牛津译林英语七年级上Unit 1 This is me单元测试C卷.doc

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牛津译林英语七年级上Unit 1 This is me单元测试C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择。 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)Tom fell of his bike and hurt his knee._.A . Pretty goodB . Thats too badC . Thats funnyD . Thats a good idea2. (2分)_ she _ basketball every day? A . Do, playB . Is, playsC . Are, playsD . Does, play3. (2分)What _ this in English?_a map.A . is;This isB . is;ThissC . is;ThatsD . is;Its4. (2分)Only 16 percent of Chinas area _ covered with forests, so _of us should protect trees. A . are; everyB . is; eachC . is; everyoneD . are; each5. (2分)We must be strict _ourselves _ our work.A . with, inB . with, withC . in, inD . in, with6. (2分) _. Is this your ruler? Oh, yes. Thank you.A . HiB . SorryC . Excuse meD . OK7. (2分)There _ a computer on the desk. A . areB . haveC . hasD . is8. (2分) Is this your T-shirt? No, its not .A . IB . myC . mineD . me9. (2分) Jim, climb down from the tree, please. _? I cant hear you clearly.A . Why notB . And youC . ReallyD . Pardon10. (2分) Look! A blind man is in the middle of the street. Its too dangerous. Lets help him go the street.A . crossB . throughC . acrossD . along11. (2分) What do you think makes Doraemon(机器猫) so _? I think it can make everything _ true.A . popular; comeB . interesting; comesC . amazing; to comeD . funny; comes12. (2分)I prefer soft music _ pop music.A . toB . thanC . withD . and13. (2分)一Are the boys playing soccer now? They are doing their homework in the classroomA . Yes,they areB . No,they arentC . Yes,they doD . No,they dont14. (2分)I dont like these_. Can you give me _ one. Sure, here you are.A . picture books , otherB . picture books, the otherC . pictures books, othersD . picture books, another15. (2分)Driving to work _less time than_ the bus.A . pays; to takeB . spends; takingC . costs; to takingD . takes; taking16. (2分) Are you _ at dancing? Yes. I can dance really _.A . good; wellB . well; wellC . good; goodD . well; good17. (2分)Simon usually plays_ guitar on Sunday morning and plays_ chess on Sunday afternoon. A . the; theB . the; C . ;theD . /:18. (2分)Did you watch The Reader yesterday?Yes. I never miss it I have something really important to do.A . althoughB . unlessC . untilD . but19. (2分) Did Toms parents go to the meeting yesterday? Yes, _ of them did, but _ spokeA . both; neitherB . both; noneC . neither; bothD . each; none20. (2分) Mary, may I join in your after-class activity? Of course. You can come every Monday and Friday afternoon.A . put on toB . come on withC . take part in二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)21. (15分) Denny Crook was a famous photographer. He traveled all over the world, taking pictures for magazines and newspapers, and won many prizes.“Ill do anything to get a good photo,” he often said. “Ill go anywhere at any time, even if it is1.” And he told the 2. He had photos of earthquakes, forest fires, floods and even wars. If something interesting happened, Denny went to photo it.He was a married man and his wife often asked him to take her with him, but he always 3. “Ill travel for my work, not for 4,” he told her . “You wont enjoy yourself, and I wont have5to look after you. Sometimes theres not even anywhere to 6, and I have to sleep outside. I often dont have a good 7or a bath for days. You wont like it.”“Denny, Im not a child,” his wife didnt 8. “I can look after myself. Please take me with you the next time you go overseas.”Denny did not say anything, but he9about it, and when he was asked to go to Africa he said to his wife, “You can come to Africa with me if you want to. Ive got to take photos of wild10there. It should be interesting and not too uncomfortable.” His wife was very 11, and at first she had a very enjoyable time.Then Denny went off to 12some lions to photo. His wife went with him, but before long they became separated. She walked down one path while he walked down the other. Suddenly, Denny heard her 13. He ran back and saw her running toward him. A huge lion was chasing her.Quickly Denny took his camera out of its case and 14it at his wife and the lion.Then he shouted, “15, woman! I cant get you both in the picture!”