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沪教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期期末教学质量调研D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)1. (10分)阅读理解AWhat do they usually do?John Smith lives in a basketball club. He gets up at five thirty every day. After that, he runs. At eight oclock, he eats breakfast.Tom White is a writer. He gets up at eight oclock in the morning. He usually reads books for two hours after breakfast.Mary Green is a music teacher. She gets up at six oclock every morning. Then she eats breakfast. She lives at school but she isnt with her parents.Mona Black is a clerk. She works at a clothes store. She usually gets up at six thirty. After breakfast she goes to the store by bus.(1)What does John do after getting up? A . Play basketball.B . Run.C . Eat breakfast.D . Play the violin.(2)When does Tom usually read books? A . After dinner.B . After school.C . After lunch.D . After breakfast.(3)Mary teaches _at school. A . MusicB . MathC . EnglishD . Chinese(4)Mona goes to the store _. A . by bikeB . by carC . by subwayD . by bus(5)The underlined word “clerk” means _ in Chinese. A . 顾客B . 店员C . 理发师D . 作家2. (8分)阅读理解 I walked quickly out of my church. It was late. My dad was waiting. I stared at the parking lot. Then I saw my dads little red Honda. Get in! Get in! Why are you so late all the time?The ride home was not much more than five minutes but each minute moved slowly. We were stuck behind an old man. He wasnt going more than 15 kilometers an hour. My dad started to shout, Learn how to drive, Grandpa! He hit the steering wheel(方向盘) with his hands. He was really angry.Dad, stop it. Why do you always? He cut me off, Id not get stuck at the light without this fellow! The old man got to the light just as it was changing. Youre free! Drive away quickly, I thought. I looked over my dad. Can you believe that, Steph? I get stuck at every light. There are so many stupid drivers out there, he said angrily.Who gives him the right to shout at someone? Anger built inside me. What if I shouted at my friends when they asked me for help? I said. I looked out of the window, trying to catch my breath.You know, Steph, I think you are going to be a psychologist(心理学家), he said. I remembered the last time I tried to say something, he had fumed, Dont tell me how to drive! If I want your opinion, Ill ask for it! Think about what you say before you talk.Usually, hed be angry that I would doubt his authority (权威), but this time, he accept what I had said. A sense of pride rose up in me. It had been a short drive, but it had been the best car ride of my life.(1)According to the passage, we could see the father was_. A . impatient and bad-temperedB . generous and kind-heartedC . polite and easy-goingD . rude and cold-blooded(2)Why did Stephs dad drive slowly on the way home? A . Because there were too many traffic lights all the way.B . Because there were too many cars on the way back.C . Because there was something wrong with his car.D . Because an old man before them drove very slowly.(3)What does the sentence Learn how to drive, Grandpa mean in 2nd Paragraph mean _. A . The old man cant drive well.B . The old man drove so slowly that he stopped Stephs father.C . The old man didnt have a drivers license.D . Stephs father wanted to teach the old man how to drive.(4)Why did a sense of pride rise up in Steph? A . Because he had doubled his fathers authority.B . Because his father accepted what he had said.C . Because he was going to be a psychologist.D . Because his father changed his decision this time.3. (10分)阅读理解A dog cant speak any words, but it can “talk”. It has feeling just as you do. Sometimes it may feel angry or afraid. Watch a dog closely, and you can find out how it feels. You can see what it is trying to tell you. When you afraid, you may look down. When a dog is afraid, it may run away. When you are angry with other people, you stare at(凝视) them. An angry dog also stares. Sometimes the hair along its back stands up.Do you feel “guilt” when you do something you shouldnt do? Dogs can feel guilty, too. Sometimes when I come home, my dog gives me a guilty look. Then I know it did something wrong.Dogs need love and care. Some dogs are very unhappy when they are alone for a long time. Some dogs even snap(撕咬) if they dont get enough care.You may have a dog or you may know a dog. Take care of it well if you want to have fun with it. Take it on walks. Dont make it do too many things. Always remember, a dog has needs and feelings just as you do. Talk to a dog, and it will talk to you.