译林牛津版七年级上学期Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag_ 单元测试 (I)卷.doc

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译林牛津版七年级上学期Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag_ 单元测试 (I)卷一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)What do you often do_ classes to relax yourselves?We often do eye exercises, listen to music or do some running around the school.A . inB . amongC . betweenD . during2. (2分)_ is it?Its a square.A . What timeB . What colorC . What shapeD . What class3. (2分)The boy is my friend. _name is Dale. A . HerB . HisC . MyD . Your4. (2分)Where his new classmates from? A . is; comeB . are; comeC . does; comeD . are; /5. (2分)Excuse meI couldnt youCould you say it again? A . findB . callC . seeD . hear6. (2分)This room is _ for 100 people to have a meeting in. A . enough bigB . big enoughC . enough small7. (2分)What _ three and six?NineA . amB . isC . areD . be8. (2分)I hope to see Niagara Falls one day. What about going there?Niagara Falls would be beautiful, but there is not much to do there.A . sometimesB . in the dayC . a dayD . some day9. (2分)Im Jack and _ name is David. A . myB . theirC . his10. (2分)Is this your husband? . His name is Martin.A . Yes, it isB . No, it isntC . Yes, this isD . No, this isnt二、 完型填空 (共1题;共15分)11. (15分) Once upon a time there lived a woman who had a bad temper(脾气). She 1at everyone around her. For most of her life she believed the anger inside her was 2elses fault(过错).She went to see a wise monk(高僧) to ask for 3. The monk told her to take a large pot(罐子) from his kitchen, fill it with 4, and stand outside on the sidewalk in front of his house. “Its hot outside,” the monk said to her “When a person 5, you must give him or her a glass of water. Do this until there is no6left inside you.” 7she stood outside with a water pot and served water to walkers every day for the next several weeks.Every morning she asked 8 if there was any anger inside her. And every morning the answer was, “yes.” So she continued 9water. Until one afternoon when a man walked up, took the water pot out of her hand and drank the water up, and then 10it onto the ground as he went on his way.The woman was very 11. Unable to control herself, she 12the pot and threw it at the rude man. The pot broke into pieces over the back of his head and he fell to the ground, bleeding.As the woman calmed down, she realized the mistake of what she had made and began to cry. She called 911 and 13what had happened. A moment later an ambulance(救护车) and two police cars arrived and took the man away. Then one of the police officers walked over to the woman, who was 14crying, and said, “ The city owes(欠) you a big thank you. That man has been 15our wanted list for over a year now. He is an important suspect in many murder cases and robberies.”(1)A . pointed B . laughed C . smiled D . screamed (2)A . anybody B . somebody C . everybody D . nobody (3)A . information B . news C . advice D . message (4)A . juice B . water C . milk D . coffee (5)A . walks past B . drives past C . rides past D . runs past (6)A . water B . money C . anger D . energy (7)A . Because B . But C . So D . Unless (8)A . herself B . himself C . itself D . themselves (9)A . drinking B . serving C . selling D . buying (10)A . put B . dropped C . fell D . threw (11)A . happy B . excited C . surprised D . angry (12)A . gave up B . picked up C . put up D . cleared up (13)A . spoke B . told C . reported D . asked (14)A . already B . still C . always D . never (15)A . on B . in C . at D . to 三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共16分)12. (6分) Selecting a proper summer camp for your child is not an easy task. You have to consider too many factors(因素). Remember, you are sending your kid to a summer camp not just to let him enjoy himself but also to help him become confident. So you should try to select a summer camp for your kid so that after he returns from the camp, the first thing that he asks you is when you will send him again for camping. Let us see how you can pick the best summer camp for your child.Search the InternetIf you browse(浏览) the Internet, you will find a number of websites of summer camps where you can find all the detailed information about the camps. For example, how much the whole camping will cost, where the camps are, what children can do in the camps and what additional facilities (额外的设施) they can provide. Dont forget to read the comments(评论) of