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北师大版2019-2020学年七年级下学期英语第一次月考试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分) Who are they? _my parents. A . ItsB . theyreC . They isD . They are2. (2分) Big animals can be a lot of trouble. Maybe you should get a small pet, like a goldfish. _A . Thats all right.B . Thats a good idea.C . Youre welcome.D . Never mind.3. (2分)We would like to recommend Daniel _ our chairperson.A . asB . forC . ofD . at4. (2分) he your uncle? A . AreB . IsC . Am5. (2分)Our English class is _ 9:15_ 10:00 every day. A . to; toB . at; toC . from; toD . to; from6. (2分)The sneakers_ too much, I cant afford(买得起) them.A . spendB . costC . payD . take7. (2分)Listen! Tom _ now. He always _in the morning. A . is singing; is singingB . is singing; singsC . sings; is singing8. (2分)- What are they doing over there?- They _ soccer.A . playB . playsC . playingD . are playing9. (2分) is it from your home to the school? About 3 kilometres.A . How farB . How oftenC . How manyD . How long10. (2分)How often do you visit your grandparents, Emma? _.A . For a weekB . Three timesC . Twice a weekD . Tomorrow11. (2分)Thats up to you _ the winner. A . to decideB . decideC . deciding12. (2分)_is it from the Childrens Palace to Nanjing South Railway Station, Tom?About 10 minutes ride by bus.A . How soonB . How longC . How farD . How much13. (2分)Whats your new home like?_.A . Its near my school.B . Its large and comfortableC . I love my new homeD . I live with my parents14. (2分)They usually go to see their grandparents _ Sundays.A . ofB . inC . onD . at15. (2分)_ he exercises every day, _ he is very healthy.A . Though; /B . Because; throughC . Because; /D . Because; so二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。A GREAT basketball player will retire (退役) this week. His name is Kobe Bryant.Bryant, 1for the Los Angeles Lakers, a team in the NBA. He has been playing with the Lakers for 20 years. But now he is leaving because of2and injuries (伤).“My heart can take it, my mind can handle (处理) it,3my body knows its time to say goodbye,” he4in his poem (诗) Dear Basketball.Bryant is one of the greatest5in NBA. He has won five NBA championships (冠军) and two Olympic gold medals. He also has scored the third largest number of points in NBA history, even6than Michael Jordan.Bryant has a real love7basketball. He often starts to practice as8as 5 am. Everybody knows how hard he works.Soon Bryant9have some time to rest. But no matter (不管如何) what he does next, he said his love for basketball will10change.(1)A . sings B . plays C . works D . dances (2)A . age B . height C . weight D . appearance(外貌) (3)A . and B . but C . or D . though (4)A . read B . told C . said D . wrote (5)A . singers B . players C . workers D . dancers (6)A . more B . less C . fewer D . better (7)A . as B . like C . for D . to (8)A . much B . well C . fast D . early (9)A . should B . need C . may D . must (10)A . never B . seldom C . sometimes D . always 三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共20分)17. (10分) My name is Li Li. Im eleven. Im from China. My mum and dad work in a big factory. They go to work every day but rest two days. I have a sister. We look like each other very much and we like to help each other. She is a middle school student and comes home in the afternoon. Everyone in my family likes to look after me.My sister and I are in the same school. Im a good student in my class. There are forty-two students in our class, twenty boys and twenty-two girls. We have our lessons from eight oclock in the morning to four oclock in the afternoon. My teacher of English, Miss. Green is from England. She is a good teacher. We go to school from Monday to Friday .We have five English classes a week. Now we can say a hundred words, and play games in English. We like English. We like our English teacher.(1)Li Lis family has people.A . threeB . fourC . sixD . five(2)Li Lis father and mother work a week.A . seven daysB . five daysC . six daysD . four days(3)Li Lis English teacher is A . an AmericanB . a JapaneseC . an English womanD . a Chinese(4)Li Lis sister is A . a good teacherB . a nice girlC . a bad studentD . a good worker(5)We have a day.A . one English classB . six English classesC . no English classD . five English classes18. (10分)阅读理解 To: Aggieyahoo.comFrom: Joe163.comSubject: Help!Date: 21/03/2014 10:02 AMDear Aunt Aggie,Im having a problem with my classmate, Joan, at school. The other day I wrote an email to another classmate, Beth, in which I said something about Joan that perhaps wasnt very nice. Unluckily, when Beth was writing back to me, she sent it to Joan163.com, which is Joans email address! Now Joan is really angry with me