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上海版2020届九年级上学期英语第一次月考试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)_ his pocket money, Bill bought many books for the poor children.A . UseB . InC . WithD . Pay2. (2分)Dont waste your time. You should _ your work. A . hang outB . look forC . concentrate onD . go by3. (2分) Your tea smells great! Its from India. Would you like _? A . itB . thisC . someD . little4. (2分)Its difficult for me _ English well. A . speakB . speaksC . speakingD . to speak5. (2分) the weather?Sunny.A . HowB . HowsC . WhatsD . What6. (2分)We live_ the second floor _a flat.A . at; inB . on; atC . on; inD . in; on7. (2分)Joy, you said you would look after the pet dogSo its your job it every day A . feedB . to feedC . killD . to kill8. (2分)Whats the name _ your book? You can ask the teacher _ it.A . in; ofB . of; forC . in; forD . of; of9. (2分)一 I was surprised _ what he had done.一 Me too.A . inB . toC . at10. (2分)_ great time we had last week! A . HowB . How aC . WhatD . What a11. (2分) Excuse me. Are these pants? No, they arent . I think theyre hers.A . your; herB . yours; hersC . you; myD . your; mine12. (2分)The dress is _ longer than I expected. A . a little ofB . a bit ofC . a bitD . a few of13. (2分) Mom, I need _ some bread. OK. Its on the table.A . to havingB . havingC . to haveD . has14. (2分)Could you please tell me_?A . what time you usually get upB . what time do you usually get upC . what time did you get upD . what time will you get up15. (2分) I find it difficult to finish the work. Dont worry. _ you need help, you can call me. A . AndB . BecauseC . ButD . If16. (2分)Dont make him all the time. Tell him a rest.A . to work; to haveB . work; haveC . work; to have17. (2分)What about_ a rest?Lets go for a walk.A . to takeB . takeC . Taking18. (2分)Millie was reading when the teacher came into the classroom.A . herselfB . lonelyC . aloneD . along19. (2分)There will be _ to treat 10 people to lunch.Sounds _.A . enough food; good enoughB . enough food; enough goodC . food enough; good enoughD . food enough; enough good20. (2分)The light is on. When you leave, please _. OK, I wont forget _ it.A . turn it off; to doB . turn off it; doingC . turn it on; doingD . turn on it; to do二、 完型填空 (共2题;共20分)21. (10分)完形填空。A man was walking along the street when he saw a woman struggle(奋力)with a large box. It was half in and half 1 of her car. He was a helpful kind of man, so he went up to the woman and said, “Let me give you a hand with that box. It looks very 2.”“Thats very kind of you,” the woman said. “Im having a lot of 3with it. I think its struck(卡住).”“Together well soon move it,” the man said. He 4 into the back seat of the car and took hold of the other end of the box. He said, “Im ready.” And he began to5 hard.For several minutes the man and the woman struggled with the box. Soon they were 6 in the fact. “Lets rest for a minute,” the man said. “Im sorry, but it 7 stuck.” A few minutes later, the man said, “Lets try again. Are you ready?” 8 of them took hold of the box again. “One, two, three!” the man said, and they went on with their struggle.At last, when they were very tired, the man said, “You are9. It really is stuck. I dont think theres 10 we can get it out of the car.”“Get it out of the car!” The woman cried. “Im trying to get it in!”(1)A . in B . out C . on D . off (2)A . heavy B . strong C . dear D . new (3)A . trouble B . questions C . matter D . accidents (4)A . got B . stepped C . came D . walked (5)A . pull B . carry C . push D . lift (6)A . white B . tired C . red D . hurt (7)A . goes B . falls C . grows D . seems (8)A . Every B . All C . Either D . Both (9)A . ready B . right C . clever D . sure (10)A . anything B . anywhere C . any one D . any way 22. (10分)完形填空 Can you imagine that we could build a beautiful city with rubbish? Maybe you will think it is1. However, it can be true! Nothing is a waste if we have a creative mind. Let me show you something about 2rubbish.Sometimes we can see tons of rubbish in the streets, on the roads, near the buildings. here and there. Many large cities became so ugly 3it. Nobody likes rubbish, but in fact, some rubbish can be used again. All of us want to solve the problem, we must do something to 4rubbish. We should take action from now on. 5, some good things will not be wasted.Do you often throw away things you dont need any more? Have you ever thought about how these things can actually be put to good use? For Example, when a car gets too old, it may not run any more. But we can use the metal of the car to make something else. When a bottle is empty, it 6as waste. You dont know bottle glass can be made into sand and used to build streets. Rubbish7food can be changed into fertilizer to make plants grow better. It is cheap and safe. And other rubbish can also be used to make building blocks. Now, 8machines are designed for that.9, people will watch films in a beautiful cinema which is built out of rubbish. Besides buildings and roads, cities may be made from rubbish. But so far, building beautiful cities made from rubbish is only 10.