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北师大版2019-2020学年八年级上学期英语期末教学质检试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)_balls are five dollars each . A . AB . ThatC . TheseD . This2. (2分) What are _? They are birds.A . thisB . thatC . these3. (2分)We went to the train station and saw our friend_. A . outB . onC . offD . over4. (2分)As we all know , its very important _everyone_ English well. A . for ; learningB . of ; learningC . for ; to learnD . of ; to learn5. (2分)We can save money _ cooking our own meals instead of eating outside. A . byB . toC . forD . with6. (2分)Finish your homework first, and then youll be able_ TV. A . watchB . watchesC . to watchD . watching7. (2分)Home is _ place wherever you go. East or west, home is the best.A . warmB . warmerC . warmestD . the warmest8. (2分)Can you tell me _? Sure. You can take the K2 bus. A . where the high-speed rail station isB . where is the high-speed rail stationC . how I can get to the high-speed rail stationD . how can I get to the high-speed rail station9. (2分)Whats your telephone number? _ 3333333.A . I amB . ItsC . ItsD . It10. (2分)_riding our bikes to the park?Good idea.A . How aboutB . Why notC . Would we likeD . Lets11. (2分)Lets go climbing if it _ tomorrow. But nobody knows if it _tomorrow. A . wont rain; rainsB . doesnt rain; rainsC . doesnt rain; will rainD . wont rain; will rain12. (2分)Boys and girls, calm down and focus on the test paper _ you begin to think about the answers. Be confident. You can do it!A . as ifB . as soon asC . although13. (2分)Nancys voice was so low that _ students in our class could hear her.A . allB . manyC . fewD . most14. (2分)We dont have Chinese the afternoon. A . inB . onC . at15. (2分) Why dont you like winter in Beijing? Because it is winter in Guangzhou.A . as cold asB . much colder thanC . not so clod asD . not colder than二、 完型填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分) We have a big playground in our school .We all like to 1 games 2 after school .Its Friday .We have only two classes 3 the afternoon . 4 school is over(结束的),a lot of students go to the playground quickly. The boys of Grade Two often 5 soccer. The girls like 6 them playing .Soccer is their favorite sport . Their teacher Mr Li also 7 football. Li Ming , Li Lei and Wei Fang are students of Grade One .They sometimes play 8 the students of Class Two. Its half past five 9 . Its time 10dinner . My father is waiting for me at the school gate .(1)A . do B . make C . play D . have (2)A . there B . at there C . at here D . in there (3)A . on B . in C . at D . of (4)A . Where B . What C . When D . How (5)A . have B . make C . do D . play (6)A . seeing B . looking C . watching D . reading (7)A . playing B . plays C . to play D . play (8)A . to B . of C . with D . in (9)A . here B . now C . then D . soon (10)A . has B . to have C . having D . have 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共28分)17. (10分) Lake Victoria is the largest lake in Africa. It is also the second largest lake in the world. It is an important lake because it is one of the sources(源头) for the longest river in the world, the Nile River. Lake Victoria provides a source of water, food, and power(电力) for several African countries. Lake Victoria is a big part of African life.Unfortunately, Lake Victoria has a problem. It is shrinking. There are several power stations at Lake Victoria in Uganda. These are on the Nile River, and besides producing power, they keep the water of the lake at a certain level. For the past forty years, that level has been 11.9 meters. Over the last several years, the water level has dropped by about 2.5 meters. There seem to be several reasons for this drop.One possible reason is drought(干旱). Drought has been very bad in the area since 2000. Lake Victoria gets all of its water from rain, so the drought means less water in the lake.However, some environmentalists believe that the real problem is the power plants(工厂) on Lake Victoria. Uganda depends on those power plants for most of its power, and they made the power plants larger in 2000. Many people believe the power plants have been taking too much water off Lake Victoria. As a result, they have been asked to use less water until Lake Victoria goes back to its old level.Whether the low water level is caused by drought or power plants, the result is the same. This is already a poor area of Africa, where many people live a really hard life. People, animals and plants around Lake Victoria will suffer even more from low water levels on the lake. Many people need Lake Victoria for fishing or growing food. Fish need the water to live, and animals need it for water. Plants around the lake will die without the water, and then more animals and people will suffer. Unless the lake fills soon, many people will suffer and die. (1)Lake Victoria is _.A . an important lake in AfricaB . the largest lake in the worldC . the source of water, food and power for AmericaD . the only source for the Nile River(2)What does “It is shrinking” most probably mean?A . It is becoming larger.B . It is becoming more beautiful.C . It is becoming smaller.D . It is becoming more useful.(3)The water level of Lake Victoria is now _.A . 2.5 metersB . 11.9 metersC . 14.4 metersD . 