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2019年八年级下学期5月月考英语试卷B卷一、 听句子,选择最佳答语。(5分) (共5题;共5分)1. (1分)听句子,选择最佳应答语 A . Only a few.B . Sure, please.C . Sorry, I couldnt.2. (1分)选择最佳应答语( ) A . Oranges.B . Beans.C . Chocolate.3. (1分)据所听到的内容选择正确答语( ) A . I guess she should.B . I am sorry to hear that.C . Wow, no homework tonight!4. (1分)听句子,选答语( ) A . I like them very much.B . Because theyre cute.C . Theyre dangerous.5. (1分)听录音,根据你所听到的问句选出合适的答句( ) A . 2019.B . August.C . October.二、 听简短对话和对话后的问题,选择最佳答案。(5分) (共5题;共5分)6. (1分)What does Jim enjoy playing? A . Chess.B . Football.C . Basketball.7. (1分)Who is playing a video game with Jack? A . His brother.B . His sister.C . His cousin.8. (1分)Who might these two speakers be? A . Officer and soldier.B . Teacher and student.C . Boss and secretary(秘书).9. (1分)What does the man want to do? A . Work in Paris.B . Travel to Paris.C . Study in Paris.10. (1分)What was Tinas mom doing when the phone rang? A . Drawing.B . Dancing.C . Singing.三、 听描述,选出预期相符的图片。(5分) (共1题;共5分)11. (5分)Why will the boy be late for the party? A . B . C . 四、 听较长对话,选择最佳答案。(5分) (共2题;共5分)12. (2分)听对话,回答问题。 (1)What kind of music is Amy listening to? A . Folk music.B . Pop music.C . Country music.(2)Why does Tony like rock music? A . Its relaxing.B . Its beautiful.C . Its exciting.13. (3分)听下面一段较长对话。回答问题。 (1)Whats the woman doing? A . She is writing a letter.B . She is opening the window.C . She is playing computer games.(2)What does Tom suggest? A . Starting the computer again.B . Turning off the computer now.C . Repairing the computer right now.五、 听短文,选择最佳答案。(5分) (共1题;共5分)14. (5分)听独白,回答小题。 Jules Verne and His Science Fiction Jules Verne was from 1. In 2he wrote a book about a journey to the moon. The spaceship was very 3. The passengers kept 4in the spaceship for food. But they forgot their 5and couldnt go out of the spaceship.(1)A . France B . Japan C . America (2)A . 1856 B . 1860 C . 1865 (3)A . bad B . comfortable C . small (4)A . fish B . rabbits C . chickens (5)A . space clothes B . warm clothes C . flight tickets 六、 单词拼写,根据首字母填写所缺单词。(5分) (共5题;共5分)15. (1分)A piece of chewing gum stuck to my shoe. It couldnt be taken away e_. 16. (1分)She likes_ variety shows(综艺节目). 17. (1分)You can _(操作) the new machine by reading the instructions. 18. (1分)Come and help me, Linda! Wait, mom. Im_(交谈) with Betty on the phone.19. (1分)The mother couldnt fall _because of her daughters terrible illness. 七、 用所给单词的正确形式完成句子。(5分) (共5题;共5分)20. (1分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入适当的单词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。My grandparents have seven childrentwo sons and five_. My mother is_ of them. Uncle Mike is the first_ (children)of the family. He is 49 years old. Uncle Mike has two_. They are Peter_ Jim. The other children of my grandparents_ have one child. My mother is the last child of my grandparents . She is 36 years old. She has one child ,too. Thats_. I have _ brothers or sisters, so I often play with my cousins.y cousin Peter is an English teacher_ a middle school in Beijing .He_(want) me to go to Beijing next week.21. (1分)They are_(worry)about their teachers health. 22. (1分)Could you please _ (not tell) the secrets to others? 23. (1分)If he doesnt come, Ill keep _(wait). 24. (1分)根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。(1)Thousands of people enjoy _(they) watching lanterns in Confucius Temple.(2)Its almost _(possible) for a 5-year-old boy to work out such difficult problems.(3)Kitty knows the Jinling Library well because she has been there _(two).(4)As a big fan of Sherlock, Jim is _(real) crazy about detective stories.(5)You can search the website for _(far) information about the competition.八、 单项选择(15分) (共15题;共15分)25. (1分)Is this boy you met yesterday? Yes. He is clever boy.A . the; theB . the; aC . a; theD . a; a26. (1分)Are you going to go abroad for your holiday? Oh, I have too many things to do. I cant _a holiday this summer.A . spendB . affordC . search27. (1分)My English teacher is tall and thinlong hair.A . haveB . withC . hasD . there is28. (1分)_ David may say, I shall not believe him anymore because he always cheats me. A . IfB . WhenC . No matter whatD . So29. (1分)Everyone should help save the planet. Yeah. Ive stopped _ plastic bags when shopping.A . to useB . usingC . useD . used30. (1分) _ you swim? Yes, I can. A . CanB . MayC . MustD . Need31. (1分) How are you feeling today? Im feeling even _. I have to go to see the doctor again.A . goodB . badC . betterD . worse32. (1分)Han Han is known a famous writer. A . asB . forC . to33. (1分) Oh, you like reading about star signs. Not really. I read about them _ for fun. A . usuallyB . especiallyC . nearlyD . simply34. (1分)Look, Toms parents look so sad. Maybe they whats happened.A . knewB . have knownC . has knownD . will know35. (1分)_do you get to school? I get to school _bus.A . How;take aB . What;byC . How;byD . What;take36. (1分)How long does it _ you to get to the nearest train station? A . takeB . spendC . costD . pay37. (1分)(2015.