(安徽专版)2019中考英语高分复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第13课时 Units 7-8(八下)课件 人教新目标版.ppt

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(安徽专版)2019中考英语高分复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第13课时 Units 7-8(八下)课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
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(安徽专版)2019中考英语高分复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第13课时 Units 7-8(八下)课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第2页
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(安徽专版)2019中考英语高分复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第13课时 Units 7-8(八下)课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
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安徽专版 新课标 RJ 第13课时Unit7 8 八下 PARTONE 第一篇教材梳理篇 Asian France Frenchman Frenchmen southern widely deeply illness tourist protection achievement weight laughter introduction keeper freezing including takein walkinto fallover hurryup belongto waitinline introduceoneselftosb doresearchonsth inthefaceof atbirth asfarasIknow upto fullof orso eversince oneanother countrymusic everytwoyears AsfarasIknow oneoftheoldestcountries Oneoftheworld smostdangeroussportsismountainclimbing asymbolofChina tryingtoachieve fulloffeelingsabout traditionalkindofmusic remindsusthatthebestthings populationn 人口 人口数量 题1 1 ThepopulationofChinaisthanthatofIndianowadays Yes butIndia spopulationincreasingrapidly A larger isB larger areC more isD more are 2 isthepopulationofthiscity It saboutonemillion A HowB WhatC HowmanyD Howmuch 题2 同义句转换ThepopulationoftheUnitedStatesisnearly327millionfromthedatain2018 TheUnitedStatesofnearly327millionfromthedatain2018 A B hasapopulation 归纳拓展 1 population作主语时 谓语动词用单数形式 2 询问人口数量时用 What sthepopulationof 表示人口 多 可用large或big 表示人口 少 用small 3 表示 某地有多少人口 有两种表达方式 Thepopulationof 某地 be 数词 某地 hasapopulationof 数词 protectv 保护 防护 题3 根据句意 用适当的介词填空Doyouknowhowwecanprotectourselvesthestrongsunlight 题4 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空Weshouldtryourbesttoprotecttheseanimalsfromhurtfromhumans get from getting 归纳拓展 1 1 protectsb sth against fromsth 意为 保护 防护某人 某物 免于 可用于被动结构 Hisneckwasprotectedbyascarffromthecoldwind 他用一条围巾来保护脖子免受寒风吹 2 protect fromdoingsth 保护 免于 Manystarstrytoprotecttheirchildrenfrombeingknownbythepublic 很多明星尽力保护他们的孩子不被公众知道 2 与protect用法相似的词有stop prevent和keep 但是意义不同 stop preventsb from doingsth 和keepsb fromdoingsth 均意为 阻止某人做某事 Theheavyrainkeptusfromarrivingontime 大雨阻止了我们准时到达 succeedv 实现目标 成功 题5 Afterdaysofhardwork hesucceededgettingfullmarksinchemistry A atB inC toD on 题6 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 1 Theroadtoistoworkhard succeed 2 Atlast thedoctorssavedthegirl slife successful B success successfully 归纳拓展 1 succeedindoingsth 成功做成某事 2 successfuladj 成功的 successfullyadv 成功地 successn 成功 fallover falldown falloff 题7 Thebabywhoisonlytenmonthsoldcan tstandsteadyandfromtimetotime A fallsdownB fallsoffC fallsbehindD fallsinto 题8 根据汉语提示完成句子Thatbigstone 从 掉下来 thehillandrushedintothesea A felloff felldownfrom Qomolangmaishigherthananyothermountainintheworld 珠穆朗玛峰比世界上其他任何山峰都高 题9 EveryoneknowsCanadaisthesecondlargestcountryintheworld Soitis ItislargerthancountryinNorthAmerica A anyB anyotherC otherD another B 归纳拓展 1 比较级 thananyother 可数名词单数 意为 比其他任何 都 此结构虽然是比较级 但表示最高级含义 Hestudiesharderthananyotherstudentinhisclass 他在班上学习最用功 2 若比较的双方不在同一范围内 则不加other HawaiiismorebeautifulthananybeachinAfrica 夏威夷比非洲的任何海滩都要美丽 夏威夷不在非洲 故any后不加other DidyouknowthatChinaisoneoftheoldestcountriesintheworld 你知道中国是世界上最古老的国家之一吗 题10 Chinaisover5 000yearsold It soneofcountriesintheworld Yes IthasamuchhistorythantheUSA A old longB older longerC older thelongestD theoldest longer 题11 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 1 Oneofthepartsofthesealiesintheeastofthecountry deep 2 Oneofthebeautifulisboughtbyafamousartist island D deepest islands 归纳拓展 1 oneof the 形容词的最高级 可数名词复数 表示 最 的 之一 2 oneof 复数可数名词或代词 意为 中的一个 作主语时 谓语动词用单数形式 Oneofthesistersisadoctor 这些姐妹中有一个是医生 Everytimesheisinthelibrary Sallylooksatthemanybooksshehasn treadyetandshecan twaittoreadthem 每次萨莉在图书馆时 看着许多她还不曾读过的书 她就迫不及待地想读这些书 题12 根据汉语提示完成句子Milliesaidshe 迫不及待看 hercomputer It sapresentfromherparents couldn twaittosee 归纳拓展 can twaittodosth 意为 迫不及待做某事 Hecan twaittoopenthegiftsthathereceivedonhisbirthdayparty 他迫不及待打开这些在他生日聚会上收到的礼物 单项填空1 Weshouldtryourbesttoprotectthetreesbeingcutdown A toB fromC aboutD with2 isthepopulationofyourvillage It smorethantwothousand A HowmanyB HowmuchC WhichD What B D 1 Bprotectsb sth fromdoingsth 意为 保护某人或某物 免于 故选B 3 Thismanbeadoctor Isawhimworkinginthehospitaljustnow A mayB couldC can tD must4 ManystudentslikeMr Tangverymuch Heisoneofteachersintheschool A popularB morepopularC mostpopularD themostpopular5 It syourturntotellfunnystoriestomorrow Yes ButIcan twaitnow A tellB tellingC toldD totell D 5 Dcan twaittodosth 意为 迫不及待地做某事 故选D D D 单词拼写根据首字母及汉语提示 完成下列单词的拼写 使句意明确 语言通顺 1 Oneofthet 游客 wasbadlyillbecauseoftheterribleweatheronthewaytothemountain 2 Hello everyone I mnew Nowletmei 介绍 myselffirst 3 Ifpossible wecantravelaroundtheworldandenjoytheb 美丽 ofnature 4 Doyouknowoneofthek 饲养员 inthezoohasworkedheresincehewassixteen 5 Thekidranaroundwithe 兴奋 andsuddenlywalkedintoanoldwoman tourists introduce beauty keepers excitement 6 ThebookreportisduenextMonday butIhaven td 决定 whichbooktowriteaboutyet 7 Atb 出生 thelittleboyweighedjust2kilos Nowheisquitetallandstrong 8 Eventhoughyoufailagainandagain don tgiveup I msureyou lla 实现 yourdreamoneday 9 Thehousei 包含 tenrooms Thereisabeautifulgardeninfrontofit 10 Inthelibrarytherearem 百万 ofbooksabouttechnologyandgeography decided birth achieve includes millions 见word版资源课时训练13Units7 8 八下

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