九年级英语全册 Unit 5 What are the shirts made of Section B(1a-2e)课时训练课件 新人教版.ppt

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九年级英语全册 Unit 5 What are the shirts made of Section B(1a-2e)课时训练课件 新人教版.ppt_第1页
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九年级英语全册 Unit 5 What are the shirts made of Section B(1a-2e)课时训练课件 新人教版.ppt_第2页
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九年级英语全册 Unit 5 What are the shirts made of Section B(1a-2e)课时训练课件 新人教版.ppt_第3页
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SectionB 1a 2e accordingto根据 按照 根据新交通法规 我们严禁酒后驾驶 thenewtrafficlaws wemustn tdriveafterdrinkingalcohol According to introuble处于困境 1 这个小男孩处于险境 所以我想去救他 ThelittleboywassoIwantedtosavehim in trouble 2 Whowillyouaskforhelpwhenyouare Myparents Ithink 2017孝感改编 A introubleB instyleC inpersonD infact becoveredwith由 覆盖 白雪将大地覆盖 到处一片银白 Thegroundsnow It swhitehereandthere is covered with 辨析rise与raise 1 Ifyouneedtogototherestroominclass pleaseyourhand A raiseB riseC shakeD wash2 Whentheweatheriscold littlebitsofwater 上升 intotheairandformclouds rise 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空1 Wecanusethetocutthings 2 Therearemanycolorfulinthesky 3 Theteacheralwaysmakesherclass 4 Ittookthemaboutthreemonthstotheproject 5 Eachdifferentparthasitsownspecialofart balloons scissors lively complete forms balloon live form complete scissor 单项选择 6 Peoplelightthelanternsandwatchthemtheskywiththeirbestwishes A turnintoB knockintoC riseintoD putinto 7 Asfarasweknow rosesareseenlove A forB withC asD to 8 Ittakesmehalfanhourplayingthepiano Howaboutyou Iusuallyspend20minutesit 2017齐齐哈尔 A practicing onB topractice inC topractice on C C C 9 AsChinagrowsstrongerandstronger Chineseinmoreandmoreschoolsoutofourcountry 2017泰安 A teachesB istaughtC hastaughtD wastaught 10 Whydidyoustayuplatelastnight BecauseIwasaskedtomyworkyesterday A admireB completeC punishD suggest B B 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空 其中有两个单词是多余的 develop actually training form really event when I finish or happen invite PapercuttingcanbeseeninmanypartsofChinaduringtheSpringFestival 11 ithasalonghistoryofover1 500years However theancientart12 isatriskofdisappearing VoyoWoo apapercuttingartist workshardandhopestobringtheartbacktolife VoyoWoobegantostudytheartofpapercutting13 shewas14yearsoldinherhometowninSoutheastChina Allthestudentsatschoolhadtolearntheart Butshe14 aspecialloveforit Soherteachergaveherextra 额外的 15 afterclass Actually form when developed training Ms WoocametotheUSaftershe16 collegein2008 WhenintheUS shewasoften17 toperformpapercuttingatallkindsof18 Soonafter shedecidedtospreadChinesepapercuttingtotherestoftheworld Ms Woosaid Isawsomanypeoplecomingto19 andaskingaboutpapercutting Iwassurprised Chineseartisforallpeople Ithinkit stimetopromote 发扬 papercuttingtoAmericanpeople20 anyonewhoisinterested PerhapsitwillalsodrawmoreandmoreChinesepeople sattentionandmakethemtakeaninterestinit finished invited events me or 谢谢观赏


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