沪教版2020年七年级上学期英语第一次月考试卷 D卷.doc

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沪教版2020年七年级上学期英语第一次月考试卷 D卷一、 完形填空。(10分) (共1题;共10分)1. (10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给A、B、C、D的四个选项中选出最佳选项,使文章完整、通顺。 Hello, boys and girls. My name is Li Hao. Im thirteen. And Im a 1in a middle school in Quzhou now.Whats this?2a classroom, our classroom. Is it big 3nice? Yes! There are many things in it. In the front of the classroom, there is a 4desk. And a computer is on the desk. A big blackboard is 5the front wall, near the door. On the left and the right 6, there are a lot of pictures. A map of China and a map of the world 7on the back wall of the classroom.In the middle of the classroom are our desks and 8. How many desks are there? Thirty. How many chairs are there?9too. A desk and a chair are 10a student. Are there 11computers on our desks? No, but there are books on them!12am I in the classroom? In the classroom, Zhao Lei is on my 13. Wang Ling is on my right. 14are all good friends.Who is our English teacher? Miss Pond. She is 15good teacher from Australia. We all like her.(1)A . teacher B . worker C . student D . farmer (2)A . Its B . Its C . Theyre D . Therere (3)A . or B . but C . so D . and (4)A . teacher B . teachers C . teachers D . teachers (5)A . on B . at C . behind D . under (6)A . desks B . classrooms C . walls D . doors (7)A . am B . is C . are D . be (8)A . books B . chairs C . bags D . pens (9)A . Twenty B . Thirty C . Fifty D . Sixty (10)A . to B . from C . with D . for (11)A . some B . no C . any D . much (12)A . Who B . Where C . What D . How (13)A . left B . right C . middle D . next (14)A . You B . We C . They D . Them (15)A . the B . / C . an D . a 二、 阅读理解。(20分) (共4题;共20分)2. (5分) An American writer, Mr Green once(曾经) said, “Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.” It is true that everybody talks about the weather. Many people begin their talks by saying, “Isnt it a nice day?” “Do you think it will rain?” “I think its going to snow.”Many people think they can tell what the weather is going to be like. But sometimes they dont agree with each other. One man may say, “Do you see how cloudy it is in the east? Its going to rain tomorrow.” Another man will say, “No, its going to be fine tomorrow.”People often look for the weather they want. When a farmer needs water, he looks for something to tell him its going to rain, and he doesnt look for anything else. When friends have a picnic, they hope the weather is going to be fine and they can sit eating their lunch under the blue sky.Almost everyone listens to what the weatherman says. But he doesnt always tell us what we want, and sometimes he makes a mistake. Still, he is right most of the time.(1)People often begin their talk by _.A . saying hello to each otherB . Drinking teaC . Looking for good weatherD . saying something about the weather(2)People sometimes have different ideas about _.A . what the weather is going to be likeB . what we should do about the weatherC . how to begin a talkD . how to have fine weather(3)_, they always hope the weather is going to be fine.A . When people talk about weatherB . When people stay at homeC . When the farmers need waterD . When people have a picnic(4)According to the passage, which is NOT RIGHT?A . Almost everyone listens to what the weatherman says.B . People often look for the weather they want.C . The weatherman never makes a mistake.D . Many people begin their talks by talking about the weather.(5)What is the best title for the passage?A . Weather ReportB . Story About a WeathermanC . About WeatherD . How to Begin a Talk3. (3分)阅读理解DDear Dr Jackson, My parents are never pleased with me. They are always criticizing (批评)my clothes, my hair and the music I listen to. They hate my friends looks and they keep complaining when I go with them. Im not allowed to stay out as late as my friends do, so I cant have any fun. My parents only seem to care about my school marks. Although I love them, sometimes I feel we live in different worlds. If they love me, why dont they understand me?AngelDear Angel, Your problem is common to both teenagers and parents. Dont worry, because all this is natural. You see, your parents have grown up at a different