(1)When a dog is afraid, it may _. A . look downB . run awayC . stare(2)The word “guilty” in the second paragraph means _. A . happyB . excitedC . sorry(3)When a dog has a guilty look, you know that it _. A . did something wrongB . was angry with youC . tried to talk to you.(4)Some dogs are very _when they are alone for a long time. A . afraidB . unluckyC . unhappy(5)Which of the following is TRUE? A . Make dogs do many things.B . Leave dogs alone.C . Try to be friendly to dogs.4. (8分)阅读理解Young people can have problems with their minds. Some students become worried because they have to study very hard. Others have trouble getting on well with people like their parents and classmates.Liu Wei, a Junior 2 student from Hefei, could not understand his teacher and was doing badly in his lessons. He became so worried about it that he started to cut his finger with a knife.Another student, 14-year-old Yan Fang from Guangzhou, was afraid of exams. She got very worried when she looked at the exam paper. She couldnt think of anything to write.A recent report from Jiefang Daily says about 18% of Shanghai teenagers have mental problems. Their troubles include being worried and very unhappy. And having problems in learning and getting on with people. Many students who have problems wont go for advice or help. Some think they will look stupid (愚蠢) if they go to see a doctor. Others dont want to talk about their secret.Liang Yuezhu, an expert on teenagers from Beijing Anding Hospital has the following advice for teenagers:*Talk to your parents or teachers often*Take part in group activities and play sports*Go to see a doctor if you feel unhappy or unwell(1)Liu Wei cut his finger with a knife because _. A . he was afraid of his teacherB . he wanted to frighten his parentsC . he was so worried about his studiesD . his finger was badly hurt(2)Yan Fangs problems happened whenever _. A . she studied very hardB . she had examsC . she talked with her parentsD . she thought of something(3)Students who have problems wont ask others for help because _. A . they wont let others think they are stupidB . they dont think doctors can help themC . they dont want to tell their secrets to othersD . both A and C(4)Liang Yuezhus advice tells us that _. A . its better for the students who have mental problems to join othersB . its unnecessary for them to be with othersC . only group activities and sports can help themD . teachers and parents cant do anything about mental problems二、 选词填空 (共2题;共26分)5. (20分)配对阅读。下面是对5个人的情况介绍和7则广告,请为每个人选出最恰当的一个广告。A. Fast Food: Tasty, quick and clean! Weekdays: 8: 00 a.m.8:00 p.m. Weekends:10:00 a.m.11:00 p.m.B. Visit Hawaii: Visit long sandy beaches. Climb the mountains. Daytime temperatures 24C26C, only a little cool by late evening.C. Enjoy Thailand: Buy many kinds of fruit and vegetables in boats. Dont forget your hatthe sun can be strong, 40C at midday.D. Come to Austria: Enjoy the whole village, soil, the forest and the mountains in a clean and inexpensive hotel. 20C25C in the daytime, but much cooler in the evening.E. Acrobatics (杂技): Exciting! Dangerous! See you at the City Theater on Saturday morning at 10: 00. Free.F. Movies at the Museum: Two Indian movies will be shown on Saturday afternoon at the Museum Theater. THE GRAND CANYON: 2: 00; THE BUILDERS: 3:50; Tel: 367899.(1)Mr. Smith: An old man. He is living in the city, but what he likes is the country life. (2)Ben: He hates hot weather. He feels relaxed when he walks on the sand. (3)Jack: A young man. He is not afraid of danger. And he feels like watching difficult actions like jumping through the air or walking on their hands. (4)Miss Green: She has nothing to do this Saturday. She thinks watching films is a good way to spend time. 6. (6分)用括号里所给动词的适当形式填空。 请将答案填写在答题卡指定位置。Luis and his wife Gloria live in a nice apartment, but it isnt big enough. They need a house with at least three bedrooms. They also want to have a yard for the children to play in. And so far they _(look) at several houses that are for sale. One of them was beautiful but terribly expensive. Their business isnt going well. so they cant afford an expensive house. Thats why they _(search) for one that doesnt cost a lot, and, of course, thats not easy to find.Yesterday they looked at four houses, and three of them _(be) great. But they couldnt afford the houses they liked, and they didnt like the one they could afford. The only affordable one was old and had cracks(裂缝)in the walls. Last night, Luis and Gloria talked about the house for two hours. “I know we_(not find) anything that costs less, and I want to move as soon as I can,” said Luis. “And Im tired of looking at houses we cant afford,” Gloria added. So they decided to buy the old house and repair it. The house will need a lot of work, but its a nice neighborhood and the back yard is big. Itll look beautiful when it _ (repair). Luis and Gloria are good at painting, and some of their friends will help with the repairs. The children will be happy _ (have) their own house where they can make all the noise they want.