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人教版2020年九年级下学期4月联合模拟英语试卷D卷一、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)1. (15分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Brittany Amano wants to make sure every child in the US has enough to eat.Brittany Amano, now 18, knew how it felt to go hungry. Her mother tried to find a 1 in Honolulu, Hawaii to support the family. Her grandmother helped out as much as she could. But the family 2 had to depend on a local food bank to live on, and for that she was 3 .When they lost their home, Amanos family had to live in a friends basement (地下室). “I could feel how hunger and homelessness 4my family.” Amano told a reporter from TFK. “The experience made me want to give 5 to others in the same situation.”In fourth grade, she and some of her friends started a good project. They 6 $ 700 and collected 800 pounds of food. 7 twelve, Amano set up the un profit (非营利的)group Hawaiis Future Isnt Hungry. She hoped to raise $ 10,000 8 she finished high school. She ended up raising more than $ 500,000 in four years.With the 9 collected, the nonprofit group, now called The Future Isnt Hungry, can offer fresh fruits, vegetables, and other 10foods to school kids on Fridays. This is to make sure that the kids and 11families have enough food to get them 12 the weekend. So far, the effort has helped more than 750,000 people.In the fall of this year, Amano will 13 Duck University, in North Carolina on a full scholarship. After that, she plans to return to 14the city that gave her so much. “It doesnt matter if you help one million people 15 just one person,” she says. “The smallest action can make a huge difference.”(1)A . job B . club C . house D . school (2)A . yet B . still C . just D . never (3)A . careful B . helpful C . hopeful D . thankful (4)A . satisfied B . influenced C . developed D . managed (5)A . hope B . choice C . surprise D . pleasure (6)A . paid B . saved C . raised D . borrowed (7)A . By B . At C . Until D . Below (8)A . if B . since C . when D . because (9)A . food B . clothes C . books D . money (10)A . sweet B . healthy C . cheap D . delicious (11)A . his B . her C . their D . our (12)A . into B . across C . along D . through (13)A . enter B . visit C . drop D . leave (14)A . set off B . club C . give back D . come up (15)A . or B . as C . but D . and 二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共34分)2. (8分)阅读理解Almost every child likes sweet things, such as candies, chocolate, ice cream and desserts. But do you know there is a holiday called Sweetest Day in the USA? Does it mean people can eat lots of sweet on that day?Sweetest Day is a popular holiday for Americans. People celebrate it on the third Saturday in October. On that day, people show their love to the elderly, children, their good friends or anyone else they want to help. Orphans(孤儿) and patients can also enjoy peoples greetings. In fact, anyone may get a gift on that day. Its just a day that offers people a chance to show their love and care to others.How did the holiday originate? Here is a story. In 1922, a very kind man in Cleverland, a city in Ohio of America, thought that many poor people in the city needed care from others. He wanted them to be happy and he hoped they would find people always remembered them and cared about them. So he gave them boxes of sweets or small gifts to show his love. He also asked his friends and neighbors to help him do these things. Many people thought it was a great idea. After that, more and more people in Cleverland began to do things like him every year. Gradually(逐渐地) it became a popular holiday for lots of Americans.(1)October 6th is the first Saturday in October this year, so Sweetest Day will be celebrated on. A . October 6B . October 13C . October 20D . October 27(2)Paragraph 2 mainly talks about _. A . what the Americans do to make friendsB . how Americans celebrate Sweetest DayC . the elderly and children want to help othersD . where orphans and patients are greeted(3)The underline word “originate” in the passage probably means _. A . 创造B . 规定C . 庆祝D . 起源(4)More and more people did things like the kind man because _. A . they agreed with the kind man and followed his exampleB . they thought they would also be cared about if they did soC . they thought they could be remembered by the poor peopleD . the kind man asked them to try their best to help others3. (10分)I have never taken cooking classes. I learned cooking from my mother because she was really interested in teaching me how to cook. The main reason for this was because when my mother got married, she didnt know how to cook anything, not even an egg. My grandmother never allowed her to stay in the kitchen when she was cooking.My mother did not start to cook until she was 25 years old. In the beginning, it was very hard for her. So, she had to take cooking classes to prepare(准备) our meals. After having that experience, she decided to teach me how to cook because she didnt want me to have the same experience.I remember when I was seven years old, and my mother was cooking, I was with her in the kitchen enjoying cooking. I always helped her. Sometimes we prepared meals that my mother already knew how to make, and sometimes we prepared them from recipes. Nowadays, I am really thankful for that experience because I dont need help to cook a meal. I can cook for me alone or for a group of people; it doesnt matter.I will do the same with my children because I dont want them to have the same experience as my mother. If one day I am not with them, I want to be sure that they can carry on their lives without me.