外研版英语2019-2020学年八年级上册Module 11 Unit 3课时练习B卷.doc

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外研版英语2019-2020学年八年级上册Module 11 Unit 3课时练习B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 根据语境从方框中选择恰当的情态动词填空,每词限用一次。 (共1题;共8分)1. (8分)根据句子或对话意思,从方框中选出适当的词或词组填空,注意其形式,每词限用一次。can, may, must, mustnt, neednt, should, have to, had better(1)Bill _be ill at home. Im not sure. (2)_ I return your bike tomorrow?No, you _.(3)Rose _ sing English songs very well when she was five years old. (4)I have a fever.You _ see a doctor at once.(5)There was no bus. I _ walk home last night. (6)May I smoke here?No, you _. Look at the sign No smoking here.(7)Its too cold outside. You _ do some activities indoors. 二、 根据括号内所给英文提示语将下列句子翻译成英语。 (共5题;共36分)2. (5分)完成句子。阅读下列各小题,根据汉语及句末括号内的英语动词提示,用相关的动词短语完成句子。例如:我最好的朋友帮我激发出自己最好的一面。(bring)My best friend helps to bring out the best in me.(1)我在玩滑翔机时,我感觉到我像一只小鸟。(feel)When I tried paragliding, I _I was a bird.(2)我不能忍受 北京的天气。(stand)I _the weather in Beijing.(3)Mary每天花费一个小时帮助做家务 。(help)Mary spends an hour _ every day.(4)我们享受每天在一起学习的快乐。(study)We enjoy _every day.(5)恶习难改。(die)Old habits _.3. (3分)我想对这个问题做些研究。 I want to _about this problem. 4. (2分)I can take _ _ (达到) four people in my car. 5. (1分)只要你努力过,我们都会为你取得的结果而骄傲。Well _ youve got only if youve tried6. (25分)将下列句子译成英语。(1)你能教我如何做份水果沙拉? (2)经过两小时的讨论,他们达成了协议。 (3)14岁以下的孩子不允许玩这种游戏。 (4)如果明天天气不好,我们得取消野餐。 (5)众所周知,学好门外语需要时间和精力。 三、 根据材料内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,使材料意思完整、通 (共1题;共10分)7. (10分)选择适当的词(组)并用适当形式完成短文。每个词(组)只使用一次,其中有两个词(组)是多余的。speak sheep it say others danger tells move make mean strange anotherAnimals languageWe see animals, like rabbits, bees, dogs, birds,_, but do you know how these animals _things? First, lets see a rabbit. When a rabbit sees something_ , it runs away at once. When it runs, its tail _up and down. When others see this, they run away, too.Many other animals use this kind of way. When a bee finds some food, it goes back to _home. It cant tell the _bees where the food is by speaking to them, but it does a little dance in the air. This may _ other bees where the food is.Some animals say things by _ sounds like a man does. For example, a dog barks when a _comes near.Some birds can make several different sounds, each with its own _ . In a word, every animal has its own language.第 4 页 共 4 页参考答案一、 根据语境从方框中选择恰当的情态动词填空,每词限用一次。 (共1题;共8分)1-1、1-2、1-3、1-4、1-5、1-6、1-7、二、 根据括号内所给英文提示语将下列句子翻译成英语。 (共5题;共36分)2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、6-2、6-3、6-4、6-5、三、 根据材料内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,使材料意思完整、通 (共1题;共10分)7-1、

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