幼儿园中班英语教案:Happy birthday

上传人:大头 文档编号:8517432 上传时间:2020-03-29 格式:DOC 页数:2 大小:14.50KB
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幼儿园中班英语教案:Happy birthday_第1页
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幼儿园中班英语教案:Happy birthday_第2页
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幼儿园中班英语教案 Happy birthday 活动目标 1 学习单词 cake gift card 在实物帮助下理解含 义 能较准确地模仿发音 在情景中理解 for you 的含义 2 愿意演唱歌曲 体会与同伴共同庆祝的快乐 活动准备 排练情景表演 歌曲磁带 蛋糕 礼物 卡 课件 活动过程 一 Greeting 1 Teacher and children say Hello Good morning each other 2 Teacher and children sing Nice to see you together 二 Review T and C read the rhyme Horse 三 Learn 1 T and C watch TV of Birthday party Where is it Yes it s dog s house T come in the house Oh This is a TV Let s watch TV OK 2 T and one child show together T Hello I m cat Today is dog s birthday I ll go to this party T Ding Dong C What is it T I m cat C Come in please T Happy birthday a cake for you a card for you a gift for you T1 Thank you 3 C learn cake gift card 1 T shows and reads cake gift card one by one C say with T What s this keik gift ca d 2 C reads alone What s this Yes here you are 3 T shows pictures C practice together 4 Game Who is the first 4 T shows a picture and reads A cake for you C say with T 四 Game Birthday party 1 T show a lot of pictures Let s go to party Who wants to try 2 C say with T One child take a picture 3 One child and T knock at door practice sentences 4 C say with T again A part of C play the game 五 Song 1 T and C come in the house say Happy birthday to dog 2 T and C sing Happy birthday 六 Ending T and C leave the dog s house


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