上海版九年级Units7-9教材梳理(II )卷.doc

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上海版九年级Units79教材梳理(II )卷一、 熟悉课文重点词汇和短语。 (共9题;共25分)1. (10分)单词翻译。 经理_ 祝贺_ 渴望的,口渴的_ 任务,工作_ 向前面;在前面_ 有责任心的_单独的;分离的_ 翅膀_ 典礼;仪式_两倍的_2. (1分)There are many _(动物) over there. 3. (1分)We trust Wilson because he is always_ nist. 4. (1分)How many_(小孩)has Mr Wang got? 5. (1分)Tina seldom talks. She is a q_ and shy girl. 6. (1分)Li Bai was famous for his p_. 7. (1分)When Im in a foreign country,Id like to talk with_(当地的)people 8. (6分)根据汉语意思完成句子 (1)科学家认为火星上曾经有水。Scientists think there_ever_water_Mars(2)这个孩子足够大了,能照顾自己了。The child is_look afer himself9. (3分)你认为我们青少年应该远离因特网吗? Do you think we teenagers should _ _ _ the Internet?二、 语法巩固。 (共8题;共19分)10. (2分)我没有去过长城 I have never _ _ the Great Wall 11. (2分)我认识这些农场工人。I know these_.12. (7分)根据汉语完成句子。(1)快点儿!不要让你的妈妈等那么久。Hurry up! Dont _your mother _so long.(2)这部电影让我们非常感兴趣。The movie _ us _.(3)父亲一去世继母就让鲍勃做各种家务活。The stepmother made Bob do all tile chores _his father died.(4)咱们不看电视。出去散散步,好不好?Shall we go for a walk _television?(5)让我们吃惊的是,没人自愿当班长。_, no one volunteered for the position of monitor.13. (2分)出门前要确保你带了钥匙。Just _ _ you have brought the keys before going out.14. (1分)他们过去在一起常常很活跃。 They_very active together.15. (2分)杰克何时游览了伦敦?_Jack visit London?16. (2分)We should _(向学习)the hard-working students. 17. (1分)What does your father look like?He is of medium _ and he is a little heavy.三、 单项选择。 (共20题;共40分)18. (2分)The children are excited the new film. A . onB . aboutC . forD . in19. (2分)Li Hong a ruler. But she has a book.A . hasB . haveC . dont haveD . doesnt have20. (2分)_ bread would you like?Three pieces of _.A . How many; breadsB . How many; breadC . How much; breadsD . How much; bread21. (2分)When is Lucys birthday? next week.A . ItsB . ThatsC . ShesD . Hes22. (2分)We are planning a Yangtze River Protection Day this weekend. Do you have any advice? Youd better signs around the school to tell all the students about that.A . make upB . put upC . set upD . show up23. (2分)Wheres the key?I _ know.A . arentB . dontC . isntD . am not24. (2分)I am not going to the amusement park.A . So do IB . So am IC . Neither do ID . Neither am I25. (2分)The teenagers _ to choose their own clothes. A . allowB . allowedC . are allowingD . should be allowed26. (2分)The blue coat _ be Tonys.He never wears blue clothes. A . canB . mustC . cantD . mustnt27. (2分) The clothes on the bed very dirty, Mom. They are smelly.一Yes, they .A . can be; should be washedB . must be; should washC . can be; should washD . must be; should be washed28. (2分) Is Lucy watching TV now?A . Yes, she isB . No, she isC . Yes, she doesD . No, she doesnt29. (2分) Do you want _ you? Yes, of course.A . me; to helpB . I; helpC . me; helpD . us; helping30. (2分)It is in the library. You _ talk loudly. A . may notB . wouldntC . needntD . mustnt31. (2分)Can you tell me _ now?At a local restaurant.A . where was Ruby workingB . where did Ruby workC . where Ruby is workingD . where Ruby worked32. (2分)Mr. Smith was the only one of the writers invited to the meeting.A . who wasB . who wereC . which was33. (2分)These pictures show the good wishes people will have. A . whoB . thatC . whenD . what34. (2分)The dog _ several days ago. I felt very sorry for its_. A . died, deathB . died, diedC . death, diedD . death, death35. (2分)This is one of the happiest days _ spent in my life.A . that have ever beenB . that have never beenC . which was everD . which we have never36. (2分)We are looking forward to _on the moon some day. A . walkingB . walkC . walkedD . walks37. (2分)He is the boy _ likes playing basketball very much.A . whichB . whoC . whomD . whose四、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)38. (10分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。