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人教版2019-2020学年初中英语九年级上册期中考试模拟试卷(2)(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)1. (10分)阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、 D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。BSCENE IOne dollar a weekThe doorway of the house where Chandler has a room. He is dressed in his best clothes, ready for his evening out. He is going out as his friend, Jeff White, comes in.WHITE What are you doing this evening, Towers?CHANDLER (Smiling) Tonight Im going to live like a man with a million dollars!WHITE What are you talking about? You havent got a million dollars!CHANDLER How much money are you and I paid each week, Jeff?WHITE Eighteen dollars. Why?CHANDLER And how much of that eighteen dollars do you spend each week?WHITE All of it, of course.CHANDLER Well, I dont. Each week I save one dollar out of my eighteen. Then, every ten weeks, I can buy myself an evening to remember.WHITE What do you do?CHANDLER I put on my finest clothes, go to one of the best restaurants in New York, eat the most expensive food on the menu, drink the best wine, and then take a taxi home!WHITE (Surprising) Why?CHANDLER Why? Because it makes me feel wonderful to sit with some of the richest people in America, and to make them think that Im rich, too.WHITE Youre crazy!CHANDLER (Laughing) Perhaps I am!Mrs Black comes in.MRS BLACK Ah, Mr Chandler. I wanted to see you.CHANDLER Good evening, Mrs Black. What a lovely evening!MRS BLACK Lovely evening perhaps, but you havent paid me for your room this month. When am I going to get the money?CHANDLER Soon, Mrs. Black. Very soon.Mrs Black looks at Chandlers clothes.MRS BLACK You can spend money on expensive clothes, but you cant pay for your room. Is that right?CHANDLER (Hurrying away) Good night, Mrs Black!(1)This passage is most probably part of .A . a fairytaleB . a playC . a poemD . a novel(2)How much money does Chandler get each week?A . $1.B . $10.C . $18.D . $20.(3)In order to buy himself an evening, what does Chandler do?A . He has to do two jobs.B . He never spends money on clothes.C . He never pays for his room.D . He saves one dollar out of eighteen every week.(4)What can we learn about Chandler?A . He is a rich man.B . He is a bright man.C . He is not very practical.D . He is not hard-working.2. (10分) Jeff Keith has only one leg. When he was 12 years old ,Jeff had cancer . Doctors had to cut off most of his right leg.Every day Jeff puts on an artificial(人造的)leg. The leg is plastic. With the plastic leg Jeff can ski ,ride a bicycle ,swim and play soccer. He can also run.Jeff made a plan with his friends who had plastic legs, too. They decided to run across America. They all wore special T-shirts. On it was “Run ,Jeff, Run ,Jeff Keiths Run Across America.”When he was 22 years old,Jeff Keith ran across the United States from the east to the west. He started running in Boston. Seven months later ,he stopped running in Los Angeles . He ran 3200 miles. Jeff wore out 36 pairs of running shoes and five plastic legs. Jeff stopped in cities on the way to Los Angeles. In every city people gave Jeff money .The money was not for Jeff ,but for American Cancer Society .The Society used the money to know more about cancer .On the way to Los Angeles Jeff talked to people about cancer. Jeff is disabled ,but he can do many things. He finished college and is studying to be a lawyer .Jeff says, “People can do anything they want to do .I want people to know that I ran not only for disabled people ,I ran for everybody.”(1)Jeffs right leg was cut off because of the_.A . TBB . an accidentC . cancerD . hurt(2)Jeffs friends ran across America with him .They all have no _ . A . T-shirtsB . legsC . shoesD . bicycles(3)The sentence “I ran for everybody ”means _ 。 A . he wants to get more artificial legsB . people can do anything they want toC . some disabled men will become lawyersD . disabled people can also run3. (10分)根据短文理解,选择正确答案。