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北师大版2019-2020学年七年级下学期英语期中考试卷D卷一、 单项选择。 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Thank you for _ my grandpa when I was away. A . looking afterB . look overC . looking atD . look for2. (2分)Im _, and I have a _sister.A . 15 year old, 16-year-oldB . 15 years old, 16-years-oldC . 15-year-old, 16 years oldD . 15 years old, 16-year-old3. (2分)_ 15 years old, the boy left home for Beijing _the first time.A . At, atB . On, atC . In, forD . At, for4. (2分)His parents often tell him _much time _computer games. A . not to take; to playB . to spend; to playC . dont spend; playingD . not to spend; playing5. (2分)Its today. I think its going to .A . cloud; rainB . cloudy; rainingC . cloudy; rainD . cloudy; rainy6. (2分) What _ bowl of noodles would you like, small, medium or large? A large bowl of beef noodles, please.A . colorB . priceC . sizeD . kind7. (2分) Where is Linda? I cant find her. She her homework in the library.A . doesB . is doingC . do8. (2分)What club Tom want to join?A . doB . doesC . didD . doing9. (2分)You can see many beautiful shop windows _ both sides of the street .A . atB . fromC . onD . along10. (2分)Do you often watch news _ TV?A . byB . onC . inD . with11. (2分)The island is quite hot all year round, because its _ the equator.A . nextB . close toC . far fromD . behind12. (2分)My father usually gets up _ six oclock _ the morning A . in, onB . in, atC . at, inD . on, in13. (2分)_ teacher and _ writer is going to give us a lecture next week. A . The; theB . The; /C . A; aD . A; /14. (2分)Japan is _ the east of China. Taiwan is _ the southeast of China. A . to; toB . to; inC . on; toD . in; on15. (2分)Jimmy , _ drive to fast please .OK , I will .A . doesntB . dontC . isntD . arent二、 阅读理解。 (共2题;共14分)16. (6分)(2016常州)阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Every living thing on Earth is either a plant or an animal, right? Wrong! Many organisms(有机体)in our world are neither. Some of them float through the air, and some lie hidden in the ground. They do not need sunlight to survive, and if the weather becomes too cold, they can become inactive until conditions improve.What are these? They are called fungi(菌类), and you see them almost every day. Many kinds of fungi seem disgusting, such as the green black things that appear on the food which are left too long in the refrigerator. But other kinds are not so bad. For example, the yeast that is used to make bread and mushrooms (蘑菇) are both fungi.What makes fungi different from plants and animals? An animal can move around by itself. Fungi get around too, but they dont have feet, wings, or tails. They have to wait for wind or some other outside force to move them. Plants are different from fungi because they have chlorophyll(叶绿素). It helps them make food from the energy in sunlight. Fungi do not have chlorophyll.Some fungi are bad, while others are not. Some fungi cause diseases, such as athletes foot, which makes feet uncomfortable. Other kinds of fungi can be used to make medicines, which have saved many lives.Fungi clean up more than wounds, though. They are the worlds first recyclers. Without fungi, our world would be a mess. Since fungi cannot make their own food as plants do, they must get their food elsewhere. Many fungi get their food from dead plants. They break them down and turn them into soil. The fungi get a meal, and the world gets a housecleaning.(1)What does the underlined word “disgusting”most probably mean? A . strongB . unpleasantC . activeD . small(2)According to the passage, _. A . fungi can move everywhere by themselvesB . fungi are unable to survive in cold conditionsC . some fungi can make food from the energy in sunlight.D . some fungi are useful to humans and the environment(3)Where can you most probably find this passage? A . In a social report.B . In a biology book.C . In a geography magazine.D . In a farming book.17. (8分)阅读下面短文,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。DIt happens every nightbedtime. But what if youre not sleepy? Should you still go to bed if you are just going to lie there with your eyes wide open? Its a problem that has been around as long as there are people trying to sleep.You might be excited by something you did in the day. You might be nervous about what youre going to do the next day. Maybe you dont like sleeping alone in your room. Maybe you have frightening dreams. All of these are possible reasons for your sleeping problem. However, there are some steps you can take to help you solve it.One thing that can help is talking to a parent or another trusted adult about what youre worrying about at bedtime. For example, if youre nervous about taking a test, or upset about being teased (被嘲弄) at school, it can really help to tell somebody. Knowing that somebody has heard you can help ease your mind so that you can have a good rest.Sleeping in a comfortable bed in a quiet and cool room is a good choice. If theres anything in your room that makes you feel uneasy or anxious at night, like a picture that looks strange in the dark, or a noisy faucet (水龙头) in the bathroom, be sure to ask your parents to move or fix it. Make sure electronics, such as mobile phones or iPads, are kept away from your bed. They can keep you excited, making it harder for you to fall asleep.If you are usually restless around bedtime, doing certain things to relax beforehand may help you fall asleep. Try to take more time to wind down by taking a warm bath, or listening to a bedtime story at least 30 minutes before you go to sleep. It also helps to follow a bedtime routine and go to sleep at the same time every night. As a result, your body will get the message that its almost time to sleep. Your body will know to start feeling tired.In order to find the right solution for you, its possible that you understand what exactly is keeping you up at night. Getting a good nights sleep is worth the time and effort of finding the right solution to your sleeping problem.(1)Paragraph 2 is mainly about _. A . why people have frightening dreams at nightB . why daytime activities influence peoples sleepC . what can help people solve the sleeping problemD . what may make it difficult for people to fall asleep(2)What does the phrase wind down in Paragraph 5 probably mean? A . Keep clean.B . Get relaxed.C . Stay awake.D . Feel sleepy.