牛津深圳版八年级上册Unit 5 Educational exchanges 单元测试D卷.doc

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牛津深圳版八年级上册Unit 5 Educational exchanges 单元测试D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 词汇测试。从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线 (共8题;共16分)1. (2分)There are some excellent stories in the magazine. A . very shortB . very goodC . very important2. (2分)Air pollution is a big problem. But we have found some ways to _ it. A . ask forB . deal withC . look forD . stick to3. (2分)-Where can I find a _ hall to hold so many people?-There is one in the tall building.A . small enoughB . big enoughC . enough smallD . enough big4. (2分) Do not write more than 200 words. OK, I wont.A . less thanB . overC . under5. (2分)I am dying to meet my old friend because we havent seen each other for three years. A . cant wait toB . dont want toC . agree to6. (2分)Peng Liyuan is _ a vocal artist(声乐艺术家)And now she is also the First Lady in ChinaA . known asB . proud ofC . famous forD . good for7. (2分)Is Taylor Swift the most popular country music singer?I _so. She has won so many awards and her concerts are the most popular.A . hopeB . doubtC . supposeD . imagine8. (2分)She goes out every night to have fun with different people.She appears to have many friends.A . looksB . comesC . seems二、 根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词 (共7题;共14分)9. (2分)There is _ milk in the fridge. Let me go to the supermarket and buy _. A . no; someB . not; someC . no; anyD . not; any10. (2分)Im sorry that I forgot to turn off the light.Dont worry. Ill have it _.A . turn offB . turned offC . turned on11. (2分)(2015广西柳州)_ are you in? I am in Class One.A . Which schoolB . What classC . Which grade12. (2分)Be quiet. I cant _ the teacher.A . lookB . listenC . hear13. (2分) I went to the flea market and shopped around last week. It was so exciting. Me too! We can have fun and raise money at the same time. Thats perfect!A . borrowB . collectC . lend14. (2分) What vegetables do you like? I like .A . applesB . carrotsC . orangesD . pears15. (2分)Could I invite my friends to my birthday party next Sunday, Mom?_, if you like.A . SureB . NoC . SorryD . Why三、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)完形填空 Good evening, everyone! Today, Im very glad1a speech2name is My Dream. We know everyone has his or her own dream. Some people want to be basketball players because they are good3sports. Some would like to become4because they like to stay with children. Do you know5Im going to be when I grow up? I like cooking,6I want to become a good cook. I think I must have great7cooking food. Id like to ask everyone to taste my food. I also like seeing their smiling faces after8the delicious food. However, its not so9to be a good cook. I decided to learn 10things about cooking from now on. I will work hard for my dream. Im sure I will succeed (成功) one day.(1)A . give B . to give C . take D . to take (2)A . It B . Its C . Its D . It is (3)A . at B . in C . with D . for (4)A . doctors B . drivers C . policemen D . teachers (5)A . how B . what C . where D . when (6)A . after B . but C . so D . or (7)A . funny B . fun C . interest D . interesting (8)A . eat B . to eat C . eating D . to eating (9)A . difficult B . hardly C . good D . easy (10)A . a lot of B . a lots of C . a lots D . a lot 四、 阅读理解。 (共5题;共46分)17. (10分) There was once a young man called Paul in a village in the USA. Paul was very lazy because his father was a rich farmer and he didnt have to work. Mr Smith, a neighbour of his, was a blacksmith (铁匠). He used to work in his shop all day. Paul spent hours and hours watching how the blacksmith worked every day. “Young man, why dont you try your hand to make a shoe tack (铁钉), even it is only to pass the time?” said the blacksmith one day, “ Maybe it will be useful to you some day.” Finally, the lazy boy began to have a try. After practicing some times, he became skilled and could make very nice tacks.Years later, Pauls father died and he lost all the things because of a war (战争). He had to move to another country and live by himself. It happened that there were many shoemakers paying high prices to buy tacks for the shoes, because in that part of the country there was a great need of tacks for soldiers shoes. Paul went to talk with them. He told them that he would make the tacks if they could help him find a workshop in the village. The shoemakers agreed. Then Paul made a lot of money by making tacks. “How funny it is!” he said to himself, “Even by making shoe tacks, one can become rich.”(1)Why didnt Paul have to work?A . Because he couldnt do anything.B . Because he was too lazy.C . Because his father was very rich.D . B and C.(2)Whats the Chinese meaning ofskilled?A . 熟练的B . 