One little miracle (奇迹) has been happening to me recently, and it gives me a special joy.A few months ago, I was telling my daughter, Sally, some stories about my mother. My daughter was so young when my mother died that she doesnt remember her well. I told her all I could remember, like how wonderful my mother was and how much she meant to me.One day, Sally was sad because her grandmother was in heaven (天堂) and she couldnt see her. I explained that though her grandmother was dead, now she was still watching over us and could send us something to let us know she was there. She could be anywhere, even riding invisibly (看不见地) on the back of a butterfly. Just after I said this, a butterfly flew down right by us, and we laughed happily.Now many people would say it was just luck that the butterfly flew down at that time. A funny thing, however, has happened since then. Every time I go out in any type of weather I see butterflies. Very often they fly right by my face to get my attention. I always say hi to Mum, send her my love, and thank God for little miracles.Everyone is always looking for some big miracles to come out and save them when they are in trouble, but they dont notice the little miracles that happen every day right in front of their eyes. I know what they really are, however. For me little miracles are the best kind. So many little miracles happen around me all the time that I know they are not just luck.(1)When her grandmother died, Sally was .A . at schoolB . quite youngC . in troubleD . not at home(2)One day Sally was sad because .A . her mother told her a sad storyB . she argued with her grandmotherC . she couldnt see her grandmotherD . her grandmother sent her nothing special(3)What does the underlined word “they” refer to(指代)?A . Everyone.B . Butterflies.C . Grandparents.D . Little miracles.(4)Which can be the BEST title for this passage?A . Butterflies and miraclesB . Sallys grandmotherC . Miracles are nowhereD . A funny thing happened to Sally二、 完形填空 (共2题;共20分)4. (10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。I lost my sight when I was four years old by falling off a boxcar in a freight yard in Atlantic City, and1on my head. Now, I am 32. I can vaguely remember the brightness of sunshine and what color red is. It would be wonderful to see again. But a disaster can do strange things to people.At the time, I was bewildered and afraid, but I was lucky. My parents and my teachers saw something in me, a potential, which I didnt see. And they made me want to fight it out with2.The hardest3I had to learn was to believe in myself. That was basic. If I hadnt been able to do that, I would have collapsed and become a chair rocker for the rest of my life. When I say believe in myself I am not talking about4the kind of self-confidence that helps me down an unfamiliar staircase alone. That is5of it, but I mean something bigger than that: a confidence that I am a real, 6person; that somewhere there is a special place7I can make myself fit. It took me years to discover and strengthen this confidence. It had to8the most elementary things. I can still remember once, when a man gave me an indoor baseball. I thought he was laughing at me, and I was9 I cant use this. I said.Take it with you he encouragedme, and roll it around.The words10in my head: Roll it around, roll it around. By rolling the ball, I could11where it went. This gave me an idea-how to achieve a goal I had thought12playing baseball.At Philadelphias over brook School for the Blind, I invented a successful variation of baseball. We called it groundball.All my life, I have 13ahead of me a series of goals, and then tried to reach them one at a time. I would14sometimes anyway, but on the average, I made progress.I believe in life now. I dont mean that I would prefer to go without my eyes. I simply mean that the lass of them made me more15what I had left.(1)A . landing B . knocking C . sitting D . hurting (2)A . loneliness B . deafness C . blindness D . sadness (3)A . experience B . lesson C . treasure D . knowledge (4)A . nearly B . mainly C . interestingly D . simply (5)A . none B . most C . all D . part (6)A . confident B . bright C . positive D . negative (7)A . where B . which C . what D . that (8)A . start with B . end with C . deal with D . fight with (9)A . upset B . hurt C . disappointed D . frightened (10)A . came B . flashed C . stuck D . appeared (11)A . listen B . see C . feel D . touch (12)A . difficult B . probable C . possible D . impossible (13)A . kept B . made C . set D . planned (14)A . pass B . fail C . succeed D . fall (15)A . consider B . appreciate C . realize D . believe 5. (10分)完形填空Hi! My name is Eric. I am an English boy. My1name is Li Mobai. I 2in China with my parents now.I3in No.1 Middle School in Shanghai. Im in Class 1, Grade 7. I can 4Chinese very well. I5good at math and music, too. Im in the music club. I like6Chinese songs. Zhang Jie is my favorite star. I like sports very much. On weekends, I usually play7basketball and table tennis. Sometimes I go swimming8my parents.I have many good friends at school. I often9them with their English. So they think Im a( n)10boy. They all like me very much.Do you like me? Do you want to make friends with me?