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鲁教版2020年八年级上学期英语期末考试试卷D卷一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Noise pollution can cause people to become sick. So our government has done to stop it. A . anything usefulB . useful anythingC . something usefulD . useful something2. (2分)Can I help you?Id like for my twin daughters.A . two pair of shoesB . two pairs of shoeC . two pair of shoeD . two pairs of shoes3. (2分)Lets go on a picnic this weekend, OK? That sounds _. A . greatB . wellC . hardlyD . terribly4. (2分)He his umbrella to me yesterday,so I didnt get wet A . borrowedB . keptC . lentD . bought5. (2分)Last month, many students didnt go to school _. A . because of their illB . because their illnessC . because of their illnessD . because they are illness6. (2分)I would rather _ books than _ shopping.A . reading ; goB . read ; goingC . read; goD . reading; going7. (2分)(2015江苏淮安)We _wait until the traffic light turns green when we cross the road.A . mustB . canC . needD . may8. (2分)Why does he always wear a pair of sunglasses? Because he is blind.A . unable to talkB . unable to seeC . unable to hear9. (2分)The boy eats _.A . too many chocolatesB . too much chocolateC . too many chocolateD . too much chocolates10. (2分)Its said that the water in that lake is _ for us _. A . too clean; to drinkB . enough clean; to drinkC . so clean; to drinkD . clean enough; to drink11. (2分)一 They refused to go on a picnic on such a windy day.一 It doesnt matter. You can do it next time.A . helpB . haveC . provide12. (2分)I didnt know why he refused _ me the truth.A . tellB . tellingC . to tellD . to telling13. (2分)Its very nice you my parents your best wishes. A . of; sendingB . of; to sendC . for; to sendD . for; sending14. (2分)I dont know if Jack _back today. If he_back, Ill call you. A . will come; will comeB . comes; will comeC . comes; comesD . will come; comes15. (2分)I can see some children _ basketball in the playground now. A . playB . playedC . playingD . to play二、 阅读理解 (共3题;共24分)16. (8分)阅读理解DMy father is seventy-five years old this year. But he looks very young. He looks like a sixty-year-old man. Now he can do everything all by himself. For example, he cooks, washes clothes, does the housework and so on. Every morning, my father goes out with a radio. He listens to the music or the news and goes to the park to play taiji. In the park, he talks and laughs with other old people. After coming back from the park, he begins to have breakfast and then he goes to the university (大学) for the old. He learns drawing there. In the afternoon, he plays on the computer for about one or two hours. After supper he watches TV and learns about the world. He goes to bed at about eight oclock. He never stays up. He likes to share his ways of keeping healthy with others. Are you healthy? If not, what do you learn from my fathers secret of keeping healthy? (1)The writers father will be_ years old next year. A . 60B . 61C . 75D . 76(2)The writers father _after breakfast. A . listens to musicB . plays taijiC . talks to other old peopleD . goes to learn drawing(3)Which of the following is TRUE? A . The writers father is a young man.B . The writers father goes to bed early.C . The writers father is a computer fan.D . No one knows why the writers father looks young.(4)The writers father goes to _ to play taiji. A . the schoolB . the universityC . the parkD . the zoo17. (8分)根据短文内容的理解,选择正确答案.CSomething very special happened to Tamara. She never knew she had a twin (双胞胎) sister until she started university!Tamara was born(出生) in Mexico. Her parents could not look after her so she went to live with a family in Manhattan, New York, USA.When Tamara was twenty years old, she started university in Long Island. She enjoyed her university life. But one day she was walking home from class, and a student smiled at her. Hello, Adriana! said the student. Im not Adriana, said Tamara.This happened to Tamara again and again. Tamara didnt know why people kept calling her Adriana. One day, when a woman called her Adriana, Tamara asked, Why do you keep calling me Adriana?The woman said, You look like my friend Adriana. You have the same face and the same hair. Is Adriana your sister? Tamara said that she did not have any sisters. But she was interested in the girl named Adriana. At last she asked someone for Adrianas e-mail address (地址).When Tamara wrote to Adriana, she found out that they both had the same birthday, they looked the same and both of them were from Mexico. When Tamara went to live with the family in Manhattan, Adriana moved to Long Island to live with a family there. It had to be true! Adriana and Tamara were twin sisters!