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安徽专版 新课标 RJ 第12课时Unit5 6 八下 PARTONE 第一篇教材梳理篇 wooden icy western golden wives heavily truth truthful truly bravely stranger completely silence silently recently began begun beginning beat beaten rose risen fell fallen shot shot hid hidden led led leader leadership gooff pickup thephone fallasleep diedown havealook makeone sway takedown turn into getmarried fallinlove comeout keepfit insteadof atfirst insilence alittlebit allofasudden onceuponatime washelpinghismommakedinner begantobeat butitwashardtohavefunwith wasstillmakingherwaytoschool itbroughtfamiliesandneighborsclosertogether knowwhat spossible differentopinions neitherofyou gooff 闹钟 发出响声 题1 1 Inordertoavoidmakingmistakes you dbetterthetestpaperbeforehandingitin Thanks Iwill A goaheadB gobyC gooffD goover 2 Astime ourparentsareolderandolder Weshouldspendasmuchtimeaspossiblewiththem A goesawayB goesbyC goesafterD goesback 题2 根据汉语提示完成句子Icouldn tsleepwelllastnight SoIwokeupearlybeforemyalarmclock 闹铃响 thismorning D B wentoff 归纳拓展 1 gooff除表示 闹钟 发出响声 外 还有以下意思 1 食物等 变坏 2 电 自来水 煤气等 供源被切断 停止供应 电灯等 熄灭Listen Thealarmclockisgoingoff 听 闹铃响了 Meatgoesoffeasilyinhotweather 在热天 肉很容易变坏 Suddenlythelightswentoff 灯突然熄灭了 2 go的其他相关短语 goafter追求 追赶goahead走在前面 继续前进goaway离去goback回去goby流逝 过去goover复习 仔细 检查 pickup pickupthephone接电话 题3 1 Look What sontheground Oh it smysweater Pleaseforme A pickupitB pickitupC pickitoutD pickoutit 2 Ourteacherabookshelfatthebackofourclassroomtomakeasmallreadingcorner A pickedupB putupC usedupD dressedup 题4 根据汉语提示完成句子Mybrother 学会 FrenchwhilehewasstayinginParis B B pickedup 归纳拓展 1 pickup的不同含义 1 接电话 2 捡起 拾起 3 偶然 得到 学会 4 搭载 开车去接 某人 注意 pickup是动副短语 其后接代词作宾语时 代词应位于pick与up之间 2 其他常见的与up相关的短语 putup举起 搭起 张贴lookup仰视 查阅giveup放弃useup用尽cutup切碎mixup弄乱makeup组成 编造stayup熬夜thinkup想出wakeup唤醒getup起床hangup挂断电话openup开业 拓展 发展dressup乔装打扮eatup吃光fixup修理cleanup打扫cheerup使某人振奋 remindv 提醒 使想起 题5 Lucyoftenmemybestfriend Theybothhavelongcurlyhair A thinks ofB reminds ofC helps outD leaves out 题6 根据句意 用适当的词填空 1 Theteacherremindedmebringmyhomeworkhere 2 Theoldsongremindsmethesweetmemoriesinmychildhood B to of 归纳拓展 marryv 结婚 题7 Mygrandparentsforover60yearsandtheyloveeachotherverymuch A havebeenmarriedB gotmarriedC weremarriedD havegotmarried 题8 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 1 Thebeautifulgirlgottoateacherlastmonth marry 2 Thegirlmarriedatlast he A married him whole all 题9 用whole或all填空 1 Sometimes aperson slifeiseasilychangedbysomethingunexpected 2 WhenIenteredtheclassroom thestudentswerealreadyintheirseats 3 Theboywipedhistoysandputtheminthebox 4 Thevillagewillbecoveredwithsnowinwinter whole all all whole Hewentoutsidewithhisfamilyandfoundtheneighborhoodinamess 他和家人来到外面 发现社区一片狼藉 题10 根据汉语意思完成句子 1 我们发现一群孩子正在操场上玩耍 Wefoundagroupofchildren 2 昨晚我发现他出去了 Ilastnight 3 你会发现它是一本好书 You llfind 4 我发现他已经在办公室了 Ifoundhimalready 5 我发现他比我预想的要年轻得多 IfoundthanIhadexpected playingontheplayground foundhimout itagoodbook intheoffice him tobe muchyounger 归纳拓展 find 宾语 宾语补足语 意为 发现某人 某物 作宾语补足语的可以是v ing形式 副词 名词 介词短语 tobe 形容词等 注意 当find后接形容词作宾语补足语时 可改为 find that从句 或 find it 形容词 动词不定式 结构 单项填空1 Itrainedsothatwehadtostayathomeanddidsomereading A loudlyB heavilyC stronglyD hardly2 Asstudents weshouldwhatteachersteachusinclass A takeupB takedownC takeoffD takeout3 Mygrandfatherhasabadmemory soheneedsyoutoremindhimallofhisownthings A takesB tookC takingD totake B B D 3 Dremindsb todosth 是固定短语 意为 提醒某人做某事 故选D 4 Todayisaspecialday Myparentsforthirtyyears A marriedB havemarriedC gotmarriedD havebeenmarried5 WhenIpassedby Ifoundmysisterthepianoinherroom A playingB playC playedD plays D 5 A考查find的用法 findsb dosth 意为 发现某人做某事 强调过程 findsb doingsth 意为 发现某人正在做某事 由 WhenIpassedby 可知 句意为 我发现妹妹正在弹钢琴 故选A A 4 D由 forthirtyyears 可知 要用现在完成时 且用延续性动词 故选D 单词拼写根据首字母及汉语提示 完成下列单词的拼写 使句意明确 语言通顺 1 Ioftenhelpmymotherbuysomem 火柴 afterschool 2 Itseemeds 奇怪的 thatshewouldleavesoearly 3 Myfatheralwayss 微笑 atallofhisstudentsatschool 4 LiMinghasmadesomefriendsinW 西方的 countries 5 Asthesayinggoes Allroadsl 通向 toRome matches strange smiles Western lead 见word版资源课时训练12Units5 6 八下


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