(1)A . dangerous B . natural C . convenient D . impossible (2)A . lie B . reason C . news D . truth (3)A . allowed B . refused C . failed D . joked (4)A . wealth B . prize C . pleasure D . luck (5)A . money B . time C . interest D . ability (6)A . meet B . work C . shop D . stay (7)A . meal B . picnic C . room D . party (8)A . agree B . understand C . reply D . complain (9)A . worried B . forgot C . asked D . thought (10)A . land B . flowers C . animals D . people (11)A . sad B . excited C . surprised D . amazed (12)A . find B . feed C . drive D . shoot (13)A . singing B . crying C . laughing D . cheering (14)A . threw B . fired C . showed D . pointed (15)A . Hurry up B . Look out C . Slow down D . Go ahead 三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共40分)22. (10分)阅读理解My names Nannan. Im a student. Im 11 years old. Im in Class Five. This is my friend. His name is Tom. Hes 12 years old. Hes in Class Six. My favourite colour is red. His favourite colour is blue. We are not in the same(相同的)class, but we are good friends.(1)Nannan is in_. A . Class SixB . Class FiveC . Five ClassD . Six Class(2)Tom is_. A . a studentB . 11 years oldC . Nannans teacherD . Nannans brother(3)What is Toms favourite colour? A . Red.B . Blue.C . White.D . Sorry, I dont know.(4)How old is Nannan? A . 5.B . 11.C . 12.D . 13.(5)Are they in the same class? A . Yes, they are.B . No, they arent.C . Yes, they arent.D . No, they are.23. (10分)阅读理解 Curly is my big dog. He is so strong that he can carry everything on his back. He likes to run and play with me. He likes to follow my father around in the fields, too. One day my father took off his coat and put it on the ground under a big tree. Curly stood watching him. My father said, Watch my coat, Curly. Curly sat down on the coat. My father forgot all about his coat and went home without it. Late in the evening I missed my dog. I looked everywhere for him, calling, Curly, Curly but Curly did not come. Soon my father wanted something that was in his coat pocket. Then he remembered what he had done. He went back to the big tree. What do you think he saw? Curly was sitting on the coat so that nobody could carry it away.(1)Curly is a _. A . boyB . manC . dogD . tree(2)When did we miss the dog? A . In the morningB . At noonC . At 4:00D . In the evening(3)The dog did not come when he was called because he was _. A . on guardB . afraidC . asleepD . not hungry(4)This story was written to tell about _. A . a faithful(忠实的) dog.B . a forgetful father.C . a little boy.D . a mans coat.(5)Which sentence is not right? A . Curly was faithful to his master.B . Curly was strong.C . Curly likes to play with me.D . Curly was weak.24. (10分)阅读理解Afternoon tea in EnglandAfternoon tea is the traditional four oclock tea. That is a small meal, not just a drink. Traditionally it is made up of tea or coffee and either of the following: Freshly baked scones(新鲜烤饼) served with cream and jam. Afternoon tea sandwichesthinly sliced cucumber(黄瓜) sandwiches with the crusts(面包皮) cut off.Afternoon tea became popular in the early 1840s. At that time, English people ate only two main meals each day, so people often got hungry between the two meals. One day, to spend the time, a woman called Anna asked some of her friends for an afternoon tea at about four oclock. Together with tea, she served her friends cakes and sandwiches. Soon after that, afternoon tea became popular.Afternoon tea is not common these days because most adults go out to work. However you can still have afternoon tea at many tea rooms around England.根据文章内容完成句子:(1)Afternoon tea is not just a drink but a _ _.(2)People usually _ _ the crusts when they make the thinly sliced cucumber sandwiches.(3)English people only ate _ _ meals in the early 1840s.(4)Anna invited her friends for an afternoon tea at _ oclock and she served cakes and _ together with tea.(5)Today, afternoon tea isnt so _ because most adults have to go to _.25. (10分)阅读理解BShu-How Lin was born on August 23,1988 in California in the USAHes the newest well-known NBA professional basketball player. His ancestors lived in Fujian Province in ChinaIn 1977,his parents moved to AmericaAlthough they live in the USA, they know they are Chinese. And they love their motherland. They try their best to earn more honor(争光)for China.When Shu-How was at high school, he showed a great interest in playing basketball. He practiced basketball much harder than any other student in his school. Because of him, the school team became the champion of all the high schools in America, which had never got a champion before. Meanwhile(同时),he studied particularly hard during high school. He always got A in most of his subjects.After high school, his dream was to join a university, which was famous for basketball, to