(1)When did Tamara know that she had a sister? A . Before she started school. B . After she visited a woman.C . After she went to university.(2)How might Tamara feel when a student called her Adriana? A . Sorry.B . Scared.C . Surprised.(3)What did Tamara decide to do after she talked with the woman? A . Have a talk with Adrianas parents.B . Find something about TamaraC . Give Adriana a telephone call.(4)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A . Tamara had two sisters all together.B . Adriana wrote an e-mail to Tamara first.C . Tamara and Adriana were both in Long Island when they were 20.18. (8分)根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。Everyone is afraid of something.Tommy, 11, is afraid of the dark. Rachel, 11, is most afraid of the big jellyfish (水母)in Australia. Morgan, 9, wishes she would stop being afraid to ride a bike on busy streets.Whats fear? Fear is a feeling that everyone has, and thats a good thing because fear is there to protect us. When the fear comes, it means we may meet something dangerous.For the fear of dark, a kid could have much imagination. Whats under my bed? Is there someone breaking into (闯入)my house? With the help of a parent, kids can get more comfortable in the dark. Using a night light to see that theres nothing there can also help fight that fear.For other fears, we neednt fight. If youre afraid to ride your bike on a busy street, youre right! You should be afraid because its dangerous. Theres no need to fight a fear like that. Find a better place to ride.Its also ok for Rachel to be afraid of the big jellyfish because its really dangerous. But it lives only in some waters. So when shes not swimming in one of them, there should be no worries about the big jellyfish.Here is some advice about fighting fears from kids.Monique,10, says when you are scared, just think about happy times. Eight-year-old Jessica finds that taking a deep breath helps when youre scared. Amanda, 10, thinks kids should talk with a parent. Dustin, 11, likes to talk with a group of friends.(1)What is Rachel afraid of? A . The dark.B . Talking with others.C . The bing jellyfish.D . Riding a bike on busy streets.(2)In Paragraph 4, the writer gives _ way(s) of helping kids fight the fear of dark. A . oneB . twoC . threeD . four(3)According to the writer, _ needs to fight his/her fear. A . TommyB . RachelC . MorganD . Dustin(4)Which piece of advice is not mentioned about fighting fears? A . Talking with others.B . Taking a deep breath.C . Thinking about happy times.D . Regarding fears as challenges.三、 短文填空 (共1题;共1分)19. (1分)I dont know much about the place. Its the first time I _ (be) here, you know.四、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)20. (5分)用方框中所给词或短语的适当形式填空。how about, cant stand, think of, sports shows, soap operas(1)What do you _ Healthy Living?(2)The boy doesnt like exercise, and he doesnt like _.(3)They _ game shows. They are too boring.(4)His mother likes _.She often watches them all day.(5)The girl doesnt like sports shows. _ you?五、 交际运用部分 (共2题;共10分)21. (5分)根据对话内容从方框中选择能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A:Look, Tom!_.B:Im sorry I forget its name, but I know something about it.A:_B:It was invented seven hundred years ago.A:_B:A Chinese scientist, Zhang He.A:_B:No, it wasnt. It was used for testing earthquakes.A:How clever people in ancient China were!B:Youre right. Inventions have changed our life greatly._A:I want to invent a time machine.B:That sounds great!A. Who invented it?B. Where was it made?C. Whats that over there?D. When was it invented?E. What do you want to invent?F. Was it used for holding water?G. What do you think is the most useful invention in the world?22. (5分)从方框中选择恰当的句子补全对话。其中有两个选项是多余的。Ellen: Hello!Kevin: Good evening. _Ellen: _Who is that?Kevin: This is Kevin, Sams classmate. _Ellen: Sure. Does he know your phone number?Kevin: _Ellen: Whats your phone number, then?Kevin: _Ellen: 82676806. OK, Ill tell him about it.Kevin: Thank you.A. Do you know her?B. No, he doesnt.C. May I speak to Sam?D. Im Kevin.E. Could you ask him to call me back tomorrow morning?F. Sorry, he isnt in.G. My phone number is 82676806.