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牛津译林版2019-2020学年九年级上学期英语期末模拟测试卷(二)C卷一、 关键词语选择 (共5题;共10分)1. (2分)选出听到的单词( ) A . dateB . dayC . diary2. (2分)听录音,选出你所听到的字母、数字或者单词( ) A . NBAB . MPAC . PLA3. (2分)选出所听到的单词( ) A . buildingsB . buildC . locked4. (2分)听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息 A . eighteen dollarsB . eight dollarsC . eight yuan5. (2分)听句子,选择单词( ) A . singingB . playingC . writing二、 短对话理解 (共10题;共20分)6. (2分)What should the boy do? A . B . C . 7. (2分)Whats behind Bills house? A . B . C . 8. (2分)Whos the boys Chinese teacher? A . B . C . 9. (2分)What animal does the girl like best? A . B . C . 10. (2分)What does the boy ask Susan to do? A . B . C . 11. (2分)What does the girl want to do tonight? A . Go to the concert.B . Go to the cinema.C . Prepare for an exam.12. (2分)What food does Tony like? A . Beef and tomatoes.B . Eggs and salad.C . Milk and eggs13. (2分)Who will take the plane? A . Mr. Brown.B . Mr. Smith.C . Mrs. Brown.14. (2分)Whats Tonys mothers job? A . A nurse.B . A teacher.C . A doctor.15. (2分)What color does the man like? A . Blue.B . Green.C . Brown.三、 长对话理解 (共2题;共10分)16. (4分)听下面一段对话,回答问题。 (1)Who is the womans hero? A . Bill Gates.B . Wang Xuan.C . Liu Yang.(2)What will the man first do to realize his dream? A . Try to improve computer skills.B . Try to finish the homework.C . Try to work hard.17. (6分)听下面一段对话,回答小题。(1)What did Helen do on Saturday morning? A . She played tennis.B . She went to the beach.C . She studied at home.(2)Who played tennis with Helen? A . Tony.B . Lisa.C . Nancy.(3)When did Helen go to the movies? A . On Saturday night.B . On Sunday afternoon.C . On Sunday night.四、 短文理解 (共1题;共10分)18. (10分)听下面一段材料,回答问题 (1)Where did the old lady put the broken pieces of glass? A . On the road.B . In her bag.C . In her pocket.(2)Who were talking on the road? A . An old lady and a policeman.B . A policeman and some kids.C . An old lady and some kids.(3)Why did the old lady pick up the pieces of glass? A . To set an example to the kids.B . To collect the glass.C . To keep the kids safe.(4)What did the policeman do then? A . He told the old lady not to do so.B . He told the kids not to run on the road.C . He helped the old lady to pick up the broken glass.(5)What can we know from the story? A . The kids were very honest.B . The old lady was very kind.C . The policeman was very brave.五、 信息转换 (共1题;共1分)19. (1分)根据所听的内容选择正确的答案。 (1)Why are the students very happy? A . Because they can have a picnic.B . Because there are many new clubs in their school.C . They are going to have a party.(2)What club would Jenny like to join? A . The art club.B . The football club.C . The swimming club.(3)What clubs is David going to join? A . The art club and the football club.B . The football club and the art club.(4)What is Mark good at? A . Football.B . Volleyball.C . Four.(5)How many clubs are mentioned(被提及)in the passage? A . Two.B . Three.C . Four.六、 单项填空 (共15题;共30分)20. (2分)Whats _population of the USA? It has _population of 321 million. A . a; aB . a; theC . the; aD . /; /21. (2分)The English teacher keeps advising us _ more. A . to practice speakingB . practicing to speakC . to practise to speakD . practicing speaking22. (2分)The soccer game is _ 7:00 pm _ October 25th.A . at; inB . in; onC . in; atD . at; on23. (2分)I heard you attended the Futian Model United Nation Conference (模联大会). Yes. It was amazing. At first, I was nervous because the hall _ teachers and students.A . was short ofB . was ready forC . was full of24. (2分)Study hard at your lessons, or youll _ others. A . keep up withB . come up withC . be left behindD . get on well with25. (2分)Jack didnt talk with his brother, and they went home_. A . in factB . in silenceC . in English26. (2分)I see Wei Han _ English almost every morning. A . readsB . readingC . read27. (2分) Where is the volleyball? Its on the chair. Let me _ it.A . getB . findC . seeD . look28. (2分)I dont like singing _ I like dancing. A . butB . andC . orD . as29. (2分)How much do you pay _ your watch? 