We may learn from the news that the world is hungry. Many people in poor areas dont have enough food to eat. In fact, our world is also 1. We are still short of water though water 2nearly 3/4 of the Earth. About 97% of water on the Earth is seawater and we cant drink it or use it to water plants 3. People can only drink anti use the 3% of the water from rivers and lakes. Whats worse, we cant use all of that because of water 4.Now we are facing a serious problem-we need more water. First, we need to learn how to save water. Then we need to 5ways to reuse water. Scientists have made a lot of studies. The 6show that in many large cities and small villages, people 7use water only once and then it runs to the sea or rivers. So we can reuse water. Last but not least, we should make full use of the seawater. Scientists are trying to solve the 8collecting clean water from seawater 9we can do now is to save water and not to waste water. We cannot live long 10enough clean water. So lets work together to do something.(1)A . hungry B . thirsty C . tired D . sleepy (2)A . costs B . keeps C . covers D . makes (3)A . quickly B . slowly C . sadly D . directly (4)A . situation B . pollution C . condition D . study (5)A . look after B . care for C . learn about D . find out (6)A . reports B . results C . details D . points (7)A . still B . never C . seldom D . all (8)A . secret B . matter C . problem D . question (9)A . What B . How C . Why D . When (10)A . with B . through C . by D . without 五、 阅读理解。 (共1题;共10分)39. (10分) A man is going to open a shop selling hats. He wanted a good sign to put over his shop. He wrote:JOHN BROWN HATTERMakes and Sells Hatsfor Ready MoneyThe first friend gave him the advice that the word “hatter” wasnt needed. So John crossed out the word “HATTER” . Then he came to another friend for advice. This friend said that it was not polite to say “for ready money”. So he crossed out “for ready money”. The sign now said:JOHN BROWNMakes and Sells HatsOne day a friend was passing his shop. He saw this sign and said that when a man bought a hat, he didnt care who made it. So John crossed out that word, too.But when another friend saw “ John Brown Sells Hats”, he said , “ Of course you sell hats. No one thinks you give them away for free.” So, at last the sign read:JOHN BROWN(1) “ For ready money” means _. A . pay for the hat here when you buy it B . if you buy the hat you can pay for it in a few daysC . hats here are only for the people with much money(2)How many friends gave John some advice on how to write the sign?A . ThreeB . Four.C . Two.(3)_was crossed out first.A . “ John Brown Sells Hats”B . “Hatter”C . “for Ready Money”(4)Each friend has_thought.A . noB . the same C . his own(5)This story tells us that _.A . it isnt possible to please everybodyB . its easy to sell hatsC . sellers must please everybody六、 短文填空。 (共1题;共10分)40. (10分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。The Cannes Film Festival is the most f_ film festival in the world. If a film is FESTIVAL DE CANNES presented there, it will be immediately famous. Cannes is also where some of the film industrys most important _ (event) take place and where many actors and directors become stars.The idea began in 1939 when the French government d_ to have an international festival. They _ (choose) Cannes, which is in _ (south) France, because it is a sunny and beautiful town. In fact, Cannes was already_ (see) as a _ (fashion) place to go. The festival was put off till after the war and finally took place on September 20, 1946. At first, the festival was mainly a tourist and a _ (society) events. However, as more and more films were _ (show), it was seen as something much more important. Today it has become the most important event of the year for the film i_.第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、 熟悉课文重点词汇和短语。 (共9题;共25分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、8-2、9-1、二、 语法巩固。 (共8题;共19分)10-1、11-1、12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、三、 单项选择。 (共20题;共40分)18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、四、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)38-1、五、 阅读理解。 (共1题;共10分)39-1、39-2、39-3、39-4、39-5、六、 短文填空。 (共1题;共10分)40-1、

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