and wont talk to me, and Beth is unhappy as well. She has said sorry to me a hundred times already, but the harm is done. I feel bad, because I never would have said those things to Joans face, but how do I get her to forgive(谅解) me? What should I do? JoeTo: Joe163.comFrom: Aggieyahoo.comSubject: Some adviceDate: 22/03/2014 2:45 PMDear Joe, This problem is more common than you might think! Email is very useful, but also very dangerous, as you dont know where your message might end up! First of all, you should say sorry right away to Joan. Explain that it was a mistake, and that you didnt mean to hurt her feelings. It may take time for her to be able to forgive you, but thats up to her. Then you might want to do something nice for her. Perhaps send her some flowers to show that youre truly sorry. Also, you should remember that old saying: If you dont have anything nice to say, dont say anything at all. And good luck! Aggie(1)If you have any problem, youd better send an email to . A . Joe163.comB . Joan163.comC . Aggieyahoo.comD . Bethyahoo.com(2)How soon did Joe get the reply from Aunt Aggie? A . In two days.B . In one day.C . In a week.D . In a month.(3)Why did Joe write the Email to Aggie? A . To ask for advice.B . To say sorry.C . To give advice.D . To say something unfriendly.(4)The underlined word she (the first e-mail) refers to_. A . JoeB . AggieC . BethD . Joan(5)What did Aggie suggest Joe to do? A . Joe, Beth and Joan should have a talk together.B . Joe should wait for some time before saying sorry to Joan.C . Joe should ask Beth to explain that to Joan.D . Joe should say sorry to Joan and then send her some flowers.四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)补全对话a. What should I do?b. Its wonderful.c. Could I join your group?d. Whats wrong?e. Im sorry to hear that.f. How do you learn English?g. Tomorrow if you like.Tom: Hi! Alice, you look so sad. _.Alice: I failed in the English exam.Tom: _ But you dont need to worry about it all the time.Alice: I really dont know how to study English well._Tom: I think youd better study with a group.Alice: Oh, thats a good idea._Tom: Certainly. And we can learn from each other.Alice: Sounds good. When can I join you?Tom:_Alice: Thats very kind of you.五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)20. (5分)Answer the questions according to the passage.I have a lovely dog named Bobby. He looks pretty with short legs, big ears and short tail. He is my good friend and he is also easy to take care of. I walk him at least twice a day, feed him and spend time with him. He also gives his love to me in return.He is always there to lick me and lie on me. I like playing with him. I think he can tell when I am happy, sad, angry or troubled. Sometimes he can be noisy and run around the room. In a word, he is not only my dog, but also my friend.I love him. He can roll on the floor. He can play balls with me. He can look after my house when I am out. Bobby is very clever. But sometimes he isnt.One day Bobby runs away. He is out for three days. After he comes back, I tie him to a tree and give him some food. Bobby begins to eat. But then he stops. He sees a fox. The fox is looking at his food. Bobby barks and barks. He wants to catch the fox. But he cant. The fox runs round the tree. Bobby runs after the fox. So the rope goes ground the tree. Of course Bobby cant run. Quickly he eats up the food and runs away.(1)What does the writers dog look like?_(2)How often does the writer feed the dog?_(3)Is Bobby the writers friend?_(4)What can Bobby do when the writer is out?_(5)Which eats up the food at last, the dog or the fox?_六、 单词拼写 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)根据短文内容和中文提示,填写单词。(每空一词)Hello! My name is John. I have a good friend. _(他的) name is Eric. He is 14 years old. He is an English _(男孩). He and I are in the _(相同的) school. But I am in Class One, and he is in Class Two. He _(喜欢) basketball. He thinks it is_(有趣的). Eric _(有) two basketballs. We always play basketball _(和在一起) our friends after school. And Eric likes soccer, _(也).He often _(观看) TV at home in the _(晚上).七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)22. (5分)暑假即将来临, 请根据下列提示用英语写一篇暑假计划,并谈谈你认为怎么样度过暑假最有意义。首先认真完成各项作业,做一些阅读;每天锻炼身体,去体育馆观看球赛,为运动员加油;去博物馆观看机器人和新型机器,看他们如何工作;去海南观光,在海里游泳,买礼物。要求:不少于80词;文章不得出现真实的人名;开头已经写好,不计入总词数;不要逐句翻译,可适当增加细节。The summer holiday is coming. Here is my plan for it.第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共20分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)19-1、五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、六、 单词拼写 (共1题;共10分)21-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)22-1、

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