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冀教版2020届九年级英语第三次适应性考试试卷B卷一、 完形填空 (共2题;共20分)1. (10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Confucius lived in the Kingdom of Lu, part of todays Shandong Province. September 28th is his birthday. 1he was born over 2,000 years ago, people still remember him on this day.His childhood was sad. His father 2when he was only 3 and he had to work to help his mother. But young Confucius didnt 3studying. He visited many famous teachers and learned music, history, poetry and sports.Later, he became a teacher and started the 4private school in Chinese history. At that time, only children from rich families could go to school, but Confucius believed 5should go to school if they wanted to learn. He had about 3,000 students in his lifetime.Today, people still follow his 6. He told us that each person has something worthy to learn and teach. “When I am with three people, one of them must be 7than me in some areas. I choose their good qualities(品质)and follow them. I take their bad qualities and change them in myself.”He also taught us that thinking is very important in study. “All study but no thinking makes people puzzled(迷惑). All thinking but no study makes people 8.”Confucius is not only a great teacher but also a famous 9with wise thoughts about the world and society. His most important teachings are about kindness and good manners. “A kind person should care for others. Be strict 10yourself, but be kind to others.” He said.(1)A . Because B . After C . Although D . Since (2)A . die B . died C . dead D . death (3)A . give up B . pick up C . take off D . put off (4)A . one B . two C . first D . second (5)A . none B . someone C . no one D . everyone (6)A . thoughts B . news C . ways D . messages (7)A . good B . well C . better D . best (8)A . lazily B . beautifully C . lazy D . beautiful (9)A . scientist B . thinker C . engineer D . explorer (10)A . at B . for C . of D . with 2. (10分)阅读短文,从A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Zhang Zheng is my friend. He is a boy 1 Shanghai. He likes 2. He is in their school rock band. He often 3 the guitar on Sundays. He plays it very 4. You can see lots of 5 in his bedroom. In 6 you can see all kinds of guitars. Now their school rock band 7 two good musicians. Can you play the piano, the trumpet 8 the violin? Then you can join their band. You can 9 Zhang Zheng at 612-1251. You can also write to him. His 10 is zhangzheng2008126.com.(1)A . for B . on C . at D . from (2)A . music B . art C . English D . Chinese (3)A . buys B . makes C . does D . plays (4)A . good B . well C . nice D . fine (5)A . computers B . sport shoes C . pictures D . basketballs (6)A . it B . them C . her D . him (7)A . needs B . joins C . meets D . plays (8)A . but B . and C . so D . or (9)A . spell B . say C . call D . speak (10)A . ID card number B . telephone number C . family name D . e-mail address 二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)3. (10分)阅读理解ANameFromHobby(爱好)FatherMotherLucyEnglandPlaying tennisPaul, a policemanSara, a workerMikeAmericaWritingTim, a driverSusan, a teacherChen YaoBeijing, ChinaDrawingChen Wei, a teacherWang Mengyi, a hotel managerLiu MingWeifang, ChinaPlaying basketballLiu Guangfu, a doctorLin Fang, a worker(1)Lucy is from _. A . ChineseB . AmericanC . EnglandD . Japan(2)Mike likes _. A . playing the pianoB . playing tennisC . writingD . playing basketball(3)Sara is _ mother. A . LucysB . MikesC . Chen YaosD . Liu Mings(4)_ is a manager. A . LucyB . LucyfatherC . MikeD . Chen Yaos mother(5)Liu Mings mother is a _. A . teacherB . doctorC . workerD . driver4. (10分) HE cleans your house. He repairs your broken toys. He helps you with your homework. Even if(即使) you make a lot of trouble at school, hell never stop loving you.WHO? .Its your father, and you could never thank him enough for everything he has done for you. So dont forget to do something nice for him on Fathers Day. Its always on the third Sunday in June. This year its the seventeenth of June. How can we celebrate it and make it a special Fathers Day? Here are Millies and Rickys ideas:Millie: Its not a matter of money.In fact I think its quite simple.* Clean his shoes* Write him a special letter.* Make him a beautiful cardRicky: Hey, Ive got some American CDs Growing Pains(美剧名). Why not invite Dad to watch it together? Maybe we can understand each other better.(1)Which day is Fathers Day this year?A . 