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沪教版2020届九年级下学期英语开学考试试卷D卷一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Who can I ask _ help if I dont know _ to deal with the problem?Your parents, I think.A . to, howB . for, howC . for, what2. (2分)Your bedroom is so dirty. Would you please _, Peter?OK, mum. Ill do it right away.A . set it upB . put it onC . pick it upD . clean it up3. (2分)Danny lost his bike, but he believes it _.A . can findB . foundC . can be found4. (2分)I think the best way is by reading . A . relax;moviesB . relaxing;filmsC . to relax;magazinesD . to relaxing;music5. (2分)My brother joined the army _ September last year. A . onB . byC . atD . in6. (2分)Its a Clean-Up Day tomorrow. Lets help _ signs. A . give upB . fix upC . come upD . put up7. (2分)I have _ been to Russia _. How I wish I could go there one day!A . never; beforeB . ever; beforeC . already; beforeD . never; ago8. (2分)Our teacher was very happy because failed the examination.A . somebodyB . nobodyC . anybodyD . everybody9. (2分) _ bad weather! It makes me down. Yes. _ rainy morning!A . What; WhatB . What a; WhatC . What a; What aD . What; What a10. (2分)Do you usually do _ on weekends? No. I usually stay at home most of the time to read and relax.A . something specialB . special somethingC . anything specialD . special anything11. (2分)It is _.A . penB . my a penC . a my penD . my pen12. (2分)He said he _ in that factory since 1949. A . workedB . has workedC . had workedD . was working13. (2分)We should do exercises as _ as possible to keep _. A . more; healthyB . much; healthC . more; healthD . much; healthy14. (2分) . Is this your hat? Yes, thank you.A . Im sorryB . Excuse meC . Youre welcome15. (2分)So far, Jim with his friends _ many places in China.A . visitedB . have visitedC . has visitedD . are visited二、 完形填空 (共2题;共16分)16. (6分)Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的词或词语完成短文) Hello, everyone, welcome to our Chitchat. In last weeks Chitchat, we asked our readers if they could re-select their major-the main subject of study in college, which one they would pick. Here are some of their ideas.If I got do-over(重来), I will make a changeJim ZhangIf I got do-over I would choose 1. Im really fond of teaching kids. Honestly, I had no idea about what I wanted to do or what I really liked even after graduation. Three years later, I realized that it was a great loss of time to think too much about what I should do, because what I really need is doing it with all heart and keeping on. Unfortunately, I was too young to realize that at that time.If I got do-over, I will 2.AgathaI can get do-over, I would choose my original major. For me, majoring in mathematics was3. Proving mathematical theories in words was crazy. However, it is mathematics that makes me have strong logical thinking. The biggest pity about my major is that I didnt try as hard as I should. In a word, I dont regret choosing mathematics as my major but I regret not learning it better and further. Do-over is not in my listtina4, I dont regret my choice. As an English teacher, sometimes its hard to improve students English level. But when I see great progress that students have made, I feel really content. Anyway, every field needs5. For students, being good at English is not the only way to success. I m really pleased with their progress, even not in English learning. Then why should I choose my major again?5EEFI majored in geography science which needs outgoing study and research in the original environment where havent been explored at all. Excitement, danger, coldness, hotness as well as uncertainty, always surround us, however its also unforgettable and we met the things others would 6do.(1)A . advertisement B . economy C . education D . medicine (2)A . work harder B . speak louder C . wait longer D . think deeper (3)A . amusing B . different C . necessary D . difficult (4)A . Whats more B . After all C . In fact D . By the way (5)A . conclusions B . talents C . advantages D . resources (6)A . never B . also C . always D . recently 17. (10分)Mike always loves ships. When he was older, he said, “Im going to be a soldier.” But his eyes were not very 1, and he did not get in.Then he said,“Im going to2a small boat and Im going around the world.”But boats were very expensive, and Mike did not have enough3.Last summer Mike found a swimming4near his house. The lessons did not cost very5, and Mike began going to the school at every end of the week and having6. Now he is a good swimmer.Last week a little boy said to him,“Youre a very good swimmer. How do7learn to swim so well?”“Im not good at all,”Mike said and he smiled.“8Im in the water, I say to myself, There are9fishes behind me! Then Im very afraid, and I10quickly.”(1)A . big B . beautiful C . good D . strong (2)A . buy B . make C . borrow D . draw (3)A . food B . work C . time D . money (4)A . park B . school C . farm D . factory (5)A . much B . little C . many D . any (6)A . meals B . lessons C . talks D . games (7)A . I B . they C . we D . you (8)A . If B . When C . Though D . Where (9)A . interesting B . nice C . dangerous D . different (10)A . run B . jump C . swim D . fly 三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共39分)18. (10分)阅读理解“My dear lady,”says Holmes“Youre shiveringAre you cold? Do you want a cup of hot tea?”