2019小升初英语总复习 第三章 句型 第三节 there be句型课件.ppt

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2019小升初英语总复习 第三章 句型 第三节 there be句型课件.ppt_第1页
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2019小升初英语总复习 第三章 句型 第三节 there be句型课件.ppt_第2页
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2019小升初英语总复习 第三章 句型 第三节 there be句型课件.ppt_第3页
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第三章句型 第三节therebe句型 知识梳理 一 therebe句型的概念therebe句型也被称作 存在句 表示某处有某物 或某时有某事 be动词受人称 时态等影响 如 Thereisanappleonthetable Thereissomeapplejuiceinthebottle Therearemanypeopleinthestreet Therewassomemilkinthefridgeyesterday butnowthereislittle Therewerefivetoybusesinthelivingroom TherewillbeafootballmatchthisSunday 在小学阶段 therebe句型的重点是be动词的is和are两种形式 注 therebe句型中be动词用单数形式还是复数形式由最靠近be动词的名词来决定 如 Thereisanappleandtwoorangesonthetable Therearetwoorangesandanappleonthetable 二 therebe句型的结构1 肯定形式 1 Thereis a an 可数名词单数形式 地点 如 Thereisamaponthewall Thereisanegginthebowl 2 Thereissome 不可数名词 地点 如 Thereissomewaterinthebottle 3 Thereare 可数名词复数形式 地点 如 Therearefourpeopleinmyfamily 4 Thereis are 名词 地点 时间 如 ThereisakiteshowintheparkonSunday 2 否定形式直接在be动词之后加not 如 Thereisnot isn t amaponthewall Therearenot aren t anystudentsontheplayground 3 一般疑问句形式将be动词前置 陈述句就变成了一般疑问句 句号改为问号 回答用 yes 或 no 如 Isthereamaponthewall Yes thereis No thereisn t Arethereanystudentsontheplayground Yes thereare No therearen t 4 特殊疑问句形式therebe句型的特殊疑问句有以下三种形式 1 What s 地点 如 Thereisabirdinthetree What sinthetree Therearefiveboatsonthelake What sonthelake 注 What s 地点 的句型结构不受单复数的影响 且there在问句中不出现 2 Who s 地点 如 Thereisanoldwomanintheoldhouse Who sintheoldhouse 3 Howmany 名词的复数形式 arethere 地点 如 Thereare48studentsinmyclass Howmanystudentsarethereinyourclass Thereisonlyonerabbitonthegrass Howmanyrabbitsarethereonthegrass 注 如果名词是可数名词 无论其数量是1还是大于1 一律都用 Howmany 可数名词的复数形式 arethere 提问 4 Howmuch 不可数名词 isthere 地点 如 Thereare3bottlesofmilkinthefridge Howmuchmilkisthereinthefridge 5 反义疑问句形式therebe句型的反义疑问句的简略问句部分 也要用therebe的疑问句形式 如 Thereisacuponthetable isn tthere Thereissomeorangeintheglass isn tthere Therearealotoflettersinthemailbox aren tthere 6 therebe句型和have has的区别therebe表示 某处有什么 have has表示 某人 物有什么 如 Thereisacarontheroad Ihaveacar Myfatherhasacar 考点精析 考点1考查therebe句型中be动词的使用 例1 单项填空 1 Theresome juiceinmyglass A isB areC be 2 There aneggandfourapplesontheplate A areB beC is 3 There somecandiesinherbag A areB isC am 解析 本题考查therebe句型中系动词be的用法 第1小题中 虽然juice一词前有some修饰 但juice是不可数名词 谓语动词be应该是is 第2小题的主语 aneggandfourapples 虽然是复数 但依据就近一致原则 be动词应使用is 使它和anegg保持一致 如果此小题的主语顺序改为 fourapplesandanegg 那么be动词就是应使用are 第3小题中的candies是复数名词 因此be动词要用are 答案 1 A2 C3 A 举一反三用therebe的适当形式填空 1 acatinthetree 2 acatandakiteinthetree 3 twobirdsflyinginthesky 4 acleanriverhere20yearsago 5 amatchbetweenChinaandJapannextFriday Thereis Thereis Thereare Therewas Therewillbe 考点2考查therebe句型的运用 例2 单项填空 1 Howmanypeopleinyourfamily A doyouhaveB arethereC haveyou 2 Aretherebridgesovertheriver Yes thereare A some someB any someC any any 解析 本题考查therebe句型的运用 第1小题 在英语中要表达家里有几个人 多用therebe句型 第2小题考查的是therebe句型中some与any的用法 any用于一般疑问句和否定句 some用于肯定句 答案 1 B2 B 举一反三1 单项填空 1 There24applesinthebox A beB