三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)7. (10分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。It was very cold last Friday.The bus was about to come in around 15minutes.Most of the time I am OK waiting but not this day.So I went to the nearby store and bought something1to drink and then came back to the bus station.A junior high school girl was there,waiting for the bus,too.She looked very2and she was shivering(颤抖)because of the cold weather.I gave her one of the two cocoa cans(罐).I bought and we had a little3while warming our hands with the hot cocoa. She said,I will take my high school exam in a week and Im afraid I cant pass.I am so4.I told her something funny to make her5 , Later she became happy again.She thanked me and told me she wished to see me again.I6and said Yes.The bus arrived and I had to leave7.We may8see each other again.But Im9to her for her saying Wish I could meet you again and show an open heart to me.In todays world,most of the time,its not an easy thing for people to trust(信任) a10.That young girl helped me more than I helped her.She touched my heart.(1)A . cheap B . cold C . expensive D . warm (2)A . excited B . happy C . sad D . relaxed (3)A . smile B . report C . talk D . problem (4)A . worried B . surprised C . bored D . interested (5)A . leave B . breathe C . stop D . relax (6)A . cried B . smiled C . followed D . shouted (7)A . quickly B . slowly C . quietly D . loudly (8)A . usually B . often C . sometimes D . never (9)A . helpful B . thankful C . useful D . careful (10)A . traveler B . friend C . stranger D . relative 四、 单词拼写 (共2题;共16分)8. (15分)根据句意及所给汉语、单词或首字母提示写出单词。(1)Our country is _(发展)faster and faster now.(2)_(无论哪里) you go, I will follow you.(3)What China has achieved in the past 30 years has_(使惊讶) the whole world a lot.(4)Since no one is _(缺席). Lets begin our class.(5)This pair of jeans _(适合) me well. It is not too large or too small.(6)Do you know if Sydney is the _(首都) city of Australia?(7)Would you please _(答复) to my e-mail as soon as you receive it?(8)Is there anything _(奇怪) in todays newspaper?(9)The food was good but the _(serve) was very slow.(10)Lets have a _(discuss) with your partners. The question is a little difficult.(11)He is lying and there is not much _(true) in his words.(12)Do you know what clothing styles are _(fashion) these days?(13)I am very_(happy) these days because I have some problems with my Math.(14)Its hard to give up _(smoke),but you have to.(15)We should be careful with fire for_(safe).9. (1分)There will be fewer cars, so there will be less p_. 五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)10. (5分)中考之后,同学们将要进入高中学习。家长们正在考虑假期孩子们是否参加课外培训学习。某英语网站EYE SEE,针对“Should Children take after-school classes?”进行了一次网上调查活动,下面是网上调查情况,请你用英语写一篇短文介绍调查情况,并表达你的观点。The survey of “Should children take after- school classes?”调查人员观 点理 由多数家长赞成 希望孩子们加强弱课学习,为高中学习做好准备。 希望孩子们努力学习,学会竞争,考入好大学。 家长忙于工作,没有时间陪伴孩子,没有能力辅导。一些家长反对 孩子压力大,身心疲惫,需要放松。 陪孩子们旅游,多花时间陪伴孩子和交流,有益于学习。 身体健康、快乐比学业成绩更重要。你的观点 词汇提示:weak (弱的), get ready for (为.准备) be busy doing(忙于)be under much pressure(有压力) spend doing(花费做.)in my opinion(在我看来)写作要求:1)表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯;2)必须包括表格所有的相关信息,并使用提供的词汇适当发挥;3)词数80词左右(征文的开头已给出,不计入总词数);These days, our parents always come to this question “Should children take after-school classes?” Different parents have different ideas about the problem.第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)1-1、1-2、1-3、1-4、1-5、2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、二、 选词填空 (共2题;共26分)5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、6-1、三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)7-1、四、 单词拼写 (共2题;共16分)8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、8-5、8-6、8-7、8-8、8-9、8-10、8-11、8-12、8-13、8-14、8-15、9-1、五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)10-1、

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