7th JuneB . 17th JuneC . 7th JulyD . 17th July(2)Which of the following statement is true?A . Fathers Day is always on the same day of each year.B . Fathers day is on different day in different year.C . Fathers Day is not celebrated in The United StatesD . Fathers Day is widely celebrated in China.(3)下面哪个句子适合放在文中第一下划线空白处?A . Sometimes he is lazy.B . Why not buy him a present?C . He would do anything for you.D . Fathers Day began a long time ago.(4)What will Millie probably NOT do on Fathers Day this year?A . Buy her dad some expensive American CDs.B . Make her dad a beautiful card.C . Write her dad a special letter.D . Clean her dads shoes.(5)According to the passage, the Chinese meaning of the second underlined sentence is .A . 你从来就不感谢父亲对你所做的一切。B . 你对你父亲所做的一切都不用感谢C . 你对你父亲所做的一切感谢都多余D . 你对你父亲所做的一切都感谢不尽。5. (6分)阅读理解Like you, plants need good things like food, water, and minerals in order to grow. Usually they get these important nutrients(营养) from the rich soil(土壤) in which theyre planted. But theres another way to grow plants that doesnt use soil. Its called hydrogenic gardening.Hydrogenic means working with water. In a hydrogenic garden, plants grow with their roots in water, not in dirt. The water is filled with special food for the plants that gardeners have carefully measured and prepared.Hydrogenic plants grow quickly. In ordinary gardens, plants need time and energy to grow long roots that search the soil for food and water. In a hydrogenic garden, plants can use their energy to grow tall instead. And because there is no soil, there are no weeds and few insect pests(害虫). Gardeners dont need to spray(喷洒) plants with dangerous chemicals. Both the plants and the environment stay healthy.Scientists hope that, one day, hydrogenic gardens may be able to help hungry people all over the world grow enough food-even in countries that have bad soil, or weather that is too hot, too cold, or too dry. And astronauts hope to take hydrogenic gardens with them to the spaceship they fly to Mars, so that they will always have fresh vegetables, and the fun of growing a garden without dirt.(1)Whats the meaning of the underlined word dirt in the second paragraph? A . soilB . waterC . insectD . food(2)Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage? A . Plants need water and other nutrients to grow.B . There are no weeds in hydrogenic gardens.C . Hydrogenic plants cannot grow in too hot weather.D . Astronauts hope to take hydrogenic gardens to space.(3)Whats the passage about? A . Plant growing.B . Space farming.C . Scientific watering.D . hydrogenic gardening.6. (10分)阅读理解Do you have an English name? I have noticed (注意到) one thing in China: lots of people have uncommon(不常见) English names.One of my Chinese friends calls herself Big Bird, like the character(角色) from the childrens TV show Sesame Street(芝麻街). Another one of my friends is an English teacher. She had students with the names like Tomato and Potato. There were also two girls named Echo. Before I came to China, I had never met anyone with these names.People choose these strange names for different reasons. Sometimes they copy the names from someone famous. Other times, they want names that have the same meaning as their Chinese name.But having an uncommon English name isnt a big deal, is it? It can be fun sometimes. I once heard about a girl named Shmily. It stands for “see how much I love you”. It is my favorite strange English name. (1)_ is the name of a character in Sesame Street. A . TomatoB . PotatoC . EchoD . Big Bird(2)The writer thinks many Chinese people _. A . dont have English namesB . have strange English namesC . have usual English namesD . have fantastic English names(3)Before the writer comes to China, she _ called Echo. A . knows two girlsB . knows a studentC . doesnt know anyoneD . knows an English teacher(4)Sometimes, people have strange names because _. A . they are famousB . they want to be famousC . they think they will be famousD . they copy the names from someone famous(5)From this passage we can know that _. A . the writer doesnt like Chinese peopleB . the writer doesnt like Chinese peoples English namesC . the writer likes some of the English names that Chinese people haveD . the writer thinks having an uncommon English name is a big deal and it is never fun三、 完成句子,根据所给汉语意思,用单词或短语完成下列英文句子。 (共10题;共25分)7. (4分)均衡饮食对健康很重要。 _ _ _ _ is very important to our health. 8. (3分)我最喜欢的地方是阳台。My _is the_.9. (2分)昨天那个小女孩打扮得像个男孩。