适应的C . 自信的D . 巧妙的(3)What did Paul do after his father died because of the war?A . He travelled to another country.B . He moved to another country.C . He learned to make shoes.D . He started a workshop.(4)How many kinds of people appeared in the story except Paul ?A . Five.B . Four.C . Three.D . Two.(5)What can we learn form the story?A . Making tacks is important.B . Wars can make people hard-working.C . Nothing is difficult to learn.D . Everything you learned may be useful.18. (10分) Yao Ming, the centre of the Chinese National Mens basketball team, joins the Houston Rocket in the 2002 NBA. The 2.2 m, 120kg basketball star becomes the first one to come from a foreign (外国的) team. Yao Ming was born in Shanghai in September, 1980. His mother is a leader of the Chinese National Womens Team. His father plays basketball, too. Yao Ming is welcome in China. He becomes a very important basketball player in China Basketball Association. Its short for CBA.During the 2000-2001 seasons, he gets 27.1 scores for the Shanghai Oriental(东方) Sharks in every match. Yao Ming joins the Houston Rockets in November, 2002. He says this is a new start in his basketball life. He world do his best to learn from the NBA and improve(提高) himself. Sport analyst(分析家) Bill Walton says, “Yao Ming is very strong. He has the capability(能力) of changing the future(未来) of basketball.”(1)TheHoustonRocketsisthenameofa_team.A . tabletennisB . volleyballC . basketballD . golf(2)BothYaoMingsfatherandmotherare_.A . football playersB . the leader of the Chinese Nationa lTeamC . the centers of Chinese National TeamD . basketballplayers(3)YaoMing_inCBAduringthe2000-2001seasons.A . does badlyB . isnt goodC . is in AmericaD . does well(4)YaoMing_theHoustonRocketsinNovember,2002.A . does his best to joinB . is a teacher inC . becomes a member ofD . leaves(5)SportanalystBillWaltonthinksYaoMingcan_.A . learnfromtheNBA.B . changethefutureofbasketballC . improvehimselfD . becomesthecaptainoftheHoustonRockets.19. (10分)阅读下列短文,回答问题。 Some students think taking notes by hand is too tiring, so they use digital (数码的)cameras to take pictures of the words that their teachers write on the blackboard. Some even use digital recorders to record what teachers say in class.The children are clever to make use of technology (技术). They might think there are too many notes to take. They might also think that teachers write too fast. They are just trying to find ways to make things easier. But so digital cameras or recorders really make taking notes easier?Not really! Before you can read the notes on your digital cameras, there are a lot of things to do. You have to find a computer to download the photos. You also have to find a printer to print the photos out.To listen to the sounds from the digital recorder is even harder. There is usually a lot of noise with what you have recorded. You will have to listen to it several times before everything is clear.In fact, taking notes by hand really helps you to remember and understand what you are learning. You only need to write down key points. You dont have to write down everything.(1)Why do some students use digital cameras and recorders in class? A . Because they want to take pictures of what their teachers write on the blackboard.B . Because they want to record what their teachers say in class.C . Because they want to show they are clever to make use of technology.D . Both A and B(2)How does the writer think students should take notes in class? A . By hand.B . By digital cameras.C . By digital recorders.D . By modern technology.(3)Whats the right order of the following steps if you want to read the notes from digital cameras? a. download the photosb. find a computerc. print the photos out on paperd. find a printerA . d-c-a-bB . b-a-d-cC . b-c-a-dD . c-d-a-b(4)Why is taking notes by a digital recorder harder than by hand? A . Because the teacher doesnt speak clearly.B . Because a digital recorder doesnt work well.C . Because there is usually a lot of noise with sound and youll have to listen to it several times to make everything clear.D . Because teachers dont allow them to bring recorders into class.(5)Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A . Taking notes by hand of everything that the teachers write on the blackboard is necessary.B . Taking notes by hand is helpful for remembering and understanding what you are learning.C . Taking notes of the most important things can save your time.D . Digital cameras or recorders dont make taking notes easier.20. (10分)根据材料内容,选择正确答案。