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第一部分调查问卷:乐加乐英语新五年级入学调查问卷亲爱的家长、同学:你们好!本调查的目的是为了了解新生过去的学习情况、英语知识掌握程度、以及自己关于课外辅导所最需要提升部分情况的调查。为此我们设计此次调查文卷,请在你自己认为的选项上打“”或()上写上相应的答案。1孩子四年级学校英语学习成绩怎么样.很好(98-100分) .较好(90-97) .一般(85-90) .较差(80以下)2除了在校同步英语,孩子还学过.新概念 B.学而思乐加乐英语 C.剑桥 D.其他(_) E 只在学校学3.孩子四年级英语的获奖情况 A、小英竞赛全国_等奖B、天津市初等英语水平考试_级 C.剑桥_级_盾 D.学而思杯 E 其他(_)4孩子对于英语的兴趣A、很感兴趣 B、较感兴趣 C、不感兴趣 D、惧怕英语5孩子是否喜欢进行听说练习A、喜欢,经常听英文歌曲或电影,喜欢模仿B、一般,家长或老师强制完成某些听说练习C、偶尔听说英语D、在家一般几乎不听、很少开口6.孩子平时做题,哪部分失分最多?A.语音B. 词汇C. 阅读D. 单选E 句型转换7.孩子平时是否有积累错题的习惯?A. 有,主动完成 B 有,家长或老师强迫完成 C 没有 8.您觉得孩子适合的老师类型?A专业性强、功底深严谨的老师 B.活泼感染力强能激发学生兴趣的老师9.孩子小升初的目标A.市五所 B.小外 C.推优 D.大卷优AE普通初中F.没想过10.您的孩子性格属于下列哪种类型()A外向活泼型 B、内向腼腆型 C、性格中性但是比较害怕老师 D、孩子比较活跃2011乐加乐英语暑秋班五年级入学测试题时间:60分钟 满分:100分 姓名: 一、选出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词,将序号填入题前括号内(5分) ( ) 1. A. from B. lot C. nose D. hot ( ) 2. A. good B. too C. food D. school ( ) 3.A. how B. yellow C. know D. snow ( ) 4.A. round B. about C. young D. house ( ) 5. A. read B. seat C. please D. great 二、词汇(15分)按要求写出所给词的正确形式 1. get(过去式) _ 2. knife(复数形式) _3. carry(三单) _ 4. his(名词性物主代词) _ 5. right(同音词) _ 6. long(反义词) 7. mouse(复数形式) _8. swim(现在分词)_ 9. hot(比较级)_10. buy(过去式)_ 用所给词的适当形式填空1. We (have) a good time yesterday.2. We will go to watch a move with (she).3. Can you (dance)?4. Let us go (sing).5. Do you enjoy (paint) the pictures? 三、选择填空(34分)( ) 1. Let _ introduce his friends.A. him B. he C. his D. she( ) 2. -Do you have _ apples?-Yes, I have_.A. any; anyB. some; anyC. any; some D. some, some( ) 3. They are from _. Theyre _.A. Germany, Germans B. Germans, Germany C. German, Germany D. Germany, Germen( ) 4. Keep the windows _, please.A. close B. closing C. closed D. to close( ) 5. I dont have any _, but I have some _.A. apple; juiceB. apples; juiceC. apples; juices D. apple; juices( ) 6. Classesbegin sevenfifty -five.A. in B. on C. at D. for( ) 7. Iwant amapofChina.A. buyB. isbuying C. tobuy D. ambuying( ) 8. He is very old, _he still works very hard. A. butB . if C . when D . as( ) 9. A: Itsawhiteshirt, isityours? B: No, isyellow.A. I B. My C. Mine D. Me( ) 10. Tom has _milk and _ egg for breakfast.A. a; a B. a; an C. some; an D. /; a( ) 11.Mary _ swimming, but she _ swim well.A. like; do B. likes; does C. likes; dont D. likes; doesnt( ) 12. _ you like to go with me? A. Would B. Are C. Is D. Does( ) 13. There are few books in the bag, _ there? A. is B. are C. isnt D. arent( ) 14. Look! There _ a lot of sheep _ grass in the field. A. are, eat B. are, eating C. is, eat D. is, eating( ) 15. .哪一个字母可以代表停车场? A. B B. P C. W D. A( ) 16. “Macao”指_ A. 香港 B. 澳门 C. 马来西亚 D. 墨西哥( ) 17.They didnt go as it was raining cats and dogs.划线部分的意思是:A. now and then B. heavily C. a littleD. here and there四、按要求转换下列句型 (10分)1His family are from Japan. (对划线部分提问)_2He likes English and Maths. (改一般疑问句)_3I have some books in my backpack. (改否定句)_4Does your father like sport? (做肯定回答)_5The little boy goes to school at 7: 30(对划线部分提问)_五、在右栏中选出能与左栏中句子相配合的应答句(10分)( ) 1.How old are you? A. This is Nancy speaking.