“Im not cold,”the woman replies,“I fear for my life!”“We are here to help youDont worry about anythingI dont know youBut I know many things about youFor example,I know how you traveledYou came to London by trainYou also rode to the train station on a horsedrawn wagon“Why,yesYoure right.But how do you know these things?”“I see a return ticket in your gloveI see fresh mud on the left arm of your dress. Now tell us your problem“My name is Helen Stoner,”she states,“My mother and father are deadI am living with my stepfatherDrGrimsby RoylottHe comes from a rich familyBut they are no longer richThey have nothing except a small piece of land and a huge old houseWe are living in the house. DrRoylott is using my mothers mone37 for expensesPart of it was for my sister and me. It was for our marriages”Holmes is sitting in his chairHis eyes are closedHe is listening carefully to Helens storyHe hears every detail.Helen continues. “My stepfather has no friendsHe fights with everyoneHe is strong and gets angry quickly. Everyone is afraid of him”“He has no friends at all?”asks Holmes“NoHe talks to no one except the gypsies(吉普赛人)They are poor people who travel from place to placeA band of gypsies is staying on our land right now“Are you and your sister afraid of the gypsies?”“My dear MrHolmesYou are making me so sadMy sister is deadThat is why I am standing here in this room” , .(1)The word “shivering” in the first paragraph can be replaced by A . shakingB . doubtingC . wonderingD . crying(2)Which of the statements is true according to the passage? A . Holmes knows Helen very well because they are old friendsB . Helen Stoner is a homeless womanC . Helen and her sister are afraid of his fatherD . Holmes knows many facts about Helen(3)Helens life is according to her description A . happyB . comfortableC . hardD . lucky(4)What is Holmes doing while Helen is telling her story? A . Sleeping in his chairB . listening carefullyC . Staring at the womanD . Turning a deaf ear(充耳不闻)(5)The passage is probably from A . a newspaperB . a textC . an advertisement(广告)D . a novel19. (8分)阅读理解 Have you ever forgotten where your socks are when you wake up in the morning? Can you remember what you ate for lunch a week ago? You may think that being forgetful is not a good thing. But now you should be thankful. Scientists from University of Toronto found that forgetting actually is a key part of learning. Getting rid of unnecessary information can help our brains work better.What kind of information is unnecessary? Scientists say that this may have something to do with the environment you live in. In an environment that is always changing, our brains may require us to remember less. For example, a supermarket cashier(收银员)meets many people every day and will probably only remember them for a short time. But a designer who often meets his or her customers will remember longer. Thats because our brains keep making new neurons(神经元)from stem cells(千细胞), said Paul Frankland, a professor at the University of Toronto. There is a special area in our brains called hippocampus(海马体). It is important for us to learn and remember. When new neurons fit in the hippocampus, they renew our old memories. This could explain why you forget so much information about the time when you were very young. However, being forgetful is not always good. When you dont have enough sleep, you may have a hard time remembering new information. Sleep helps the brain store and keep new facts and information, Matthew Walker from the University of California told the Huffington Post. (1)Whats the opinions of the scientists from University of Toronto? A . Forgetting can make us become weaker.B . Forgetting things is necessary.C . Forgetting is also another kind of learning.D . Forgetting needs to be treated.(2)Why does a supermarket cashier remember people for a short time? A . Because he has fewer neurons.B . Because he is always busy in the supermarket.C . Because his brain requires him to remember less.D . Because he is in an environment that is always changing.(3)We should according to Matthew Walkers words. A . have enough sleepB . store new facts and informationC . exercise more and make us strongerD . spend more time remembering new information(4)What can be the best title of the passage? A . Neurons and hippocampusB . Forgetting is not badC . Forgetting and environmentD . Be thankful to forgetting20. (8分) Yesterday my son, daughter and I went to the grocery store. In front of us in line was a little girl with her mother. The little girl was asking her mother for a box of Smarties. The polite way she was asking almost broke the mothers heart, “Im sorry, Honey, but we have no money to buy it ”My son was watching that dialogue. By the way, he had been raking(用耙子耙)leaves our garden to raise himself some money to buy a bike. As he watched the mother and daughter leave the store, he ran to the candy counter(柜台)and bought a box of Smarties with the money .He turned to look at me and I just nodded. He ran out after the little girl and her mother and he gave them the box. He came back and told me what he told them. “Every kid should have a pack of Smarties because they can make you smart.”I was so excited that I bought a pack of Smarties for my son. I told him that I was proud of him, and that was for his act of generosity(慷慨)because he gave his own Smarties to others Quickly, he replied, “But you do nice things for people and you never get anything for it .”explained, “when you do something nice for someone, you shouldnt expect to get anything, when you do get something you should be very thankful.”