(连云港专版)2019中考英语高分复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第04课时 Units 5-8(七下)课件.ppt

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(连云港专版)2019中考英语高分复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第04课时 Units 5-8(七下)课件.ppt_第1页
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(连云港专版)2019中考英语高分复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第04课时 Units 5-8(七下)课件.ppt_第2页
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(连云港专版)2019中考英语高分复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第04课时 Units 5-8(七下)课件.ppt_第3页
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连云港专版 第4课时Units5 8 七下 PARTONE 第一篇教材梳理篇 suddenly careful carefully careless carelessly carelessness surprised surprising excited exciting firemen mice weight noisy noisily taught taught teacher ability disability disability unusual later latest decision stranger agreement disagree fell fallen hit hit sent sent paid paid became become sleepwitheyesopen asusual turnaround onone s thewayto saytooneself pickup beafraidof gocamping runaway getaway findoneselfalone hurryup putupthetent fromthenon becomesmallerandsmaller cleanupthepark lookout do tryone sbest inhospital hearfrom makesomenoise allthetime attheageof thesamesizefrombirth stopgrowing Whathappened amnotafraidofanimalsanymore inacoatpassingby hasbecomefamousformaking smallenoughtogothrough decidedtoenterthegarden braveenoughto fromafire Keepyourhairawayfrom watchingthemswimaround turnedaround sawnothing theotherday atthesametime aslargeas toosmalltoreach amemberof inneed as as 和 一样 点拨 as as 表示前后两者在某方面程度相同 两个as中间要用形容词或副词的原级 Heisasbusyasever 他和以前一样忙 HelistensascarefullyasMikeinclass 课堂上 他和迈克一样认真听讲 拓展 as as 的否定形式为 notas so as 意为 不像 那样 Jackisn tas sooldashelooks 杰克不像他看起来那么老 典例 1 2018 宿迁 Thelocalguidespokeshecouldtomakethevisitorsunderstandher A asclearasB asclearlyasC soclearasD soclearlyas 2 Whatdoyouthinkoftheenvironmentinyourhometown It s Boththeairandthewaterarebadlypolluted A notbadB asgoodasbeforeC notsogoodasbeforeD muchbetterthanbefore B C passvi 去世Pleasepassthewordtoyourboss 请把这句话转告给你的老板 Acoachpassedbytheshopjustamomentago 一辆长途汽车刚从那家商店旁边开过去 Theoldmanpassedawayyesterday 那位老人昨天去世了 典例 2018 南京一模 LiAo oneofmyfavouriteChinesewriters earlierthisyear Hewasamanwhowasneverafraidofanypower A passeddownB passedonC passedbyD passedaway D fallvi 落下 掉落 倒 点拨 fall的过去式和过去分词分别为fell和fallen 搭配 fallinlovewith 爱上 fallover被 绊倒falldown落下 跌倒fallbehind落后 赶不上fallasleep睡着fallill sick生病falloff从 落下Thebookfellofftheshelf 这本书从架子上掉了下来 拓展 fall还可用作名词 意为 秋天 美语 相当于autumn putout扑灭 搭配 与put有关的短语 putaway把 收起来puton穿上 上演put into 把 放进 putoff推迟putup建造 张贴 举起来putone sheartinto 全心全意做 putdown放下 写下 记下 镇压 典例 2017 连云港 HaveyouheardofthebigfirethatbrokeoutonHuaguoMountainatQingmingFestival Yes Luckily hundredsoffiremenwentthereandthefireimmediately A putoffB putawayC putdownD putout D putoff意为 推迟 putaway意为 把 收起来 putdown意为 放下 putout意为 扑灭 putoutthefire意为 把火扑灭 符合题意 故选D losevt 迷失 丢失 点拨 lose的过去式和过去分词均为lost 搭配 loseoneselfinsth沉迷于某事loseone sway be getlost迷路loseone slife丧生loseone sbalance失去平衡loseheart泄气 灰心loseweight减肥 拓展 1 lost作形容词 意为 丢失的 在句中可作定语或表语 2 loss作名词 意为 丧失 损失 常用搭配 thelossofsth丧失某物 teachvt 教 点拨 teach的过去式和过去分词均为taught 搭配 teachsbsth teachsthtosb教某人某事teachoneselfsth learnsthbyoneself自学teachsbtodosth教某人做某事HetaughtPhysicsatacollegetenyearsago 十年前他在一所大学教物理 HeteacheshimselfEnglish HelearnsEnglishbyhimself 他自学英语 Whotaughtyoutorideabicycle 是谁教你骑自行车的 典例 2018 扬州 Whoistheladyinred MissGao SheteachesEnglish A weB usC ourD ours B troublen 麻烦 点拨 trouble作名词时 为不可数名词 常见搭配 introuble处于困境中 havetrouble in doingsth做某事有困难 