六、 任务型阅读 (共3题;共35分)23. (25分)任务型阅读 Dear Miss Li, Id like to thank you for giving money to Animal Helpers, Im sure you know that this group was set up to help people like me. You helped to make it possible for me to have Lucky. Lucky makes a big difference to my life. Let me tell you my story. What would it be like to be blind or deaf? Or imagine you cant walk or use your hands easily. Most people would never think about this, but many people have these difficulties, I cant use my arms or legs well, so normal things like answering the telephone, opening and closing doors or carrying things are difficult for me. Then one day last year, a friend of mine helped me out. She talked to Animal Helpers about getting me a special trained dog. She also thought a dog might cheer me up. I love animals and I was excited about the idea of having a dog. After six months of training with a dog at Animal Helpers, I was able to bring him home. My dogs name is Luckya good name for him because I feel very lucky to have him. You see, Im only able to have a dog-helper because of your kindness! Lucky is very clever and understands many English words. He can understand me when I give him orders. For example, I say, Lucky! get my book, and he does it at once. Lucky is a fantastic dog. Ill send you a photo of him if you like, and I could show you how he helps me. Thank you again for changing my life. Best wishes, Ben Smith(1)Who wrote the letter to Miss Li? Why? (2)What did Miss Li do? (3)Why did Ben Smith need a dog? (4)What can Lucky do for Ben Smith? (5)In what other ways do you think dogs are able to help people? 24. (5分)阅读短文,根据短文内容填写表格,将信息补充完整。每空不超过三个单词。Co-operation(合作) is always needed when you make a project that the teacher gives you.First, discuss all you would like to do with your classmates. Choose one of the members to write down what youre talking about. Then, with the ideas you get, list all you want. Everyone shares the duty for the project. You can collect information not only from books but also on the Internet. Making a survey and doing a research are also good ways. After that, all the members put what has been found together. Try to make the project more well-organized. In the end, you can give a report in front of your class to show the results of your hard work.You need _when you make a project.How to do it?First, _with your classmates and choose one member to_what youre talking about.Second, collect and list all you want. Making a survey and doing a_are also good ways.After that, put what has been found together and make the project more well-organized.In the end, show the results of your hard work by giving a_25. (5分)综合阅读。One day, a farmer took his horse to the town for sale and hoped to bring some money home. On his way he saw an old woman. She looked weak, so the farmer carried her on his horse. Before the woman said goodbye, she gave the farmer a ring. She told him that the ring had magic power(魔力) and could make any dream come true. But he could make only one wish.Later the farmer sold his horse and began to walk home. Then he met an old friend and went to his friends house to take a rest. After drinking some wine, the farmer talked to his friend about the ring. The friends asked him to drink more wine to celebrate his good luck. The farmer drank too much and then fell asleep. The friend took the ring away and put another one in its place. After the farmer woke up and left, the man took out the ring and said, “Fill the house with gold.”Lots of gold fell down like heavy rain and killed the man. When the farmer got home, he thought he should wait until his children grew older to decide what wish was the best. So he hid(藏) it behind his house and forgot about it after several years.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。(1)What did the farmer go to the town to do?_(2)Who gave the magic ring to the farmer?_(3)Why did the farmer fall asleep?_(4)Did the farmers friend take the ring away?_(5)Where did the farmer hide the ring later?_七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)26. (5分)假如你是Mary,你与你的好朋友参观动物园后做了一份调查,请根据表格内容写一篇调查报告。NamesFavorite animalsBe fromReasonsMarygiraffeAfricabeautifulTompandaChinacute,friendlyJohnkoalaAustraliashy, cute第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 阅读理解 (共3题;共24分)16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、三、 短文填空 (共1题;共1分)19-1、四、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、五、 交际运用部分 (共2题;共10分)21-1、22-1、六、 任务型阅读 (共3题;共35分)23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、23-5、24-1、25-1、25-2、25-3、25-4、25-5、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)26-1、

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