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沪教版2019-2020学年度上学期七年级英语科期中检测题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 字母和单词辨音. (共1题;共10分)1. (10分)根据读音,将含有相同元音音素的字母进行归类(包括大小写形式)。 (1)/ei/ Aa _(2)/i:/ Ee Bb Cc Dd _Zz (3)/e/ Ff Ll Mm _二、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)2. (2分)encourage A . enkridB . inkaridC . inkrid3. (2分)_ is in the USA. A . TokyoB . TorontoC . BostonD . Paris4. (2分)What cold weather!Yes. But its_ unusual experience for us. We normally live in a hot place.A . aB . anC . theD . /5. (2分) What are those? _.A . They are my jacketsB . They are my unclesC . It is a jacketD . It is my uncle6. (2分)- Excuse me. Are these Marys exercise books?- Sorry. They are _ exercise books. _ are on the teachers desk.A . my; HerB . mine; HerC . my; HersD . mine; Hers7. (2分)This is my teacher, _. She is from Cambridge. A . Mr BlackB . Ms BlackC . Black missD . Black sir8. (2分)This is _ bedroom. They both like it very much. A . Mary and HelenB . Marys and HelensC . Marys and HelenD . Mary and Helens9. (2分)There _ some tea in the cup. A . beB . areC . isD . has10. (2分)Are you a new student?Yes, I _A . amB . isC . areD . be11. (2分)_does your father play tennis after work?Every Tuesday and Thursday.A . How oftenB . How soonC . WhereD . Why12. (2分) Who helped Li Lei with his English? , he learnt it by himself.A . AnybodyB . SomebodyC . NobodyD . Everybody13. (2分)- Would you like to go to the concert with me?- Id love to. Im afraid I have no time.A . soB . orC . andD . but14. (2分)My work is interesting, but dangerous. A . kind ofB . a kindC . a kind ofD . kinds of15. (2分)What time is school over? A . HowB . WhichC . WhenD . What16. (2分)Who is that speaking? _ Mike speaking.A . ImB . My name isC . That isD . This is三、 情景交际。 (共1题;共5分)17. (5分)补全对话A. Im cleaning the house.B. Is your mother making dumplings with her?C. What about your father?D. Yes, we are.E. She is buying some food in the shop.F. Whats your mother doing?G. They are making cards for their family and teachers.Daming: Hi, Tony! Are you getting ready for Spring Festival?Tony:_Daming: What are the girls doing?Tony:_Daming:Sounds great(听起来很好)! Where is your mother?Tony:_Daming: What are you doing?Tony:_Daming: How hard you are working! And is your sister helping you?Tony: No, she isnt. She is shopping with my mother.Daming:_Tony: Look! Hes painting the door there.四、 阅读理解。 (共2题;共20分)18. (10分)根据短文内容判断正误。 We have five days for our trip to Beijing. I made a plan for our trip, so that we can have a nice trip.On Monday, we are going to do some shopping in Shanghai. The next day, we are going to leave Shanghai and get to Beijing. Then we are going to have a good rest. On Wednesday, we are going to visit Tian an men Square and the Palace Museum. There we can take some pictures. Were going to the Great Wall on Thursday. I think we can have a good time. On Friday, we are going back to Shanghai.(1)We have four days for our trip to Beijing. (2)On Monday, we are going to do some shopping in Beijing. (3)Were going to the Great Wall on Thursday. (4)On Friday, we arent going back to Shanghai. (5)We can have a good time in Beijing. 19. (10分) Nowadays many people go abroad. Then they must learn some customs about the country because different countries have different customs. In order that we can learn more about customs, the Culture Palace has invited some foreign speakers to give us speeches. Here is the timetable.Speaker:Mr Smith (From America)Speech: Table manners in AmericaPlace: Room 1204 in Culture PalaceTime:7:309:30p.m.on Tuesday, March 3rdTicket Price : ¥25Speaker:Mrs White (From England)Speech: Who pays for the meals in England?Place: Room 3218 in Culture PalaceTime:8:0010:00p.m.on Wednesday March 4thTicket Price : ¥20Speaker:Mr Brown (form Australia)Speech: How to be a polite person in Australia?Place: the Culture HalTime:7:3010:00p.m.on Tuesday, March 5thTicket Price : ¥15Speaker:Mrs Black(From Germany)Speech:Good manners in GermanyPlace: Room 320 in Culture PalaceTime:7:309:00p.m.on Friday, March 6thTicket Price : ¥20(1)The Culture Palace invites some foreign speakers to give speeches, because _.A . people are interested in western cultureB . people want to communicate with foreigners moreC . it may make people learn English much harderD . people should know more about foreign customs(2)Mr Smith comes from_.A . AmericaB . EnglandC . AustraliaD . Germany(3)If you want to go to England on business, you can attend the speech in _.A . Room 1240 in Culture PalaceB . Room 3218 in Culture PalaceC . the Culture HalD . Room 320 in Culture Palace(4)How much is it if someone wants to listen to all the speeches?A . ¥20B . ¥ 35C . ¥60D . ¥80(5)Which of the following is true according to the timetable?A . Mr. Smith is going to give a speech on who pays for the meals in England.B . Mrs. White will give a speech in Room 3218 in the Culture Hall on Tuesday.C . Mr. Brown will give the speech “How to be a polite person in Australia” in the Culture Hall.D . Mrs. Black will give a speech on good manners in Germany on March 5th.五、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)20. (10分)通读全文,根据短文理解,选择正确答案填空。 John is an artist(画家). He lives next to Jane. He spends(花费) much 1drawing pictures and he is2all the time. He doesnt like to talk to others when he is 3. His friends 4him well. If they want to visit him, they often 5first. They go to Johns home only when he is not busy. Jane is a nurse in a 6. She has many friends and they often go to her house and talk with her. But Jane hopes to 7books when she is at home. She doesnt know 8to say that to her friends.Now Jane is 9her problem with John in front of their building. John wants to help her. But he has no idea. At last, he says, You can 10your hat and coat when youre at home. If your friends come, you say to them Sorry, I need to go out.(1)A . money B . time C . places D . friends (2)A . relaxed B . friendly C . busy D . lazy (3)A . sleeping B . working C . eating D . walking (4)A . hope B . know C . think D . meet (5)A . call B . give C . see D . write (6)A . bank B . hospital C . shop D . station (7)A . look B . see C . read D . watch (8)A . who B . how C . where D . why (9)A . talking about B . talking with C . looking for D . looking at (10)A . wear B . clean C . bring D . buy 六、 词汇运用 (共2题;共6分)21. (5分)根据括号里的中文提示回答问题。(1)What color is this apple? It is _(红色的).(2)What color is his car? It is _(黄色的).(3)What color is his skin? It is _(白色的).(4)What color is her dress? It is _(粉红色的).(5)What color are their bags? They are _(绿色的).22. (1分)Its an _ (book/eraser). 七、 句型转换 (共1题;共2分)23. (2分)His yoyo spun up and down just now. (改为否定句) His yoyo _ _ up and down just now.八、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)24. (5分)假如你叫李丽,下周你的英国朋友Alice想来找你玩。请你根据下表信息给Alice写一封,告诉她你下周的活动安排,并建议她在十二月五日以后再来。11月27曰11月28日11月29日11月30日12月1日篮球赛英语测验艺术节英语节Linda的生日派对要求:1)信的内容须包含表格提供的所有信息,可适当发挥。2)不少于5句话。信的格式和开头已给出,不计入总句数。参考词汇:那时thenDear Alice,You want to visit me next week.Yours,Li Li第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、 字母和单词辨音. (共1题;共10分)1-1、1-2、1-3、二、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、三、 情景交际。 (共1题;共5分)17-1、四、 阅读理解。 (共2题;共20分)18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、五、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)20-1、六、 词汇运用 (共2题;共6分)21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、22-1、七、 句型转换 (共1题;共2分)23-1、八、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)24-1、

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