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七年级上学期期中测试(I)卷一、 词汇测试。选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。 (共8题;共16分)1. (2分)Drivers who forget to light up at night often cause accidents. A . turn on the lightB . give light to the carC . fasten the seat belt2. (2分)Dont worry, Tom! Ill send you an email _. A . as soon as possibleB . as soon as quicklyC . as soon as canD . as quick as I can3. (2分)He said he would come to see us _ the next month. A . sometimeB . some timeC . sometimes4. (2分) Can I swim in the river?No way. Look at the sign. It says No Swimming.A . Its possible.B . No door.C . Its impossible.D . No problem.5. (2分)The Big Ben is in _.A . RussiaB . CanadaC . FranceD . the UK6. (2分)In order to get there on time,we will set off in the early morningOkayWe willA . set freeB . set outC . return7. (2分)Did you enjoy the movie?Not at all. It was such a boring movie that I _.A . got upB . fell asleepC . cheered up8. (2分)The doctor said there was nothing wrong with me .Great .Then you neednt worry any more . A . not somethingB . not everythingC . not anything二、 选出恰当的词语完成句子。 (共7题;共14分)9. (2分)Could you give me some suggestions for my job interview?Dont be nervous and express yourself clearly.A . waysB . questionsC . advice10. (2分)What_ bowl of noodles would you like, small, medium or large?A large bowl of beef noodles, please.A . colorB . priceC . sizeD . kind11. (2分)Nancy was _excited _ say a word when she saw her favorite writer. A . so :thatB . very: toC . too: to12. (2分)_ do you play computer games?About twice a month. Im busy with my study.A . How longB . How oftenC . How soon13. (2分) Do you have apples? Sorry, I dont have , but I have bananas.A . any; any; anyB . some; some; someC . any; some; someD . any; any; some14. (2分)I _ Mr wang is a good teacher. A . thinkB . welcomeC . helpD . thank15. (2分)May I have a look at this box, Kang?_.A . Sorry, Im afraid you can.B . Thank you all the same.C . Thank you very much.D . Sorry, Im afraid you cant.三、 完形填空。 (共1题;共6分)16. (6分)完形填空My husband Bill, was diagnosed with cancer(癌症).Over the course of seven months, he went from beating me silly at tennis to needing my help to go to the bathroom.It was the best seven months of my life. Maybe I dont1mean that, but it was certainly the time when I felt most alive. I had become a respected professor, and a responsible wife. During those seven months, I came to understand that nothing would2more than what I had done to my husband.When I couldnt sleep at night, I prayed(析祷)to God. Then I began praying it daily even if I had no difficulty sleeping, which 3.my breathing and calmed my mind.During his last week, a relative visited I noticed that shed changed her appearance, but in a funny way. It was the kind of 4I kept to myself. After she left .Bill voiced exactly what Id been thinking, in that truthful way he bad and I found myself laughing out in my heart.I could live with this man, even needing as much care as he does, for the next 40 years, I thought. 5,he would be dead very soon. I will never again have that high a purpose in my life. I will try to be a little less unhappy, and a little more 6for the small moments in life .I am a better person for caring for Bill. It was his last, best gift to me.(1)A . completely B . hardly C . actually D . carefully (2)A . care B . matter C . change D . cost (3)A . slowed B . increased C . held D . took (4)A . jokes B . friends C . work D . thought (5)A . Luckily B . However C . Instead D . Finally (6)A . sorry B . excited C . thankful D . worried 四、 阅读理解. (共5题;共46分)17. (10分)阅读理解Happy Family SaladIngredients :Two adults ( married, responsible and loving parents)One child (or more)Two large bowls of tolerance (宽容)A cup of understandingFour leaves of fun and gamesTwo tablespoons of salad cream of kindnessA whole heap of sharing and caringA bag of happy thoughtsA bag of smilesMethod :1). Put all the ingredients except the leaves of fun and games, cream of kindness, happy,thoughts and smiles, in a mixing bowl.2). Pour in the cream of kindness and mix well.3). Arrange the leaves of fun and games in a salad bowl.4). Sprinkle (撒) the happy thoughts and smiles on top and serve.Serving suggestion :Do not refrigerate. Always serve salad fresh and eat immediately, and together as a family.Stale salad should be discarded before it breeds unhappiness.The Happy Family Salad can beeaten at a as art of breakfast, lunch or dinner.根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填涂在答题卡相应位置。(1)How many family members are needed to make the Happy Family Salad?A . A parent and a child.B . A parent and two children.C . Two parents and at least a child.D . Two parents and no children.(2)When should we pour the cream of kindness into the salad?A . After sprinkling the happy thoughts and smiles on top of the ingredients.B . After arranging the leaves of fun and games in a salad bowl.C . After placing the mixed ingredients in a mixing bowl.D . After putting the ingredients on the leaves.