(1)When the writer and her children went to the grocery store, they saw a little girl asking _.A . her mother for a nice toyB . her mother for a box of SmartiesC . where she could find a box of SmartiesD . her mother if she could had enough money(2)From the passage we know Smarties are _.A . a beautiful dollB . an interesting story bookC . a kind of candyD . some leaves of a nice tree(3)The writer was_to see her son buy a pack of Smarties for the little girl.A . sadB . excitedC . angryD . proud(4)What can we learn from the story above?A . Every kid should have a pack of SmartiesB . Everyone should have a good mother.C . Everyone should do nice things for others.D . Every mother should often do something for her children.21. (8分)Entering high school means you have to make more effort on study, There are a few tried and tested skills that have always proved effective(有效的) for learning. Here are some of them.Firstly, make a timetable and follow it. This will include how many hours and which part of the day you will spend studying. Try to make sure that your study time takes place after you have rested, so that you are fresh and can learn effectively. You will find that studying at the same time every day will help you concentrate(集中) better. Its also important to keep improving your timetable, to make it more effective over time.Secondly, pick a place that will help you concentrate on study. The place should be far away from loud sounds which make you uncomfortable and prevent you from concentrating on your study.High school study skills include a method called SQ3R. The first step is to survey(纵览) what needs to be covered in order to get a general understanding of the subject. Next, you can learn about the material by answering questions such as what, why, how, when, who and where. As you study, ask yourself questions and look for the answers in your material. The third step is to read and then recite(背诵) what you have read. The last step, reviewing, is often the most important one. People need to review any material about three times, before they keep it well in their minds.Besides these study tips, you can come up with several of your own study skills for school. However, remember that time is the most valuable thing you have. All the study skills for high school will be nothing, if you dont use your time wisely.(1)In order to study well, you should do all the following EXCEPT _.A . never change the timetable once you have made itB . choose a place that will make you feel comfortableC . answer some questions and ask yourself questionsD . create and follow your own study skills for school(2)The writer thinks the most important step in study is to _.A . readB . surveyC . reviewD . recite(3)The right steps to use the SQ3R method are _.A . question-survey-review-read & reciteB . survey-read & recite-question-reviewC . read & recite-review-survey-questionD . survey-question-read & recite-review(4)Which of the following might be the best title for this passage?A . School Life at High SchoolB . Study Skills for High SchoolC . The Importance of Making a TimetableD . Best ways to Improve Your Study22. (5分)请仔细阅读以下规则,并把它们贴到适合的地点。 School RulesA. Dont draw on the blackboard. B. Put the books back after you read them. C. Dont eat, drink or smoke in the computer room. D. Please wait in line while waiting for the school bus. E. Put away the balls after the P. E class. _ _ _ _四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)根据所给出的选项,完成对话。A: Hello, Lisa. Nice to meet you.B: Hi, Leila. Nice to meet you, too.A: _.B: Im thirteen. What about you?A: Fourteen, _B: Its March 5th. And you?A: _B: Oh, its coming soon. _A: Yes, I do. Can you come to my party?B: _. ThanksA. How much is it?B. How old are you?C. Happy birthday!D. When is your birthday?E. My birthday is January 10th.F. Yes, Id love to.G. Do you want to have a birthday party?五、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)24. (1分)Do you work in different c_?六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)25. (5分)B. 书面表达假设你是李华,上周末你参加了一次郊游(outing)。请根据下面表格中的提示信息写一篇题为“A pleasant outing”的英语短文。A pleasant outing时间上周末地点北山公园(the North Hill Park)活动骑自行车、爬山、野餐、做游戏感受要求:1)不要逐条翻译表格中的信息,可适当增减内容;2)短文中不得出现真实的地名、人名和校名;3)词数:约100。参考词汇:go for an outing;climb the hill;have a picnicA pleasant outing第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共2题;共16分)16-1、17-1、三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共39分)18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、22-1、四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)23-1、五、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)24-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)25-1、

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