Wedependonourfriendswhenweareintrouble 当我们遇到困难时 我们会依靠朋友 Ihavesometrouble in understandingthislongsentence 我理解这个长句子有些困难 典例 1 Ifyouhaveanytrouble use thewebsite justclickonthisiconforhelp 2 Heoftenaskshisclassmatesforhelpwhenheis A insurpriseB inneedC infactD introuble using D leavevt 离开 落下 点拨 leave的过去式和过去分词均为left 其相关用法如下 leavesp离开某地leaveforsp出发前往某地leavesbbyoneself把某人独自留下leavesthsp把某物遗忘在某处MrSmithlefttheroomattwoo clock 史密斯先生两点离开了房间 WewillleaveforLondonnextweek 我们下周动身去伦敦 Idon twanttotakecareofhim justleavehimbyhimself 我不想照顾他 就把他独自留下吧 Helefthishatonthetrain 他把他的帽子落在火车上了 典例 2018 青岛 Ican tfindmymobilephone Don tworry Maybeyouitathome A forgotB missedC lostD left D weighlinkingv 重 有 重Thebabyweighedaboutfourkilos 这个婴儿体重约4千克 拓展 1 weigh的名词形式为weight 常用搭配 loseweight减肥Theweightofthedogisabout10kilograms Thedogisabout10kilogramsinweight 这条狗重约10千克 2 对重量提问可以用以下句型 Howmuchdoes sth weigh Howheavyis sth Whatistheweightof sth decidevt vi 决定 点拨 decide的用法 Hedecidedtogohomeatonce 他决定立刻回家 Wehaven tdecidedwhentostart 我们还没决定何时开始 Ineedtomakeadecision 我需要做一个决定 典例 2017 苏州 Jack whyhaveyoudecidedChinesefolkmusicasacourse TolearnmoreaboutChineseculture A takeB takenC takingD totake D hearfrom hearof Ihearfrommycousineverytwomonths 我每两个月就会收到我表哥的来信 HaveyoueverheardoftheGreatWall 你曾经听说过长城吗 stoptodosth stopdoingsth Thetwogirlsstoppedtotalktomeassoonastheysawme 这两个女孩一看到我就停下来和我说话 Thetwogirlsstoppedtalkingassoonastheysawme 这两个女孩一看到我就停止了说话 典例 1 Ifeeltiredandsleepy Whynotstop have arest 2 Youlooksotired You dbetterstop work andrelaxyourself tohave working shewastoosmalltoreachthekey 她太小了 够不到钥匙 点拨 too to 结构表示 太 而不能 too后接形容词或副词的原级 to后接动词原形 但是当句子的主语与不定式的主语不一致时 常在不定式前补加一个介词短语forsb 即too forsbto 意为 对某人来说 太 而不能做某事 Sheistooyoungtogotoschool 她年纪太小 不能去上学 Theproblemistoodifficultformetoworkout 这道题目太难 我做不出来 拓展 too to 结构可以转化为 not enoughto 或 so that 结构 典例 2018 无锡 It snottobefriendly Youhavetobeafriend GoandtalktoSam A goodenoughB lateenoughC toogoodD toolate D Mydogisthecleverestanimalofall 我的狗是最聪明的动物 点拨 该句型结构为 主语 谓语 the 形容词的最高级 范围 三者或三者以上 形容词最高级用于三者或三者以上的人或物之间的比较 句中常常出现of among in等构成的介词短语 Helenisthetallestofthethreegirls 海伦是这三个女孩中个子最高的 Andy shandwritingisthemostbeautifulinhisclass 安迪的书法在他班上是最漂亮的 拓展 oneof the 形容词的最高级 可数名词复数 意为 最 的 之一 典例 2018 扬州 Cellsarethe small andmostbasicunitsoflivingmatter smallest Welookforwardtohearingfromyousoon 我们期待尽快收到你的来信 点拨 lookforwardto意为 盼望 期待 其中to为介词 后接名词 代词或v ing形式作宾语 Wearelookingforwardtoaholidaywithouthomework 我们正盼望着一个没有作业的假期 典例 2017 烟台 Manycountriesintheworldarelookingforwardto trade withChina trading 根据汉语提示或首字母提示完成单词1 Mylittlesisterlikessayingto 她自己 2 Ididn thearthephonebecauseitwastoo 吵闹的 inthesupermarket 3 2018 淮安改编 Beconfident Everyonehasthe 能力 tolearnnewskills 4 It sverykindofyou Thankyouforyour 极好的 present 5 2018 兰州改编 Beforeyouanswerthequestion pleasethinkit 细心地 6 Ifanewairportisbuilthere manyanimalswill 失去 theirhomes 7 NationalDayiscoming I mlookingftovisitingTian anmenSquare 8 InthenorthofChina leavesusuallyfdownwhenautumncomes 9 2018 百色改编 Thegirlisatogooutatnight 10 Shetriedherbesttogothroughthedoor butshef herself noisy ability wonderful carefully lose forward fall afraid failed 根据所给汉语和句子意思 用英语补全句子1 Whynot 停下来看 TV 2 Everyoneherewill 照顾 theweakbirdwell 3 Iwouldliketo 骑车 4 Youshould 尽力 tostudyEnglishwell 5 Jimwasill 住院 fortwomonths 6 穿过 thisgate andyou llseethehouseonyourleft 7 Thefiremenarrivedintimeand 扑灭 thebigfirequickly 8 Ifpeopleare 遇到麻烦 weshouldhelpthem lookafter takecareof stoptowatch goriding do tryyourbest inhospital Gothrough putout introuble


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