(3)How should we prepare the adults to make Happy Family Salad?A . They should be married, responsible and loving parents.B . They should be healthy and loving parents.C . They should be parents to many children.D . They should be old and loving parents.(4)What does the underlined sentence mean in the last paragraph?A . A happy family can be enjoyed at all times.B . A happy family should eat every meal together.C . A salad can be eaten at every meal.D . Responsible parents are important at all times.(5)Why does the writer write the passage?A . To teach parents how to be happy.B . To tell families how to make a salad.C . To show parents how to play with their children.D . To advise family members on how to have a happy family life.18. (6分) March 5 is Lei Feng Day. Lei Feng is one of the most famous role models(榜样) in China. He is known for his warm heart and kind deeds(行为). We should learn from him. In honor of this great person, we did lots of kind deeds on March 4. Take a look!Xu Hanchi, 13:I went to a square(广场)in a local university with my classmates to do cleaning. We swept off the fallen leaves and picked up rubbish. When we finished, the ground was very clean. Though no one came up to praise us, we still felt very happy. We learned that doing good things itself could make us happy.Zhu Lingyue, 14:My group cleaned the teachers office that day. When we got there, we were surprised that the office was not as clean as we expected. How could teachers work in such an untidy(不整洁的) place? We started cleaning quickly. Teachers work really hard and may not have the time to clean their offices. Its great that we can do something to help make them less tired.Tom Rui, 14:We helped clean the yard in the front of a hospital, but some patients(病人) there left us a very bad impression(印象). They were very impolite and shouted at nurses and doctors. I think nurses and doctors work is hard. They try their best to help us. We should give them more respect and understanding.(1)The three children did lots of kind deeds _A . on March 5B . on March 8C . on March 4D . on March 3(2)Zhu Lingyue _ on that day.A . cleaned the yardB . cleaned the teacherss officeC . cleaned a squareD . cleaned a hospital.(3)Tom Rui thinks the patients in the hospital are _A . kindB . politC . happyD . rude19. (10分)阅读理解When my first wartime Christmas came, I was in basic training in New Jersey and not sure if I would make it home for the holidays. Only on the afternoon of December 23 was the list of men who would have the three-day holiday posted. I was one of the lucky soldiers. It was Christmas Eve when I arrived home, and a little snow had fallen. Mother opened the front door. I could see beyond her, into the corner of the living room where the tree had always stood, there were lights, all colors, and ornaments (饰品) shining against the green of a pine.“Where did it come from?” I asked.“I asked the Gates boy to cut it,” my mother said. “I wouldnt have had one just for myself, but when in great needsuch a rush! He just brought it in this afternoon.”The pine reached to the proper height, almost to the ceiling, and the Tree Top Crystal Star was in its place. A few green branches reached out a little awkwardly(难看) at the side, I thought, and there was a bit of bare trunk showing in the middle. But the tree filled the room with warm light and the whole house with the pleasant smell of Christmas.“Its not like the one you used to find,” my mother went on. “Yours were always in good shape. I suppose the Gates boy didnt know where to look for a better one. But I couldnt be fussy because he had tried his best.”“Dont worry,” I told her. “Its perfect.”It wasnt, of course, but at the moment I realized something for the first time: all Christmas trees are perfect.(1)What did his mothers Christmas tree look like? A . B . C . D . (2)Which of the following is TRUE according to the story? A . One soldier told the writer he would have a three-day holiday for Christmas.B . When the writer got home, the Gates boy was cutting a Christmas tree.C . His mother would not complain for the Christmas tree which looked awkward.D . All the soldiers were lucky to go home for Christmas during the war.(3)From the passage, we can infer that _. A . the writer spent his first Christmas during the warB . the writer didnt like the tree cut by someone elseC . the writer used to cut very beautiful Christmas treeD . his mother didnt want to have a Christmas tree during wartime(4)What does the writer mean by saying “all Christmas trees are perfect”? A . Nothing is as perfect as Christmas.B . Once at home, everything is so nice.C . During the war, trees are hard to find.D . All Christmas trees are the most beautiful.(5)Which would be the best title for the passage? A . A Soldier and the Christmas TreeB . How Soldiers Spent ChristmasC . The Perfect Christmas TreeD . Christmas and a Special Tree20. (10分)根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。