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4 Why does Mcphee want to fire Larry? Di you think he is a qualified watchman? And why?因为Mcphee是一个非常保守的人,他守旧且吝啬以至于每个人都被他责骂过。同时,我们还能看到,Mcphee也是位执着的看守博物馆的管理者。正因为他的坚持,冒失而不可靠的Larry因为使博物馆的摆设发生了改变且丢失了藏品才触碰了Mcphee的底线。拉里可以算得上是个好看守,虽然一开始他没有自信,有些吊儿郎当,对于自己的工作并不上进,但后来他逐渐开始意识到自己的责任。最初的拉里是一副不可靠的样子,家人和同事都是这样看待他,而且他做事时总爱依靠别人,比如在博物馆的第一个晚上,由于把工作指南弄丢了,而完全没有了章法导致博物馆一片混乱。到第二个晚上,他开始挑战这一切,但是用错了方法,仅凭着自己的小聪明来制服博物馆里的捣蛋鬼们,可是这些小把戏被蒙古人看穿后,再一次失败了。但是关键的是,在眼见一个原始人因为自己的过错而消失后,他开始正视自己,决定重新开始。这时的拉里像个国王那样,拯救了博物馆。由此可见,经过了成长的锻炼后,他依然是个好看守,因为他守护了这个博物馆,用自己的真诚感动了博物馆里的人物。Because Mcphee is a Conservative person who is so old-fashioned and mean that everyone had been scolded by him. At the same time , we can also find it of Mcphee that a persistent guy guard the museum .Just instance of Mcphees persistence , obtrusive and unreliable Larry touch Mcphees bottom line that he made exhibits shift and losing of a primitive.Larry can be regarded as a good watchman, although he was not self-confidence and even some slovenly at first, not motivating for their work, then he gradually became aware of their responsibilities. The original Larry is an unreliable, his family and colleagues mistrusted him, and he always relied on others, such as first night at the museum, he lost guidebook, leading the Museum to chaos. To the second night, he began to challenge all of this, but the wrong way, because he just relied on his own cleverness to subdue museum devils, but after another failed the Mongols saw through these small tricks. But the key is that after seeing a primitive dead because of his disappearance, he began to face himself , and decided to re-start. This time, like a King, Larry saved the museum. Thus, after growth of training, he still is a good guard, as he guarded the museum with his sincere.Mcphee具有责任心且眼光精准能够运用他的职责敏感注意到藏品的变化。在一个普通的博物馆里,他可以成为一个好看守,但是,电影中的博物馆是个有魔法的地方,所有的藏品都可以在夜间成为活物。如果他依然坚持着他旧有的观点,那么他就不能适应这个博物馆。有时,我们应该用发展的眼光来处理问题。当我们遇到特殊情况时,我们可以改变过去思考的方式,并选择一种灵活的方法去解决问题。虽然那些藏品是由蜡、塑料等制作的,但他们也可以成为徘徊在馆内的活生生的人和动物。从这个观点来看,Mcphee就是一个比拉里无趣得多的人。每个人都有其天生的才能和特质,Mcphee应该也有自己的优点,但他仍有一些东西需要向别人学习。Mcphee is a responsible watchman whose eyesight is accurate that he can aware of status of the exhibits with his professional quality. He can become a good watchman in a normal museum , however , the museum in the movie is filled with magic that all exhibits can be live in night. So still did he preserve his old thought shouldnt adjust to the museum. Sometimes, we should use developing perspective to treat issues. When facing the special situation, we may change our past-thinking and choose a flexible method to solve problems. Although the exhibits are made of wax, plastic and other things, they can also became alive humans and animals who wandered around the museum. From this point of view, Mcphee is a boring man who seems worse than Lary. Everyone has his born talent and characteristic, so Mcphee has his advantage, but there are still something that he can get from others.7 How do you understand “With great victory comes great sacrifice.”?当我们回顾历史时,我们可以看到,每一次人类的进步都会伴随着一定的牺牲,例如工业革命,人类跨入了蒸汽的时代,一切都发生着翻天覆地的变化,工厂轰鸣着源源不断地制作着产品并销往各地。人们庆祝人类的胜利时,往往忽视了一件事,那就是我们对自然造成的破坏,这种破坏给地球以及地球上的生命造成了威胁。除此之外,一次战争的胜利,巨大的牺牲随之而来,正如二战中美国向日本投放原子弹那样,虽然迅速迫使日本投降,宣布了二战胜利,但是人类也为此付出了沉痛的代价,在战后几十年间,广岛和长崎已然满目疮痍,甚至是寸草不生,当年受辐射污染的孩童已经长大成人,身体的残疾伴随着他们一生无法割离。这些悲痛的故事都告诉我们这样一个事实,那就是伟大的胜利都是由巨大的牺牲换来的。电影中的博物馆记载了美国的一部分历史,从中可以看出,美国人来到美洲这片土地的历程,这个过程对土著人造成了伤害,一些人被迫离开生长的家园,一些人甚至被迫害致死。尽管美国这个国家在世界上占有重要地位,但其国家的发展也是伴随着一些痛苦的经历的。可见,我们认识问题不能只看表面,也不能单方面地看待问题,对待胜利这个词,我们也要客观而全面地分析。且不同事件在不同历史条件下,人们对其认知也会发生变化,所以我们就要有远见卓识,用发展的、站在全人类的立场来认识问题。When recovering of our history, we can find that every progress of human beings must brought some sacrifice. Just like Industrial Revolution , when people went into Age of Steam, all kinds of things dramatically changed that products were constantly producing in booming industry ,which were ready to ship everywhere in the world. And when we were celebrating our victory , one thing was ignored that is the breakage of nature , which brought danger to the Earth and the lives in the earth. Beside that, after the victory of one war , great sacrifices were coming soon , which liked that American dropped atomic bomb into Japan. Although this way promoted surrendering of Japan and the victory of World War Two , we also were the cost of deep grief . After several years of war , there are no planting in Hiroshima , some children , who were contaminated by atomic bomb had grew up , were bringing disability all the life. Those grief stories told us that great victory are given by sacrifice.The museum recorded some parts of history of the United States in film, the Americans came to this land And during the process of establishing of American, injury was caused to the indigenous people, some native people forced to leave their homes, some even persecuted to death. Although the United States occupies an important position in the world, the countrys development is accompanied by some painful experiences. We can see that understanding can not look at the surface, we can not look at the problem unilaterally, to treat the word victory, we have an objective and comprehensive analysis. And different events in different historical circumstances, people s perception will change , so we can get a vision, that with a development, standing position to understand the problems of humanity.

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