time and they have different experiences. So, they think some things are strange, but you find the same things ordinary. For example, the music you like may sound like noise to them. Your parents love you, so they feel they must protect you from whatever they find strange. On the other hand, you dont want to be different teenagers, so you feel that your parents restrict you. I think you should talk about this problem with your parents. Try to explain to them what you want and make them know they can believe you. Sooner or later, theyll find you are a responsible(有责任心的)person and they will give you more freedom.Dr Jackson(1)Why does Angel write to Dr Jackson? A . Because her parents make her happy.B . Because her parents cant understand her.C . Because her friends dont like her parents.D . Because her parents dont think she is good at school.(2)Angel thinks she has _ than her friends. A . more funB . less freedomC . better gradesD . less clothes(3)What advice does Dr Jackson give to Angel? A . Be different from the other teenagers.B . Dont tell her parents what she wants to do.C . Take care of her parents and do whatever they like.D . Discuss her problem with her parents.(4)What does the underlined word restrict mean in Chinese? A . 限制B . 保护C . 放纵D . 抛弃(5)Which of the following is TRUE? A . According to Dr Jackson, Angels problem isnt usual.B . Angels father likes the music that Angel likes.C . Angel should show her parents that she is a responsible person.D . Angel doesnt love her parents at all.4. (4.0分)阅读理解Today is my teacher Miss Lis birthday. She is forty years old. She is a very kind teacher in my school and we love her very much. We are going to send lots of presents to her. The cold winter is coming, so I buy a red scarf for her. She likes it very much. Some of my classmates buy flowers for her. She sees many flowers on her desk when she comes into the classroom.We have a birthday party at night. We sing a birthday song and dance for her. She also plays games with us. Were very happy!(1)Miss Li is _ years old this year. A . thirteenB . thirtyC . fourteenD . forty(2)I buy a scarf for her because _. A . she likes itB . she doesnt like flowersC . the cold winter is comingD . she asks me to buy it(3)Many students buy _ for Miss Li. A . clothesB . flowersC . booksD . animals(4)We have a birthday party for her and we _ at the party. A . sing a birthday songB . danceC . play gamesD . A, B and C(5)Which is NOT right according to (根据) this passage? A . Miss Li is kind in our school.B . Some of the students buy flowers for our beautiful teacher.C . We dont have a birthday party for her.D . She plays games with us at the party.5. (8分)阅读理解 Mr Brown lived in a house less than two miles from his office, so he was able to drive home every day for lunch. Every time he drove home at noon, he found many cars were parked outside his house and there was no room for his own car. He had to drive somewhere else to park his car. Then he had to walk back home. This made him very angry. He had put up a board, which said No parking in the garden facing the road, but nobody noticed(注意) it. People seemed to obey(遵守) only a police notice with white letters on a blue board:Mrs Brown suggested(建议) that he steal(偷) a police notice. He was afraid to do so. She then suggested that he make one just like a police notice. He said he was not the police and couldnt use the word police. Several days later, Mr Brown made a blue board with white letters:Oh! Mrs Brown said, You told me you werent going to use the word police, but why do you use it now? Really? he asked. Look again. She started to laugh. You are really clever.(1)Mr Browns office was _ his house. A . next toB . not so far fromC . two hours drive fromD . five miles from(2)Mr Brown was angry about that _. A . he found no room to park his car outside his houseB . he had nothing to eat for lunch at homeC . he lost the way when he drove back home one dayD . he couldnt make a police notice outside his house(3)Mr Brown made _ notice board(s) altogether(一共). A . oneB . twoC . threeD . no(4)Mr Brown made a notice board which _ in the end. A . was just the same as a police noticeB . was different in colour from a police noticeC . just looked like a police noticeD . said POLICE NOTICE, NO PARKING三、 句型转换:按照要求完成句子,每空一词。