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人教版2020年中考英语专题复习连词(真题)(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共50题;共100分)1. (2分) I think everyone should play a part in saving our environment. I agree. For example, there will be less air pollution _ we drive less.A . ifB . soC . though2. (2分)It was snowing hard_we had to stay at home and watch TV.A . thatB . soC . butD . because3. (2分)A tourist will easily lose his way in shanghai _ he has a map or a guide. A . ifB . sinceC . whileD . unless4. (2分)_ the bad weather, I was late for school this morning. A . BecauseB . Because ofC . ThoughD . Although5. (2分)- Did you catch the early bus this morning?- Yes. The bus started to move _ I got on it.A . thoughB . beforeC . as soon asD . as if6. (2分) Have you told Pan about our weekend plan? I called him just now, but nobody answered.A . someoneB . no oneC . anyone7. (2分)He likes watching sports games, _ he _ play them.A . and; doesntB . but; dontC . but; doesntD . and; dont8. (2分)Help others in need, _ they will help you when you are in trouble. A . andB . butC . orD . so9. (2分) Get up earlier, _ youll be late for school. OK, I will.A . andB . orC . so10. (2分)_ I dont have enough money to buy everything for my little son, I can give him all the happiness.A . IfB . ThoughC . ButD . Ever11. (2分)My arm is still painful, _ Im going to see a doctor. A . soB . forC . butD . or12. (2分)She isnt tall short. So she is of medium height. A . butB . orC . soD . because13. (2分)He hasnt got any hobbies you call watching TV a hobby.A . whileB . unless C . asD . if14. (2分)_ everyone is here, lets begin our meeting.A . UnlessB . SinceC . AlthoughD . When15. (2分)He cant go to school today his illness. A . becauseB . because ofC . butD . and16. (2分)My mother likes breathing fresh air, _she wants to buy a new flat in the suburbs. A . orB . soC . butD . and17. (2分)Tony never spends money on buying books he doesnt like reading.A . butB . becauseC . thoughD . until18. (2分)We must get up early _ we can catch the first bus to school. A . so thatB . such thatC . according toD . such as19. (2分)Alice, how do your parents like pop music? my dad my mum likes it. But they both prefer Beijing Opera.A . Either; orB . Neither; norC . Not only; but alsoD . Both; and20. (2分)You can write to your penfriend you want to know more about him. A . butB . ifC . soD . because21. (2分)- We will fail the exam _ we study hard.- Thats why we are trying our best to prepare for the exam.A . untilB . whenC . unlessD . how22. (2分)一 I hear Susan will go to Beijing by herself.一 Thats true. her father her mother will go with her.A . Both; andB . Either; orC . Neither; nor23. (2分)Your dream wont come true _ you know what your dream is.A . afterB . unlessC . whileD . since24. (2分)Tell me about your father. He is tall _ strong. A . soB . andC . butD . because25. (2分)My boss is waiting for the report, so I cant leave here _ I finish it. A . sinceB . untilC . though26. (2分)I will keep calling Nancy _ she answers.A . whenB . afterC . butD . till27. (2分)In summer milk will quickly go bad _ it is put into a fridge (冰箱). A . thoughB . unlessC . becauseD . once28. (2分)Although they feel tired,_they still go on working.A . andB . butC . /D . so29. (2分)_ (T/t)hey were still working in the field _ it rained heavil.A . /; butB . /; althoughC . Although; /D . Although; but30. (2分) What wonderful music! Thanks. Neither my classmates nor my mother _ the piano better than me.A . isB . playsC . playD . are31. (2分)May I go swimming this afternoon? Im afraid not _ you have finished your homework.A . ifB . unlessC . becauseD . but32. (2分)What do you think of the movie you saw last night?I think it is worth .A . seeingB . to seeC . seesD . see33. (2分)_ Lily is only ten years old, _ she can speak English very well. A . Though; butB . Because; soC . Though; /D . /; Though34. (2分)Excuse me. Is it my turn now?Not yet. Please wait on the chair _your name is called.A . andB . untilC . althoughD . since35. (2分)You can either take a bus _ go there on foot.A . andB . orC . but36. (2分)_the job was very hard and tiring for him in the beginning , he didnt give up. A . BeforeB . AlthoughC . UnlessD . If37. (2分)At school, we are taught knowledge how to behave well.A . neither; norB . either; orC . not only; but alsoD . not; but38. (2分) Is she your classmate _ your cousin? Shes my cousin.A . andB . butC . soD . or39. (2分)Hold on to your dreams, _ they will come true some day.A . butB . orC . andD . though40. (2分)I think its for parents to allow their children to play computer games all day. A . impossibleB . possibleC . important41. (2分)Id like to live in the suburbs _ the air is clean and fresh. A . soB . butC . becauseD . or42. (2分) Would you like to go camping this weekend? Id love to, _ I cant. I have to prepare for the English Speech Contest.A . andB . orC . butD . so43. (2分)Mom wont let Dick go out _ he promises to be back by 10:00 tonight.A . ifB . whenC . sinceD . unless44. (2分)There is _ milk _ fruit juice in the fridge.A . not; andB . not; withC . no; orD . no; with45. (2分) you say, I wont allow you to go there. A . HoweverB . HowC . WhateverD . What46. (2分)Andy, you must finish your homework _ you play chess. A . untilB . soC . beforeD . though47. (2分)He made a mistake, but then he took action to change the situation _ it got worse.A . untilB . whenC . beforeD . because48. (2分)Your grandparents were very great.Yes. They supported my fathers schooling _ they were very poor.A . as ifB . even thoughC . so thatD . what if49. (2分)I cant play the guitar, my friend Jack can.A . butB . andC . soD . for50. (2分)_ Tom _ Mary speaks Chinese well, so they can communicate with these Chinese students very well. A . Neither, norB . Both ,andC . Not only, but alsoD . Either ,or第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共50题;共100分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、41-1、42-1、43-1、44-1、45-1、46-1、47-1、48-1、49-1、50-1、


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