2019春五年级英语下册 Unit 5《When’s your birthday》课件6 (新版)湘少版.ppt

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2019春五年级英语下册 Unit 5《When’s your birthday》课件6 (新版)湘少版.ppt_第1页
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2019春五年级英语下册 Unit 5《When’s your birthday》课件6 (新版)湘少版.ppt_第3页
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Unit5When syourbirthday January February March April May June July August September October November December month m n 月 月份 s month是可数名词 所以12个月用英语表达就是twelvemonths Games monthsoftheyear January February March December June April August October March三月Mar May五月May June六月Jun July七月Jul April四月Apr August八月Aug January一月Jan February二月Feb September九月Sept October十月Oct November十一月Nov December十二月Dec M 组 J 组 A 组 ber 组 ary 组 Chant JanuaryJanuary新年到FebruaryFebruary放鞭炮MarchMarch学雷锋AprilApril愚人到MayMay母亲好JuneJune度 六一 JulyJuly迎 七一 AugustAugust建军节SeptemberSeptember来报到OctoberOctober祖国好NovemberNovember穿棉袄DecemberDecember雪花飘 Unit5When syourbirthday Period2 Magiceyes Apr Sep Dec May Oct Jan Jul Feb Jun Nov Mar Aug F F February M M MarchandMay S S September O O October N N November D D December A A AprilandAugust J J January JuneandJuly Let schant 说唱 PartA 1 When speter sbirthday It sonthefifthofMarch 2 When sLingling sbirthday It sonthefourthofMay wen when Newwords 什么时候 何时 引导特殊疑问句 用来询问 某天 某周 某月 某年 等 whattime译为 几点 一般用于询问具体的钟点 例如 Whattimeisitnow 询问生日 Whenisyourbirthday 你的生日是什么时候 Mybithdayisin 月份 Itisonthe序数词 日 of 月份 英语的日期表达应先说几号再说月份 介词in和on的用法 in 月份 年份on 具体的某一天 让我们以六一儿童节为例 来学习如何用英语说日期吧 Children sDay儿童节6月1日1 thefirstofJunethe 几号的序数词 of 月份2 June1st读作 Junethefirst Tips 回答时常用介词in at on等词组成的表时间的介词短语 Grammarfocus in年in月on日at小时 It sin1992 在1992年 It sinMay 在五月 It sonSunday 在周日 Ialwaysgohomeat8o clock canyouguess April February March May September October November December August January June July 基数词序数词onefirsttwosecondthreethirdfourfourthfivefifthsixsixthsevenseventheighteighthnineninthtententh 基数词序数词eleveneleventhtwelvetwelfththirteenthirteenthfourteenfourteenthfifteenfifteenthsixteensixteenthseventeenseventeentheighteeneighteenthnineteennineteenthtwentytwentieth 基数词序数词twenty onetwenty firsttwenty twotwenty secondtwenty threetwenty thirdtwenty fourtwenty fourth thirtythirtieththirty onethirty first 基变序 有规律 词尾加上th 123特殊记 词尾字母t d d 8少t 9去e f来把ve替 整十变y为ie 后跟th莫迟疑 若想表示几十几 只变个位就可以 Areyouwinner one first second twenty third eleventh fifth twelfth third When syourbirthday December August Sept Feb MybirthdayisinMay 基数词变序数词顺口溜 一二三变字体 th从四上起 怎么加 真好记 八加h 九减e用f代ve ty变为tie thefirstofMarch thefifteenthofAugust thethirteenthofSeptember thetwenty fifthofDecember thefirstofOctober thesecondofApril A When syourbirthday B It sonthe It sonthefirstofJune Children sDay It sonthefirstofJanuary NewYear sDay It sonthefirstofApril AprilFool sDay It sonthetenthofSeptember Teachers Day When s 节日 It s 日期 D Let sread 1 快速说出收信人和写信人的名字 2 Finishthemultiplechoices Fran sbirthdayis A todayB tomorrowTomorrowis birthday A Simon sB Fran sWe regoingtomeetat A 7p mB 7a mWe regoingtomeetat A Room305BB Room305 A B A B tonight今晚planapartyfor为 筹划一个派对plansomeactivities筹划一些活动come来ontime准时byefornow再见 Wordbank Wordbank cutthecake切蛋糕givepresents送礼物tellstories讲故事dancesingblowoutthecandles吹灭蜡烛 跳舞 唱歌 生日祝福语 HappyBirthday toyou 生日快乐Happyeveryday 天天开心Enjoyinggoodhealth 身体健康Mayallyourwishcometrue 梦想成真Goodluckineverything 万事如意 Seeyou

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