(B)When I was a foreign teacher in China, every day I taught English to my students and they taught me about China. One day the topic turned to saying I love you. I was shocked to learn that not one of my students had said this to their mothers, nor had their mothers said it to them. Does your morn love you? Of course, they answered.How do you know? was my logical question. They responded that their moms cooked and always told them what they were doing wrong to show their caring. I was stunned. So moms cooking and criticizing read out as I love you. Then how do you say I love you to her? They agreed that getting good grades, followed by good jobs would be how they showed their love.I come from a culture where most people are expressive enough, so I repeated these queries in classes over time. Gradually, I began to get different response. Some of them had exchanged those sentiments with their morns.One of my favorite stories of change came from a girl. When she came home from university, her mother met her at the door and hugged (拥抱) her. This had never happened before, but her morn said, Now that you have gone, I have more time to myself. I noticed that in some places mothers and children hug each other and I decided it was a good idea and that I would begin hugging you. In my family we all say I love you a lot. While it is true that we often say the words without having great depth of feelings at that moment, it is almost like a blessing we give each other. Those three little words carry a world of meaning, even when said as a greeting, but most especially if they are the last words we say to or hear from those we love.(1)Whats the authors job?A . A worker.B . A doctor.C . A story teller.D . A teacher(2)The foreign teacher .A . comes from AmericaB . is a young womanC . is expressive enoughD . knows much about China(3)Chinese people prefer to show love by .A . saying I love youB . cookingC . getting good gradesD . doing something helpful(4)In paragraph 4, whats the real meaning of the moms hugging?A . She is meeting her daughter at the door.B . She loves her daughter and misses her.C . She is glad that she has more time to herself.D . She finds it interesting to hug her daughter.(5)Whats the main idea of the passage?A . Say I love you more to your family.B . Say I love you a lot to Chinese people.C . Say I love you as a greeting to others.D . Say I love you without great depth of feelings.21. (6分) Air is a colorless, tasteless and invisible(看不见的)gas that is around us. An “empty” drinking glass and an “empty” room, in fact, are not really empty. Each is filled with air. When the glass is filled with water, the water pushes the air out of the glass.Air, as a gas, has no definite shape, but because it is matter, it takes up space and it has weight. It is easy to prove that air is something that takes up space. Stuff a piece of dry cloth(布)into the bottom of a glass so that it will not fall out when the glass is turned upside down. Push the upside down glass, holding straight up and down, into a jar of water till the glass is completely covered. When the glass is taken out of the water, the cloth is still dry. The air inside the glass shows that it takes up space and keeps the water from coming in.(1)Since air is matter, it has _.A . room , and weight as wellB . both room and shapeC . either room or weightD . neither shape nor weight(2)The word “Stuff” means _ in Chinese.A . 撕B . 盖C . 取掉D . 塞(3)The writer tells that the experiment(实验)_.A . is carried out in the spaceB . must be done in the labC . is made in the roomD . can only be done in the open air五、 语法填空。 (共1题;共10分)22. (10分)用所给单词的适当形式填空。Why not_(try) on the green shirt ?_ (Who)bike is this?.She knows_ (I ) name and I know her.Lets go _ (fish) tomorrow.Would you like to_(drink) some juice ?Id like three_(cup) of tea.Please give_(he) some orange juice.Is your father a_(work)?My friend helps_(I )with my English.Thank_(your) very much.六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)假如你是Bob,请根据下面的提示给你的笔友Linda写一封信。1).早上6点半起床,然后刷牙,吃早饭。2).7点钟乘公交车去上学。3).学校离家有5公里远,要花10分钟才能到达学校。4).早上8点开始上课。5).放学后,我要去弹吉他,因为我想要加入音乐俱乐部。要求:语言通顺,意思连贯,不能遗漏要点,60词左右。Dear Linda,How are you? You want to know about my school day. Now let me tell you something about it.This is my day. Its interesting. How about yours? Please write to me soon.Yours,Bob第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 词汇测试。从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线 (共8题;共16分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、二、 根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词 (共7题;共14分)9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、三、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)16-1、四、 阅读理解。 (共5题;共46分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、21-1、21-2、21-3、五、 语法填空。 (共1题;共10分)22-1、六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)23-1、

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