(1)A . important B . understanding C . unbelievable D . possible (2)A . returning B . reusing C . reflecting D . repeating (3)A . because B . because of C . instead of D . as for (4)A . make a living as B . make promises to C . make up our mind to D . make use of (5)A . On the way B . By the way C . In this way D . Out of the way (6)A . will be thrown away B . will throw away C . threw away D . was thrown away (7)A . from B . in C . on D . to (8)A . fewer and fewer B . less and less C . more and more D . more and less (9)A . Some day B . The other day C . Nowadays D . In the day (10)A . a symbol B . a letter C . a lesson D . a dream 三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共48分)23. (8分) Mozart was born on January 27, 1756 and died on December 5 , 1791. When he was three, he often had lessons with his elder sister. His father took him through many different countries, where he played music for lots of people.But some people didnt believe a little boy could write such beautiful music. They asked him to stay in a room all by himself for a week and somebody watched the room all the time . In a week , he finished a new piece of music . After that, people believed that he could write beautiful music.Mozart died when he was still a young man. During his short life he studied music and taught music and played music and wrote music. Even by working so hard, he couldnt make much money . Often he had to borrow money from his friends. But his music made him happy and for more than two hundred years his music has made other people happy, too.(1)When he was, Mozart took music lessons with his sisters.A . threeB . fiveC . youngD . old(2)Mozart lived.A . very oldB . long timeC . a long lifeD . a short life(3)Although Mozart was famous , he was .A . hardB . richC . happyD . poor(4)His music made happy.A . both him and other peopleB . only himC . other peopleD . nobody24. (10分)阅读理解Some friends are playing hide-and-seek (捉迷藏) at Mr. Green home. They play in Mikes room. Its time for Lily to find her friends. Lily first finds Sally.Sally is behind the door. Then, Lily sees Bob. Bob is under the table. Mike is under the table, too. Now its time to find David and John. Davids hat is on the sofa. Is David under the sofa? No, he isnt. Johns schoolbag is on the chair, but he isnt there.“Where are they?”Lily thinks.Shh! Dont let her know. They are under the bed!(1)Where are the friends? A . In Mr. Greens room.B . In Mikes room.C . At Lilys homeD . At Sallys home(2)Where is Bob? A . Behind the door.B . Under the bed.C . On the sofaD . Under the table(3)Whats on the sofa? A . Bobs hatB . Mikes schoolbagC . Davids hatD . Johns schoolbag(4)Whos under the bed? A . David and JohnB . Bob and MikeC . Lily and SallyD . Mr. Green(5)How many people are in the game(游戏)? A . SixB . FiveC . SevenD . Eight25. (10分)根据短文内容, 选择正确答案。Astronauts are not like pilots, who fly into sky. They need some special trainings. They will fly into space. First they go to the Johnson space center in Houston Texas. They are tested there. Space doctors want to know how strong and smart they are.First of all, their hearts are tested. The people walk or run. Next, the space doctors see how fast their hearts are beating.Then it is another important test. In this test the person must curl his body up in a ball. And when he is in that position, he will be put into a round cloth bag. The doctors dont tell him how long he will have to stay in the bag. If a spaceship broke down in space, the astronauts would get into bags like these. Then they would have to wait, curled up in darkness, until they are saved. You can know that an astronaut must not be afraid of tight spaces or darkness.After these tests, scientists only choose the best people to start astronaut training in a training center. They will learn many other things in training. They will learn how to jump out of moving airplane, to blow up a lifeboat and get into it while they are in the ocean.They also have to learn how to get lifted out of the ocean by a helicopter.When they finish training, the astronauts go on to work. They stay in good situation by running and doing exercise. They read about the special jobs. In that way they will be able to learn new facts about space travel.Finally, the astronaut is told to go to work on a flight into space. The members begin to know each other first. Then they can learn which jobs each will do.(1)What do the doctors test first in the center?A . Space knowledgeB . Fears of light spaceC . The eyesightD . The heart(2)The underlined word “curl” in the third paragraph means .A . 蜷曲B . 跳跃C . 伸展D . 深思(3)The astronauts dont know how long they will stay in the bag in the test because .A . the doctors need to know how strong they areB . the astronauts need to show how smart they areC . good astronauts mustnt be afraid of tight spaces or darknessD . of light spaces or darkness(4)The astronauts dont learn how to in the training center.A . walk or run in spaceB . jump out of the moving planeC . blow up a lifeboatD . get lifted out of water by helicopter(5)Which is the correct order according to the passage?a. Doctors do tests on the astronauts.b. The astronauts go to the space center.c. The astronauts learn new facts about space travel.d. The best people are chosen for training.e. The astronauts go to work on a flight in space.A . a-b-c-d-eB . d-a-e-b-cC . b-a-d-c-eD . c-d-e-b-a26. (10分)阅读理解。