(河北专版)2019中考英语高分复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第11课时 Units 3-4(八下)课件 人教新目标版.ppt

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(河北专版)2019中考英语高分复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第11课时 Units 3-4(八下)课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
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(河北专版)2019中考英语高分复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第11课时 Units 3-4(八下)课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第2页
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(河北专版)2019中考英语高分复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第11课时 Units 3-4(八下)课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
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河北专版 新课标 RJ 第11课时Units3 4 八下 PARTONE 第一篇教材梳理篇 cloudy relationship related relative usually unusual illness properly clearly quickly fairness elder older eldest oldest swept swept threw thrown lent lent development developing developed dependent independence communication argument explanation competitor competition dropped dropped second secondly takeouttherubbish dependon takecareof lookthrough workout getonwith cutout compare with workon communicatewith competewith besorryfor beangrywith begoodfor inorderto throwaway inone sopinion asaresult assoonas bigdeal readingskill livingroom allthetime neither nor helpwithhouseworkandchores tolearnhowto lookafterthemselves children sindependence understandtheideaoffairness dotheirpartinkeeping getonwith talkaboutthesefeelings offertohelp communicatewith don tmindhimwatching neitheradv 也不pron 两者都不 题1 1 Wouldyoulikesomemilkorcoffee Sir Justaglassofwater please A BothB EitherC NeitherD None 2 Whatlanguageisthatguyspeaking Icanhardlycatchasingleword He sfromIndia soIguessitisHindi A NeitherIcanB NeithercanIC SoIcanD SocanI 题2 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空BothTomandhisparentsliketraveling butneitherhisparentsnorhe have beenabroad C B has allowv 允许 准许 题3 1 Inthiscountry womentoworkoutside A allowB aren tallowingC aren tallowedD allowed 2 Look Theydon tallowpeoplehere Solet sfindanotherplacetopaint A paintB paintsC topaintD painting 题4 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空Ourteacherallowsingroupsinhisclass work C C working 归纳拓展 borrow lend keep 题5 1 HowlongcanIthisnovelGulliver sTravels Foronlytwoweeks A borrowB lendC returnD keep 2 CanIadictionaryfromyou Lucy Sorry Idon thaveone A borrowB lendC keepD get 3 Couldyoupleasemeyournotebook Grace Certainly Hereyouare A borrowB toborrowC lendD tolend 题6 连词成句dictionary could lend you your me D A C Couldyoulendmeyourdictionary offer provide 题7 1 TheamazingdocumentaryAerialChina 航拍中国 theviewerswiththebreathtakingbeautyofthecountry snaturallandscapes A providesB preventsC provesD praises 2 Parentsalwaystheirchildrenenoughcareandprotection A offerB provideC preventD produce A A instead insteadof ratherthan 题8 用instead insteadof或ratherthan填空 1 Itwillbesunnytomorrow andIwillridemybiketakingthebus 2 LastsummerIwenttoQinhuangdao ThissummerI mgoingtoChengde 3 Tomdoesn tstudyhard heplaysthedrumsallday 4 ShepreferstowatchTVdoherhomework insteadof instead Instead ratherthan Couldyoupleasesweepthefloor 你能扫一下地板吗 Yes sure 好的 当然可以 题9 1 CouldyoupleaseturnofftheTV Iwanttowatchthesportsnews A No Icouldn tB Sorry Ican tC Sure IcanD Sorry Icouldn t 2 Couldyoupleasesweepthefloor I mgoingtocookdinner I lldoitatonce Mom A I mafraidnotB You rekiddingC It sashameD Withpleasure B D 归纳拓展 1 Couldyou please 动词原形 意为 请你 好吗 其否定形式为 Couldyou please not 动词原形 肯定回答 Sure Certainly Ofcourse Withpleasure 否定回答 Sorry Ican t Couldyoupleaseanswerthetelephone 请你接电话好吗 Sure Sorry Ican t I mtoobusynow 当然可以 对不起 我不能 我现在太忙 2 could的其他用法 1 could为情态动词 是can的过去式 表示过去的能力 肯定和否定回答仍用could Couldyouswimwhenyouwerefive 你五岁时会游泳吗 Yes Icould 是的 我会 2 could还可表示推测 意为 可能 DoyouknowwherePeteris 你知道彼得在哪儿吗 Hecouldbeinthelibrary 他可能在图书馆 Theyshouldspendtheirtimeonschoolworkinordertogetgoodgradesandgetintoagooduniversity 他们应该将时间花在学业上 为的是取得好成绩并考上好大学 题10 Inorderforthemeeting mysisterforcedherselftogetupearlythismorning A nottobelateB notbeinglateC tobelateD beinglate A 归纳拓展 1 inordertodosth 意为 为了 以便做某事 可放在句首 也可放在句中 其否定形式为 inordernottodosth 意为 为了不做某事 2 inorder that从句 也可表示 为了 以便 从句中常用can may could might等情态动词 Myfatherworkshardinorderthathemaysupportourfamily 我父亲辛苦地工作是为了养家 用所给单词的适当形式填空1 Hiswordsmadehisparents anger 2 Ithinkthe communicate betweenfriendsisuseful Ithelpsthemtobecomefriendlier 3 Withthe develop ofXiong anNewArea morethan180 000jobscanbeprovidedforlocalpeople 4 BeingafraidthatTimislonely hismomwantstohavea two babytoplaywithhim 5 It sa n usual experience fewpeoplehavechancestodoit angry communication development second unusual 6 Wearesupposedtobehave proper inpublicplaces 7 Accordingtothenewrules fromMay1 2018 youwillnotbeallowed buy trainticketsfor180daysifyouareseensmokingonthehigh speedtrains 8 Look Noraistakingtheleadintherunning compete 9 Ihopetobecome independence whenIenterseniorhighschool 10 Itmayberainy cloud orsunny I mnotsure properly tobuy competition independent cloudy 根据句意及首字母提示填空11 Hetaballtotrainhispetdogtobequickinactionandmindeveryday 12 Whatamess Youaresupposedtosyourroomeveryday 13 Couldyoupleasepmethedictionary Ican treachit 14 Sorry takingphotosisnotahere Pleaseturnoffyourcamera 15 ItwasrainysoIdidn tgooutyesterday I Istayedathomereadingallday 16 Ifyouwanttoknowmoreaboutspace pleaselooktthebookABriefHistoryofTime 时间简史 17 Shedoesn tliketea NdoI 18 It sinterestingtocAmericanEnglishwithBritishEnglish 19 Ithinkplayingcomputergamesisawoftime 20 Hisebrotheristwoyearsolderthanhim throws sweep pass allowed Instead through Neither compare waste elder 连词成句21 them home is at neitherof 22 thefamily for we provide will food 23 yesterday returned he me the to dictionary 24 you just be should yourself 25 help boy the always me gives Neitherofthemisathome Wewillprovidefoodforthefamily Yesterdayhereturnedthedictionarytome Hereturnedthedictionarytomeyesterday Youshouldjustbeyourself Theboyalwaysgivesmehelp


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