(1)A . English B . Chinese C . first D . last (2)A . like B . teach C . live D . join (3)A . work B . study C . play D . do (4)A . tell B . talk C . say D . speak (5)A . am B . are C . be D . is (6)A . dancing B . listening C . singing D . drawing (7)A . / B . a C . an D . the (8)A . for B . of C . with D . at (9)A . know B . meet C . watch D . help (10)A . busy B . nice C . interesting D . healthy 三、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共18分)6. (18分)根据短文内容填空。 Many people believe that not only wetness, but also light and dirty things are the greatest enemies of stamps. People protect their stamps in several different ways.In fact, we should never touch the stamps with our hands. This avoids moving dirty things onto them. Stamp tweezers (镊子) should be used in all conditions.Stamps are printed things. The colour will slowly disappear if they are put in the light for a long time. So we should not put stamps in the light for long. Direct sunlight must be avoided as well.Wetness is an important problem for stamps. Some collectors will put stamps in separate plastic bags. However, it is possible that some stamps have taken in some water from the air before they are put into the plastic bags. Stamps become yellow easily and rapidly after they take in wet air. To protect the stamps, some people also put the stamps into a special room which has a machine to keep the air cool and dry. However, not many people can afford that.To keep stamps, stamp collectors usually put them under plastic covers. It is a common and simple way. This helps because the plastic cover keeps the stamps off the wet air. It also stops the fingers from touching the stamps.Some collectors prefer to store stamps inside a plastic box with desiccants (干燥剂). However, we should take care not to let the stamps touch the desiccants. On top of that, dont take your stamps out on a wet day.(1)Not only _ but also_ is the greatest enemies of stamps. (2)To avoid moving dirty things onto them, people should touch the stamps with _ instead of _. (3)_ for a long time makes the color of stamps disappear, and we should also _. (4)Stamps become yellow easily and rapidly after _ wet air. Some people put them into a special room with a machine _. (5)From the passage, we learn _ways to protect stamps. A common and simple way is _. 四、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)7. (10分)语法填空 Johnson is an American. He has many _(plan) for his holiday. He is going to China _plane for travelling. He is going _(sightsee) in China. He is going to watch a table tennis match and he wants _(cheer) the players. He is going to _(take) a walk around a country and _(collect) litter. _he thinks it is meaningful. And he _(hope) that the weather will be fine in Beijing every day. If it _(rain), it will be wet and he will not be _to do that.五、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共10题;共10分)8. (1分)Scientists plan to do a r_ to find out when babies develop their brains. 9. (1分)After he finished high school, my brother went to college for further _(教育). 10. (1分)The Giants Causeway is the most fantastic natural w_. 11. (1分)Its too wet to walk. Well go swimming _ (代替). 12. (1分)C_ to all the winners. 13. (1分)That poor old man has _ (躺)beside the road for a whole day. 14. (1分)This is a r_golden crownIt is made completely of gold15. (1分)Its reported that a lion e_from the zoo this morning. The workers are looking for it 16. (1分)The boy studies(学习) in a middle s_. 17. (1分)Both of his sisters are piano _(大师). 六、 写作题 (共1题;共5分)18. (5分)书面表达假设你是Tony Li,在英国一所中学就读已大约一年,需要找一位家庭教师。条件要求如下表所示,请你向你的老师Mr Roger Fike写一封邮件,请他帮忙。性别、年龄、外貌女,2025, 漂亮职业中小学英语老师或大学生性格热心助人,有耐心爱好读书,旅游特长说标准英语,熟悉英国历史、地理写作要求:(1)文体格式正确,信息完整,内容合理;(2)句子结构准确,篇章结构连贯,字数不少于80个单词;(3)文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;提示词:家庭教师tutor; 标准英语standard English第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)1-1、1-2、1-3、1-4、2-1、2-2、2-3、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、二、 完形填空 (共2题;共20分)4-1、5-1、三、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共18分)6-1、6-2、6-3、6-4、6-5、四、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)7-1、五、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共10题;共10分)8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、六、 写作题 (共1题;共5分)18-1、

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