Hi, my name is Simon. Im Chinese, but I live in England. I speak English very well, but I sometimes make mistakes! Yesterday we went on a school visit to a farm. I was very happy. I said I wanted to see a ship. Everyone looked surprised(惊讶的) and I didnt know why. My teacher said, “Simon, we are going to go to a farm, not to a lake or the sea. There are no ships at the farm.” Then I knew my mistake.I wanted to say “sheep”, the animal that says, “baa,not “ship”, a big boat on the water! It was very funny. My friends laughed. Then we all said the words: “sheep, ship”!判断正误 (1)Simon lives in China. (2)Simon makes mistakes in English. (3)Simon went to a sea. (4)There were ships at the farm. (5)Simon was happy. 27. (10分)Every day, life is made and lost. Every day, life goes on. Every day we experience some of the most important parts of life and may not even realize it: love, generosity, and perseverance. These values arent just important to us, they make the world what it is.Scientists say that the gravity makes the world turn, but some people say that love makes it go around. Love can be found anywhere: in families, friends, even strangers. Even if you cant see it, you know its there.Love may connect people all over the world, but what would the world be without generosity? Whether after a national disaster or a school fund raiser, one thing is certain- it is better to give than to receive. Generosity is found everywhere and whether its a large or small act, it makes a difference. Most of all, generosity is not something you need any qualifications(资格)for, and no matter what you do, it can make a difference. Sometimes, though, it takes effort to be generous, which leads us to perseverance.Founding a country, riding a bike, or finishing a novel, these are all finished with perseverance. Perseverance is the one thing that can help us achieve whatever we want. It is what helps scientists discover cures for illnesses, and athletes become winners. You may fail, but every time you make a mistake, thats one less to make the next time.There is an infinite(无限的) number of things we value. But without love, generosity, and perseverance, we just dont think that our lives or the world would be the way it is.(1)The underlined word itin the second paragraph means .A . the worldB . the gravityC . the valueD . the experience(2)To be generous, the writer thinks .A . you neednt make effortB . you should be qualified(有资格的)C . you should give all you haveD . you find it meaningful whatever you do(3)The meaning of the word perseverance is .A . 财富B . 体力C . 毅力D . 机遇(4)Which of the following statement is TRUE?A . Perseverance is the only thing to help us achieve success.B . People dont understand life they experience at all.C . Helping others is always better than receiving help.D . What the world is like depends on the gravity and love.(5)The best title for the passage may be .A . Success and failureB . Three valuesC . Endless loveD . Hard life四、 补全对话 (共2题;共10分)28. (5分)补全对话A:Excuse me_B:Yes,Im Brown from LondonA:How do you do? My name is Xu Fei from the Great Wall CompanyB:How do you do,MissXu?A:_B:Thank youMiss Xu_A:Glad to meet you,tooYou had a good journey,didnt you?B:Yes_A:Im glad to hear that_Then we are going to drive to theNew Garden HotelB:OKALets take a short rest in the waiting-roomBI had a wonderful time during my journeyCAre you Mr. Brown from England?DIts my first time to come hereEIm glad to meet youFWelcome to China,Mr. Brown29. (5分)根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 A: Hello! May I speak to Mary?B:_A:Hi,Mary!This is LinTao. _B:Im watching TV. There is an interesting show on TV. What about you?A:_Would you like to go to a movie with me tonight?B:_I want to relax. I went to the beach last weekend. It made me feel tired.A:_B:It was great. The beaches were beautiful, and the food there was delicious.A:Really? I want to go there, too.A.What are you doing? B.Sure, Id love toC.How was your weekend? D.Nothing muchE.Im Mary.F.This is Mary speakingG.Are you watching TV?五、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)30. (5分)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。dig fasttraditional nine sky(1)We hope Tony will run _than any other runner in the sports meeting .(2)Janes _birthday is coming and Im planning a surprise party for her.(3)There are a few birdkites flying high in the_.(4)I was teachingChinese _thingskungfu and paper cut in a school.(5)Ina park ,some volunteers _holesto plant trees , some are carrying water to water the trees.六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)31. (5分)假如你叫张明,你在某报纸上看到澳大利亚学生James想在中国找一个笔友(pen pal)的消息,请根据以下内容写一封信,向James介绍你的个人情况。可以适当发挥。60词左右。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Name: ZhangmingAge(年龄): 12School: No. 2 Middle SchoolFavorite subjects: English and mathFavorite food: hamburgers, ice-cream and eggsFavorite sports: tennis第 20 页 共 20 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共20题;共40分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、二、 完型填空 (共2题;共20分)21-1、22-1、三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共48分)23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、24-5、25-1、25-2、25-3、25-4、25-5、26-1、26-2、26-3、26-4、26-5、27-1、27-2、27-3、27-4、27-5、四、 补全对话 (共2题;共10分)28-1、29-1、五、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)30-1、30-2、30-3、30-4、30-5、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)31-1、

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