Baloo the bear, Leo the Lion and Shere Khan the tiger have the most unusual and unlikely friendship between them. They were saved eight years ago, when they were cubs only two months old.They were first sent to a rescue(救护)center, where they were raised together. Now they are in an American zoo. Because they came here as a kind of family, the zoo built a large clubhouse so that they could all sleep in it.Now they have grown up. You can see them playing around like brothers. The three big animals seem to no sense(意识) of their animal differences.Baloo and Shere Khan are very close. That is because they rise early, as Leo being a lion likes to spend most the day sleeping. When Leo wakes up the three of them mess around for most of the day before they settle down to some food. It is wonderful to see a giant American Black Bear put his arm around a Bengal tiger and then to see the tiger touch the bear with his nose lightly like a pet cat. You can often see they lie on top of each other for heat and for love.“They are not wild animals any more. But you must remember who you are dealing with when you are with them,” said one of the zoo keepers.(1)The passage is mainly about _. A . how to save animalsB . where animals should stayC . the friendship between animalsD . man and animals(2)The underlined word “cubs” here means _. A . 幼崽B . 存活C . 分开D . 收养(3)Balllo and Shere Khan are a bit close because _. A . they both like to get up early.B . they dont like LeoC . Leo likes to sleep all dayD . they live in one clubhouse(4)How do you think these three animals will feel when they are together? A . boredB . worriedC . relaxedD . scared(5)What does the last paragraph want to tell us? A . Animals can be dangerous.B . Animals are not friendly to man.C . Animals are only nice to animals.D . Animals are our friends.21. (10分)根据短文理解,完成下列各题。BIf there is a fire disaster, knowing what to do is important. If a fire breaks out and runs into your home, what should you do?First, you should keep calm and warn everyone in the house about the danger. Dont panic (be scared) and start screaming. You cant take elevator to get down if you live in a high building. Youd better take stairs with a wet towel. It is most important to be calm and act fast.Second, you and all the other people should get out of the house as quickly as you can. Dont stop to take your belongings (物品) with you, even if there you have many valuable things in the house. And once you are out of the house, stay out. Do not go back into the house for any reason.Finally, when you get out of the firing house, call 119 and let the skilled firefighters to put the fire out at once. Dont try to put out the fire by yourself. That can be very dangerous.(1)What is the first thing youd better do if a fire breaks out on your house?A . Take out your belongings at once.B . Start screaming at once.C . Get down by taking elevator.D . Warn everyone in the house.(2)What should you do once you are out of the house?A . Panic.B . Go back for the belongings.C . Make a call.D . Scream.(3)How should you get out of your home if you live in a high building?A . You can take an elevator as quickly as possible.B . You should get down on the stairs with something wet.C . Youd better jump down through the window.D . You can roll down from the window with a basket.(4)You should call the firefighters .A . after you leave the houseB . after you take your belongingsC . when you are trying to put out the fireD . before you warn everyone(5)What does the passage tell us?A . Dont be afraid before leaving the house.B . Dont put out the fire by yourself.C . Its better to let your belongings burn.D . Obey some important rules if you meet a fire.五、 语法填空。 (共1题;共5分)22. (5分)在下列各句的空白处填上一个最恰当的词,使句子意思完整、语法正确。(1)I like singing so I want to _ the singing club.(2)Im going to buy a house _ a small garden in front of it.(3)All the Chinese people hope that China Dream will come _.(4)His sister has an alarm clock and it can wake her _ every morning.(5)What does your father look like?He is of medium _ and he is a little heavy.六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)假如你是李华,你和家人正在大连度假,请你根据下面的要点提示给你的英国笔友David写一张明信片。要点提示:1)大连的天气如何?2)此刻你正在做什么?3)你的家人及其他人在做什么?4)你的感受。要求:1)内容须包括所有要点提示,可适当发挥;2)词数60左右,明信片的格式及结尾已给出,不计入总词数。第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 词汇测试。选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。 (共8题;共16分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、二、 选出恰当的词语完成句子。 (共7题;共14分)9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、三、 完形填空。 (共1题;共6分)16-1、四、 阅读理解. (共5题;共46分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、五、 语法填空。 (共1题;共5分)22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、22-5、六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)23-1、

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