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上海新世纪版2019-2020学年八年级下学期英语期中学业评价考试试卷(I)卷一、 听对话,选择正确的答案。 (共5题;共12分)1. (2分)Where are they going? A . To the cinema.B . To the bus stop.C . To the museum.2. (2分)Choose the best answer to the question you hear. A . Books on science.B . Books on English learning.C . Books on sports.D . Books on computer.3. (2分)What color is Lilys blouse?A . White.B . Red.C . Black.4. (2分)What does Tony think of(认为)maths? A . Its interesting.B . Its important.C . Its difficult.5. (4分)听第一段对话,回答小题(1)Where does the woman want to go?A . To the Bank of ChinaB . To City MallC . To the traffic lights(2)How long does it take the woman to get there on foot? A . About five minutesB . About ten minutesC . About fifteen minutes二、 听对话,选择最佳答案。 (共2题;共10分)6. (6分)听对话,回答问题。 (1)What does the girl need the computer for? A . To write a letter.B . To look for information.C . To finish her report.(2)Why cant she ask Mr White for help? A . Because he is not in his office.B . Because he knows nothing about fixing computers.C . Because he is giving a lesson in the classroom now.(3)How did the boy send his report? A . He sent it by e-mail.B . He did it through QQ.C . He asked a classmate for help.7. (4分)听第二段对话,回答问题。 (1)What is Janes dream? A . To become a dancer.B . To become a painter.C . To become a singer.(2)What subject is Jane going to study in the university? A . HistoryB . MusicC . Art三、 听短文,完成信息记录表。 (共1题;共10分)8. (10分)根据短文内容,在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 (1)How many meals do most English people eat a day? A . Three.B . Four.C . Five.(2)What do English people usually have for breakfast? A . Eggs or bread.B . Meat or fish.C . Fruit or vegetables.(3)When is afternoon tea? A . From 2: 00 to 3:00.B . From 3:00 to 4:00.C . From 4:00 to 5:00.(4)Why do some families like eating well in the evening? A . Because they are usually busy in the day.B . Because they are hungry in the evening.C . Because restaurants are open in the evening.(5)What is the speaker mainly talking about? A . English learning.B . Eating habits.C . Keeping healthy.四、 完型填空 (共1题;共15分)9. (15分)(2015黑龙江龙东)Every great achievement has been the result of years of dreaming. Even in early times, people could realize the 1of dreams. If a person has a dream and works hard, he or she will find a way 2bring it into success.Children do not have 3 knowledge. However, they are natural dreamers. We should not 4 them. With their rich imagination, they will 5 with fantastic dreams. History is 6of examples. Many great men were dreamers when they were children. One such dreamer was Thomas Edison. He used to 7 ostracized(排斥) when he was in primary school, but his achievements were greater than 8 in his time.Teenagers and young people should also be 9to dream. They had big dreams and their dreams 10their lives and even the world. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are the good examples. They 11 developed technology and brought great progress to humans besides making money for 12.Older people should believe that it is never 13 late to dream. Colonel Saunders 14 KFC at the age of 67. Everyone has a chance to make dreams15 .(1)A . important B . importance C . most important (2)A . to B . of C . for (3)A . many B . a lot C . much (4)A . make fun B . laugh at C . look down (5)A . come up B . catch up C . get on (6)A . full B . filled C . fill (7)A . being B. encouragingC. encourage B . be C . been (8)A . else everyones B . everyone elses C . everyone else (9)A . encouraged B . encouraging C . encouraging (10)A . change B . changed C . to change (11)A . had B . have to C . have (12)A . them B . themselves C . theirs (13)A . so B . very C . too (14)A . set up B . set out C . put up (15)A . come true B . achieve C . realize 五、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共34分)10. (6分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Here is the information about the neighbourhood(社区)around Sams School.(1)Sam can call for Chinese food. A . 5550982B . 555-1618C . 5556723D . 5558544(2)The movie theatres are at . A . 16 West StreetB . 25 Park StreetC . 35 Main StreetD . 60 East Street(3)In the CentraI Park people can on Sunday. A . swimB . buy clothesC . see moviesD . play football11. (10分)Tom saw an advertisement in a newspaper for a beautiful bicycle. It cost 55 pounds. So he went to the shop and asked to see one of the wonderful bicycles.The owner of the shop was harpy to show one to Tom. Tom examined(检查)it carefully, and turned to the owner and said, There isnt a lamp on this bicycle. hut there was one on the bicycle in your advertisement.Yes, Sir, answered the man. But the lamp isnt included(包含)in the price of bicycle.Not included in the price of bicycle? Tom said angrily. But thats not honest. If the lamp is in the advertisement, it should be included in the price.”