4, 00 yuan. A . forB . inC . onD . at30. (2分)How often does Laura play the trumpet? once or a week. Im not sure.A . May be; twiceB . Maybe; twiceC . Maybe; two timeD . May be; two times31. (2分)I believe that _ the help of the teacher, I _Ji Nian Middle School two month later. A . under, will enterB . in, enterC . by, enterD . with, will enter32. (2分)The young man _ break into a bank by a policeman last night. A . saw toB . is seen toC . was seenD . was seen to33. (2分)How does your mother ?By bike.A . to thereB . get to thereC . go thereD . go here34. (2分)Bob, its getting cold. take a jacket with you? All right, dad. A . Why notB . How aboutC . Would you likeD . Youd better七、 完形填空 (共2题;共2分)35. (1分)完形填空 Jenny, from Germany, spent some time traveling in India. While she was there, she stayed with her Indian friend, Leela. However, there was a1barrier (障碍) for her there. It was very2for her to communicate in the new environment, which was very different from that of her own country.One day, together with Leela, Jenny went to3an orphanage (孤儿院). All the children there were very young. At first, Jenny was not sure if she could have a way to communicate with them. She went over to the children4and sat beside them. After some time, one of the children5at her. She felt a little relaxed and smiled back. Then she went close to the child. She slowly put her arm around the child and started6a song in German. The child kept smiling and started repeating the words after her. Jenny sang a little more and the child followed her again. Wanting to join in the7, another child went up to Jenny- and started singing. Then more children joined. They8many smiles together.From the other side of the hall, Leela was smiling and watching them. Noticing Leelas eyes on her, Jenny had an9feeling from her heart: See, I dont have any language barriers here. We can speak and communicate! At that moment, she understood: were all simple human, and we have the ability to10with each other.(1)A . transport B . food C . language D . tour (2)A . nice B . strange C . lucky D . difficult (3)A . show B . visit C . build D . improve (4)A . slowly B . early C . hardly D . easily (5)A . moved B . laughed C . shouted D . smiled (6)A . singing B . writing C . saying D . playing (7)A . club B . talk C . fun D . dance (8)A . forgot B . remembered C . shared D . missed (9)A . awful B . excited C . active D . important (10)A . communicate B . laugh C . stay D . travel 36. (1分)完形填空 This morning I got an email from Roy. It seems that my boy really enjoys his new life at Harvard University. The 1made me think of the first day when we moved into this house.Little Roy ran around the new house with great excitement and 2to move his own things into the house, such as his toys, books and clothes. 3his little hand knocked over a bottle of paint on the shelves. The paint 4the tidy floor and the white wall a terrible mess. Oh, my God! My wife rushed in angrily. I looked at my son and his small face was filled with5.I 6and held his hand. Take it easy, Roy. Now lets do something to make it look7. I took out a 8. You see, Dad is a magician. I can change it 9a big tree.His mother soon helped paint some butterflies and flowers on the wall.We spent the whole morning 10and laughing. The wall 11a beautiful forest with plants, birds and small animals. A blue sky and white clouds were also painted by Roy. On that day, everybody in the house knew something12happened.The night before Roy left for Harvard, he asked me if I still remembered the day 13he had knocked over the paint. Since then Ive 14worried about making mistakes, he continued, I believe I can always15ways to solve the problems.(1)A . call B . letter C . card D . email (2)A . refused B . tried C . forgot D . enjoyed (3)A . Suddenly B . Luckily C . Gladly D . Especially (4)A . kept B . saw C . made D . stopped (5)A . happiness B . hope C . fear D . luck (6)A . cried B . smiled C . shouted D . called (7)A . nice B . bad C . wrong D . right (8)A . drum B . brush C . clock D . pen (9)A . from B . for C . into D . of (10)A . washing B . cooking C . painting D . writing (11)A . became B . painted C . liked D . got (12)A . dangerous B . boring C . special D . good (13)A . why B . that C . how D . when (14)A . never B . always C . sometimes D . often (15)A . put out B . hand out C . look at D . find out 八、 补全对话(两项多余) (共1题;共1分)37. (1分)阅读下面对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号除黑。 A. When will it start?B. You can book it on our website.C. What can I do for you?D. Enjoy yourself.E. Where can I get the ticket?F. Thank you for your help.G. Its wonderful.A:Hello, this is Ren min Opera House._B:Oh, hi. Do you still have tickets for the piano concert tonight?A:One moment, please. Uh, yes, here are a few left.B:Thats great!