山东菏泽)_ the No. 48 bus driver, all the passengers were saved. The driver managed to stop the bus before he died.A . Thanks toB . According to C . As for38. (1分)careful you are, mistakes you will make. A . The more, the fewerB . The more, the lessC . More, lessD . More, few39. (1分)- Are you the same weight as Tom? - No, I am not _ Tom.A . as same heavy asB . as same as C . so heavy asD . the same heavy as九、 交际运用(5分) (共1题;共5分)40. (5分)根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。 A: Hi, Alice! _?B: I went to Park Farm with John last Sunday.A: _?B: Yes, of course. We had a good time.A: Really? Did you do anything interesting there?B: _.A: Sounds great! Where did you eat lunch?B: At a restaurant near Park Farm.A: _?B: Very delicious.A: _?B: Yes. Look! Here they are. A: These photos are very interesting. I also want to Park Farm on weekends.B: I think you must have a good time there.十、 完形填空(15分) (共1题;共15分)41. (15分) Ann is 1American worker. She works2a big factory(工厂) in America. Its3in the morning. Ann4 up. She is sitting on the bed. She is putting 5her clothes. She6nothing to do today.Now Ann 7at the table. She is 8her breakfast. There is a cup of orange and some bread on the table. Ann is 9the orange and eating the bread. She is 10todays newspaper.(1)A . a B . an C . the (2)A . in B . on C . at (3)A . half six B . half past six C . six past half (4)A . gets B . is geting C . is getting (5)A . off B . down C . on (6)A . has B . have C . is having (7)A . sit B . sits C . is sitting (8)A . eating B . eat C . eats (9)A . seeing B . eating C . drinking (10)A . reading B . watching C . seeing 十一、 阅读理解(30分) (共5题;共30分)42. (5分)从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。DBilly has a dream. He wants to fly(飞) like a bird(鸟). His mother tells him, You cant fly like a bird because you are too big. Why cant I? Some birds are big, but they can fly! The boy doesnt understand(理解).Cathy is crippled(跛的). She wants to walk and run like other kids. Why cant I walk or run like other children? Cathy thinks.One day, the two children meet in a park. Do you want to fly like a bird? Billy asks Cathy. No, Cathy says, I only want to walk and run like you.Then Billy walks to Cathys father. He asks, _ ?. Thats OK, says the father.Billy goes to Cathy and says, Get on to my back(爬到我背上). Lets run., Then Billy runs with Cathy on his back. Cathy is very happy and says, We can fly, Billy! We can fly!(1)Why does Billys mother think he cant fly? A . Because he is too young.B . Because he is too big.C . Because he is too short.D . Because he is too sad.(2)Where do they meet one day? A . In the street.B . In a park.C . At school.D . At home.(3)Billy asks Cathys father, _? A . Can I fly with Cathy?B . Why Cathy cant run?C . Why do you run with Cathy?D . Can I run with Cathy on my back?(4)Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A . Billy wants to fly like a bird.B . Cathy cant run like Billy.C . Cathy can walk like other kids.D . Cathy is very happy that day.43. (5分)阅读理解AMost Americans start to school at the age of five when they enter kindergarten(幼儿园). Children do not really study at this time. They only attend for half the day and learn what school is like. Children attend elementary school for the next six years. They learn to read and write and work with numbers. They also study the world and its people. After they leave elementary school, children go to junior high school for three years and senior high school for another three years. This is called secondary education. In some places, the children go to elementary school for eight years and high school for four. In all, elementary and secondary education together take twelve years to complete excluding (不包括)kindergarten.根据短文,选择最恰当的选项。