“Well, Sir,” answered the shop owner coldly. There is also a girl on the bicycle in the advertisement. but we cannot give you a girl with the bicycle, either.(1)In the advertisement, there was a _ and a _ on the bicycle.A . lamp; manB . picture; lampC . lamp; girlD . newspaper; shop owner(2)After he read the advertisement, Tom decided to _.A . see and buy the lampB . examine the bicycleC . see and buy the bikeD . ask the shop owner(3)Tom _ after he looked at the bike carefully.A . returned the bike to the shop ownerB . didnt find a lamp on the bicycleC . showed the bike to the shop ownerD . bought the bicycle at once(4)Tom thought it was _ for the shop owner to sell the bike without a lamp while there was one in the advertisement.A . necessaryB . goodC . rightD . wrong(5)The text gives us a lesson that _.A . sometimes we cant completely (完全地) believe an advertisement.B . we must read the newspaper carefullyC . The price of something is often changedD . we should examine bicycles carefully before we buy them12. (10分) Mr. Smith works in a factory. There he drives a truck. Hes tired all the time. When he comes back, hes always busy and doesnt want to do any housework. His wife is a doctor and likes to keep all the things clean. So she has to do all at home. She usually goes to work from Monday to Friday and has to do all on weekends. All her friends know about it and sometimes they come to help her.Its Saturday today. Mrs Smith tells her husband to help her do some housework, but he says he has something to do and goes out early in the morning. He leaves a lot of dirty clothes at home. Mrs Smith doesnt go to work but she doesnt feel well. So she doesnt want to do any housework. After breakfast, Jo, one of her friends, comes to see her when shes sitting on a chair.The girl finds the rooms are dirty and she asks, “Dont you clean your rooms today, Mrs Smith?” “No, I dont.”says the doctor. “Why dont you wear your glasses?” “Then I will think the rooms are still clean.”(1)What does Mrs Smith do ?A . A truck driver.B . A nurse.C . A doctor.D . A teacher.(2)Who usually does the housework at home, Mr Smith or Mrs Smith?A . Mr Smith.B . Mrs Smith.C . Both of themD . Neither of them.(3)Whats Mr Smith doing when her friend Jo comes to see her ?A . She is reading a book.B . She is watching TV.C . She is doing housework.D . She is sitting on a chair.(4)Why doesnt Mrs Smith wear her glasses that day? Because_.A . she stays at homeB . shes sitting on the chairC . the rooms are cleanD . she doesnt want to see the dirty rooms(5)After we read the story, we can know_.A . Mr Smith is often illB . Mrs Smith is always lazy.C . Mr Smith is always busy after work.D . Sometimes Mr Smith helps Mrs Smith.13. (8分)阅读理解 As an English person, I can speak three languages English, German and French, so do you think the British people are very good language learners? The fact is that they arent.Some statistics (数据) from the survey done by the European Commission (欧盟委员会) showed that 62% of the British people only speak English. 38% speak at least one foreign language and 18% speak two or more. Compared with the British people, 56% of the people in other European countries speak at least one foreign language and 28% speak two or more. From this you can see that the British people are famous for not speaking foreign languages and that they are not good language learners in Europe.And the survey also showed that English is the most widely-spoken foreign language. Many European people can have a conversation in English. Thats why many people dont think it is necessary to learn a foreign language.In Britain, students arent required to learn a foreign language. That means learning a foreign language is only a choice at school. In British schools its common for children to start learning a foreign language at 11 and many of them give it up at 14. So why dont students continue learning foreign languages at school? Because they think its more difficult to get good marks in languages than in other subjects such as science or history.To solve this situation, the British government is looking for different ways to improve language learning at school. One way is to start learning it at a much younger age. Another one is to give school children more choices.(1)What can we learn from the first two paragraphs? A . The people in England are good at learning languages.B . Most of British people only speak English.C . British people are known for speaking foreign languages.D . Most of British people want to learn more than one language.(2)How many ways will the British government use to improve language learning? A . One.B . Two.C . Three.D . Four.