(1)The writers mother learned cooking _.A . from the writers grandmotherB . all by herselfC . by taking cooking class(2)The underlined word recipes in this passage most probably means _.A . instructions on how to cook foodB . experiences of cooking foodC . some well-known cooks(3)We can learn from the passage that the writers children will _.A . hate cookingB . learn cookingC . teach cooking(4)The writer must think cooking is _ to learn in life.A . interestingB . difficultC . necessary(5)According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?A . the writers mother didnt know how to cook anything but an egg.B . the writers mother started to cook after 25 years old.C . the writers mother taught the writer how to cook because she disliked cooking.4. (8分)阅读下列短文,从下面每题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。DIt is reported that a Chinese commercial flight was forced to land at an airport in Chengdu after a mechanical failure.The flight, Flight 3U8633, which is operated by Sichuan Airlines, was flying from Southwest Chinas Chongqing to Lhasa, capital of Tibet. It took off at 6:27 am on Monday May 14th. Unfortunately, at around 7 am and 9,800 meters after it took off, something unexpected happened. So the flight was forced to turn to Chengdu, capital of Sichuan province to land.According to the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC)(中国民航局), part of the cockpit window broke as the Airbus A319 flew over Chengdu. The aircrew enacted emergency code 7,700 and had to land in Chengdu. Luckily, all passengers on the plane are safe, although the co-pilot got injuries to the face and waist. And another crew member was slightly hurt during the emergency landing, according to the CAAC.Sichuan Airlines said that they are now beginning to look into the causes of the accident. The plane landed in Chengdu at 7:46 am on Monday.Altogether, there were 119 passengers and nine crew members on board, according to the airline, which has arranged another flight to take the passengers to Lhasa.(1)Where was Flight 3U8633 leaving for? A . Chengdu.B . Chongqing.C . Sichuan.D . Lhasa.(2)Which of the following is WRONG about the flight? A . The accident took place at about 7 am. on May 14th.B . The accident happened at the height of 9,800 meters.C . The glass of the two windows started falling off and broke.D . The plane took off at twenty-seven past six oclock that morning.(3)What does the underlined word “emergency” mean? A . 紧急的B . 秘密的C . 被迫的D . 救命的(4)What can be the best title of the passage? A . Danger of Flight 3U8633B . Wonder of a Flight AccidentC . Causes of the Flight 3U8633 AccidentD . 119 Passengers Saved in a Flight Accident5. (8分)阅读理解Hes always the first to arrive at school in the morning and the last to leave. Hes always asked to answer the teachers questions and hes always in first place in his class and in the whole school.Aron Anderson is in a class of his own in fact, hes the only pupil in his school. The ten-year-old boy studies in this farthest primary school in Britain. Whether he likes it or not, Aron gets the most attention of his teachers all the time.During the school day, he has two classrooms, a music room and a library all to himselfAnd between classes and after school, he has the whole playground with its slides (滑梯), swings and basketball court.One problem, of course, is that although he loves football, he has no other friends to play with. He also becomes one of the most expensively educated children in the UK.Arons father Ewan is a 43-year-old fisherman who sometimes spends days at the sea. His mother Denise works in the island shop. She is also a firefighter.The island used to have a senior high school and a farm, but they were both closed with many families leaving. “I just wish we could go back ten years. There were lots of children and the older children used to help the younger ones at school,” Arons mother said.(1)What cannot Aron do in his school?A . Always win first prize in exams.B . Always get to school earliest.C . Play football with his friends.D . Get the most attention from teachers.(2)What do you think of Aron when he studies in his school?A . He must be tired.B . He must be happy.C . He must be relaxed.D . He must be lonely.(3)Why is Aron one of the most expensively educated children in the UK?A . Because he comes from a rich family in the UK.B . Because his whole school only serves him.C . Because he always uses expensive things at school.D . Because his school is among the richest ones in the UK.(4)What can we infer (推断) from the passage?A . Aron dislikes his school and all his teachers.B . Arons mother misses the old days on the island.C . Arons parents both work on a farm of the island.D . There are many different families around Arons home.