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教材新标准英语 八年级(上) Module 5 Western music 教学课时Period 1教学内容Unit 1 Part教材分析1、音乐种类的名称 2、 描述不同音乐的形容词 3、 谈论自己或别人喜欢的音乐。教学目标1、 掌握7种音乐类型名词,10个描述性形容词。 2、能流利谈论自己喜欢的音乐。 3、初步理解反意疑问句。教学重难点1、掌握7种音乐类型名词,10个描述性形容词。 2、通过合作交流,加强口语运用能力。 3、理解反意疑问句。设计思路1 通过图片学习新词汇。2 Listen and read, 强化并扩展对词汇的运用。3 Check the people and the types of music 巩固对阅读材料的理解。4 学生自由谈论发表所喜欢的音乐,训练口语。教学流程教师活动学生活动1 情景导入 通过播放各种music 导入本文主题,引导学生列举所知道的音乐种类。说一说你知道哪些音乐类型,并可展示一些片段与其他同学。2 知识新授通过CAI 图片导入并教授关于音乐类型的7个生词。你想了解更多关于这些音乐吗?从而引出10个形容词。扩展你所知道的音乐类型名词(可用中文),学习生词。描述自己喜欢或不喜欢的音乐类型以及简单的理由(用一个词形容),学习10个形容词。3 情 景 操 练通过听、说、读、表达自己所喜欢的音乐类型以及理由,并与同伴分享自己的观点。听 Part 3 , 了解大意。读Part 3, 找出文中5人所喜欢的不同音乐。小组合作讨论并呈现自己的观点。4. 情景回归Check the true sentences ,answer the questions about the words in the box.学生独立完成part 5和part 6 , 检查并核对答案。what types of music you have known now? How do you think of .(one type of music)?5. 作业布置Make a list about what type of music you like best and the reasons ,write down in the exercise books. 教学课时Period 2教学内容Unit 1 Part 7、8 Around the world workbook: exe 3 、9、11教材分析1、反意疑问句的理解 2、 表达自己对不同类型音乐的喜好程度 3、 了解orchestra 的一些知识。教学目标1、 巩固第一课时中的17个生词。 2、学会表达自己对不同类型音乐的态度。 3、初步理解反意疑问句。教学重难点1、学习不同语调表达的不同意境(反意疑问句)。 2、通过合作交流,进一步表达自己对不同音乐的态度。设计思路1、 以合作讨论为途径,锻炼学生口语。2、 以CAI 图片拓展学生知识面。3、 以分类回顾巩固第一课时,同时为第三课时奠定基础。教学流程教师活动学生活动 1情景导入 通过播放各种类型music 复习音乐类型的名称单词。在不同的优美音乐声中回顾7个所学的音乐类型单词。2复习回顾复习10个有关西方音乐的形容词。通过 answer questions 复习 unit 1 中的阅读材料。谈论你所喜欢的音乐和理由。ask some questions about part 3 in unit 1. 3. 新 授 知识 由 unit 1 part 3 引出反意疑问句,用CAIA 呈现并解释.around the world.what do you know about the orchestra?list more models about real questions or checking information.4. 情景操练talk about the music you like best and the reasons, report in class.例举更多的例子加以说明part 7 and 8。work in pairs , find something new about your partner ,then ask himher after the teachers model. try to know more about the questions tags.5 情景回归Check the listening part 7 .Workbook part 9学生独立完成听力材料后检查核对答案。6. 作业布置1. finish exe 1 and 2 in the workbook2. 预习Unit 2. 教学课时Period 3教学内容Unit 2 Part 1.2.3. workbook exe.教材分析1、学习6种乐器名称 2、 a reading passage about Vienna, Mozart and the Strauss family.教学目标1、 掌握6种乐器名称。 2、 读懂有关Vienna Mozart 以及Strauss 一家的有关信息教学重难点1、6个关于乐器的名称生词。2、阅读能力的培养和提高。设计思路1、通过CAI 图片学习词汇。2、通过回答系列问题理解课文。3、课外延伸:了解更多的音乐名人、名地。4、 对学生写作能力的培养教学流程教师活动学生活动1 情景导入 听音乐猜乐器,引导学生列举所知道的乐器名词,并引出本课要学的生词。听音乐猜乐器。Match the words with the pictures.2 知识新授采用填句子、根据解释猜单词、记忆力大挑战等系列活动学习并记住本课生词。学生通过游戏、做练习等各种活动学习并巩固新学的词汇。3 情 景 理 解Listen to part 2(分段听),;理解大意。Listen and read ,check the true sentences.read, discuss ,ask and answer questions about the passage.听短文,回答一个main question about the passage.粗读课文,理解大意。细读课文,小组找问题并讨论解决。 answer the questions in part 3 .4. 情景回归根据CAI提供的要点词汇谈谈你对Vienna Mozartthe Strauss family 的理解和认识。小组合作讨论说一说对Vienna Mozartthe Strauss family的认识。say more famous musiciasmore places that are famous for music.5. 作业布置Workbook : exercise: for the next lesson.教学课时Period 4教 学 设 计教学内容Unit 3 Language in use(1-6) Language practice教材分析The pis to check if the students can use what they learn in the last lesson and to know how to use the question tags and learn more about western music.教学目标To encourage students to share and express their thinking using what they have learned in this module.教学重难点突破 Task-based discussion and presentation, Task-based language learning would help the students use the vocabulary and sentence structure.设计思路Present a practical task for the students to learn English in use.教师活动学生活动教学流程1情景导入To warm up students and relax them. To set up a harmonious atmosphere for learning.Review what they have learned from last lesson. Students think about the form of the question tags. And have a writing show.2知识新授Present the task of learning: try to think about what the conversations of the tag-question is.Students are supposed to match the sentences with the question tags and then to know the meanings of the sentences.3情景操练Ask the students to read the conversations in Activity2 on Page 38 and then finish the missing question tags. After that, ask students to read and find out whether the speaker in each case is asking a real question or just checking information.Pre-task activity: Read the conversations and make sure you put the stress in the right places.While-task activity 1: Individual workRead the conversations and write the missing question tags.While-task activity 2: Pair workWork in pairs to practice the conversations .Post-task activity: Group work Present their answers.4情景回归Ask students to present their thinking. Grammar focus.Post-task activity: Group workPresent their thinking and learning in public.板书(或课件)设计Each groups work should be shown on the blackboard.作业布置 Copy “Language practice” ; Read the passage about Mozart-the great composer.教学课时Period 5教 学 设 计教学内容Unit 3 Language in use(7-8) Module task教材分析The period is to train the students listening and reading comprehension ability教学目标Master the question tags Module task: Talking about the music they like bestSelf-assessment教学重难点突破 Task-based discussion and presentationGuide to language use设计思路Present a practical task for the students to learn English in use.教师活动学生活动教学流程1情景导入A picture of the artist Make a survey: what types of music do their family members like? Students guess what they are going to learn in this classMake a survey, then have a report.2知识新授Present the task of learning: Fast reading : answer the following questionsRead it more slowly: True or false Get familiar with the reading material on Page 40 and finish the exercise following it.3情景操练Ask the students to work in groups of 5 or 6 to talk about the music they like best. Then discuss in English their feelings about the music.Describe the music they like best.4情景回归Ask students to present their thinking.Report their discussion to the class.Post-task activity: Group workPresent their thinking in public.I like ItsI dont like Its It hasisDo you likeYes, I do. No, I dont. Its板书(或课件)设计I like ItsI dont like Its It hasisDo you likeYes, I do. No, I dont. Its作业布置Finish all the exercises on Page 128 and Page 130 of listening and pronunciation

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