(3)To get a good sleep, what does the writer advise you to do first? A . To go to bed at a certain time every night.B . To do something to make you tired in the day.C . To stay away from electronics before going to bed.D . To know the exact reason why you stay awake at night.(4)What is probably the best title for the passage? A . Sleep QualityB . Frightening BedtimeC . Getting a Good SleepD . Care for the Health三、 单词拼写。 (共1题;共1分)18. (1分)These_(礼物)are from his parents 四、 补全对话。 (共2题;共10分)19. (5分)用合适的句子补全对话。A: Hello, Wang Hongjia. _?B: I have been to my fathers hometown. And you?A: Ive just come back from Canada. My father has worked there for a long time.B: _?A: I went there a month ago.B: _?A: No, I have never been there.B: _?A: Wonderful. I like living there. The people there are very friendly.B: Listen!_.A: Lets go.20. (5分)根据对话内容,在空白处填入恰当句子,使对话完整、通顺A. Hi ken! Are you busy now?B: Yes Im a little busy.A: _?B: Im thinking about shopping for a birthday gift for my sister online.A: _?B: No. I never shop online so I dont know how to do that.A: Oh, I shop online all the time.B: _?A: I think its faster and the things online are cheaper.B: OK. Come and help me. Lets look at my computer together.A: _?B: I want to buy a book.A: OK. First, lets find a website (网站). Lots of sites sell books.B: OK, sounds good.A: _?B: Books about history. My sister likes reading them.A: OK. Lets look for history books.B: Wow! There are lots of books. How can I choose just one?五、 选词填空。 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)先阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从方框给的词中选出最恰当的10个,并用其适当形式填空,每个词只限用一次。leaf, then, large, learn, ones, grow, thick, has, mean, first, easy, beginEverybody likes oranges. They are sweet and juicy. They are in sections, so it is_to eat them. Some oranges do not have any seeds(种子). Some have a _ skin, and some have a thin skin.The orange tree is beautiful. It has a lot of shiny green _. The small white flowers smell very sweet. An orange tree _ flowers and fruit at the same time.There were orange trees twenty million years ago. The oranges were very small, not like the _ today. The orange tree probably came from China. Many different kinds of wild oranges_in China today. The Chinese started to raise(栽培) orange trees about 4,400 years ago.Farmers in other parts of Asia and the Middle East_to raise oranges from the Chinese. _they taught Europeans. The Spanish planted orange trees in the new world (North and South America). They took them to Florida _. Oranges are a very important crop in Florida today.In English, orange _both a fruit and a color. We use the name of the fruit for the color.六、 任务型阅读。 (共2题;共26分)22. (21分)根据短文内容,完成任务。CWang Fei is a twelve-year-old boy. He is lovely and smart. He is always the best in his class. But his classmates wouldnt like to play with him because he has AIDS (艾滋病) like his parents. Even some teachers always keep away from him. Wang Fei felt sad.One day he returned home with tears. He told his mother he fought with a boy because the boy said something bad about his family. His mother cried, What did my son do? Why?Now many people are afraid of AIDS because they know little about it. It is not so dangerous as we think.In fact, its safe to eat and play with them. They need our love and understanding because they are the same as us.(1)What should we do for the AIDS patients(病人)?(2)What do you think of Wang Fei?(3)Why did he fight with a boy one day?(4)Is it safe to eat or play with AIDS patients?(5)The underlined word it refers to(指的是):_.23. (5分)(2017威海)阅读理解DThe kids in my class are doing an experiment. We want to show that you dont need to spend money to have fun. We arent going to buy anything for a whole week! Weve even had some Fun is Free T-shirts specially made. All the money that we save will go to charity. _Day 1: Who needs money when the sun is shining?There was a music festival in the park this evening so I went with my fried Rachel(whos also taking part in Fun is Free week).We met some other friends and had a great time一until it started raining!_Rachel wanted to cheat and get the bus, but I didnt let her!Day 2: The weather was still bad this mornirng and I couldnt even use the Internet because my computer wasnt working. I needed to have it fixed, but it would have cost money, so I asked Jack if he could help. He managed to fix my computer and I lent him some DVDs that he wanted to borrow._what a bargain!Day 3: Today my class had our photo taken by a photographer from the local newspaper!A journalist asked us for some tips on saving money for his article about fun is free week._If theyre in good condition, second-hand book shops will give you cash or other books for them!Day 4: How can you get some new clothes without going shopping?The answera clothes swapping party!_My friends and I had a greet time trying things on at our party and we avoided all the queues at the department stores. I went home with lots of new outfits!Day 5: Well, its the end of this week and Ive managed to save 35! Tonight Im going to have a pizza delivered and rent a DVD to celebrate.I think I deserve it, dont you?根据博文内容,将下面方框中的句子还原到博文当中,使博文内容完整。A. We were both happy and it cost us nothingB. Keep reading this blog (博客) to see howit goes!C. The others went to a cafe and we had to walk home!D. Mine was: Dont throw your old books awayE. Everyones got things that they dont wear any more, but that someone else might like.七、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)24. (5分)请根据以下要点,用约80个词介绍伟大的发明家爱迪生:1).爱提问,上小学经常问一些奇怪的与学习无关的问题。2).母亲只好把他领回家,并亲自教他。3).他对科学很感兴趣,做很多零活,如卖报挣钱,建了一个小实验室。4).一生中有许多发明,使人们生活更方便,例如,电灯。第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、 单项选择。 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 阅读理解。 (共2题;共14分)16-1、16-2、16-3、17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、三、 单词拼写。 (共1题;共1分)18-1、四、 补全对话。 (共2题;共10分)19-1、20-1、五、 选词填空。 (共1题;共10分)21-1、六、 任务型阅读。 (共2题;共26分)22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、22-5、23-1、七、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)24-1、

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