( ) 2.What day is it today? B. He usually takes photo.( ) 3.May I speak to Nancy? C. No, I dont.( ) 4.How do you feel now? D. Im ten.( ) 5.Whats wrong with you? E. I feel cold.( ) 6.What does he usually do? F. Its a quarter to five.( ) 7.Do you speak French? G. Its Monday.( ) 8.Where are you from? H. Yes, Mr. Ma.( ) 9.What time is it? I. Ive got a cough.( ) 10.Jump up and down five times. J. Im from China.六、找出句子中的错误并将正确答案写在括号中(6分)1. My father and I doesnt like watching TV. ( )2. The boy likes swim very much. ( )3. Does the little boy comes from Australia? ( )4. Does Jim playing football with Peter? ( )5. Im good at singing and draw. ( )6. She have beautiful long hair. ( )七、完形填空(10分)My brother a middle school student. name is Li bin. He is in ,No.14Middle school. There are girls and thirty boys in his class. They have four in the morning, and three .They study Chinese, Maths, English and other lessons. Li bin is at Chinese. But he is not good at English. They like English. And they like English teacher, too. They read and write English every day. I think they study it well. ( ) 1. A. is B. am C. are D. be ( ) 2. A. She B. Her C. He D. His ( ) 3. A. Grade2 Class2 B. Class and Grade 2 C. 2Class 2Grade D. Class2 Grade2 ( ) 4. A. twelve-eight B. twenty-eight C. twenty eightD. twenty eighth( ) 5. A. class B. a lesson C. classes D. lesson ( ) 6.A. in the morning B. in the afternoon C. at morning D. at afternoon ( ) 7. A. well B. fine C. nice D. good ( ) 8.A. look B. dont C. all D. can ( ) 9 .A. they B. their C. them D. theirs ( ) 10. A. can B. cant C. are D. dont 八、阅读理解,并选择正确的答案(10分)Spring is the best season of the year. It lasts from March to May. The days get longer, the nights get shorter, and the weather gets warmer. Everything begins to grow. Grass and trees begin to turn green. Flowers begin to come out. Children begin to fly kites outdoors.Summer comes after spring. It is the hottest season in the year. It lasts from June to August. People try to find a cool place then. They always go swimming in pools, lakes and rivers.Autumn is the harvest season. It gets cool. Farmers begin to get in crops. They are busy from September to November.The coldest season of the year is winter. Its from about December to February. The days are short and the nights are long. It snows sometimes and that makes children happy. They make a snowman and dance around it. They can ski as well.一、根据短文内容判断正误,正确的写“T”, 错误的写“F”1. The days get shorter, and the nights get longer in spring. ( )2. Everything begins to grow in summer. ( )3. People always go swimming in summer. ( )4. Crops are harvested in autumn. ( )5. Winter lasts for four months. ( )

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