The little girl_like a boy yesterday10. (3分)根据中文提示完成句子 (1)他们不知道在哪里能找到他们的包 They dont know_ their bags.(2)我读书是为我的报告收集信息 I read books to_ my report.(3)琳达的妈妈经常给她一些学习的建议 Lindas mother often _on study.11. (4分)洗完手后别忘了关水龙头。 _ _ _ _ the tap after you wash your hands12. (1分)我的朋友们都认为这个酷毙了。My friends think this is _.13. (2分)这个星期天我将邀请我的朋友一起去游泳。I _my friends to swim this Sunday.14. (1分)离开教室的时候记着关灯。Remember to _ the lights when you leave the classroom.15. (2分)你知道恐龙为什么会灭绝吗?Do you know why dinosaurs _ _?16. (3分)我现在觉得很无聊。你能陪我去逛街吗? I feel bored _ _ _. Can you go shopping with me?四、 用单词的正确形式完成短文 (共1题;共10分)17. (10分)阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺,意思完整,每空限填一词,每词限用一次。方框中有两个词是多余的。on, read, popular, say, by, they, true, poem, we, pick, only, inviteReader(朗读者)is one of the most _TV shows. It _different people to read aloud on the stage(舞台). The show also tells the moving stories behind those people. They can read everything, like _,books and letters. _reading aloud, the words on the paper come to life.Many people are fans of the show. They begin to enjoy _aloud at home. Now, the show gives people from across China a special place to read. It is a reading pavilion(朗读亭). They are in many cities, including Shanghai, Hangzhou and Xian.The pavilion is very small. _one person can come into it each time. There is a microphone(麦克风)in it and it records peoples voices. Everyone can read for three minutes in the pavilion. They can read anything they like. The show will _some of the readers and invite _to read on CCTV.People of all ages read in the pavilion. “Reading should be just like singing and talking.” _Dong Qing last week, the host and producer(制作人)of the show. “We can express our _feeling by reading aloud.”五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共9分)18. (9分)下面文章中有四处需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C和D)中选出符合各段意思的小标题,然后回答问题。 (1)选出符合各段意思的小标题。 You would never know that Ellen DeGeneres turned 60 this year. The talk show queen says her new healthy lifestyle, which consists of(包含)daily yoga and vegetarianism(素食主义), keeps her looking and feeling her best._Yoga can calm you down. Ellen says her yoga instructor leads her through 6090 minutes of poses to calm her down before her busy day begins._At the beginning of her every show, Ellen always makes sure to get herself in the best state. Dancing is not only good for your body, but for your mind as well._Ellen is always laughing and making people laugh. Laughter is certainly the best medicine. When we laugh, our muscles stretch(延伸)and our pulse and blood pressure go up, which sends more oxygen to our tissue._Eating too much sugar is not good for your body. Ellen once announced on her show that she was going sugar free for the rest of the season in the hope that it would provide her with extra energy.A. She is always laughing.B. She seldom eats sugar.C. She loves dancing.D. She practices yoga every day.(2)回答问题:What kind of lifestyle do you have? (回答不少于2个单词) 六、 补全对话 (共2题;共10分)19. (5分)在空白处填入适当的句子,使对话完整。 A: _?B: I think it is China. I really hope to visit it one day. A: _?B: Its hard to explain why China is my dream place. Maybe its so different from our country. A: I see. Will you travel to Beijing? _?B: Sure! I cant really go there without seeing the Great Wall. A: Thats true. _?B: I think the best time to visit Beijing may be in autumn. A: _?B: No, I dont like being part of a tour group. Ill go there by myself. 20. (5分)补全对话A: Hi, Bob! How was your last weekend?B:_I really had a good time.A:_B: I played basketball.A:_B: Twice a week. I like it very much. How did you spend your last weekend?A:_B: Sounds interesting. Do you often go to the mountains?A: Yes. Once a week._B: Id love to. But Im afraid I cant go with you this weekend. Maybe next week is OK.七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)21. (5分)写一篇介绍Nick Hand的家庭及家庭成员的作文。首句:Hello! Im Nick Hand. 第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共2题;共20分)1-1、2-1、二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、5-1、5-2、5-3、6-1、6-2、6-3、6-4、6-5、三、 完成句子,根据所给汉语意思,用单词或短语完成下列英文句子。 (共10题;共25分)7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、10-2、10-3、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、四、 用单词的正确形式完成短文 (共1题;共10分)17-1、五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共9分)18-1、18-2、六、 补全对话 (共2题;共10分)19-1、20-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)21-1、

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