(1)The elementary and secondary education together take the children _ to complete in the USA. A . thirteen yearsB . nine yearsC . twelve yearsD . eleven years(2)Most American children enter kindergarten _ . A . at the age of fiveB . to study two yearsC . to learn scienceD . about two years old(3)In elementary school they should stay there _ . A . for six yearsB . for three yearsC . for another three yearsD . to study hard(4)Children should study how to _ . A . actB . become an astronautC . read and writeD . read, write and work with numbers(5)Some American children have their elementary school education for _ . A . five yearsB . four yearsC . eight yearsD . seven years44. (5分)阅读理解 Most children love toys. But do you make your own toys? Seventh-graders at Central MiddleSchool in Connecticut, US, really did. They made toys using a 3-D printer(打印机) in science class.They made a red and blue soccer table, a catapult(弹弓) and a scooter(踏板车).But these toys are not for themselves. They will donate them to poor children in Haiti. By doing so, students feel that they can help others, science teacher Kate Bruzinski told the Greenwich Time.Bruzinski teaches the students how to use 3-D printers. They printed(打印) parts of toys. They worked in groups of four. It took them six to seven weeks to make the toys. They drew pictures for the toys, found materials(材料) and then built them.Soon, these toys will meet their owners in Haiti. Students are happy about that.(1)What fun thing did the students do? A . They played soccer in science class.B . They liked printing things.C . They drove a scooter to school.D . They made toys with a 3-D printer.(2)How many students worked in one group? A . Three.B . Four.C . Six.D . Seven.(3)Whats the Chinese meaning of the underlined word donate? A . 保持B . 丢弃C . 赠送D . 付与(4)How did the students make the toys? Put the following in order. a. They looked for materials for the toys.b. Their teacher showed them how to use a 3-D printer.c. They drew pictures for the toys.d. They built the toys.A . a, b, c, dB . b, a, d, cC . b, c, a, dD . a, c, b, d45. (5分)根据图文内容列要点。 The map below helps you become familiar with the librarys resources:Fiction and nonfiction titles for all subjectsCurrent newspapers and magazinesComputers accessible with your student ID numberHelpful library staffWelcome, new students, to Maple Knoll High School Library! Here is an introduction of our school library. The _on the left of the map helps you best understand it.The computer lab is just on the _of the main entrance. You can enter computers by putting into the _ of your student ID card. There are 4_ copy machines in the library. The circulation desk on the left of the main entrance is a place to borrow and return books from general stacks. The reading area is in the middle of the library. A water fountain is between the _ and the cellphone area. Theyre all on the right.If you want to ask for more help, you can go to the librarians office.46. (10分)阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题.Jim is an English boy. He is 13. He is in No. 3 Middle School. He is in Class 4, Grade 7. Jim likes playing basketball. His friend, Kate, is an American girl. She is 13, too. Kate and Jim are in the same grade, but in different classes. Jims favorite subject is math, and Mr. Zhu is his math teacher. Kates favorite subject is Chinese, because her Chinese teacher Miss Liao is beautiful and kind to her. They both like China and the Chinese food.阅读上面的材料,然后根据材料内容回答问题。(1)Who is the English boy?_(2)What does Jim like doing?_(3)How old is Kate?_(4)Is math Kates favorite subject?_(5)Do they like Chinese food?_十二、 书面表达(20分) (共2题;共20分)47. (5分)根据原文填空。 Look at the _on the right. It has five _of text. This style was created _by an American poet. This kind of poem always talks about a single topic. Each line has _words. The first line has one word. The second line has two words. The third, or _line has three words. The fourth line has four words. The last line has one word.48. (15分)一年的初一生活即将结束,在你生活和学习过程中,可能有你的老师、同学、家人或朋友的陪伴并帮助你适应初中生活,请围绕其中对你影响最大的一个人,并以My为题,写一篇短文,80词左右。文中不得出现真实的人名和校名。 提示:对人物进行简单介绍;什么事情让你感受最深;具体怎样的感受及影响,可适当拓展。第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、 听句子,选择最佳答语。(5分) (共5题;共5分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、二、 听简短对话和对话后的问题,选择最佳答案。(5分) (共5题;共5分)6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、三、 听描述,选出预期相符的图片。(5分) (共1题;共5分)11-1、四、 听较长对话,选择最佳答案。(5分) (共2题;共5分)12-1、12-2、13-1、13-2、五、 听短文,选择最佳答案。(5分) (共1题;共5分)14-1、六、 单词拼写,根据首字母填写所缺单词。(5分) (共5题;共5分)15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、七、 用所给单词的正确形式完成句子。(5分) (共5题;共5分)20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、24-5、八、 单项选择(15分) (共15题;共15分)25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、九、 交际运用(5分) (共1题;共5分)40-1、十、 完形填空(15分) (共1题;共15分)41-1、十一、 阅读理解(30分) (共5题;共30分)42-1、42-2、42-3、42-4、43-1、43-2、43-3、43-4、43-5、44-1、44-2、44-3、44-4、45-1、46-1、46-2、46-3、46-4、46-5、十二、 书面表达(20分) (共2题;共20分)47-1、48-1、

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