三、 词汇运用 (共2题;共18分)6. (8分)选用所给动词的适当形式填空 (每次限用一次)not be, drink, wait, fly, have, meet, get ,(1)Jim, be quick. They _ for you at the school gate. (2)When _ we _ (meet).At 8:00 tomorrow morning.(3)Look! Sandy _ some beautiful flowers in her hand. (4)_ up earlier, and you wont be late for school again. (5)Its important _ a lot of water every day. (6)My mother will take me to the museum if she_busy tomorrow. (7)The girls are having fun _kites on the beach at present. 7. (10分) One of the main problems that a teenager faces is a lack(缺乏) of self-pride. A person with high self-pride can be c_ and happy with their personality and their physical appearance . A person with low self-pride might be s_, anxious(焦虑) or unhappy with the way that they look. People who feel this way often w_ that other people do not like them, or might even be afraid that their old friends do not like them! For example, perhaps a friend did not call when he said he w_ because he forgot that he had to visit his grandmother. A person with high self-pride might think that something had h_ to their friend to stop them from c_ . However, a person with low self-pride might think their friend did not call because they did not like them. Feeling this way often makes them look at things d_ from how they are in reality(现实) .A teenagers physical appearance is often the focus(焦点) of low self-pride and most people experience these f _ at least once in their life time. During their teenage years, their body will go t_ a lot of changes. It is natural to be anxious about these changes and it is important for friends to try and s_ one another during these times.四、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)8. (10分)语法填空Mrs. Jones is over 80, but she still drives her old car _a young woman. She loves driving very fast, and she says that she has never broken the traffic rules.One day,_, she nearly broke her record. A police car followed her, and the policeman in it saw her pass a red light without _(stop).When Mrs. Jones came before the policeman, he looked at her seriously and said that she was too old _(drive) a car, and that her eyes had probably become weak with old age,_she had not stopped at the red light.After the policeman finished his words, Mrs. Jones quietly opened the big handbag she was carrying and took out her sewing (针线活) kit. She _(choose) a needle (针) with a very small eye, and threaded (穿线) it at her first try.When she had successfully done this, she took the thread _of the needle again and handed both the needle _the thread to the policeman, saying, “Now it is your turn. You drive a car and you must see clearly.”The policeman took the needle and tried to thread it. After trying six _(time), he still didnt succeed. So Mrs. Jones _(not punish) and her record remained unbroken.五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)9. (5分)根据短文内容,从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,有两项为多余选项。How do you feel when you are fooled by others? No doubt, feel bad. There is nothing worse than falling for a joke and being a fool except one day. Yes, thats April Fools Day. Nobody will be angry to be an April Fool._The headmaster at my school decided to play an April Fools joke on the students when I was in high school. On March 31, she announced that our school would hold a Dress to Impress day._Girls were told to wear formal dresses and smart jackets, while a suit jacket and tie for each boy would be best. The teachers, we were told, would do the same.On April Fools Day, many of us students came to school dressed in our best clothes. _In the morning, all of us got together on the playground, waiting for the headmaster. She would speak to the students. _Instead, she wore jeans, running shoes and a T-shirt. The teachers also got dressed casually like her.April Fools! she said, with a big smile on her face. We just wanted to remind you that teachers have a sense of humor, too!Surely, all the teachers werent April Fools._A. Our hair was tidy and all our shoes were well cleaned.B. People say something nice to others on that day.C. All us students spent the rest of the day feeling very foolish indeed.D. This meant that the better you dressed at school, the higher your marks would be.E. But everyone knows to be careful on the first day of April.F. To our surprise, she wasnt dressed up at all.G. My parents laugh at each others jokes.六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)10. (5分)写作。近年来我国的发展世人瞩目,中国的传统文化正越来越受到各国朋友的关注。请根据提示,以“The Spring Festival”为题写一篇短文,向外国朋友介绍我国的春节。要求:1、字迹工整,规范;2、 80词左右;3、根据所给要点及参考词汇,可适当发挥。春节是中国农历年(the lunar year)的第一天;春节前:一个月前开始准备(prepare)食物,打扫卫生,装饰(decorate)房子;除夕(On Chinese New Years Eve):家人团员(get together), 吃年夜饭(big dinner),守夜(stay up till midnight), 放烟花鞭炮(play fireworks and crackers);大年初一(the first day):穿新衣(put on new clothes),向父母拜年(greet parents),收压岁钱(get lucky money)第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)1-1、二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共34分)2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、三、 词汇运用 (共2题;共18分)6-1、6-2、6-3、6-4、6-5、6-6、6-7、7-1、四、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)8-1、五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)9-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)10-1、


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