9.4 meters(4)Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A . Rain water is the only source for the lake.B . There has been little rain in the lake area since 2000.C . The power plants in Uganda provide water for the lake.D . The power plants in Uganda were made larger in 2000.(5)According to the passage, how can we solve the problems around Lake Victoria?A . People must build more power plants.B . More sources of water must be found.C . Every country should offer some money to Africa.D . All the people living in the area should move to another place.18. (10分)Cities WeatherTemperatureFavorite sportsHarbin snowing-4-5 SkatingQindao Sunny 10-18 Beach volleyballHangzhou Windy 13-19 BasketballChengdu Cloudy 7-9 SoccerHaikou Raining 25-30 Swimming(1)Which city is very cold?A . Harbin.B . Qindao.C . Haikou .D . Hangzhou.(2)If you like swimming very much, you can go to?A . Haikou.B . Chengdu.C . Qindao.D . Harbin.(3)Inyou need to take a raincoat when you go out.A . Haikou.B . Chengdu.C . Qindao.D . Hangzhou.(4)People in Qindao like to.A . skate.B . play soccer.C . play volleyball.D . swim.(5)Where can you see the chart ?A . In a story book.B . On a newspaper.C . On the telephone.D . In a map of China.19. (8分)阅读理解A new study says that American children have exciting after-school life. Many junior and senior students have a lot of interesting things to do in their free time. About 57% students have activities every day. 82% students have activities at least four times a week. American students spend their free time doing sports or enjoying arts, music and dancing. They like to have fun outside school because they can make a lot of friends during their activities.(1)What is American childrens life like after school? A . Unhappy.B . Boring.C . Exciting.D . Unhealthy.(2)How many students have activities every day if there are 200 students? A . About 30 students.B . About 114 students.C . About 139 students.D . About 164 students.(3)American students or enjoy arts, music and dancing in their free time. A . do sportsB . watch TVC . surf on the InternetD . play computer games(4)American students like to have fun outside school because . A . they like their teachersB . they can make many friendsC . they dont like school lifeD . they are free to do anything outside四、 补全对话 (共1题;共10分)20. (10分)在空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确。一空一词(含缩写词)。 A: Excuse me. Could you please tell me how I can get to the post office?B: Sure. Go along the street _the end and then turn left. The post office is on your fight.A: Thanks a lot, Err . _a minute. It looks as if Ive seen you somewhere.B: Im Gina. Err. Steve? I didnt expect to meet you here.A: Me, _. You used to have short straight hair, but now you have long and _hair. You have a new look.B: People will always _a lot, as time goes by.A: I agree. Twenty years have _, after all.B: By the way, why are you going to the post office?A: I want to send a scarf and a pair of earrings to my cousin for her birthday.B: Let me look. Wow, the scarf is so beautiful._was it made of ?A: Silk. It feels soft and comfortable.B: Was it made in Suzhou?A: Yes. Suzhou is famous for its silk. And its silk products _all over the world.B: What does your cousin do?A: She is a high school student.B: I dont think teenagers should be _to wear earrings.A: I agree. But she has got her ears pierced. She wont wear them at school.B: I see. I need some stamps. Lets walk to the post office _.A: That would be great.五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共7分)21. (7分)任务型阅读14-year-old Brooke Eriekson likes to sleep 1 on weekendsshe wants to sleep late(睡懒觉)But Brookes mom thinks that Brooke should get up at,the same time every day,So shell get used to(习惯于)getting up earlyBoth(两个)Brooke and her mom are rightSleeping late in the moming makes it more difficult to sleep at night 2 Then it gets more difficult to get up the next morningGetting up and going to bed at the same times every day helps the body to get enough rest(足够的休息)3 They need 8 to 9 hours of sleep each night,rbut many of them can only get 6 to 7 hours of sleep on school nightsIf someone doesnt have enough sleep for a long time,he may feel tired and not happy,and be easier to get illBeing tired makes it more difficult to remember things,to do well in school and to do well in sports and other activities(1)将A、B、C三个句子填入文中空缺处。ABut many school students dont get enough restBShe has to be at school early on weekdaysCGoing to bed late at night makes the body tired_(2)Brookes mom wants her daughter to get up early on weekends(3)Having 6 or 7 hours of sleep can help students keep healthy六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)22. (5分)书面表达 北京大学的李教授将要来你校做一次报告,请根据以下表格的信息,写一份英文通知。报告主题如何实现我们的梦想时间6月17日周六下午三点地点学校报告厅注意事项全休师生务必全部参加;遵守会场纪律;不得带手机入场;不允许吃东西;保持安静;报告后可以提问;不得迟到写作要求:1)文中不得出现真实校名和人名,否则不得分;2)用完所给的信息,紧扣主题,可以适当发挥;3)词数80左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。提示词: realize our dreams 实现我们的梦想 ; school lecture hall 学校报告厅 announcement 通知Hello, everyone!May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make. 第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完型填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共28分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、四、 补全对话 (共1题;共10分)20-1、五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共7分)21-1、21-2、21-3、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)22-1、

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