parents who have sent their children to those camps and pay attention to how they find those camps._Some camp organizers prefer advertisements in newspapers. Some of the organizers even invite famous people to their camps to communicate with kids. You should keep an eye in the summer camp advertisements in newspapers so that you could pick a suitable one for your kid.Ask for advice from your childs school teachersGo to your kids school and ask his teachers whether they can give you names of some of the summer camps they consider to be the best.Know the interest of your childWhile searching, you will come across different types of camps. They are organized according to the nature and interest of children like a music camp, a sports camp, etc. So it is very important to know what your child is interested in before picking a summer camp.(1)Which of the following can be put on the line before Paragraph 3?A . Place advertisements in newspapersB . Visit the organizers of summer campsC . Search for advertisements in newspapers.D . Invite famous people to talk with your kid.(2)We can know that in the writers opinion, A . finding a proper summer camp for children is not difficultB . the purpose of a summer camp is not only for children to have funC . what other parents think about a camp on the Internet is not believableD . children usually dont have to go again after returning from a summer camp(3)According to the last paragraph, before making the final decision, parents should_.A . consider the interest of their kidB . rethink if camping is necessaryC . know everything about the campD . know the kids performance at school13. (10分) Its possible to do many simple tricks with numbers. Here is one trick, if you follow the instructions, you will find its really interesting.First, write down your house number. For example, if your address is 73 Jin Shang Road, you would write down 73. After you write down your house address number, you double it. Then add 5 to this doubled number. For example, if your address is 73 and you double it, you will get 146. Then you add 5, you will get 151.And then, multiply this number by 50. In our example here, youll get 7550. The next step is to add your age to this total. For example, if youre 16 years old, you should add 16 to this total. In our example here, the result will be 7566.After that, you have to add the number of days in a year, which is 365. In our example here, 365 added to 7566 is 7931.The final step is this: Subtract 615 from the number that you have. Take away 615 from the total. In our example, 7931 minus 615 is 7316.The result here7316is the trick. The first part of the number is the address and the last part of the number is the age of the person. That is, 73 is the address that we started with, and 16 is the age that we used.Isnt it interesting? Do you want to have a try now?(1)How many steps are there in the trick?A . FourB . Seven C . Nine(2)The third step is _.A . 5 B . 50C . 615(3)Tom is 38, he lives in 89 Jin Shang Road. If he plays this trick, he will get_ in the end.A . 3889B . 9150C . 8938(4)When you play this trick, _ is Not the number you have to use every time.A . 50B . 73C . 365(5)The best title of this passage is “_”.A . A trick with numbersB . An interesting problem C . How to work out a trick四、 将字母重组成单词 (共1题;共1分)14. (1分)Jim is _(浇) the flowers. 五、 将所给单词连成句子 (共1题;共25分)15. (25分)根据横线后的标点提示,将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。 (1)his, name, last, is, Green (.) (2)is, key, this, your (?) (3)Gina, in, her, are, China, and, friend (.) (4)is, QQ, what, your, number (?) (5)Mike, is, in, school, not, the (.) 六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)16. (5分)某学校将每年的3月5日定为爱心志愿者活动日,今年活动的主题是“人人为贫困孩子献爱心”。请你以学生会的名义写一份倡议书,内容要点包括:许多孩子因贫困而上不起学;(tooto);在冬天,很多孩子没有暖的衣服穿。他们没有足够的书籍,没有书包;有些学校离家很远,每天很早就起床,要花费一个半小时的时间到达学校。(far away, it takes to do );我们能为他们做的是(至少2点)。文章开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。要求60词左右。Dear students,In some parts of our country, there are many children out of school. Thanks for your joining!Students Union第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完型填空 (共1题;共15分)11-1、三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共16分)12-1、12-2、12-3、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、四、 将字母重组成单词 (共1题;共1分)14-1、五、 将所给单词连成句子 (共1题;共25分)15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)16-1、


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