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第15课时Units1 2 九全 PARTONE 第一篇教材梳理篇 traditional patient patiently patience impatient physical chemical chemist wisely warmth stranger strangely wonderfully wonder unable disabled ability kindness kindly busily business death dying pronunciation memory creation creative expression discovery speaking spoken knowledge knowledgeable relative relation action activity active actively punishment treatment stole stolen laid laid payattentionto connect with lookup inadictionary shootdown callout readaloud takenotes haveconversationswith giveareport haveabetterunderstandingof writee mailsto keepadiary writedown haveatest fallinlovewith playatrickon dressupas beafraidtodosth besimilarto bebornwith beintheshapeof inneed overandoveragain incommon onone sown insteadof wordbyword thesecretto thebestwaytodo theabilityto Knowledgecomesfromquestioning listeningtosomethinginterestingisthesecretto Whetherornot dependsonyourlearninghabits keeppracticingwhattheyhavelearned beafraidofmakingmistakes Thebestwaytotakenotes bywritingdown I mgoingto intwoweeks cleaningandwashingawaybadthings patientadj 有耐心的n 病人 题1 Mrs Gaooftengetsmadathernoisyson butsheisalwayshernoisypupilsinthemusicclass A angrywithB patientwithC worriedaboutD similarto B 归纳拓展 1 patient的常见用法 1 patient用作形容词时 意为 有耐心的 常用短语 bepatientwithsb 意为 容忍某人 对某人有耐心 bepatientofsth 意为 容忍某事 Wemustbepatientwithchildren 我们必须对孩子有耐心 Theyarepatientofhardships 他们吃苦耐劳 2 patient用作名词时 意为 病人 是可数名词 Heisexaminingapatient 他正在检查病人 2 patient的同根词 patientlyadv 耐心地 patiencen 耐心 attentionn 注意 关注 题2 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空It stimeforyoutopayattentionto take exercise taking 归纳拓展 1 attention常用在payattentionto短语中 意为 注意 关注 to为介词 后接名词 代词 v ing形式或宾语从句 2 动词 短语 doing 结构 enjoy practice finish minddoingsth keep on doingsth endupdoingsth bebusydoingsth havefundoingsth feellikedoingsth can thelpdoingsth lookforwardtodoingsth beusedtodoingsth warnv 警告 告诫 题3 1 Mrs Whitewarnedherhusbandafterdrinking A nevertodriveB toneverdriveC neverdrivingD nevertodriving 2 Theteachersalwayswarnthestudentsagainstintheexam A tocheatB cheatingC cheatD tocheating A 归纳拓展 B aloud loud loudly 题4 用aloud loud或loudly填空 1 Pleasereadthetextsothatallofuscanhearyouclearly 2 Thegirltoldusaninterestingstoryinavoice 3 ThealarmringssothatIshutitoffrightaway aloud loud loudly invent discover 题5 GilbertelectricityandEdisontheelectriclightbulb A discovered inventedB discovered discoveredC invented inventedD invented discovered A Themoreyouread thefasteryou llbe 你读得越多 你 读得 就会越快 题6 Howhardyouareworking Helen Wemust PresidentXisaidthatweare wewillbe A themorehard working theluckierB thehard working theluckyC morehard working luckierD themosthard working theluckiest A 归纳拓展 the 比较级 the 比较级 意为 越 越 Themorecarefulyouare thefewermistakesyouwillmake 你越细心 犯的错误就会越少 Notonlydopeoplespreadthemaroundindifferenthidingplacesforanegghunt buttheyalsogiveoutthesetreatsasgifts 人们不仅为了寻找复活节彩蛋而将彩蛋分散到周围不同的藏匿处 而且他们还把这些好吃的作为礼物进行分发 题7 1 Whathaveyoulearntafterthreeyears studyinChina Maria Iwastaughtknowledgegoodmanners A either orB notonly butalsoC neither norD not but 2 NotonlyIbutalsomyparentslookingforwardtoseeingyou Wecan twait A amB areC wereD was 题8 英译汉Hawkingwasnotonlyagreatscientistbutalsoafamouswriter B B 霍金不仅是一名伟大的科学家 而且是一位著名的作家 归纳拓展 1 notonly butalso意为 不仅 而且 当notonly位于句首时 第一个分句要部分倒装 NotonlycanHelenspeakEnglish butshecanalsospeakFrench 海伦不仅会说英语 而且会说法语 2 notonly butalso 连接两个并列主语时 谓语动词要和离其最近的主语保持人称和数的一致 NotonlyTombutalsohisfriendsareplayingbasketballontheplayground 不仅汤姆而且他的朋友们也正在操场上打篮球 用所给单词的适当形式填空1 Thesoldiers spread themapoutonthefloor 2 Ithinknooneis create thanTim 3 Childrenarewarnednot play ontheroads 4 Someparentsoftentelltheirkidsnottobelieve strange 5 Thenursesinthehospitaltakegoodcareoftheir patient 6 IreadEnglishaloudeverymorningtoimprovemy pronounce 7 Iclosedmyeyesandfeltthe warm ofthesunonmyface 8 Payattentionto keep awayfromthosedangerousplaces Accidentsmayhappentoyou 9 I lay thebooksontheshelfjustnow 10 Thelittlegirlhasthe able tolearnEnglishbyherself spread morecreative toplay strangers patients pronunciation warmth keeping laid ability 根据句意及首字母提示填空11 TheCRHFuXingcanrunatasof350kilometersanhour 12 AtChristmas myunclegavemeawatchasap 13 Wemustplanoursparetime orwe lleupdoingnothing 14 Everyonethinksthegirlisbwiththeabilitytodance 15 Hispronunciationispoor soheshouldpracticeitbyreadinga speed present end born aloud

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