(3)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A . People in other European countries speak English as much as British people.B . One British student cant give up learning a foreign language until 14.C . Students in Britain prefer to learn science or history rather than learn a foreign language.D . Its unusual for British students not to learn a foreign language.(4)What does the passage mainly want to tell us? A . Young English learners.B . Schools in the UK.C . Speaking English.D . Foreign language learning in the UK.六、 词汇运用 (共2题;共20分)14. (10分)根据短文意思,用方框中的单词适当形式填空China, too, be, watch, four, good, real, dance, star, comeJaycee Chan is my favorite movie actor. His _ name is Fang Zuming. He_ from Hong Kong. He _born in 1982, and his birthday is December_ His favorite color is black, so he is often in black. His favorite sport is basketball. He likes music and he also likes_. The Drummer and The Sun Also Rises are his two new movies. I like them very much and want_them once again.Jaycee Chans father is Jackie Chan. He is a great movie_. And he can play kung fu very _. My uncle likes him very much. He_ likes his movie Rush Hour 3. I like the movie, _. What about you ?15. (10分)根据短文内容和所给的中文提示,在空白处填入单词的正确形式。每空一词。Lionel Andres Messi is one of the _(伟大的) football stars in the world. Messi was _(出生) in Rosario Argentina on June 24,1987. His father was a worker and mother was a part-time cleaner. He has two brothers and a sister. At the age of five, Messi started _(踢) football for a club. He _(训练) seven hours or more each day. He was full of energy and ran fast. He soon _(展现)his talent in playing football.Messi never gives up even if he meets difficulties. In 2006, he_(受伤) his foot badly, but he came back three months _(以后) and scored three goals in a match against Real Madrid. His fans all stood up and cheered for _(他). When asked the secret of his success,Messi said, “I am always _(工作)hard to be my best, for my team, for my fans and to try and _(赢). Playing football is part of my life.七、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)16. (1分)The fire this month in Canada was a real disaster, _ (leave) thousands of people homeless.八、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)17. (5分)Choose the best topic from A to F according to the meaning of the passage. Earthquakes often happen and you may hear about the earthquake in Songyuan of Jilin Province these days. So we must know some advice about protecting ourselves.You should do earthquake practice and teach your children about earthquake safety. Everyone in the family should do some earthquake practice often. Its very important. _Its necessary to prepare yourself and your family. All family members should know how to turn off gas, water and electricity and know useful telephone numbers(120, 110, 119, etc) _If you are indoors, quickly move to a safe place in the room such as under a strong desk or a strong table. The purpose is to protect yourself from falling objects. Stay away from windows, large mirrors and so on. If you are cooking, turn off the gas. _If you are outdoors, move to an open area like a playground. Move away from buildings, bridges and trees. If you are driving, stop the car as soon as possible, stay away from bridges and tall buildings. Stay in your car. _Once the shaking has stopped, DO NOT run out of the buildings at once. Its better to wait and leave when it is safe. If your building is badly broken, you should leave it. _A. The advice about when you are indoors during an earthquakeB. You shouldnt leave at once until it is safe after an earthquakeC. Know useful telephone numbersD. Practice for an earthquakeE. The advice about when you are outdoors during an earthquakeF. Be always ready before an earthquake九、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)18. (5分)假如你是Lisa,请根据以下提示,以“My computer”为题写一篇60词左右的短文,向大家描述你的电脑。 提示:1)电脑是黄色的,键盘是黑色的,很漂亮;2)你用电脑做家庭作业,玩游戏,看电影,读新闻等;3.你周一到周五每天只用半小时电脑,在周末(at weekends)通常会用12小时。My computer第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 听对话,选择正确的答案。 (共5题;共12分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、5-2、二、 听对话,选择最佳答案。 (共2题;共10分)6-1、6-2、6-3、7-1、7-2、三、 听短文,完成信息记录表。 (共1题;共10分)8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、8-5、四、 完型填空 (共1题;共15分)9-1、五、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共34分)10-1、10-2、10-3、11-1、11-2、11-3、11-4、11-5、12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、六、 词汇运用 (共2题;共20分)14-1、15-1、七、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)16-1、八、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)17-1、九、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)18-1、


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