1、51-1、52-1、53-1、54-1、55-1、56-1、57-1、58-1、59-1、60-1、

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