(10分) (共5题;共5分)6. (1分)句型转换。(1)She does to school at seven thirty.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ she go to school?(2)My brother has breakfast at home in the morning. (改为否定句)My brother _ _ breakfast at home in the morning.(3)They go to work from Monday to Friday.(对划线部分提问)_ _ they go to work?(4)She watches TV every evening.(对划线部分提问)_ _ she _ every evening?7. (1分)Johns niece has got spiky hair and blue eyes.(根据划线部分提问) 8. (1分)Does Helen have a dictionary? (作肯定回答)Yes, _ _.9. (1分)句型转换(1)There are some people in the park.(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)_there _ people in the park?No, _.(2)The post office is on Center Street. (划线部分提问)_the post office?(3)He likes pandas.(用giraffes变为选择疑问句)_he like pandas_ giraffes?(4)My history teacher speaks English. (划线部分提问)_ _your history teacher speak?10. (1分)They are very nice photos. (改为感叹句)_photos they are!四、 短文填空(每空一词,共10分) (共1题;共10分)11. (10分)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次。 pride spread take luck treat(1)My cousin used _ notes carefully when he was a teenager. (2)Old people should _ nicely. (3)_, every kid was taken to safety by the volunteers. (4)The old woman spent her lifetime by _ her love and joy everywhere she went. (5)Your parents will be _ of you if you work hard. 五、 任务型阅读。(10分) (共1题;共10分)12. (10分)阅读下面邮件,将地图上的A、B、C、D四个地点填入第(1)-(4)相应的空格中,并完成第(5)小题。 Dear Mom and Dad,How are you? I hope everything is okay. Im doing well.Here at Valley College, Im very busy with my English classes at the ESL Center. My teacher says, Its important to practice English outside the classroom. Thats why Im writing this e-mail in English! Sometimes Im a little afraid to use my English, but people are usually nice. I speak English with others here in the dorm(宿舍) and the dining room.I feel very comfortable here. This college has everything! Its like a small city. The student store is next to my dorm. Theres a beautiful garden across from the student store. The health center is on the corner, across from my dorm. The sports center is on the corner of College Avenue and Garden Street, There are three coffee shops on College Avenue!There is one thing the college doesnt have, Mom: your cooking!Love,Sunny(1)the student store_(2)a coffee shop_(3)the sports center_(4)the health center_(5)Whats the main topic of the e-mail? A . Sunnys ways of practicing English.B . Sunnys college neighborhood.C . Sunnys study at college.D . Cooking of Sunny s mother.六、 补全对话。(10分) (共2题;共10分)13. (5分)还原句子。把正确答案的序号写在横线上,使对话完整、通顺。A. Yes, but Im not good at it.B. I often play football.C. Do you live in a big city?D. Everyone in China loves pandas.E. Hi, Mary.Simon: Daming, this is my friend, Mary.Daming: _.Mary: Hello, Daming. Can I ask you some questions, please? Its for a school project.Daming: Yes.Mary: _.Daming: No, I dont.Mary: Do you like pandas?Daming: Yes, _.Mary: Do you enjoy reading?Daming:Yes, I love reading.Mary: OK. Can you play football?Daming: Oh, yes. _.Mary: Can you cook?Daming: No, I cant cook, but my mother is a good cook.Mary: Can you swim?Daming: _.Mary: Thanks, Daming.14. (5分)从方框中选择恰当的句子完成对话。(有一项多余)A: Hello, Joe!B: Hi, Tina!A: _B: Im reading a book.A: Do you want to come to my house this afternoon? _B: That sounds great! _A: Its on Short Street. Its a beautiful street.B: _A: Yes, it is not very far. _B: OK, Ill see you at three thirty.A. Where is your house?B. Can I walk there?C. And its not difficult to find it.D. What do you want to do?E. We can watch CDs at my home.F. What are you doing?七、 书面表达。(10分) (共1题;共15分)15. (15分)环境污染日益严重。想象一下如果环境继续这样恶化下去,100年后我们的生活会变成什么样?请你根据下面的内容提示,用6个以上完整的英语句子介绍一下2118年的生活并说明原因。 【内容提示】人们可能会住在海里;人们出门时可能要穿太空服;动物可能越来越少;呼吁大家保护环境。第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 完形填空。(10分) (共1题;共10分)1-1、二、 阅读理解。(20分) (共4题;共20分)2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、三、 句型转换:按照要求完成句子,每空一词。(10分) (共5题;共5分)6-1、6-2、6-3、6-4、7-1、8-1、9-1、9-2、9-3、9-4、9-5、10-1、四、 短文填空(每空一词,共10分) (共1题;共10分)11-1、11-2、11-3、11-4、11-5、五、 任务型阅读。(10分) (共1题;共10分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、六、 补全对话。(10分) (共2题;共10分)13-1、14-1、七、 书面表达。(10分) (共1题;共15分)15-1、

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