haveC are 2 Thereisn tjuiceinthefridge butthereismilk A some someB some anyC any some2 选择正确的词 组 填空 C C 1 Theresevendaysinaweek 2 Thereadogandtwocatsunderthetree 3 Thereapictureshowinthemuseumtomorrow 4 Theresomebooksinmydesk 5 Theresomemilkinthebottle are is willbe are is 考点3考查therebe句型的句型转换 例3 按要求改写下列句子 1 Thereissomemilkinthebox 改为否定句 2 Thereisaballandtwoshoesunderthechair 就画线部分提问 解析 本题考查therebe句型的句型转换 第1小题therebe句型的否定句在be动词后加not即可 同时注意some要改为any 第2小题 对therebe之后的名词或名词词组提问时 无论名词是单数形式还是复数形式 都是用 What s 地点 提问 答案 1 Thereisn tanymilkinthebox 2 What sunderthechair 举一反三按要求改写下列句子 1 Thereissomewaterinthebottle 改为否定句 2 Ihaveaclockonthedesk 用therebe句型改写句子 3 Therearesevenapplesonthedesk 就画线部分提问 4 Thereisonlyonecarnearthehouse 就画线部分提问 Thereisn tanywaterinthebottle Thereisaclockonthedesk What sonthedesk Howmanycarsaretherenearthehouse 过关检测 一 用be动词的适当形式填空 1 There somebreadinthefridge 2 There somebottlesofwater 3 There somebreadinthefridgeyesterday 4 thereanyapplesonthetree 5 thereanymeatontheplate 6 There manyfishintherivermanyyearsago 7 There arulerandtwopensonthedesk 8 Therewill afootballmatchinmyschooltomorrow 9 thereapartyatschoollastSaturday 10 There somegoodnewsforyou is are was Are Is were is be Was is 二 单项填空 1 There abicycle twobusesandthreejeepsbehindthebuilding A beB isC are 2 Thereare interestingcomicbooksintheschoollibrary A anB someC any 3 There abirdinthetreeyesterdayafternoon A isB wasC were 4 There anynewsintoday snewspaper A isB isn tC aren t 5 I manygoodfriendsinBeijing A thereareB haveC has B B B B B 6 isinthebox Abook A WhatB WhereC Who 7 Thereis teaintheglass A aB lotsofC any 8 There somehomeworktoday A isB isn tC are 9 Who acatathome A haveB hasC is 10 Acatandabird inthetree A thereareB haveC are A B A B C 三 选择正确的词 组 填空 1 abigsofainthelivingroom 2 Thetable fourlegs 3 severalpagesinthebook 4 Thebook manypages 5 We anewclassmate 6 somefishintheriver 7 HeandI amusicteacher 8 someorangejuiceintheglass 9 Therearealotofanimalsinthezoo 10 Abird twowings Thereis has Thereare has have Thereare have Thereis Thereare has 四 按要求改写下列句子 1 Therearesomepandasinthemountain 改为否定句 2 Thereissomecoffeeinthecup 改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答 3 Thereisapenandabookinmybag 就画线部分提问 4 Therearefourpeopleinmyfamily 就画线部分提问 5 Therearemanytallbuildingsinthecity 改为反义疑问句 Therearen tanypandasinthemountain Isthereanycoffeeinthecup Yes thereis What sinyourbag Howmanypeoplearethereinyourfamily Therearemanytallbuildingsinthecity aren tthere 五 根据问句选答句 1 Isthereadogunderthechair 2 What sinyourpencilcase 3 Howmanypeoplearethereinyourfamily 4 Whatcanyouseeinthepicture 5 Arethereanypeopleinthelivingroom B C E A D 六 将下列句子改为一般疑问句 并作肯定和否定回答 1 Therearemanyerasersinmyschoolbag 2 Therearetwobirdsinthetree 3 Therearesometeachersintheteachers soffice 4 Thereisaparkbehindourschool Aretheremanyerasersinyourschoolbag Yes thereare No therearen t Aretheretwobirdsinthetree Yes thereare No therearen t Arethereanyteachersintheteachers office Yes thereare No therearen t Isthereaparkbehindyourschool Yes thereare No therearen t


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