_A:At 7:30. B:How long will it last?A:It will last about two hours.B:Sounds great. Can I book(预定) one ticket now?A:Yes. _B:Well, but how can I do it?A:Just go to our website, fill in your information choose a seat and pay online.B:Sounds easy. _A:At the gate at least half an hour before the show starts.B:_A:Youre welcome.九、 阅读理解 (共5题;共49分)38. (10分)阅读理解 Swimming club Do you like to swim? Do you want to swim well? Then we have good teachers to teach you. Opening time: 2:00 p.m. 9:30 p.m.Ticket price: 15 yuan for children, 20 yuan for adults(成人)Please call Mr. Wang at 877-778Children dancing club We are a dancing club for children of 514. We have lessons from 9:00 to 10:30 every Saturday and Sunday.If you like dancing, just join us.Call Miss Wu at 263-566(1)The swimming club is open for _ everyday. A . seven hoursB . seven and a half hoursC . eight hoursD . eight and a half hours(2)If you want to go to the swimming club with your parents, you may pay_ yuan A . 15B . 20C . 35D . 55(3)The children dancing club has lessons _. A . on weekdaysB . on weekendsC . every dayD . every morning(4)If you want to learn to dance, you may call_. A . Mr. Wang at 877-778B . Mr. Wang at 263-566C . Miss Wu at 877-778D . Miss Wu at 263-566(5)You may see the forms_. A . in a newspaperB . in a math bookC . in a dictionaryD . in a notebook39. (8分)阅读理解 In the summer between my first year and second year in college, I was invited to be an instructor(辅导员)at a high school camp. On the first day, when we were dancing and playing games, I noticed a boy under the tree who was small and thin. His shyness made him appear weak. I walked towards him, introduced myself and invited him to join in the activities and meet some new people. He quietly replied, No, I really dont want to do this. I could understand that he was in a new world but I knew it wouldnt be right to force him either. Actually, the boy didnt need a close talk but a friend.At lunch the next day, I was leading camp songs when I saw the boy under the tree sitting alone. I tried again with the same invitation, but he refused once again. That evening I was told the boys name was Tommy. Then I asked the campers to pay special attention to the boy and spend time with him when they could.The days went by and the time came when we had to leave. We held a big, warm party to celebrate the closing of the camp. All the campers shared their wonderful moments. To my surprise, I found the boy from under the tree dancing joyfully with two girls. I couldnt believe it was the same person.In October of my second year, I received a phone call from Tommys mother. She told me that Tommy was hit by a car and died. I offered my deep sadness. The mother said, Tommy mentioned you so many times. I want you to know that he went back to school and made new friends with confidence. You made a difference to Tommy during his last months.At that moment, I realized how easy it was to give a bit of yourself every day. You may never know how much each gesture may mean to someone else. I hope that everyone can pay attention to his own boy under the tree.(1)Before the writer came to the high school summer camp, he was a(n) . A . instructorB . camperC . studentD . reporter(2)How many times did the writer invite the boy to join in the activities? A . Once.B . Twice.C . Three times.D . Many times.(3)Which is the CORRECT order about the story? The boy danced joyfully with two girls. The boy went back to school and made new friends. The boy refused to join in the activities.The boys mother made a phone call to the writer.A . B . C . D . (4)From Paragraph 4, we can infer that Tommys mother was very to the writer. A . thankfulB . helpfulC . faithfulD . harmful40. (8分)阅读理解 It is reported that some developed countries have shipped broken parts of computers to China. Such a thing can be found almost every day although it is against international laws. Hong Kong officers once found 131, 000 kilograms of broken computers, TVs and phones sent from Japan.Things like these are called electronic waste or e-waste. Dealing with e-waste is not an easy job because dangerous poisons like mercury(汞)and lead(铅)can be found in e-waste. Every time an old computer breaks down, it needs to be dealt with safely. But at present, broken computer parts are usually buried. It may be hundreds of years before they are really gone in the earth.Many places in China are polluted by e-waste. Guiyu in Guangdong Province is one of them. This town is named as the e-waste capital of the world”. It has to deal with 1. 