九年级英语上册Module12SaveourworldUnit1Ifeveryonestartstodosomethingtheworldwillbesaved 外研版.ppt

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九年级英语上册Module12SaveourworldUnit1Ifeveryonestartstodosomethingtheworldwillbesaved 外研版.ppt_第1页
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九年级英语上册Module12SaveourworldUnit1Ifeveryonestartstodosomethingtheworldwillbesaved 外研版.ppt_第3页
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Module12Saveourworld Unit1Ifeveryonestartstodosomething theworldwillbesaved 根据句意及汉语提示填写单词 1 Steel iron glass clothandpapercanallbe 回收利用 2 Factoriesarenolongerallowedto 污染 theairwithblacksmoke 3 Itmakesone sheartachetoseesuch 废弃物 recycled pollute waste 4 Hepulledoutthepistol 手枪 andaimedatthe 敌人 officer 5 Hewasadvisedtosmokefewercigarettesanddrink 较少的 beer 6 Potatoisanimportant 作物 ontheisland 7 Don tmove otherwiseI ll 杀死 you 8 油 andwaterdonotmix enemy less crop kill Oil 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1 Be care thatyoudon tcatchacold Putonenoughclotheswhenyougoout 2 Thewholeholidaywasreally enjoy fromstarttofinish 3 Ifwedon tlookafterourearth thefuturewillnotbe hope 4 It simpossibleforyou get thereintwohours careful enjoyable hopeful toget 5 Air pollute comesfromfactories powerstationsandcars 6 It s waste tothrowawaypaperandmetal 7 Whenareyougoingtowriteabout environment education 8 Itis possible todissociate 分离 languagefromculture pollution wasteful environmental impossible 单项选择 1 Weshouldmakeourbedroom everyday 高频考点 A cleanB cleaningC tocleanD cleans 2 I m thatifeveryonethinksaboutpollutionandrecycling A hopeB hopefulC hopefullyD hopeless A B 3 Ifit tomorrow we llnotgotothemuseum 高频考点 A rainsB willrainC rainedD rain 4 2017 合肥庐阳中学月考 Ithinktherewillbe airpollutionwheneverthereare peopledriving That strue Ihopetheairwillbefreshersoon A less lessB less fewerC fewer fewerD fewer less A B 5 Mybrotherlikesplayingballgames volleyballandbasketball A forexampleB suchasC likeD include 6 2017 合肥50中一模 Itisnouse yourpastmistakes 导学号 34094102 A regretB regrettedC regrettingD toregret B C 7 2017 庐江期中 It s toswiminthisriver Andtheglassontheriverbedisreallya 高频考点 A danger dangerB dangerous dangerC danger dangerousD dangerous dangerous B 8 Thismedicineisadanger thechildren Youshouldputitoutofthechildren scatch A forB withC onD to 9 2017 安庆模拟 Therearemanybirds Theyareallsinginginthetrees 高频考点 A aswellB wellC eitherD astoo D A 10 Let splayfootballthisweekend I mlookingforwardtoit A GuesswhatB Hey youguysC NiceideaD Nothingelse C 根据汉语意思完成下列句子 1 这对夫妇对他们失踪的孩子很担心 Thecouplewere theirlostchild 2 看 飞机场里有如此多的飞机 Look Thereare planesintheairport 3 这张相片使我想起了我的英语老师 Thephotomakesme myEnglishteacher worried about so many think remind of 4 我认识他们当中的很多人 例如约翰 彼得和汤姆 Iknowmanyofthem John Peter andTom 5 听着 约翰 活在过去是没有用的 Listen John It s inthepast such as no use living 补全对话 其中有两项多余 A Hi LiLei Wouldyouliketohelptosavetheenvironment B Yes 1 A Well first youcanstartbyturingoffthelights B Yes that seasy 2 What snext D G A Second youcanrideabike Don ttakeabusorataxiifyoudon thaveto B 3 Whatelse A Third trytorecyclepaper B Mm Newspapers magazines Wehavealotofpaperathome Goodidea A Thefourthideaisturningofftheshowerwhenyouarenotusingit B 4 E C A Yes Getwet Turningofftheshower Puttheshampoo 香波 inyourhairandthenontheshowerandwashitout B Willthathelptheenvironment A Yes 5 B 阅读理解 导学号 34094103 NoCarDaywasfirststartedby34citiesinFranceonSeptember22nd 1998 Itwasstartedtoprotecttheenvironment Bynow morethan1 000citiesaroundtheworldhavehadaNoCarDay ThefirstNoCarDayinChinawasinChengduin2001 Othercities includingTaipei ShanghaiandWuhan alsosupporttheday InBeijing moreandmorepeoplearejoiningthecampaign Itasksdriverstoleavetheircarsathomeforonedayeachmonthandwalkorrideabiketowork ItalsocallsonBeijingersnottousecarsonJune5 WorldEnvironmentDay Thesloganforthedayis Ifwedriveforonelessday wecanhaveonemoreniceday Sofar morethan200 000drivershaveshowntheirsupport Wecan tcontroltheweather butwecanchoosenottodrive saidWuZonghua acarclubchairman Beijingistryingtohave238blueskydaysthisyear Inthefirstquarterof2012 Beijingonlyhad52blueskydays Thiswas11dayslessthanthenumberforthesameperiodtheyearbefore Muchofthedustcomesfromthedesert butcarscausemostoftheairpollution WemustdomoreforNoCarDay 1 ThefirstNoCarDayfellon A February2ndB June5thC July5thD September22nd 2 wasthefirstcitytohaveNoCarDayinChina A BeijingB ChengduC ShanghaiD Wuhan D B 3 Whatdoestheunderlinedword slogan inParagraph3mean A 目的B 原因C 意义D 口号 4 HowmanyblueskydaysdidBeijinghaveinthefirstquarterof2011 A 63 B 52 C 41 D 238 D A 5 WhichofthefollowingstatementsisTRUE A ChinaisthefirstcountrytostartNoCarDay B NoCarDayisWorldEnvironmentDay C NoCarDayhasbeensupportedbyover1 000citiesaroundtheworldsofar D Muchofthedustintheaircomesfromcars C


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