major in basketball. But none of these universities in America accepted him. They thought that he was just a Chinese and a Chinese could hardly become an excellent professional basketball player. He felt so sad and he had to attend Harvard University by his good grades, where professional basketball players are not wanted. But before long, he became the first man in Harvard who entered NBA after 1954.Shu-How never gave up his basketball dream. He joined several NBA teams, but he was never given a chance to show himself in each game. One day, two players of his team were badly hurt. There were no more players who could play the game. The coach had to let Shu-How go for it. This was a great chance for him. He showed his talent in this game. He got 25 scores!After that, Shu-How became one of the most outstanding basketball players around the world. He set a great example to all of us. According to him, we know nothing is impossible if we try our best.(1)When was Shu-How Lin born? A . He was born on August 23,1988.B . He was born on August 23,1977.C . He was born in California in the USAD . He was born on August 23,1982.(2)When Shu-How was at high school, _. A . he became the first man in Harvard who entered NBA after 1954B . he joined an NBA teamC . he showed a great interest in playing basketballD . he liked volleyball(3)Which is NOT true according to the article? A . Shu-How Lin always got A in most of his subjects in high school.B . Shu-How Lin became an important player as soon as he first joined the NBA team.C . Shu-How Lin is one of the most outstanding basketball players around the world.D . Shu-How Lin never gave up his basketball dream.(4)According to Shu-How Lin, we know _ . A . we should practice playing basketball moreB . nothing is impossible if we try our bestC . nothing could be done if we try our bestD . we should be interested in playing basketball(5)This passage is mainly about _ . A . Shu-How Lin and his familyB . Shu-How Lin and HarvardC . Shu-How Lin and his basketballD . Shu-How Lin and his best friend四、 根据汉语提示、首字母提示、英文释义和句意, 写出合适的单词 (共2题;共7分)26. (4分)根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。 (1)Some animals are very _(聪明) (2)The dog has two _(美丽) eyes. (3)Lisa has a _(懒惰) dog. (4)Koalas _(睡觉) in the day and get up at night. 27. (3分)单词拼写。(1)We are _ (平等的) in every way.(2)Everyone has the _ (权利) to express themselves.(3)The _ (扩散) of the disease was faster than we expected.五、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 (共10题;共11分)28. (1分)Here are two nice _(photo)of my family. 29. (2分)Last weekend, we _(raise) some money for them _(buy) some useful things. 30. (1分) David, is he _ (you) English teacher? Yes, he is. He is very nice.31. (1分)My parents are so strict with me that I _(not allow) to play with smart phones. 32. (1分)They need some _ (information) for their science project. 33. (1分)Thats a nice mobile phone.It is. My aunt _ (buy) it for my last birthday.34. (1分)The club organizes short trips to the mountains ,_, museums and so on .(beach) 35. (1分) _36. (1分)You can see some _ (piano) and guitars in the music room.37. (1分)The Internet is really useful to us. We can _ (easy) find the information we need.六、 首字母填空。 (共1题;共1分)38. (1分)Good learners often ask questions during or after class. K_ comes from questioning.七、 翻译下列句子。 (共1题;共25分)39. (25分)翻译下列句子。(1)你表弟是在八年级吗?(2)我知道如何照顾这只狗。(3)我的哥哥擅长语文和英语。(4)西蒙的叔叔戴眼镜吗?(5)我和我的家人一起住在上海。八、 书面表达. (共1题;共5分)40. (5分)童年是快乐、精彩的。七年级的你们即将迎来最后一个儿童节,如果你有一天的假期,你会做什么让自己的最后一个“六一”过得更快乐、难忘?根据表格内容写一篇约60字题为“My plans for Childrens Day”的短文。开头已给出。可适当发挥联想,增加内容。WhenWhat to doIn the morningwatch the school talent show In the afternoonvisit a park, have a picnic, In the eveningMy plans for Childrens DayTime flies! Childrens Day is coming soon.第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、 单项选择。 (共20题;共40分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)21-1、三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共40分)22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、22-5、23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、23-5、24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、24-5、25-1、25-2、25-3、25-4、25-5、四、 根据汉语提示、首字母提示、英文释义和句意, 写出合适的单词 (共2题;共7分)26-1、26-2、26-3、26-4、27-1、27-2、27-3、五、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 (共10题;共11分)28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、六、 首字母填空。 (共1题;共1分)38-1、七、 翻译下列句子。 (共1题;共25分)39-1、39-2、39-3、39-4、39-5、八、 书面表达. (共1题;共5分)40-1、

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