5 million kilograms of e-waste each year, from which it makes 75 million yuan. But it comes at a cost. Many of the poisons in e-waste find their way into the environment. Plastic is burned outdoors and chemical water is poured into rivers. An environmental group has found the air, the earth and the rivers in Guiyu badly polluted.The Chinese government wants to develop, but in a way that doesnt do harm to the environment and peoples life. China passed a new environmental protection law in 2015, the strictest one we have ever ha D. Computer companies like Lenovo and Dell will be asked to take back their old computers. This is because the companies that make computers know how to deal with them safely. Hopefully, the problem with e-waste will be solved in the near future.(1)The e-waste found in Hong Kong was from _. A . FranceB . JapanC . GermanyD . Australia(2)The underlined word “buried” probably means _ in Chinese. A . 焚烧B . 降解C . 回收D . 掩埋(3)The town of Guiyu in Guangdong Province_. A . is the e-capital of the worldB . has serious e-waste pollutionC . deals with the e-waste safelyD . spends much money on e-waste(4)The passage is mainly about _. A . the ways to deal with e-wasteB . the cost of burning e-wasteC . the e-waste problem in ChinaD . the need to pass a law against e-waste41. (8分)根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。 My 6-year-old granddaughter Caitlin and I stopped at a food shop for a chocolate cake. As we were going out the door, a young boy was coming in.This young man had no hair on the sides of his head and a tuft of (一簇) blue hair on top. He wore a chain (链子) that ran across half of his face. He took a skateboard under his right arm and a basketball under the left arm.Caitlin, who was walking in front of me, stopped when she saw the boy. I thought she would be afraid of him. But I was wrong. She stood against the door and opened it as wide as it would go. I stopped and let the boy pass. He was thankful and said: Thank you very much.On our way to the car, I talked with Caitlin about keeping the door open for the boy. I wanted to make sure whether she was afraid. But the only thing Caitlin watched about the boy was that his arms were full. He couldnt open the door because he took things in his hands.I saw the shaved head, the blue hair, and the chain. She saw a person carrying something under each arm and walking towards a closed door.In the future, I hope to see things in different ways.(1)My granddaughter Caitlin was _ years old. A . 6B . 7C . 8D . 9(2)The young man took a _ under his left arm. A . chainB . skateboardC . basketballD . baseball(3)Caitlin _ the boy. A . didnt open the door forB . wasnt afraid of the boyC . close the door forD . stopped and let the boy pass(4)The meaning of the word shaved is _. A . 长满头发的B . 摇头晃脑的C . 戴着帽子的D . 剃光的(5)The writer thinks that she should _ in the future. A . see things in different waysB . not help othersC . laugh at peopleD . fight with different people42. (15分)根据短文中的信息完成表格。每空一词。 Your schooldays should be some of the best and happiest days of your life. How can you get the most from them, and be sure you do not waste (浪费) this great chance to learn?Be active (积极的) at school. Dont say things are difficult or boring. Take an interest in your school life and school subjects. Take part in lots of activities (活 动). Put up your hands quickly in class. Go around the school with a big smile. If you are not working, you are wasting your time at school. Teachers can not make everything enjoyable (令人愉快的).Keep fit. If you dont eat a good breakfast, you will be thinking about food in class.If you go to bed late and dont have enough sleep, you will be sleepy in class. Play enough sports every day in order to keep your body strong.Face the problem. Do not say you will do things tomorrow. If you get behind the class, it is very difficult to get back in front. You cannot finish the race if you rest all the time. Everyone fails (失败) some exams, loses some matches and has a bad day. Dont make small problems very big

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